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物流业务外包是企业增强竞争力的重要战略之一,文章以饲料企业为例,将价值工程的理念引入饲料企业的物流业务外包,分析了饲料企业物流业务外包的功能和成本,在此基础上,探讨了饲料企业物流业务外包的目的和实施过程.  相似文献   

大型煤矿企业从井下到井上的生产系统庞大,环节较多,在建设和生产任务紧张繁重时,需要引入外部力量参与企业的生产建设,甚至是经营管理中.文章针对煤矿企业业务外包这一问题,围绕开展外包业务的必要性、外包流程的选择确定、实行外包的作用和优点,以及相关策略考量等方面进行了研究与分析.  相似文献   

物流业务外包是企业增强竞争力的重要战略之一,文章以饲料企业为例,将价值工程的理念引入饲料企业的物流业务外包,分析了饲料企业物流业务外包的功能和成本,在此基础上,探讨了饲料企业物流业务外包的目的和实施过程。  相似文献   

刘琪 《北方经济》2009,(24):66-67
物流外包是企业业务外包的一种主要形式,也是供应链管理环境下企业物流资源配置的一种新形式.本文主要分析当前影响企业物流外包的约束条件及如何实施物流外包.  相似文献   

随着社会分工的深化,企业提高竞争力最重要的措施之一是把非核心业务进行外包,把管理成本通过市场化来转移。文章以内部控制的视角,从外包策略的制定、外包商的选择、外包合同的签订、外包业务过程实施管理、业务外包验收及财务管理等关键管控环节,探究通信企业如何完善业务外包内部控制管理,规避经营风险,促进企业长远发展。  相似文献   

何懿  黄希彧  周洁 《特区经济》2014,(12):211-212
IT业务外包作为一个新兴的领域,倍受国内企业的青睐,目前已成为企业信息管理业务发展的前沿。近年来,石化行业中的许多企业在也在IT业务外包方面做了大量的尝试,本文从企业IT规划、系统建设、运维和安全四个角度对石化行业IT业务外包的范围作出了分析和思考。  相似文献   

支燕 《改革》2007,(6):87-91
对企业物流外包的主要动因以及企业对现有物流外包业务满意度的实证分析表明,我国企业物流外包的主要动因按重要度依次是:提高物流服务速度、降低成本、降低货损率、提升物流服务稳定性和降低差错率。专注于核心业务并不是目前我国企业将物流业务外包的主要动因。现阶段我国第三方物流企业的服务并不能很好地满足企业对提高物流绩效及降低成本等主要动因的要求,这是阻滞企业将物流外包的主要原因。  相似文献   

财务外包是近十几年以来新兴起的一种财务管理模式.在如今互联网技术发展空前迅猛的大背景下,财务外包的领域也拓展出了财务分析、风险管理等,不再仅限于交易的管理,成为了为企业注入新鲜活力的新方法以及企业进行业务转型的重要战略武器.各个企业为了节约成本,改善企业管理模式,提高企业的核心竞争力,财务职能中作为公司辅助支柱的部分已经越来越多地被外包出去,财务外包也越来越受到中国市场的青睐.  相似文献   

陆瑞光 《中国经贸》2012,(15):78-79
自2008年以来,伴随着中国政府一系列支持优惠政策的出台,中国服务外包产业实现了高速发展.根据商务部数据显示,2011年中国服务外包企业承接服务外包合同执行金额323.9亿美元,同比增长63.6%,承接服务外包业务占全球市场份额比重为23.2%,比上年提高6.3个百分点,我国服务外包产业在国际服务外包市场中的比重进一步提升. 与此同时,作为外包产业的主要载体,服务外包企业的规模也得到迅速提升.根据中国国际投资促进会公布数据,中国十大服务外包领军企业2010年服务外包营业总额为18.7亿美元.  相似文献   

黄微 《沪港经济》2007,(11):20-22
抓住国际服务外包转移的机遇 所谓服务外包,是指企业将信息系统构架、应用管理和业务流程优化等业务,发包给本企业以外的服务提供者,以降低成本、优化产业链,提升企业核心竞争力.按照服务内容,服务外包可分为信息技术外包(ITO)和业务流程外包(BPO),其中信息技术外包占全球服务外包市场的60%.按照服务提供商的地理分布状况,还可分为境内外包和离岸外包.继国际制造业大规模向发展中国家转移之后,出现了发达国家向具有成本、人才优势的发展中国家,转移知识型服务产业的新趋势,服务外包已成为当前国际服务业转移的新形式.  相似文献   

In this article it is claimed that, at least in the aircraft industry, the development of German armament production and productivity was much more continuous than Wagenführ's armament index and both the Blitzkrieg thesis and the inefficiency thesis suggest. In order to prove this new thesis of continuity, we show on the basis of firm‐level data, firstly, that investment in production capacities had already started before the war and was especially high in the early phase of the war, and secondly, that the regulatory setting of aircraft production management was rather constant and was not dramatically changed after 1941. In addition, we demonstrate that the driving forces of productivity growth were primarily learning‐by‐doing and outsourcing, the latter being generally neglected by economic historians.  相似文献   

外包作为一种新兴的商业现象,日益引起了国内外学界的关注。采用中文期刊文献定量研究方法,从全局的、历史的视角,探讨总结我国外包研究全局性的演进趋势、外包研究成果著者的群体特征、外包研究成果的学科、载体及研究层次、外包研究的核心方向及路径、外包研究的核心理论基础渊源、外包研究的基金资助特征等。研究结果表明:外包研究既有与其他研究主题相似的特征表现,也具有自己独特的表现。  相似文献   

