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<正>我国农业保险发展已取得巨大成就,但农业保险在发展中也存在较为突出的问题,主要表现为:基于一家一户承保理赔的传统产品及其经营模式与农户小规模分散经营之间不相容,产生了成本高昂与违规行为严重的问题,损害了农户的利益和政府通过农业保险分散农业风险的政策目标。对此,有必要适应农业  相似文献   

政策性农业保险发展的瓶颈与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓政策性农业保险,就是以保险公司市场化经营为依托,政府通过保费补贴等政策扶持,对种植业、养殖业因遭受自然灾害和意外事故造成的经济损失提供的直接物化成本保险.政策性农业保险将财政手段与市场机制相对接,可以创新政府救灾方式,提高财政资金使用效益,分散农业生产风险,促进农民收入可持续增长.我国农业保险发展迟缓而坎坷,笔者结合工作实际,就目前政策性农业保险发展谈几点看法.  相似文献   

关于农业保险立法几个重要问题的探讨   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
农业保险制度建设需要立法规范。本文着重探讨了在农业保险立法中需要明确的多层面的原则性和操作性问题,即农业保险的立法目标、经营原则、经营范围、可保风险、财政补贴政策、经营组织、巨灾风险分散机制、风险管理、管理机构等与农业保险立法密切相关的几个问题。  相似文献   

政策性森林保险制度设计创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自启动中央财政森林保险保费补贴试点工作开始,森林保险已经取得了显著的成绩,但也面临着诸如林农投保积极性不高、保险公司供给不足、产品设计与实际需求不符、保额费率厘定不合理等问题,造成这些问题的根源是森林保险的制度设计存在缺陷。文章从法律标准、组织体系建设、分类经营、完善森林保险财政补贴体系以及建立巨灾风险分散机制等5个方面,提出了完善政策性森林保险制度的具体措施。  相似文献   

2009年中央财政正式启动森林保险保费补贴试点,福建省是试点之一。福建省森林保险在取得进展的同时,面临着森林经营者投保不积极、保险公司承保不积极、基层政府开展森林保险协助工作动力不足等现实困境,阻碍森林保险进一步发展。造成这些问题的根源在于福建省的森林保险制度和运行机制的设计不完善,主要表现为:森林保险缺乏法律规范,产品设计违背了市场运作的原则,巨灾补偿机制没有完全建立,存在巨亏的风险,森林保险补贴机制和组织制度不合理等。因此,文章从制定森林保险法律法规,设计合理森林保险产品、巨灾风险共担机制和保费补贴机制,完善参保投保机制等途径化解现实困境。  相似文献   

农业保险是专为农业生产者在从事种植业和养殖业生产过程中,对遭受火灾、暴风、雷击、冰雹等自然灾害和意外事故所造成保险合同内的损失,在保险金额范围内提供经济补偿的一种保险。农业保险是一种市场化的风险转移和损失分摊机制,在分散农业风险、补偿农业损失、提高农业综合生产能力和促进农民增收方面发挥着重要作用。分析农户对农业保险的消费行为,可以使保险公司及时准确地了解农户需求,相应的改进产品设计理念和服务质量,发挥保险公司服务三农的作用。近年来,各地农业保险的试点不断扩大,不同地区的发展模式也在不断创新,  相似文献   

借鉴国际经验发展中国农业保险   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业保险是指为农业生产者在从事种植业和养殖业生产过程中,对遭受自然灾害和意外事故所造成的经济损失提供保障的一种保险。在当前经济全球化的背景下,发展农业保险不仅可以分散我国农业生产的自然风险,对农业生产实施产前产后的经济补偿,稳定农民收入,还可以改善农业经营主体的信用水平,促进农村金融体系稳定,提高农业生产经营水平  相似文献   

农业保险与制度创新   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
一、关于农业保险农业受到许多不确定因素的影响 ,包括自然风险、社会风险和经济风险。在农村生产经营和农民日常生活中 ,农业风险几乎无处不在 ,无时不有。而农业保险正是集中了农业风险 ,承担着补偿农业灾害损失的责任。因此 ,农业保险是指在农业生产经营过程中 ,为有生命的动植物因自然灾害或意外事故所造成的经济利益损失 ,提供经济保障的一种保险。本文所说的农业保险是特指针对农业 (种植业、养殖业 )生产的保险业务 ,是通过农户投保在更大范围内分散生产经营风险、在受灾后及时得到损失赔偿的制度。农业保险与国家财政和民政部门的救…  相似文献   

农业保险作为有效的农业风险分散制度,在补偿农业经济损失、促进农村经济发展等方面具有重要作用.本文在分析我国现有农业保险经营模式基础上,从法规建设、大灾风险防范机制建设等方面提出了完善农业保险经营模式的基本构想,以期达到进一步推进我国农业经济健康有序发展之目的.  相似文献   

