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Organizational scholars now acknowledge the relevance of emotions in virtually every aspect of organizational life, including negotiations and conflict resolution. Integrating negotiation phase model theory with social functional models of emotion, we test hypotheses about the development of emotions in negotiations and their effects on the degree of economic (in)equity of the counterpart’s subsequent offer during the actual negotiation process. By comparing stalemate dyads with efficient settlement dyads, the study identifies emotional dynamics that characterize successful as opposed to unsuccessful negotiations. Results show that observed differences are primarily the result of impasse dyads spiraling into a negative emotional climate rather than efficient settlement dyads having overall higher levels of positive emotions or increasing them throughout the negotiation process. As predicted by social functional models, the study further confirms that emotions are not only a reaction to the economic (un)fairness of a proposed offer, but their display also influences the payoff (in)equity of the counterpart’s subsequent offer. Whether a specific emotional expression increases or decreases the economic fairness of the counterpart’s subsequent offer, however, differs across negotiation phases and between dyads that reached an agreement or not. Furthermore, the results show distinct differences between emotions that address individual goal realization in negotiations and emotions that focus on the relational, interpersonal aspect of negotiations, both with regard to their development as well as their function. Taken together, the results shed light on the mechanisms leading to the emergence of conflict spirals.  相似文献   

This paper considers a model of out-of-court settlement negotiations in which rational individuals hold potentially differing beliefs about the merits of the case. The following results pertain in equilibrium. First, under incomplete information, self-interested disputants will fail to attain negotiated settlements (at least some of the time). Second, there is a fundamental tradeoff between settlement efficiency and equity. Increasing the frequency of out-of-court settlements inevitably means adopting settlements that are less responsive to the true merits of the case. Third, the frequency of litigation increases as court costs decline. Moreover, this response can be so great that average court expenditures rise with the decline in legal costs. Fourth, a shift from the American system to the British system of allocating court costs results in a fall in the frequency of litigation.  相似文献   

公共救助分配中的公平与效率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代市场经济以其充分满足消费者需求的效率而备受推崇,但其运行的结果会产生收入分配不公和低收入群体的负面影响。公共救助是向低收入群体传递与分配社会资源的重要机制。本文首先从公共救助分配的公平机制入手,分析了建立政府主导型公共救助制度的必然性。然后从社会福利这一新的视角来界定公共救助的内涵,以充分体现特定的社会价值观念取向。最后探讨了我国公共救助制度的有关效率问题。  相似文献   

The management buyout is an important exit strategy for small business owners. Negotiations of buyout deals have received little research attention to date. This is surprising given buyout negotiations' complexity giving rise to multiple issues that require consideration and often conflicting interests of deal parties. This paper examines perceived bargaining power in buyout negotiations between private equity (PE) firms and current owners who sell their business. We identify competition, expertise, and time pressure as key antecedents of PE firms’ perceived bargaining power and examine the moderating effect of PE firms' industry and size specialization in buyout negotiations. We use a sample of 176 respondents who each report on a particular buyout deal for a PE firm. The majority of respondents are seasoned PE professionals who held managing director or investment director positions.  相似文献   

本文认为,“效率优先”是社会主义市场经济的必然要求,应成为我国经济工作一项有指导意义的原则。文章提出,采用“效率优先,增进公平”的提法更为适宜,它既宣示社会主义市场经济为改革的取向,又鲜明地以因果关系把“效率优先”和“增进公平”二者联系在一起,不仅看到市场经济的缺陷,承认经济发展中会有差距,而且表明要靠提高效率来“增进公平”,缩小差距。没有“效率优先”,不用市场竞争机制来发展经济,不把“蛋糕”做大,则“增进公平”就成为“无源之水”;而“增进公平”应是“效率优先”的目标和归宿,体现了以人为本、促进社会和谐的社会主义理念与原则。  相似文献   

Group Decision and Negotiation - Dovish and hawkish constituency pressures influence representative negotiations. Dovish constituency voices promote a collaborative and problem-solving approach,...  相似文献   

ISO26000对社会责任给出了明确的定义,这也是全球对社会责任定义的最大共识。社会责任是什么呢?社会责任是一个组织通过道德的和透明的行为,来为其决策和活动所带来的环境和社会影响所承担的责任。所以一个组织的责任大小也就是其决策和活动所带来的影响的大小。那么这种影响都是对谁的呢?这些决策和行为都涉及哪些方面呢?  相似文献   

多哈回合农业谈判:最新工作案文与进展情况(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>(二)最低减让(De minimis) 1.减让《农业协定》第6条第4款(a)项①下的发达国家成员的最低减让量应当以货币形式在成员减让表中加以体现,至少减少50%至60%,自实施期开始之日在5年内逐年等量递减。2.特殊和差别待遇对于发展中国家成员的综合支持量的承诺,《农业协定》第6条第4款项下的最低减让量应当以货币形式在成员减让表中加以体现,其减让率至少为发达国家减让率的2/3,实施期为3年。没有综合支持量承诺的发展中国家成员,或虽有综合支持量承诺,但其支持是给予农民  相似文献   

