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The marketing–finance interface is an important research field in marketing, helping demonstrate the accountability of marketing within companies and building a necessary interdisciplinary bridge to finance and accounting research. Since the first comprehensive review article by Srinivasan and Hanssens (2009), the marketing–finance field has broadened considerably, as has research in finance and accounting. This updated systematic review of extant and new research integrates research in marketing, finance, and accounting into an overarching marketing–finance research framework. We discuss new methodological developments and offer solutions to recent technical debates on the event-study method and Tobin's q. Motivated in part by a survey of marketing–finance researchers, the article identifies and synthesizes four key emerging research areas: digital marketing and firm value, tradeoffs between “doing good” and “doing well,” the mechanisms of firm-value effects, and feedback effects. The article closes with a future research agenda for this dynamic research field and offers key conclusions.  相似文献   

This wholly conceptual paper examines the breadth of literature on Market Entry Modes, a fundamentally important and strategic issue for managers in growing organisations of all sizes in all sectors. Key concepts and terms are defined and then a set of key Internationalisation Theories are systematically and critically reviewed, these being: the Transaction Cost Approach, Institutional Theory, the Eclectic Paradigm, the Uppsala Internationalisation Model and the Resource Based View. The final portion of the paper is integrative and highlights three key literature gaps as signposts for future work.  相似文献   

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) has emerged as a new concept in marketing in the twenty-first century. IMC is mostly thought of, taught and written about as simply the integration of advertising and promotional activities. However, this paper proposes IMC as a broader concept. It is more than a process or activity within an organisation: it is a system of belief or engagement, embedded in an organisation's culture, underpinned by communication and driven by technology and senior management. We identify seven major tenets of the integrated view of marketing communication within the IMC literature, and argue that early marketing concepts of the twentieth century are no longer valid. IMC can be seen as a new paradigm in marketing, equipped with central concepts that apply to many business environments.  相似文献   

在国内,整合营销传播(IMC:Integrated Marketing Communications)是企业主和策划机构常挂在嘴边的名词.早几年好像不谈IMC就显得很落伍。不过到了今天,这个概念和做法都已经面临着变革。  相似文献   

胡瑛 《网际商务》2014,(11):88-90
源起整合营销传播理论(Integrated marketing communication),来自于商业竞争和传播竞争高度激烈的美国。  相似文献   

The economic upturn in Germany is entering its sixth year but is losing momentum due to both demand and supply side factors. On the one hand, Germany’s key sales markets have weakened in line with the slowdown in world trade. On the other hand, a growing number of firms face production side bottlenecks, especially in terms of labour and sourcing intermediate goods. This coincides with problems in the automotive industry related to the introduction of the new World Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), which has affected gross domestic product (GDP) growth due to the branch’s economic weight. These adjustment problems, however, should be overcome over the course of the winter. Fiscal stimuli will also take effect as of the beginning of 2019. After 1.7 % growth this year, GDP will increase at rates of 1.9 % in 2019 and 1.8 % in 2020.  相似文献   

The explanandum ‘industry transformation’ is conceptualized against the background of market process theories. A system of indicators to measure industry transformation is set up and typical patterns of development and challenges for entrepreneurial action on business-to-business markets are derived. Analyzing industry transformation requires a co-evolutionary approach. Change is then detected using different indicators, exemplified using the German healthcare sector as an insight to business-to-business markets in transition. Entrepreneurial action is the key to an evolutionary understanding of business systems as drivers of change processes and the fact that – at the same time – they are driven by them. Typical features of industry transformation include historicity, path dependencies, and evolutionary interpretations of specificity leading to trajectories and multiple patterns like for example (dis-/re-)intermediation and cooperation.
Christian GoekeEmail:

钱磊 《中国广告》2003,(10):139-140
2003年第7期的《中国广告》上,编辑很有心地策划了一系列关于"中国广告与整合营销传播"的专辑文章,让读者一方面看到了国内理论界对国外整合营销传播理论研究的最新介绍和结合中国国情的新理解,另一方面看到了国内实务界尤其是广告主和广告公司实践运作整合营销传播的案例,以较为全面和详实的资料再一次吸引人们对"IMC在中国"的关注。  相似文献   

唐哲 《中国广告》2001,(7):76-77
在新世纪 IMC 时代来检视媒体策略,虽然难以跳脱形式重于实质的表象,不过仍不失为一个堂而皇之的时机点。媒体策略换在不同的时空环境来谈论,它的基本元件应该不至于有太大的变化:媒体策略的本质在于指引讯息传达时,对传媒工具能有正确的选用。古今中外对于媒体策略的思考项目也从未脱离4W2H 的范畴,也就是:WHERE——在哪里说,WHEN——什么时候说,HOW MANY——说多少,HOW MUCH—一花多少钱说,WHICH WAY——用什么方式说,WHAT——说什么内容。他们分别探讨了媒体专业面应有的思考:地理性 GEOGRAPHY,季节性 SEASONALITY,排期SCHEDULING,广度 REACH,频次 FREQUENCY,预算 BUDGETING,创意考虑 CREATIVE CONSIDERATION。虽说媒体策略的思考项目及内容鲜少变化,但是与媒体  相似文献   