由于农业保险的经营风险较大,加之相关法律法规保障作用的缺失,导致我国农业保险的发展速度相对较为缓慢,而农业再保险做为保险经营机构进行风险管控的有效手段,能够以分保的方式使风险在更大范围内进行分散和转移,解决了风险过于集中的问题,因而成为我国农业保险发展的必要制度安排。本文对我国农业再保险发展所面临的法律问题进行了剖析,并提出了相应的改进建议,以期为我国农业再保险的发展扫除制度缺失的障碍。  相似文献   

China's latest crop insurance program, launched in 2007, provides an excellent opportunity to explore the factors affecting farmers’ crop insurance purchase decisions, particularly decision making when crop insurance was first introduced into rural communities. This study surveyed all households in Kuangjiaqiao Village, Changde, Hunan Province, China over a four‐year period, from 2007 to 2010. Using basic regression models for cross‐sectional analysis and advanced models to consider lag effects, this study identifies the dominant factors influencing farmers’ crop insurance decisions. Results indicate farmers developed a dynamic adaptive process toward the new crop insurance. Farmers initially made relatively arbitrary decisions that were significantly influenced by community insistence or pressure to conform. Then, farmers gradually established more rational decision‐making mechanisms in which yield volatility, education, and engagement experience became statistically significant. The focus on the initial stages of the crop insurance program from this study helps improve our understanding of the demands within this rapidly growing market in China.  相似文献   

目的 棉花“保险+期货”模式的出台对保障棉农收入起着至关重要的作用,但随着地区差异性增强、生产成本上升、目标价格统一不变等问题的出现导致该模式的作用有所减弱。方法 文章基于2021—2022年棉花期现货价格数据,运用蒙特卡洛模拟法计算统一费率,运用熵值法对各地级市棉花价格风险进行综合评价,并运用聚类分析法对棉花种植区域进行风险区划。结果 (1)棉花价格风险主要集中于鲁西北和鲁西南地区,专业化程度是产生价格风险的主要原因;(2)修正目标价格和保险费率后,高风险区和次高风险区目标价格高于全省平均水平,保险费率增长速度随保障水平提高而降低;(3)通过构建期货市场、现货市场与保险公司的信息联动机制,拓宽了信息交流的渠道。结论 为更好地发挥“保险+期货”保障农民收入的作用,提出针对不同风险区域,实施精细化产品设计;多方主体相互配合,减轻地方政府保费压力两点建议。  相似文献   

纪晓锋  王春光 《中国国土资源经济》2012,25(4):20-21,27,54,55
重庆市温泉旅游资源独具特色,近年来开发量呈爆炸式增长,但仍存在着产业基础薄弱、品牌效应不明显、旅游客源单一、游客对消费认知不足、温泉企业低水平同质化竞争等问题。应建立政策通道,使地热水资源与土地资源整合,在成果处理上要充分体现各方利益,严格矿政管理,完善市场准入机制,推进地热资源的综合利用,以使地热资源发挥最大的经济效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

Perennial energy crops are a promising source of bioenergy whose production involves production risks, long‐term commitment of land and need for crop‐specific investments without the coverage of crop insurance potentially available for conventional crops. We conduct a choice experiment in five states in the Midwestern and South‐central regions of the U.S. to examine the effect of crop‐contract attributes on the joint discrete‐continuous choice decisions to adopt an energy crop and convert acres to it from a status quo use, while controlling for the effect of various farmers’ risk and time preferences, sociodemographic characteristics, and availability of crop insurance for conventional crops. We find robust evidence that high discount rates, high upfront establishment costs and need for crop‐specific investments create disincentives for adoption and allocation of land to energy crop production. The effects of riskiness of returns and risk aversion are less robust across specifications. The effect of conventional crop insurance on the energy crop adoption decision differs across types of insurance; in particular, farmers with revenue insurance are statistically significantly less likely to adopt an energy crop. Our results have implications for the design of effective contracts and policy incentives to induce the production of energy crops.  相似文献   

