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The purpose of this article is to record the history of the national income and product accounts of the United States, concentrating on the period 1932–47. During that period the single national income aggregate evolved into a set of accounts and the estimates emerged as an important analytical tool. Interviews with participants in these developments were extensively utilized to trace the events, people, ideas, and other factors which shaped the history of the accounts. The generally recognized need for economic information during the Great Depression stimulated the request that the Department of Commerce undertake what became the first official continuing series on national income in the United States. These estimates were prepared with the cooperation of the National Bureau of Economic Research and were published in 1934. By the late 1930's, estimates were extended to include income by state and a monthly series. World War II was the impetus for the development of product, or expenditure, estimates. By the mid-1940's, the estimates had evolved into a set of income and product accounts–a consolidated production account, sector income and outlay accounts, and a consolidated saving-investment account–designed to provide a bird's-eye-view of the economy. During this period uses of the accounts widened; analysis of wartime production goals and anti-inflation policy are noteworthy examples. The National Income, 1947 Edition was the culmination of a period of intensive conceptual discussion, extension of data sources, and improvement of estimating techniques. Thereafter the mainlines of development are more familiar, encompassing refinement and elaboration of the estimates and proliferation of uses.  相似文献   

This paper is addressed to the question of how far income distribution statistics currently available in Latin America can be relied upon, either to assess the degree of inequality in the national distribution of income or to undertake comparisons between countries or over time. It gives a summary account of research carried out on Latin American data.
The sources available in Latin America for estimating income distributions are discussed. Concentrating the attention on household surveys conducted in various Latin American countries, an inventory of such surveys and their characteristics is offered, along with a detailed exposition of survey methods and income concepts used for estimating household income. Methods used for assessing the representativeness of samples are summarily reviewed. The case for comparing income data from household surveys and population censuses with national accounts estimates is put forward, along with the procedures and assumptions used for carrying out such comparisons. The relative discrepancy between the two sources is taken as indicative of the degree of underestimation of each type of income in each survey. An analysis of such discrepancies across the set of surveys considered gives clues on possible underestimation biases in measuring each type of income and total household income in different types of survey and in population censuses.
Differential effects on comparability of survey results call for appropriate methods of adjusting income distribution estimates to account for the missing incomes. A method for carrying out such an adjustment is applied to income distributions from a selected number of Latin American surveys. The results obtained provide an indication of how much difference it makes to use unadjusted or adjusted data to assess income concentration or to carry out comparisons over time or space.  相似文献   

Capital gains are an important source of personal income in the United States but they are not included in the national accounts or the official estimate of personal income and saving. Individuals report their realized gains for tax purposes but the economic theorist would include both realized and accrued gains in income. National income theorists continue to debate whether capital gains should be included in income but, because of the many conceptual and statistical problems involved in estimating capital gains, no satisfactory estimates have been developed. Consequently, the debate has stayed mainly at the theoretical level. This paper deals with the methodology of estimating accrued capital gains. A simple analytical model is developed to estimate capital gains from data on market value and net acquisitions of an asset but the model can be adapted to incorporate asset prices directly. It is shown that the methods used for estimating accrued gains in the past are special cases of the model proposed in the paper. The model is then used for estimating gains accruing to individuals in the United States on their holdings of corporate stock, real estate and livestock during 1948–1964.
During this period accrued gains have amounted to roughly five times the realized gains reported for tax purposes; corporate stock and real estate are the most important sources of capital gains and corporate stock accounts for almost two-thirds of all accrued gains. The paper goes on to examine the implications of these estimates for the existing series on personal income and saving in the United States. The inclusion of accrued gains would increase the variance in the official estimates but personal saving is affected more than personal income. The paper concludes with an evaluation of these results and some suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

The lack of individual firm information on output prices is a major problem in the econometrics of production. In particular, it may be expected to account for a significant share of the large discrepancies found between the cross‐sectional and time‐series estimates of capital and scale elasticities. However, taking advantage of two panel‐data samples for which we had such information, we find that estimating the revenue function (using a nominal output measure) or the production function proper (using a real output measure) makes very little difference for our results. The biases due to other sources of specification errors are probably more important.  相似文献   

