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钱伯章 《中国石化》2007,(11):57-60
2007年6月7~8日召开的八国(加拿大、法国、德国、意大利、日本、俄罗斯、英国和美国)集团fG8)峰会通过一项计划.呼吁“实质性减排”温室气体——即把劝说国际社会同意“在2050年前削减一半温室气体排放量”作为G8的共同目标。一直以来,美国和一些发展中大国对欧盟提出的“减排50%”目标并不认同。此次美国总统布什表示,美国愿同其他国家共同努力寻求制定一项温室气体减排的国际框架协议.填补2012年有关温室气体减排的《京都议定书》第一承诺期到期后的空白。  相似文献   

欧盟各国环境部长在布鲁塞尔发表声明,重申欧盟将继续努力,与各方一道,力促全球减排新协议在年底前达成.欧盟各国环境部长发表声明指出,欧盟对2007年12月和2008年12月分别在印度尼西亚巴厘岛和波兰波兹南举行的联合国气候变化大会所取得的积极成果表示欢迎,希望在此基础上与各方继续努力,争取在今年12月召开的哥本哈根联合国气候变化会议上就《京都议定书》在2012年到期后的全球减排新协议达成一致。  相似文献   

<正>全球气候变化是国际环发领域的热点和焦点问题。国际社会先后通过了《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)及《京都议定书》,为国  相似文献   

2012年至2020年第二承诺期发达国家如何进一步降低温室气体的排放,即所谓“后京都”问题,是2009年12月在丹麦哥本哈根举行的联合国气候变化大会的主要议题。2007年12月联合国气候变化大会产生了“巴厘路线图”,“路线图”为2009年前应对气候变化谈判的关键议题确立了明确议程。  相似文献   

哥本哈根:不仅仅是开始 背景:2009年12月7日至18日,世界各国领导人齐聚丹麦首都哥本哈根,商讨《京都议定书》第一个承诺期(2008年~2012年)结束后,全球应对气候变化的道路何去何从,为后京都时代定下行动的基调。在经历了长达12天的激烈讨论后,哥本哈根联合国气候变化大会于18日午夜前后形成《哥本哈根协议》,协议文件内容非常简明扼要,文件中对各国的具体温室气体减排目标都没有提及。法国总统萨科齐称,德国波恩将于6个月后再次召开关于气候变化的会议,就哥本哈根峰会协议做进一步磋商。最终成果将于2010年底在墨西哥城气候大会上揭晓。  相似文献   

12月3~14日,迄今为止规模最大的“联合国气候变化会议”在印尼巴厘岛召开,全球190个国家的共10000多名代表参会,该会议就全球温室气体减排协议进行了商讨。来自中国电力网的消息称,2007年中国电力需求高涨的势头依然不减,仅新建电厂的发电量就超过全英国电网的总和;在新增9000万千瓦发电量中,约有85%来自于煤炭发电,突显了中国在此次巴厘岛会议上所面临的重大压力。  相似文献   

《巴黎协定》对2020年后全球应对气候变化行动作出新安排,开创性地建立了全球气候治理框架,确立了全球气候行动的三大着力点:减缓、适应、损失与损害。历届气候变化大会不断补充这一框架的细则。全球减缓行动正在进行中,但各方面仍需采取更多行动。适应行动与减缓相比,目前受到的关注和资金投入远远不够。损失与损害基金作为气候治理框架中的“新成员”,距离成熟还有很长的路要走。自协定签署以来,各缔约方在能源、工业、金融等多个方面采取了相应的措施,中国参与全球气候行动的态度更加积极,引领者的角色也愈加突出。在此期间,全球政治经济环境风云变化,也对全球气候治理行动产生了深刻影响。尽管全球应对气候变化行动取得了一定进展,但最新盘点结果显示,世界尚未走上积极应对气候变化的正轨,距离实现既定的全球温控目标尚有较大差距。  相似文献   

<正>清洁发展机制(CDM),是《京都议定书》中建立的发达国家与发展中国家合作减排温室气体的国际合作机制,其目标是"将大气中的温室气体含量稳定在适当水平,进而防止剧烈的气候改变对人类造成伤害"。对发达国家而言,CDM提供了一  相似文献   

谋取绿色低碳发展新优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓碳减排,顾名思义,就是减少二氧化碳的排放量。随着全球气候变暖,二氧化碳的排放量必须减少,从而缓解人类面临的气候危机。积极应对气候变化已经成我国经济社会发展的重大战略。中国石化把促进碳减排作为加快转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构和推进新的产业革命的重大机遇,积极准备参与碳排放交易,谋取未来发展新优势。  相似文献   

《上海证券报》近日刊登了题为《京都议定书悬剑中国电业。短期不影响中国》的文章。文章虽然传达出《京都议定书》短期内不会影响我国的信息。但是从长远看。终归难以摆脱环保的束缚。2月16日。历劫重生的《京都议定书》终于生效。根据共同但有区别的责任原则,《京都议定书》为发达国家和经济转型国家规定了具体的、具有法律约束力的温室气体减排目标,要求这些国家在2008~2012年间总体上要比1990年排放水平平均减少512%。中国作为发展中国家在第一阶段不承担二氧化碳减排任务。  相似文献   

参与全球温室气体减排与国内节能减排相辅相成;应对气候变化对中国是挑战更是机遇;利用全球资源,以全球机制促国家能源和环境良治;多管齐下,使节能高效成为中华文明新特征。  相似文献   

● 参与全球温室气体减排与国内节能减排相辅相成 ● 应对气候变化对中国是挑战更是机遇 ● 利用全球资源,以全球机制促国家能源和环境良治 ● 多管齐下,使节能高效成为中华文明新特征  相似文献   