Fluctuation in farm incomes resulting from variation in crop yield is one of the most significant features in agriculture. Crop insurance is a feasible method by which the farmer can protect his income and his investment from the disastrous effects of crop losses due to natural hazards. This study has attempted to cover two parts. First, it has examined the most important-factors influencing crop yields in connection with the premium rate scheme (i.e. the long-run average yield and the level of coverage). These factors include resource inputs, technology, weather, and stochastic variable. Second, it has developed a refined method of approximating the premium rate. The data used in testing normality were based on the Manitoba Crop Insurance Corporation's annual yield survey covering the years 1916 to 1964. The test shows that none of the annual yield distributions within the area surveyed was normally distributed, revealing that a cartful and exact delineation of a crop risk area is necessary. The findings also show that the cyclical pattern of weather and the upward trend in crop production due to technology were evidently important for the adjustment of the level of coverage and premium rate over time. Additional research relating the effects of weather and technology on crop yields would help to establish a more realistic insurance program. Other aspects should not be overlooked. These include (a) other possible levels besides the existing level of coverage and (b) a livestock or a combined crop-livestock insurance program along with the crop insurance program. The purpose of these additional aspects is to provide farmers with a fuller measure of protection.  相似文献   

从2004年起,黑龙江省进行了社会养老保险制度的改革。改革后的新制度较之旧制度虽然更加科学,但依然存在着一些不可忽视的问题。这些问题主要体现在社会养老保险覆盖面不广,保险费收缴困难,个人账户空账问题严重等方面。这些问题大都是在全国范围内特别是在地质勘查行业内普遍存在的,但在黑龙江地区又有其特殊的地方性原因。  相似文献   

Crop Insurance Under Catastrophic Risk   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We develop a new insurance model that shows how catastrophic risk affects the nature and existence of a crop insurance market equilibrium. A reservation preference level is used to characterize long-run equilibrium when catastrophic risk makes insurance companies risk responsive. Catastrophic risk is shown to increase premiums, reduce farmer coverage levels and, under some conditions, lead to a complete breakdown of the crop insurance market. Reinsurance can help facilitate an equilibrium and/or increase participation, particularly if the reinsurance is subsidized. The analysis has important implications for the design and management of crop insurance and reinsurance programs.  相似文献   

Producers’ decisions, such as crop insurance, contract agreement, and technology adoption, involve considerable risk and uncertainty. Particularly, specialty crop production is more vulnerable to risk and requires more intensive management than commodity crop production, while risk mitigation tools for specialty crop production are comparatively limited. We apply Prospect Theory (PT) to analyze risk preferences of U.S. producers, and further compare the preference differences between commodity crop and specialty crop producers. Reference dependent, diminishing sensitivity, loss aversion, and probability weighting, as well as certain farm characteristics and producer demographics, are found to have a significant impact on grower risk attitudes. In addition, we do not observe significant differences in the base PT estimates between commodity crop and specialty crop producers. However, the relationships between risk behavior and individual characteristics vary between the two types of producers, which shed lights on the development of agricultural policies and provide implications for the design of contract and insurance.  相似文献   

Demand for area crop insurance among litchi producers in northern Vietnam   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study examines the need for crop insurance for litchi production in northern Vietnam and how farmers might participate in such a program. Hypothetical insurance programs were developed which proposed all‐risk coverage based on area yields. This coverage was offered to farmers to determine both their interest in the program and how insurance features and farmer characteristics affected their decision to buy insurance. Farmers were also surveyed regarding their production practices, price and yield expectations, and financial and personal characteristics. Even before considering other program costs and government budget constraints, there is not a strong case for establishing a crop insurance program here. Results indicate that while farmer participation would be significant, crop insurance is not needed to achieve policy goals like raising farmer income or guaranteeing subsistence levels of income. Crop insurance is not needed to promote litchi production, which is already expanding rapidly due to its high profitability relative to other farm enterprises. In their choice of coverages, farmers preferred higher yield guarantee levels and lower indemnity prices. Estimated premiums were quite low when expressed as a percent of expected revenue, and farmers were not responsive to changes in premiums. Econometric analysis indicated that high income farmers were more likely to participate, but other farmer characteristics seemed to matter little. Anecdotal evidence suggested that farmers believed the expected area yields used to set insurance coverage levels were too low. Because litchi productivity varies significantly by tree age and the litchi planted area is expanding rapidly, determining appropriate values for expected area yields and insurance coverage levels appeared to be the biggest challenge in program design. It is hypothesized that additional farmer education about the relationship between area and farm yields and other aspects of area insurance could improve such a program's operation. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.  相似文献   

吴剑辉 《南方农村》2013,29(4):32-36
本文从茂名市的农业概况、农业补贴的基本情况、农业补贴政策存在的问题以及政策建议等几个方面来分析该市农业补贴绩效。目前农业补贴政策存在的问题集中在补贴方式不完善,粮食增产增收政策目标有待加强;种粮补贴标准偏低,弱化政策效果;工作量大,缺乏工作经费;衣机购置补贴方案下达太迟,机具核实成本高。对此,我们建议:对种粮直补政策做适当的调整,促进农业结构的调整;提高补贴标准,增加工作经费;尽早下达农机购置补贴的实施方案,改革机具核实方法。  相似文献   

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