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我国上市公司管理层收购始于90年代末,与国外管理层收购相比,我国管理层收购在收购动机、收购主体、融资方式、收购股份的性质和股权比例、定价机制、操作方式,对目标公司的影响等方面存在明显的差异。  相似文献   

自国有资产监管高层明确严禁大型国有企业进行管理层收购之后,国务院国资委首次公开提出,中小国企可以在满足五大条件的前提下,按照国企改制和国有产权转让的两个文件的要求规范进行管理层收购。  相似文献   

由于历史的原因.国有煤炭企业在计划经济时期大多建立了一些多种经营企业。其普遍的情形是:传统产业多、企业规模小、技术含量低、人员整体素质差、效益低下。  相似文献   

上市公司管理层收购的绩效出现结构性变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过建立一个统一的因子分析系统,应用面板数据对我国上市公司管理层收购(MBO)财务绩效进行多角度、全方位考察。结果发现,上市公司MBO前后7年间总的绩效没有发生显著变化;但规模变量出现显著增长;而经营效率却明显下降;资产负债状况显著恶化。这种结构性变化,可能是国内上市公司MBO绩效变动的典型特征,是经营者热衷于MBO的主要原因。要确保国内MBO公司经营效率的提高,必须采取有效措施控制其资产负债率的非正常上升,防止其规模变量盲目扩张。  相似文献   

管理层收购有利于实现企业产权结构调整 ,激励管理人员 ,降低公司代理成本 ,尤其是对于急需明晰产权与减退国有股的国内上市公司更具有重大意义。面对我国掀起的管理层收购浪潮 ,财政部日前却提出暂停上市公司管理层收购 ,这不能不引起人们的深思。本文通过对我国管理层收购存在的风险分析提出了几点建议。一、管理层收购含义及其特征管理层收购 (ManagementBuyout ,MBO)是西方在 80年代兼并高潮中涌现出的融资兼并的一种形式。它是指目标公司的管理层利用借贷所融资本购买本公司的股份 ,从而改变本公司所有者结构 ,控股权和资产结构 ,进…  相似文献   

基于超产权理论对公司管理层收购的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产权理论把产权归属作为企业效率的决定因素,无疑有失偏颇。超产权理论则认为:企业的效益主要是与市场竞争程度有关,利用利润激励去驱动经理人提高努力水平要以市场竞争为前提,市场竞争有放大利润激励的作用。基于超产权理论的思想,本文认为对产权拥有所形成的利润激励得以有效发挥的关键,在于经理人必须持有足够大比例的股权;大中型国有及国有控股企业和上市公司实施MBO后,由于经理人所购股权比例不大,使得产权激励不够大,而竞争激励又大幅下降,导致经理人的能力和努力水平下降,MBO将严重影响其业绩的提高。因而,MBO不是其改革的途径;小企业实施MBO是利大于弊,MBO不失为其改革的途径之一,但从长期发展的角度来看,MBO只不过是一个权宜之计。  相似文献   

管理层收购是指企业的管理层利用自有资金或通过负债融资及股权交换等经济手段.取得公司的所有权和控制权,并获得预期收益的一种收购行为。管理层收购是国有企业产权改革的有效途径之一.它能有效地解决“所有者缺位”问题.极大地调动企业管理层积极性.降低道德风险。  相似文献   

我国管理层收购的行为是一种管理层收益,其他利益相关者——股东、债权人、职工等利益受侵害的过程。其根本原因是相关法规不健全,其直接原因是信息不对称、国有资产所有者缺位以及普通职工和小股东处于弱势地位。其后果是管理层收购违背企业共同治理,不利于提升企业的价值,在企业中也有不良的示范作用。  相似文献   

从"中关村"论我国管理层收购"做亏模式"的控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“中关村”管理层收购表面上看是因为“亏损’’企业的大股东急于脱手.经营者进行“蛇吞象”式的收购。实际上是一种效仿者众的管理层收购“做亏模式”,为了达到“将企业做亏后再买之”的目的,经营者通常处心积虑,从一开始就采取措施倒逼大股东就范:其危害十分巨大,不仅保护中小投资者将落空,上市公司扭亏增盈无望,而且国有资产保值增值也会成泡影。因此,必须采取措施针对“做亏模式”不同阶段特点予以控制。  相似文献   

