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随着我国P2P行业的快速发展和风险问题的不断暴露,P2P监管也受到各界高度重视。英美两国的P2P监管体系相对完善,对我国P2P监管具有重要的借鉴意义。本文比较了英美两国P2P的监管法规和监管架构,分析了其对我国P2P监管的启示。研究发现,英国的P2P监管采取监管立法与行业自律相结合,美国以SEC为核心监管机构,多部门分类监管。在此基础上,本文结合我国国情和P2P行业发展现状,提出了当前我国P2P监管的思路:划出监管红线,鼓励创新为主;可重点参照英国实践,行业自律与国家立法相互补充,逐步完善我国P2P监管的法律规范;明确监管机构和重点,完善P2P平台退出机制。  相似文献   

徐策 《金融会计》2014,(3):26-30
P2P作为一种信贷中介服务,有效解决了借款人和出借人之间信息不对称的问题,但是行业发展不规范也引发很多问题,网贷中介为了追求盈利过度扩张导致信用风险、流动性风险和科技风险等。国际上,很多国家已经着手建立对P2P的监管,我国也应尽快明确监管责任,建立一套财务规范机制,支持P2P行业的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

余丰慧 《金融博览》2014,(18):87-87
目前,P2P已经成为民间金融风险的焦点.相关数据显示,截至8月24日,已有149家P2P平台跑路.随之而来的是对P2P监管的呼声此起彼伏、越来越强烈.如何监管P2P已经成为社会热议和关注的焦点问题. 从监管部门分工上,监管P2P的重任可能落在中国银监会身上.目前,最令人担心的是,监管层除了明确P2P的信息中介定位和禁止资金池操作等底线原则外,可能将对P2P的注册资本金、借贷业务的资金规模、P2P从业人员的背景、P2P企业的信息披露等方面做出规定,即:底线原则+行业准入门槛.  相似文献   

张斌 《甘肃金融》2016,(7):19-25
文章总结了英美P2P网络借贷监管模式和具体规定,分析了我国P2P网络借贷存在的监管问题,如非法集资、监管套利、基础配套设施建设不足等,最后提出了改进我国P2P网络借贷监管的政策建议,如明确P2P网络借贷法定模式及其合法性边界,健全业务模式监管和行业市场准入机制,加快行业统一征信机制、第三方资金托管制度、信息披露的标准化和体系化、投资者教育和保护机制建设以完善P2P网贷发展的配套设施建设等.  相似文献   

王振 《南方金融》2012,(11):82-85
P2P网络借贷,即在网上实现借贷,随着互联网的普及和人们对资本便利快捷的需求应运而生。然而,P2P网络借贷本身存在的监管空缺及贷款用途审核不足等问题,可能被洗钱分子利用,需从完善监管法规、加强网络平台建设、加强国际合作等方面入手,加大对P2P网络借贷的反洗钱力度。  相似文献   

作为一种金融创新,P2P网络小额信贷在搞活民间金融、解决中小企业融资难问题等方面发挥着积极作用。但是,由于法律缺失、监管不到位等因素,P2P行业鱼龙混杂、乱象丛生,严重威胁着宏观金融体系的稳定。本文主要分析了当前我国P2P行业在发展过程中存在的若干问题,并从金融监管、信用建设等角度提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

P2P网络借贷,是指帮助投资者与借款人实现直接借贷行为的中介服务行业。发展P2P网络借贷对缓解我国小微企业及个人融资难问题具有非常重要的意义。自2007年“拍拍贷”网贷平台成立以来,我国网络借贷平台数量日益增长,对小额贷款领域贡献明显,但同时由于监管的缺位,一些P2P网络借贷平台不规范操作引发的风险给整个行业发展带来一定的隐患。通过对我国现阶段P2P网贷平台运行模式、发展规模等现状进行梳理总结,发现网贷平台发展良莠不齐,存在借款利率过高和监管不力等问题,为此提出了加快制定相应规章制度、加强监管、完善平台信息公布和加强平台内外部合作等规范P2P网络借贷的政策建议。  相似文献   