李华  任龙洋 《财贸经济》2012,(10):34-40
本文运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,测算了2001-2010年中国省级最优税制结构及其实际偏离度。结果表明:中国现阶段省级层面的实际税制结构与最优税制结构出现了不同程度的偏离,表现为流转税比重过高,因此在一定范围内继续提高直接税比重有利于实现效率与公平的双重红利。但是受经济环境因素制约,经济增长目标下提高直接税比重亦受到高限约束,即直接税与间接税的比值不能超过2.17。本文建议,将社会保险基金纳入税收体系,打造间接税和直接税双主体的税制结构,并适当赋予地方政府一定税权。  相似文献   

This research attempts to shed light on the possible ways which humour could be used to improve the negotiation process in conflictual settings. Negotiators were observed for their use of humour in simulated negotiation scenarios, and a relationship has been observed between humour and laughter, and the structure of the negotiations. The structural and functional implications of humour observed and discussed in this research illustrate the potential for humour in negotiation processes at large.  相似文献   

This research examines the effects of two key relational resources in relationships between retailers and national brand manufacturers. We introduce the new concept of trade equity, defined here as the value that accrues to a firm from being known in a trading network as a trustworthy trading partner, to explore the relational resources that are inherent in a firm’s ties with trading partners. We consider brand equity to represent relational resources that are located in a firm’s relational ties with end consumers. Based on data collected in a survey of 797 home appliance retailers, results show that a manufacturer’s trade equity and brand equity have differential effects on the retailer’s dependence and commitment to the manufacturer. Findings show that a manufacturer’s brand equity strengthens the effect of its trade equity on the retailer’s dependence and weakens the effect on the retailer’s commitment.  相似文献   

债转股中的道德风险与防范机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全面概括、分析了债转股中可能出现的道德风险的表现、危害及成因的基础上,从法律制度、配套措施、约束机制、企业制度等方面探讨了债转股道德风险防范机制,这对降低债转股中的道德风险、促进债转股工作的顺利进行将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

按照对效率与公平偏好的不同,初次分配效率与公平的政策组合有四种类型:"轻效率,轻公平"型;"轻效率,重公平"型;"重效率,轻公平"型;"重效率,重公平"型。不同社会发展阶段收入分配政策的制定实际上是对这四种政策组合的选择,以选择能带来最大化效用的分配制度。用分粥模型形象地对效率与公平的各种政策组合进行模拟,并根据收入分配效用函数对效率与公平政策组合的效用选择状况进行分析,结果表明,在初次分配"重效率"目标不变的前提下,消除收入分配不公平、减少贫富差距的关键在于同时建立初次分配"重公平"的机制。  相似文献   

李文 《财贸研究》2019,30(4):41-55
使用中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)(2013)数据实施的微观模拟分析表明,中国2019年个人所得税改革大幅降低了平均税率,减少了个人所得税的效率损失,但是也削弱了其再分配能力。减税的相对幅度随税前家庭年收入的提高呈倒U形,但减税绝对额与税前家庭年收入呈正比,专项附加扣除的引入也使收入较高的家庭获益更多。新税制在总体上和不同收入区间上都降低了个人所得税的再分配能力,其中专项附加扣除对公平也有负面影响。改革后平均税率的大幅降低抵消了累进性的提高,从而削弱了纵向公平效应,综合所得的引入则改善了横向公平效应。中国个人所得税改革的效率取向是有充分理由的,但仍可在促进效率的同时,通过适当协调不同种类所得税率、适当优化专项附加扣除来强化税制的公平效应。  相似文献   

巨灾权益卖权 (Catastrophe Equity Put,CatEPut)是一种以保险公司股票为交易标的的期权,用以规避保险公司因支付大量的巨灾损失赔偿而引起公司股票价值下降的风险.本文旨在从巨灾权益卖权的市场发展、设计原理、运行机制、典型实例和定价模型等角度,来对这一创新型巨灾风险融资工具进行系统梳理.  相似文献   

The observation has frequently been made that uncertainty about the legal meaning and the economic and political effects of WTO agreements exert a discouraging effect on the progress of multilateral trade negotiations. This article identifies the determinants of uncertainty and risk in the WTO. It also examines changes in these determinants over time, pointing to increasing levels of uncertainty and risk. The argument is based on a series of interviews conducted with members of national delegations to the WTO and with WTO employees.  相似文献   

Purpose: Studies examining the impact of relativism and deceitful tendencies on unethical negotiation tactics have yielded inconsistent results; some studies report a positive relationship, some negative, while some others report a nonexistent relationship between these constructs. These inconsistencies suggest that there may be intervening variables mediating the effects of these factors on unethical negotiation tactics. We propose that opportunism plays an important role in determining the effects of these two antecedents on business managers' perceptions of unethical negotiation tactics.

Method: An Internet-based survey was administered to a sample of managers at U.S. firms engaged in business-to-business marketing. Structural equation modeling techniques were used to evaluate the mediating role of opportunism between deceitful tendencies and relativism on questionable negotiation tactics.

Findings: The analysis supports the hypothesized role of opportunism as a mediating variable. Opportunism was found to play a significant role in mediating the relationships of both relativism and deceitful tendencies on attitudes toward unethical negotiation tactics.

Contribution: In addition to the theoretical contributions suggested here, this article includes suggestions for minimizing the likelihood that a negotiation partner's relativism and deceitful tendencies will negatively impact business negotiation.  相似文献   

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