管理层收购(ManagementBuy-out),是指目标公司的管理层利用融资借贷所获得的资金购买本公司的股份,从而改变公司所有权结构、控制权结构,进而达到预期收益的一种收购行为。十五届四中全会对国企改革早已指明了方向:“从战略上调整国有经济布局,要同产业结构的优化升级和所有制结构的调整完善结合起来,坚持有进有退,有所为有所不为。”国退民进、竞争性领域国有资本逐步退出是今后较长时间内的一个趋势,在这个过程中,国有企业通过产权交易的方式改变产权结构,为MBO创造了广阔的操作环境。  相似文献   

近日,全国国有资产监督管理工作会议在京召开,这次会议是省级国资委全部组建并实现良好开局、市(地)级国资委正在组建之际召开的一次重要会议,国务院国资委主任李荣融作了重要讲话。  相似文献   

国有企业出资人制度的原由和框架   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国有企业难以全面振兴的深层次原因是:国民收入分配格局变化后,财政从生产建设财政转变为借债吃型财政后,它们失去了资本金注资来源,而银行注资形成的高负债发展模式,又会形成金融风险;工资成本上升趋势和资本利润率下降规律内样在国有企业发生作用,冗员过多的工资上升侵蚀利润,使国有企业难以为继;将企业作为一级党政社团组织办和企业办社会,使企业的体制成本很高,并内化了许多社会成本;所有者多头代理,导致管事的不管人,管人的不管事,所有者的权力、责任和应当承担的风险不对称。从放权让利改革开始的所有机和经营权的分离,虽然扩大了企业的自主权,但是没有形成真正管用的所有者,且形成了更多的不负责任的所有者代表。后来企业资产多元化的改革,希望通过外力建立所有者,国有资产管理搭便车,然而由于种种原因,效果并不理想。从战略上讲,国有经济要集中,要社会化,要在许多领域退出。但是,国有经济所占资源目前仍占全社会经营性资源的70%以上。并且,国有经济并不可能在短期内得以转轨。因此,需要在过渡时期建立一种有效的出资人一经营者制衡制度,使国有企业在国民经济中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

MBO对上市公司经营业绩影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从MBO公司MBO前后经营业绩变化的角度,分析MBO对上市公司经营业绩影响,从而分析MBO公司经营业绩变化原因,并对国内再次实施MBO提出若干建议.  相似文献   

外资并购中的国有无形资产资本化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
外资并购不仅促进了我国国有企业改革与重组,而且加速了国有无形资产资本化趋势,为国有企业改革提供了重要经济资源。与此同时,国有无形资产资本化过程也面临诸多障碍。本文分析了外资通过并购国有企业以取得无形资产的动因.归纳了国有无形资产资本化面临的三大约束,即体制转轨约束、评估理论与方法约束和交易主体博弈约束,并探讨了隐性无形资产显性化的途径。  相似文献   

Research summary : We investigate the effect of incumbents' stock of downstream complementary assets on their product innovation during a disruptive technological change. We theorize that a firm's stock of downstream complementary assets, by providing critical information about shifting demand conditions, will play a catalytic role in firm adaptation during such a change. Using the advent of disruptive computer numerical control machine tools in the U.S. machine tool industry during the 1970s and 1980s as the context, we find that firms with greater stocks of downstream complementary assets are likely to be product innovation leaders during such a change. Managerial summary : Disruptive changes are challenging firms across industries. We concentrate on the U.S. machine tool industry during the 1970s and 1980s when Japanese manufacturers with disruptive computer numerical control systems challenged the U.S. manufacturers. We find that, under the threat of disruption, the greater the stock of downstream complementary assets a U.S. machine tool manufacturer has, the more likely it is to be the product innovation leader with the disruptive technology. Our findings provide novel insights for managers in companies that face disruptive changes and can help them avoid the consequences of such changes as predicted by prior research. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