After defining economic activity the author lists the chief types of non–market economic activities for which he has prepared estimates for the United States 1929–1973, and briefly describes his methodology and data sources. Some major findings are: (1) As of 1973 GNP adjusted to include the additional imputations was 63.5 percent larger than the official estimate. (2) At least since 1929 imputed values have grown faster than official GNP, especially when both are measured in terms of real factor costs. (3) The personal sector comprises a far larger portion of the national economy-almost one-third—when account is taken of imputed labor and property compensation, and its relative importance has grown. (4) Gross government product is more than 60 percent higher when the imputed rental value of public property is added to the compensation of general government employees. (5) Reflecting the relative growth of non-business wealth, imputed property income has risen much faster than monetized property income. This has mitigated the decline in the property share of expanded gross national income compared with its share in the official estimates.  相似文献   

This article deals with developments in the Australian economy in the period from the fourth quarter of 1970 (the quarter for which the latest official estimates of national income and expenditure are available) through to the end of the financial year 1971-72. It was prepared in April 1971.
Annual periods shown as 1969-70, 1970-71, etc. refer to years ended 30 June.  相似文献   

This article deals with developments in the Australian economy in the period from the second quarter of 1971 (the quarter for which the latest official estimates of national income and expenditure are available through to the end of the financial year 1972-73. It was prepared in October 1971.
Annual periods shown as 1970-71, 1971-72, etc. refer to years ended 30 June.  相似文献   

This article deals with developments in the Australian economy in the period from the fourth quarter of 1971 (the quarter for which the latest official estimates of national income and expenditure are available) through to the end of the financial year 1972–73. It was prepared in May 1972.
Annual periods shown as 1970–71, 1971–72, etc. refer to years ended 30 June.  相似文献   

Several economists continue to assert that the official national accounts of many countries do not cover a large “hidden” or “underground” economy. This article looks at one component of the underground economy, namely illegal activities. According to the UN System of National Accounts, production of goods and services that are illegal should be included in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if both the producers and consumers are willing partners to the transactions involved. We examine the estimates of illegal production recently made by several countries in the Western Balkans and conclude that, if illegal activities were fully included in their official GDP estimates, they would increase by about 1 percent. Trade in narcotics and prostitution are the two most important kinds of illegal activities in most countries and we look in detail at how estimates for these activities were made by the Western Balkan countries.  相似文献   

This article deals with developments in the Australian economy in the period from the second quarter of 1973 (the quarter for which the latest official estimates of national income and expenditure are available) through to the end of the financial year 1974–75. It was prepared in October and early November 1973.
Annual periods shown as 1971–72, 1972–73, etc. refer to years ended 30 June.  相似文献   

Econometric issues in the estimation of persistence in macroeconomic time series are considered. In particular, the relative merits of estimates based on ARMA models, ARFIMA models and nonparametric procedures are investigated. It is shown that ARFIMA models are inappropriate for the purpose of estimating persistence. Furthermore, some of the criticism leveled in the literature against the use of ARMA models for estimating long run properties is put into perspective. Methodological issues arising in the estimation of ARMA models that are relevant to estimation of persistence are discussed. It is shown how overparameterization of an ARMA model may lead to severely downward biased estimates of persistence. The theoretical results are employed to explain some of the findings in Campbell & Mankiw (1987a) and Christiano & Eichenbaum (1990). The methodological aspects of the paper are also relevant for the problem of estimating the value of a spectral density at any given frequency. An empirical study confirms persistence estimates reported in Campbell & Mankiw (1987a), and shows that ARMA models as well as nonparametric procedures give very similar estimates of persistence if properly applied. First version received: May 1996/final version received: March 1998  相似文献   

This paper constructs a polynomial-benchmark model to estimate gross and net capital stocks by explicity estimating implicit retirement rates and depreciation rates. The model is applied to Korean data (1953–86) where such data as national wealth survey, national income accounts and industrial census are available. There alternative series of capital stock estimates are generated and compared with previous estimates. It is shown that the use of a pure perpetual-inventory model or a benchmark-year method alone may introduce a significant bias in the measurement of capital stocks for developing economies.  相似文献   

Several studies in economics have derived estimates of economic activity in the years prior to World War II that differ significantly from official statistics. In this paper we examine the possibility that the impact of economic retrospective voting upon congressional election outcomes has been at least partially obscured by shortcomings in the official data series. To that end we re-estimate various specifications of the basic Kramer model with these revised measures of income and unemployment. Although the effect of changes in real per capita income does not depend much upon which particular income series we used, the observed impact of unemployment doubles in size when the new estimates of historical unemployment rates made by Romer (1986b) and by Darby (1976) are used. Although the evidence is less than definitive, the results of our analyses also lend credence to the proposition that economic conditions have a greater impact upon congressional voting in on-year elections than in off years, and that the incumbent party is bound to suffer a midterm penalty.  相似文献   