近几年,P2P网贷因具备显著的普惠性而备受投融资者青睐,发展迅速,但其风险也在不断暴露.国内针对P2P网贷公司的风险管理还没有得力的体系与手段,存在法律定位不清、监管主体真空、监管内容不具体、监管方式不明朗、客户信用基础差、公司自身风控意识不强、社会征信体制不完善等问题.为保障P2P行业的可持续发展,要着力解决以上问题.  相似文献   

近年来,独具本土特色的P2P网贷行业在中国迅猛发展,但同时问题频现,凸显了在金融创新与监管之间寻求平衡关系的重要性。2016年8月24日,银监会等正式发布《网络借贷信息中介机构业务活动管理暂行办法》,引入一系列重要的监管举措,特别是将P2P网贷平台严格界定为信息中介,施加"小额分散"的投资限制,并制定信息披露和风险提示要求,在防控金融风险的同时要求其回归普惠金融的本质。虽然《暂行办法》借鉴了英美国家严格监管的思路,但在P2P网贷的商业模式、监管路径、信息披露要求和监管机构设置等方面仍需结合中国国情进行持续完善。  相似文献   

孙柏  张锐 《金融博览》2014,(12):49-51
无规矩不成方圆。只要谈到P2P,都逃不开监管的问题。 银监会5月份两次召集相关人士探讨P2P平台的监管问题,部分已经投身P2P网贷的投资者听闻“监管季”即将到来,  相似文献   

P2P网络借贷平台作为互联网金融业态的重要形式,以其不受时间和空间限制的灵活性,低廉的操作成本,越来越得到小微企业和个人贷款用户的青睐,其业务内容已经从早期的借贷信息发布和交易撮合向其它借贷和金融服务范畴发展,其服务形式、交易模式、风险控制方法也不断变化,与银行等金融机构合作逐渐深入,成为传统金融机构的有利补充。本文通过对上海地区P2P网络借贷企业的调研,从P2P业务所面临的问题,其发展过程中存在的消极和积极因素,客户需求和政策影响等内容出发,对P2P平台的发展趋势进行分析。  相似文献   

P2P信贷即网络信贷,具有小额、无担保、快捷、网络化的特点,又被称作"草根"金融模式。P2P信贷模式在全球范围内发展迅猛,迸发出强劲的生命力,近几年我国也相继诞生了上千家P2P信贷平台。通过对P2P信贷模式的运营模式、自身优点和存在的风险进行研究分析,进而提出解决P2P信贷风险的建议。  相似文献   

Textual sentiment affects the investment activities of investors in traditional financial markets. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending market, as one of the emerging and active Internet financial markets, has recently received considerable attention from academia. However, few related studies are available. This work examines the relationship between the textual sentiment derived from investors’ comments on P2P platforms and probability of platform collapse. We collect comments from an authoritative Chinese third-party P2P lending consulting platform and use a weakly supervised convolutional neural network to calculate the textual sentiment of each comment. Empirical results show that the extracted textual sentiment has a significant influence on a P2P platform's collapse. Furthermore, the “agreement” and “disagreement” from other investors of each comment are pivotal in predicting a P2P platform's failure. We find that the textual sentiment of comments regarding P2P platforms from investor communities provide insights into predicting platforms’ collapse in the near future.  相似文献   

论加强P2P网络借贷平台的监管   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P2P网络借贷,即在网上实现借贷,借入者和借出者均可利用这个网络平台实现借贷的在线交易,一切认证、记账、清算和交割等流程均通过网络完成,满足了人们对资本便利快捷的需求.本文阐述了P2P网络借贷的基本概念、发展情况和积极意义,分析了其业务流程可能引发的风险,认为应将网络借贷纳入监管体系,制定监管原则、模式、内容以及安全与技术指标,引导其健康发展.  相似文献   