国有资产管理的"两个转变"和委托代理链条的收敛性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
国有资产管理体制改革的基本内涵在于第二个层次委托代理关系内部的链条调整。此次国有资产管理体制改革的基本特征表现为“两个转变”:国有资产委托人由集中转变为分散,国有资产委托人内部所有权权能的行使由分散转变为集中。真正实现国有资产委托代理链条的根本性收敛具有不可能性,委托代理新链条收敛度的提高是“有限收敛”。目前,需认真做好以下工作:构筑有效的国有资产治理结构;建立有效的信息公开机制;尽快完善相关法律法规;适应国有资产管理的新要求,加快政治体制改革步伐。  相似文献   

Research summary: This article empirically examines the economic value to firms of investing in the training of their employees and firm‐level factors that influence how much the firms benefit. Event study methodology is used to obtain a measure of the economic impact of information regarding a firm's human capital management investments and policies. Subsequent regression analyses are then used to test hypotheses regarding possible complementary relationships between firm‐level factors and human capital investments. Results provide robust support for the proposition that effective investments in human capital and training matter, and that these human capital investments are more impactful when combined with complementary assets of R&D, physical capital, and advertising investments . Managerial summary: Do firm investments in training and the development of employee human capital matter with regard to financial performance? We find that, yes, these investments do matter. Our results show that managers who view employee human capital as an asset to be invested in and developed can expect to outperform those who view it as a cost to be minimized. In addition, we find that these human capital investments will be of even greater economic value to firms when they have made complementary investments in R&D, physical capital, and advertising . Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the new business model of outcome-based contracts where the firm is tasked to achieve outcomes of equipment as a service contract instead of the traditional maintenance, repair and overhaul activities (e.g., power-by-the-hour® engine service contract). Through a qualitative study of two outcome-based contracts between BAE Systems, MBDA and the UK Ministry of Defence, we derive three value drivers of information, material and people transformation. Mapping it with transaction cost literature we propose five relational assets based on the value drivers; three value-driven alignments and two partnership inputs. We then study the relationships between the relational assets and contract performance through a quantitative survey by applying the partial least square (PLS) method. Our study shows that behavioral and information alignments are important to achieve outcomes. However, material and equipment alignment (i.e., joint supply chain) does not have a significant effect on contract performance. In addition, perceived control and empowerment mediated the relationship between partnership inputs and value-driven alignments. Our study provides a more integrated view of how various theoretical management domains overlap in the understanding of business models, and contribute to the understanding of value drivers and partnership factors in achieving performance in outcome-based contracts.  相似文献   

This multiple-case study focuses on the practices and functions of customer reference marketing and on the ways through which customer references can be deployed as marketing assets. Analysis of 38 interviews with managers in four case companies suggests that customer references can be leveraged externally as marketing assets to (1) gain status-transfer effects from reputable customers, (2) signal passing a selection process, (3) concretize and demonstrate complex solutions, and (4) provide indirect evidence of experience, previous performance, technological functionality, and delivered customer value. Customer references can also be leveraged internally to (1) facilitate organizational learning, (2) advance offering development, (3) motivate personnel, and (4) develop understanding of customer needs, internal competencies, and delivered customer value. By identifying the practices and functions related to customer reference marketing, the paper deepens understanding of this highly relevant but relatively under-researched phenomenon and contributes to the literature on customer-based marketing assets.  相似文献   

本文以1999—2002年间实施了MBO(管理层收购)的上市公司作为研究对象,在大量数据资料基础上,对这些公司的业务、财务、股本、管理、行为等特征以及收购定价、资金来源等问题进行了多方面的实证检验。通过研究,我们认为,MBO并不是“国退民进”的重要途径,成功实施MBO的企业需要一系列重要的条件;MBO实施过程中出现的争论实质上是公众和政府对国有存量资产改革中“分配的公正性”问题的理解与管理层对该问题的理解存在差异;EMBO(管理层收购和员工持股)可以作为从企业层面解决国有企业产权改革公正性和合法性的一种制度性安排。  相似文献   

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