Jones's (2000) celebrated book has inspired a generation of work devoted to understanding the causes and consequences of outsourcing. While much of this work has focused on the outsourcing versus domestic production decision of the firm, with labor cost‐saving as the key driver for outsourcing, we further explore how preference‐based outsourcing may arise in a dynamic world equilibrium. We address this problem in a North–South model in which the outsourcing decision depends not only on labor costs but also on information about local preferences that arise with outsourcing. As the South develops, demand for manufactured goods becomes more important, so identifying specific tastes of Southern consumers matters more. As a result, preference‐based outsourcing displaces cost‐saving outsourcing. Our quantitative analysis indicates that, as both agricultural and manufacturing technologies grow over time, the dynamic world equilibrium switches from the export regime to the cost‐saving outsourcing regime, and eventually to the preference‐based outsourcing regime.  相似文献   

A substantial number of studies have suggested that global outsourcing can induce wage inequality. As Feenstra and Hanson [(1996a) Foreign investment, outsourcing, and relative wage, in: R. C. Feestra, G. M. Hanson, and D. A. Irwin (Eds.) Political Economy of Trade Policy: Essays in Honor of Jagdish Bhagwati (Cambridge: The MIT Press), pp. 89–127] argued, global outsourcing is comparable to skill-biased technological change in that global outsourcing is more likely to increase the wage of skilled workers rather than their unskilled counterparts. We examine the effects of outsourcing on wage of skilled and unskilled workers in Korea's manufacturing sector with a focus on the dissimilar effects of outsourcing to developed countries (DCs) and less developed countries (LDCs) on relative wage. The results of system and difference GMM estimation based on manufacturing data from 1992 to 2006 indicate that outsourcing to DCs and LDCs have opposite (and significant) effects on relative wage, that is, outsourcing to DCs (LDCs) decreases the wage of skilled (unskilled) workers.  相似文献   

Using the Cobb–Douglas production function and vertical specialization share, the present paper measures the productivity spillover effects of offshore outsourcing in the Chinese manufacturing industry. We examine different production factors and the degree of openness by dividing the Chinese manufacturing industry into five major categories: capital‐intensive business, technological‐intensive business, labor‐intensive business, open business and non‐open business. The results show that offshore outsourcing is positively associated with productivity in the Chinese manufacturing industry as a whole, but less so in labor‐intensive industries and more in capital‐intensive industries. Moreover, the positive impact of outsourcing on productivity is slightly higher in open industries than in non‐open industries. These results shed light on the differential spillover effects of offshore outsourcing on productivity. Our findings suggest that outsourcing structure is important to China's long‐run competitive advantage. China's policy‐makers should encourage further offshore capital‐intensive and technology‐intensive activities and focus more on outward‐oriented offshore businesses.  相似文献   

推进我国开展银行业务外包的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行业务外包是指银行通过契约将原内部工作交由他人完成,是银行应对日益激烈的市场竞争的重要工具,也是银行主动调整战略,实现核心价值的有效手段。随着国际银行外包业务范围扩大化、专业化、全球化趋势的发展,关于中国银行业务外包的研究越来越引起国内理论界和实务界的关注。本文在对国际国内银行业务外包进行比较分析的基础上,针对我国银行外包业务刚刚起步、业务范围狭隘、外包服务尚不成熟、法律监管制度不健全等问题,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

物流外包已经成为企业提高核心竞争力的重要途径,而第三方物流产业的成长已经成为经济发展的重要动力。本文分析了第三方物流发展的技术动因,指出了我国第三方物流行业与发达国家在物流技术上的差距,揭示了技术创新对第三方物流发展的重要作用,提出了可供我国政府参考的管理和促进物流产业发展的对策。  相似文献   

With the rapid economic development and the coming of economic globalization, more and more enterprises take logistics outsourcing in order to enhance their competitiveness. While logistics outsourcing brings much benefit to business, it also carries a great deal of risk. This paper deeply analyzes the performance appearance, the sources and the formation cause of the risk of logistics outsourcing. Then it puts forward some measures and suggestions for risk control, which would provide the criteria for decision-making of logistics outsourcing.  相似文献   

付信明 《亚太经济》2008,8(2):117-120
经过十几年的发展,中国承接国际服务外包取得了较为显著的成就。确立了11家服务外包基地,一批初步具备承接国际服务外包业务能力的软件企业,在某些特定市场上已经具有较强的国际竞争力。但是,与印度等服务外包比较成功的国家相比,依然差距明显。文章在比较中印软件服务外包现状的基础上,探讨了中国软件服务外包落后于印度的原因,并提出了促进中国承接国际软件服务外包的政策措施。  相似文献   

张影 《特区经济》2012,(9):263-265
本文通过实证模型,利用1997-2010年我国离岸服务外包额与GDP数据对承接离岸服务外包与我国经济增长之间的关系进行协整检验和Granger因果分析。结果表明我国经济增长与离岸服务外包之间存在长期趋势,离岸服务外包的发展带来了经济的增长,并且离岸服务外包对经济增长的拉动作用很大,存在着较大的发展空间,进而提出发展离岸服务外包的建议。  相似文献   

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