冯斌 《中国广告》2003,(7):28-28
《IMC》中文版封面中央赫然印着"21世纪企业决胜关键"这几个大字,似乎要让人相信,有了这来自美国的营销理论,中国企业的营销问题就可以迎刃而解。而我则认为,IMC仅仅是营销战略的一个分项,过分夸大其作用是有害的。因为,无论从目标还是方法上看,营销必须作为一个整体来执行。首先,IMC成功的硬件应该是理性的营销体系。我们的老祖宗孙子,早在两千多年前就从五个方面系统地分析了决胜的条  相似文献   

隐喻型IMC要素的整合内敛机制表现于目标内敛、系统内敛两个基本途径,应建立隐喻型IMC内敛机制与运作水平的效价评估机制,促使IMC效应的最大化。  相似文献   

戴薇 《国际市场》2001,(6):16-17
中国手机市场销售在1999年就超过1500万台,移动电话市场容量以100%速度递增,用户规模已居世界第三位.面对每年25%的平均利润率和普及率不足20%的潜在巨大市场的诱惑,国内家电、通讯厂商如TCL、康佳、科健、厦华、东信、中兴通讯等纷纷进入移动通讯领域,国产手机与国际品牌抗衡,需要营销观念的创新.  相似文献   

胡吟 《商业研究》1997,(4):22-24
本文介绍了IMC的概念和与传统营销的区别,并阐述了IMC策略的实施重点及优越性。  相似文献   

蜂拥而至的军旅题材影视剧,几乎把观众的眼睛都看爆。当年战争的硝烟味道激活了人们的英雄情结,中国的当下是一个缺少英雄的年代,市场经济已让全民皆商,英雄主义的情感心湖早已变成了干涸荒漠。正因为如此,人们也更渴望英雄,渴望这个时代有更多的阳刚之气。在军旅题材影视剧的热播背后,显然有更深层次的文化内涵,那就是人们始终崇尚正义,渴望力量。这对于现在的中国而言是一种非常可贵的精神元素。更为重要的是,中国人民解放军身上所体现出的那种强大的执行力感染了无数观众。  相似文献   

IMC──营销传播新方式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
作为一种新型管销传播理念,整合营销传播是一个对现有顾客和潜在顾客发展和实施各种形式的说服性沟通计划的长期过程。它带来了企业营销方式的变革,将成为新世纪全球企业竞争和经营不可缺少的工具。  相似文献   

沈虹 《广告大观》2005,(1):63-66
现在的“广告”已经不再是狭隘地仅指“电视或报纸广告”了,我们同时还做直销营销、事件营销、赞助、公关活动、促销活动……面对激烈的市场环境,应把握所有沟通管道去主动接触消费者,因此与其说“广告”还不如定义为“整合营销传播”(IMC)。  相似文献   

张宁 《广告导报》2007,(8):59-59
当2001年秋全球互联网公司的泡沫破灭时,除了大家公认互联网被过分炒作外,到底有多少人能意识到网络用户(消费者)将成为信息传播主流的日子已经不远-中国虽然于互联网的起步较先进国家稍晚,但在发展的速度上是令人刮目相看。其实Web2.0的概念已经不只是停留在概念阶段,在国内目前已经有超过1.4亿的互联网 用户(成为仅次于美国的全球第二大互联网市场):其中博客用户浏览者也已超过1亿,博客创建者、写作者数量则超过2千万;全国手机用户超过48亿,手机短信发送量近4300亿条,平均每天发送12亿条。这对在中国从事市场营销的相关企业和从业人员又意味着什么?[第一段]  相似文献   


This article provides a critical review of the literature concerning marketing and racism, grounded in theoretical foundations drawn from critical race theory, whiteness theory and attendant models of privilege and oppression in society. The extant literature indicates a relationship between racism, marketing and social hierarchies which manifest with regard to marketing representations of people of colour and racialised groups; discriminatory practices in the marketplace and the roles of marketing professionals of colour. However, multiculturalism and anti-racism efforts attempt to counter racist practices; yet, the impacts of these efforts are unclear. Directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

张莹 《财贸研究》2004,15(2):91-94
IMC(整合营销传播)带来了营销方式的变革,是企业获取可持续竞争优势的重要选择.然而,我国企业在导入IMC过程中遇到了诸如对利害关系者重视不够、营销传播管理者水平不高等障碍.因此,必须采取建立消费者数据库、搭建现代客户导向型企业组织结构等策略正确导入IMC,真正发挥其效力.  相似文献   

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