主题:企业物流与供应链的管理和创新时间:2002年8月2~3日地点:上海海神诺富特大酒店主办:上海航运交易所嘉宾:黄有方中国物流学会副会长、上海海运学院副院长、教授李洪通用电气运输系统集团中国区物流总监黄岳和光现代商务股份有限公司首席信息官章晋联邦快递物流有限公司电子商务物流经理陈宝钦上海港集箱(集团)公司总经理张晓峰上海港浦东集箱物流有限公司市场部经理张显东复旦大学现代物流管理研究中心副教授、博士谢启明江森自控有限公司亚太物流经理及北亚采购经理彭效刚上海福乐食品有限公司圣麦乐品牌经理黎信戴姆勒…  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of team transformational leadership on team performance during the new product development (NPD) process and the mediating role of team climate. Data were collected from 184 NPD projects of Chinese high-tech firms. The results show that NPD team transformational leadership is positively related to team performance. In addition, team climate mediates the relationship between most dimensions of NPD team transformational leadership (charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration) and team performance.  相似文献   

主持人简介刘军 ,男 ,1959年生 ,中共党员 ,毕业于山东矿业学院 (现更名为山东科技大学 ) ,教授。历任山东矿业学院工商管理系副主任、主任 ,经济研究所副所长、所长 ,人力资源研究所所长 ,现任山东科技大学经济管理学院院长 ,中国煤炭工业技术委员会经济管理专业委员会委员 ,中国管理科学院科学经济管理研究所特邀研究员 ,中国煤炭工业企业管理现代化部级优秀成果评审委员会委员等。主要著作 :近年来共正式出版著作 9部 ,其中专著《煤炭行业工资水平增长机制研究》一书被国家劳动部专家评价为“是一部内容充实、有相当深度和广度、在很多方…  相似文献   

Research summary: This study examines the abandonment of organizational practices. We argue that firm choices in implementing practices affect how firms experience a practice and their subsequent likelihood of abandonment. We focus on utilization of the practice and staffing (i.e. career backgrounds of managers), as two important implementation choices that firms make. The findings demonstrate that practice utilization and staffing choices not only affect abandonment likelihood directly but also condition firms' susceptibility to pressures to abandon when social referents do. Our study contributes to diffusion research by examining practice abandonment—a relatively unexplored area in diffusion research—and by incorporating specific aspects of firms' post‐adoption choices into diffusion theory. Managerial summary: When do firms shut down practices? Prior research has shown that firms learn from the actions of other firms, both adopting and abandoning practices when their peers do. But unlike adoption decisions, abandonment decisions need to account for firms' own experiences with the practice. We study the abandonment of corporate venture capital (CVC) practices in the U.S. IT industry, which has experienced waves of adoption and abandonment. We find that firms that make more CVC investments are less likely to abandon the practice, and are less likely to learn vicariously from other firms' abandonment decisions, such that they are less likely to exit CVC when other firms do. Staffing choices also matter: hiring former venture capitalists makes firms less likely to abandon CVC practices, while hiring internally makes abandonment more likely. Plus, staffing choices affect how firms learn from the environment, as CVC managers pay attention to and learn more from the actions of firms that match their work backgrounds; i.e., firms that staff CVC units with former venture capitalists are more likely to follow exit decisions of VC firms, while those that staff with internal hires are more likely to follow their industry peers. Our results suggest that firms wanting to retain CVC practices should think carefully about the implementation choices they make, as they may be inadvertently sowing seeds of abandonment. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

论述了统筹国内发展和对外开放的重要意义,阐明了“统筹”的丰富内涵,对我国对外开放的现状和特点进行了分析,就现阶段对外开放面临问题提出了几点思考,给出了相应对外开放的对策建议。  相似文献   

金融危机在全球蔓延,世界经济陷入低迷,新一轮贸易保护主义顺势抬头,各国贸易保护壁垒重新筑起,中国的国际贸易环境面临恶化的危险。文章探讨了此次金融危机下贸易保护主义的新趋势,分析了中国对外贸易面临的挑战,并根据中国的实际情况提出了相应的措施。  相似文献   

New venture companies, starting from small entities comprising entrepreneurs and their teams, start to grow in scale by instigating formalized processes to enhance management efficiency. This includes the use of formalized processes for collecting and disseminating market information. Despite the fact that utilizing market information is one of the fundamental factors of market orientation, little is known about the way market information is processed in new venture companies. The first aim of this research was to investigate the impact of formalized market information acquisition and utilization on new venture performance. The second objective was to investigate the effect of organizational formalization on the acquisition and utilization of market information in new venture firms. The final goal was to explore the extent to which these relationships vary in different cultural contexts. Based on an extensive literature review and interviews with managers in China, Japan, and the United States, a conceptual framework is developed that relates formalized market information processes to new venture performance in the three countries. The conceptual model is tested with data collected from 453 new venture companies in these countries. The results suggest that the use of a formalized process of market information utilization has a positive effect on new venture performance regardless of country. The analysis also indicates that the effect of organizational formalization, in general, differs between countries. Organizational formalization is associated with increased formalized utilization of market information only in the United States; the relationship does not apply in the two Asian countries studied. Taken together, these results suggest that in the Asian countries, organizational formalization improves information collection, while in the United States, it also improves the utilization of information throughout the organization. One implication of these results may be the potential of added benefits accruing to organizational formalization in new ventures in countries with high levels of individualism and/or high levels of power distance, where organizational power is concentrated in formal vertical reporting relationships, as opposed to informal horizontal peer‐to‐peer networks.  相似文献   

第116届广交会第二期于10月23~27日隆重开幕。随着欧美经济的复苏,以玩具礼品为主的二期参展商终于可以松一口气,不少参展商表示去年出口止跌回暖。对于广交会二期的参展企业来说,欧美市场是重中之重。  相似文献   

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