信息不对称问题是困扰P2P平台发展的主要问题之一。论文重点梳理了国外学者P2P平台的信息不对称问题的研究以及由信息不对称问题引发的风险,之后针对P2P平台信息不对称问题,论文重点梳理了国外学者针对该问题的解决方案———“集体信贷”模式。最后,论文提出缓解P2P平台解决信息不对称问题的政策建议。  相似文献   

P2P借贷是一种金融创新模式,将互联网技术与民间借贷相结合。互联网信贷的巨大需求推动P2P借贷平台的爆发式发展,而P2P借贷发展核心的两个问题是信用评级和风险定价。由于我国未完全实现利率市场化,P2P平台采用的是量化借款人信息的方式计算贷款利率。信息不对称导致P2P平台的贷款利率不能充分反映借款人风险,同时造成信誉良好的借款人不能获得低成本的贷款。文章利用拍卖机制模型对公开竞标的贷款定价方式进行探究,认为公开竞标方式可以改善信息披露,降低借款人的成本,借款人和投资人在公开竞标的贷款定价方式下都可以获得灵活的选择空间,从而提高借贷成功的比例。  相似文献   

P2P lending is an important research subject of rising internet finance research. This paper uses unique data from Renrendai, a leading platform in China, to test the influence of video information on P2P lending behavior. Results suggest that, first, the lower the borrower's credit rating is, the more likely they are to provide video information. Second, compared to the video‐information‐absent borrowers, the otherwise borrowers can get easier access to a loan and offer a lower interest rate. These results indicate that compared to text messages, video information can increase the borrower's creditworthiness and reduce the transaction risk. Thereupon seeing is important in online P2P lending. Third, when the borrower's credit rating is lower, the video effect is significant. The study makes sense in terms of the enrichment of P2P lending literature and the enlightenment on decision‐making of both lenders and borrowers.  相似文献   

This article presents evidence suggesting that the relationship that existed between the partnership of J. P. Morgan and its client firms partially resolved the latter's external financing problems by diminishing the principal-agent and asymmetric information problems. I estimate and compare investment regression equations for a sample of Morgan-affiliated companies and a control group of nonaffiliated companies. The econometric results seem to indicate that companies not affiliated to the House of Morgan were liquidity constrained.  相似文献   

The credit risk contagion of Internet peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms is an important part of Internet financial risk management and supervision. This study analyzes the contagion path of credit risk in Internet P2P lending. Based on complex network theory and the theory of infectious disease dynamics, the characteristics of Internet P2P lending development are combined to construct a SEIR model of credit risk transmission among Internet P2P lending platforms with time lag, and the robustness of the model is analyzed and proven. The influence of platform correlations, the susceptible immune rate, the platform elimination rate, contagion latency, the saturation coefficient, and the susceptibility input rate on credit risk contagion behavior among Internet P2P lending platforms is analyzed, using the equilibrium point and threshold value. The impact of each variable is analyzed by simulation. Corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed to prevent and control credit risk contagion among these platforms.  相似文献   

This study examines the abnormal returns, trading activity, volatility and long-term performance of stocks that were added to the S&P 500 index. By using a three-factor pricing model that allows for firm size and value characteristics as well as market risk, we are able to shed new light on the widely observed ‘index effect’. We find that the CAPM tends to overstate the performance of large firms and to understate the performance of small firms. We also find a transitory increase in trading volume between the announcement and a few days after the effective date. In terms of the firm's operating performance, we find a significant increase in earnings per share after inclusion, which combines with the stock price rise to leave the average price-earnings ratio largely unaltered. Examining a unique sample of deletions of international companies and replacements with US companies, we find that deleted stocks experienced a considerable and permanent fall in price, inconsistent with the Investor Recognition Hypothesis. The “seal” of S&P 500 index membership has very long-term effects and inclusion appears not to be an information-free event.  相似文献   

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