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县域保险市场发展状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施建祥  金晶 《浙江金融》2005,(11):38-39
县域保险是以县城为中心、乡镇为纽带、农村为腹地的区域性保险.它能为县域经济提供全方位的保障,循序渐进地建立起农村和城镇居民保障体系,中小企业、民营企业的风险保障体系,是保险业参与构建和谐社会的具体体现.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后保险面临着越来越强烈的竞争,云南农村有着广阔的保险市场前景,但是,目前经济相对不发达,保险市场存在不少问题和困难,保险业要健康快速发展,必须多方式多渠道开拓农村保险市场。  相似文献   

整顿和规范保险市场秩序促进保险业快速健康发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“十五”期间,我们党和国家在经济社会发展方面确立的一个重要奋斗目标,就是要在完善社会主义市场经济体制方面迈出实质性步伐,建立规范的市场经济秩序,既是保证当前经济正常运行的迫切需要,也是完善社会正常运行的迫切需要,也是完善社会主义市场经经济体制的重要举措。  相似文献   

姚庆海 《中国金融》2000,(6):42-43,48
保险中介市场是保险市场必不可少的重要组成部分。充分利用保险中介市场开展保险业务有利于提高保险市场的运行效率,促进保险企业经营模式的转变,迅速扩大保险市场规模,提高保险业整体实力,从而全面发挥保险业在国民经济中重要的职能作用。一、中介市场发展滞后严重制约我国保险业的发展我国保险业20年来的快速发展,主要是依靠保险公司机构和人员的扩张,走的是保险人主导保险市场的路子,没有充分重视保险中介人在促进保险市场发展中的作用,保险中介市场主体不健全。目前,我国保险中介市场中只存在保险代理人,没有专业的保险经纪人和保险公估…  相似文献   

孙昕 《上海保险》2007,(6):15-18
随着保险业近些年来的快速发展,单纯依靠市场调节的弊端日益显现。此时,建立一个维护保险市场良性运行的宏观调控体系,引导保险业健康发展,是新时期保险业发展的根本制度保证。  相似文献   

如果只从市场集中度判定市场竞争的程度,难以客观地反映出真实状况,本文使用Bresnahan与Lau提出的BL模型,利用非结构的方法使用更多信息分析我国财产保险市场。在财险公司追求利润最大化的假设下建立模型,采用2002年至2009年数据,对模型参数进行估计,从而分析我国财险市场竞争情况。研究发现,我国市场属于高度竞争的...  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of mutual firms on competition in the insurance market. We distinguish two actors in this market: mutual firms, which belong to their pooled members, and traditional companies, which belong to their shareholders. Our approach differs from the literature by one crucial assumption: the expected utility of the consumers depends on the size of their insurance firm, which generates network externalities in this market. Thus, the choice of a contract results in a trade-off between the premium level and the probability of that premium being ex-post adjusted. The optimal contract offered by a mutual firm involves a systematic ex-post adjustment (negative or positive), while the contracts a company offers imply a fixed premium that is possibly negatively adjusted at the end of the contractual period. In an oligopoly game, we show that three types of configurations are possible at equilibrium: either one mutual firm or insurance company is active, or a mixed structure emerges in which two or more companies share the market with or without a mutual firm.  相似文献   

我国国内财产保险业务自1980年恢复以来虽然取得了很大成绩,但依旧存在很多问题,特别是市场集中度偏高,导致市场竞争处于低水平竞争状态问题。本文根据市场份额将我国财险公司划分为在位者与竞争者两类,应用Stackelberg博弈模型,对在位者与竞争者的保险价格竞争从单时期和多时期两个方面进行分析,得出单纯的价格竞争是无效的,建议从产品和服务的创新、投资、成本管理和客户信息搜集与管理四个方面协助价格竞争的展开。  相似文献   

We are honored to address the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists and will take the opportunity to make some reflections on the rather uneasy relationship between insurance and competition. Economists generally prescribe competition as a solution for markets that do not work well. Competition allocates resources efficiently and encourages innovation and attention to what customers want. Insurance markets differ from most other markets because in insurance markets competition can destroy the market rather than make it work better. One of the dimensions along which insurance companies compete is underwriting—trying to ensure that the risks covered are “good” risks or that if a high risk is insured, the premium charged is at least commensurate with the potential cost. The resulting partitioning of risk limits the amount of insurance that potential insurance customers can buy. In the extreme case, such competitive behavior will destroy the insurance market altogether. A simple model illustrates.  相似文献   

For an insurance transaction between a single risk-averse buyer and single risk-neutral seller with positive transaction costs, it is well known that the buyer will prefer a policy contract with an ordinary deductible. More detailed results demonstrate the Pareto optimality of an insurance contract characterized by a deductible (followed by coinsurance) for a single risk-averse buyer and single risk-averse seller. In the present work, we employ a market-game model to solve for the equilibrium insurance contract. This formulation, which approximates the behavior of excess property insurance and property catastrophe reinsurance markets, reveals that the equilibrium policy is described by full insurance up to a given policy limit, with no deductible or coinsurance. Our analysis shows further that this solution persists regardless of the numbers of buyers and sellers in the market, and in particular that the market-game equilibrium does not converge to a Pareto-optimal result because of boundary constraints on the number of sellers. Finally, we test our price-formation mechanism against an important generalization, and find that the policy-limit contract persists.  相似文献   

基于2010-2019年全国各地区面板数据,运用门槛回归模型,考量不同市场竞争强度下参保密度对农业保险成本费用的影响。结果显示:参保密度对农业保险的成本费用具有显著影响,但是在市场竞争强度门槛变量下呈现出不同的影响方向,当市场竞争较弱时,参保密度对农业保险的成本费用具有显著负向影响;当市场竞争较强时,参保密度对农业保险的成本费用具有显著正向影响。因此,在参保密度提升的前提下,会使得地区的农业保险市场存在一个最优竞争强度。  相似文献   

竞争法在促进市场竞争、维护市场秩序方面对保险监管起着互补性的作用,但是在运用竞争法对保险市场进行规范时要考虑到保险市场的特殊性,对保险业中的信息共享、大项目共保合作、保单条款标准化等现象不能简单地以竞争法来加以定性,而需要做出具体分析,真正发挥竞争法在保险业中的作用。  相似文献   

李涛  朱铭来 《保险研究》2019,(6):96-110
本文从地方政府税收竞争视角,探讨居民医疗保险筹资与商业健康保险发展的关系。在动态经济模型基础上,构建稅收竞争下居民医疗保险筹资与商业健康保险发展的理论框架。利用空间计量模型和合成控制法对理论模型进行系统的实证分析。研究结果表明:在财政下行压力和资本边际收益递减的宏观背景下,地方政府在民生领域的高支出竞争偏好,倒逼地方政府展开新一轮税收竞争,容易导致地方政府财政收入减少和财政困难,从而增加居民医疗保险财政筹资压力。在这个过程中居民医疗保险筹资水平提高,能够凸显商业健康保险在医疗保障筹资体系中的补充地位。  相似文献   

在财险竞争中,中国人保公司只有依靠创新才能求得发展,而创新的范围则包括观念创新,组织创新,产品创新,服务创新,市场创新等几个方面。  相似文献   

梅君 《银行家》2004,(10):90-91
企业年金市场的发展对中国养老保险体系的深远影响已开始显现,并由此可能带来整个中国金融市场变革。  相似文献   

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