This article deals with developments in the Australian economy in the period from the fourth quarter of 1969 (the quarter for which the latest official estimates of national income and expenditure are available) through to the end of the financial year 1970-71. It was prepared in May 1970 and brings up to date the forecasts for 1969-70 and and 1970-71 published last October in The Australian Economic Review, Number 7, 3rd Quarter 1969. Annual periods shown as 1968-69, 1969-70 etc. refer to years ended 30 June.  相似文献   

This article deals with developments in the Australian economy in the period from the fourth quarter of 1968 (the quarter for which the latest official estimates of national income and expenditure are available) through to the end of the financial year 1969-70. It was prepared in April 1969 and brings up to date the forecasts for 1968-69 and 1969-70 published last October in The Australian Economic Review , Number 3, 3rd Quarter 1968.
Annual periods shown as 1967-68, 1968-69 etc. refer to years ended 30 June.  相似文献   

This article deals with developments in the Australian economy in the period from the first quarter of 1970 (the quarter for which the latest official estimates of national income and expenditure are available) through to the end of the financial year 1970-71. It was prepared in July 1970 and brings up to date the forecasts for 1969-70 and 1970-71 published last May in The Australian Economic Review , Number 9, 1st Quarter 1970.
Annual periods shown as 1968-69, 1969-70 etc. refer to years ended 30 June.  相似文献   

In a number of underdeveloped countries today, adequate statistics for estimating national output by traditional national accounting methods are unavailable or unreliable. However, many of these same countries do publish data on monetary variables at an early stage in their development. These data can now be used to estimate national income.
In this study the money supply was defined to include all currency in circulation, private deposits subject to check at all banks and postal systems, all government deposits, and unused overdrafts less float. The national accounts data were taken from United Nations sources and data supplied by various foreign statistical offices. To make the accounts more comparable in terms of coverage and to limit reported income to the monetized sector of the economy, non-monetary imputations were deleted.
The monetary and national accounts data were combined in a multiple, stepwise regression. National income was used as the dependent variable and money supply and other data were used as the independent variables. The final estimating equations explained about 96 per cent of the variation in income between countries. Other tests were conducted using the currency ratio, transactions velocity, population, and per capita consumption. However, these variables did not augment the explanatory power of the regression equations.
When the equations were used to estimate national income for twenty-two under-developed countries, the derived estimates showed a high degree of concordance with reported income where it existed for comparative purposes. The results indicate that monetary data can be used to estimate national income for underdeveloped countries with a relatively high degree of accuracy, between countries, and from year to year within a country.  相似文献   

This paper describes the construction of a disaggregated system of 262 national accounts for the U.K. economy in 1975. The objective is to remove the discrepancies between income, expenditure, production and financial estimates which occur in practice. This is done with the aid of a generalized least squares algorithm for adjusting national accounts with subjective estimates of reliability of the various account items. The balanced system of accounts provides the cross-section data base needed for the estimation of a consistent multisectoral dynamic model of the U.K. economy and yields the classification converters and input-output tables necessary for such a model.  相似文献   

In this paper, shortcomings of the official poverty line are examined. A new set of budget standard poverty lines were derived for various years between 1959 and 1981, by first estimating the food budget for Malaysian households. Then, an allowance for non-food items was obtained on the basis of the estimated food budget, and the relationship between the proportion of income allocated on food and non-food items, together yielding the poverty line. The results suggest that the official and other estimates of the poverty line income were generally higher, and thus have overestimated the extent of poverty in Malaysia.  相似文献   

The history of national accounting in Argentina is presented in brief. The use of the production method as a basis for GDP estimates is explained and sources and methods of deriving the estimates for different sectors are commented on in some detail. Next the reliability of the estimates is examined for sectoral product, national income by factor shares and the components of final expenditure in terms of the comparison of two different estimates for the period 1950–1963. The degree of accuracy is judged to be generally sufficient, but the importance of economic censuses in the process of estimation is stressed. The importance of detailed studies on several different aspects of the economic structure (input-output, personal and family income by size and regional accounts) is also stressed as a basis for improving the reliability of estimates.  相似文献   

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