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Mercedes-Benz China International Fashion Week 2012 Spring & Summer Series is held in Beijing from October 24 to November 2. More than 50 fashion brands and institutes, 40 designers and 180 emerging designers from home and abroad attended this year’s fashion week. For the very first time, the fashion week was entitled exclusively by Mercedes-Benz, making it a new member of this global fashion festival.  相似文献   

中国国际时装周2005春夏系列发布于2004年11月19~25日在北京举行,它又一次把业内人士、商家和媒体的目光汇聚到中国的文化中心、时装之都--北京.  相似文献   

Collie 《中国纺织》2004,(5):130-131
继巴黎、米兰、伦敦时装周,以及紧随其后的纽约、东京、圣保罗、香港时装周之后,中国国际时装周2004/5秋冬发布会于3月28日-4月3日在北京举行.  相似文献   

孙国 《中国纺织》2004,(1):188-189
2003年11月,体温高热一周,39℃. 是一年一度的冬季时装周又来了.十年了,从1 993年的服装博览会到2003年的中国国际时装周,每年的这一时刻,众多时尚的拥趸都有一种莫名其妙的热切与期望.中国服装设计师协会的时尚大餐让热爱时装的人总有怦然心动的感觉.是为了几十分钟的裙裾婆娑?是为了感受时尚气息?为了从秀场上寻找一丝流行的蛛丝马迹?真的说不清楚,就像现在我已经忘记了每一季的主题是什么一样,我只是简单地注意到时装系列变化极快.快到甚至还没来得及披挂上阵,时尚精灵就在还没定神中溜走.  相似文献   

Organised by Hong Kong Trade Development Council(HKTDC),HKTDC Hong Kong Fashion Week for Spring/ Summer 2009 is not only an important sourcing platform for the global fashion industry,it is also a showcase for design excellence.  相似文献   

Jefen, the first Chinese fashion label to unveil its Spring/ Summer 2007 collection as the starter of the eight-day Paris Fashion Week this October. 'Gate' was the collection designed by Frankie Xie, the designing director and founder of Jefen. The collection is inspired by the gate of the Forbidden City and the traditional Chinese architecture style. "We use a lot of Chinese technology such as hand embroidery, Chinese fabrics or Chinese silk. The prints are Chinese designs," the 46- ye…  相似文献   

刘姗姗 《中国纺织》2005,(3):118-119
于2005年2月4日到11日举办的纽约时装周圆满落幕,为我们展示了又一绚烂夺目异彩纷呈的时尚大餐.此次时装周不仅吸引了众多媒体的注意,还吸引了许多的明星前来观看.设计师争相展示自己的最新作品,为了创新发布会也是花样百出.甚至出现了专门为宠物犬举办的发布会.  相似文献   

HKTDC Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/Winter and HKTDC World Boutique, Hong Kong will be held concurrently from 12-15 January 2009 at Hong Kong Convention and  相似文献   

也许并非人人同意,化妆品本非生活必需品。那些高品质的名牌化妆品,永远都是奢侈品的象征。他们既是时尚类杂志的主要内容,也是名人、模特曝光率最高的领域。而精典化妆品的包装,则体现了技术与时尚的完美结合。一般意义上的“化妆品”实际上包括了护肤品、美容美发用品和香水等几大类。各种眼霜、夜霜、SOD蜜及防晒霜等,均可归入护肤品之列;洗发水、护发素、染发水、唇膏、眉笔、指甲油等化妆用品可归为美容美发用品;而香水总是可以自成一家。化妆品包装的特点由于化妆品往往代表着时尚、前卫或者潮流,因此,化妆品包装的保护性…  相似文献   

This study focuses on the role of food labels and information for affecting consumers’ valuation of food safety achieved through application of biotechnological (biotech) methods. In 2002, potato products cooked to a high temperature were first reported to contain the human carcinogen acrylamide. Research discoveries using genetic engineering can substantially reduce carcinogenic-forming potential, and thereby increase food safety of potato products. Adult consumers from three distant regions of the U.S. were the subjects in lab auctions of potato products. They engaged in distinct rounds of bidding, first without packaged information and again after receiving information about the food safety risks and benefits of new biotech potato products. The study finds that willingness-to-pay (WTP) for these new potato products are not significantly different from conventional potato products under no information. However, exposure to a scientific perspective and scientific plus industry perspectives increases participants’ willingness-to-pay for the new potato products and reduces willingness-to-pay for conventional products. Exposure to the negative perspective on the new technology significantly reduces willingness-to-pay. Consumer valuation of the new potato products is affected by food labels, information, and consumer attributes. A consumer information program could be needed to gain consumer acceptance of these potato products or other foods that have been genetically modified to increase certain food safety dimensions.  相似文献   

日本专业生产高阻隔性塑料包装材料的库拉莱公司最近研制成功并推出一种新材料,它既具有高阻隔性能,又具有遮光、避光性,从而防止了内包装食品因受光照及氧气的侵袭而导致的氧化和变色褪色等质量变化。这种薄膜材料是新一代“埃巴尔”薄膜包装材料。由于埃巴尔薄膜透明性高,因此在用于那些需要特殊避光,尤其是避免紫外线照射的食品,如用埃巴尔材料作包装材料时,还需要用与其他遮光性好的材料进行复合。现在新开发的既具有遮光性,又有阻气性的薄膜用作食品包装材料就无需再采用如PP、PET等铝箔复合的材料了,真接选用埃巴尔新产品即可。这种…  相似文献   

明年8月份,在美国佐治亚州风景秀美的港口城市——萨凡纳市,一座为中国轻工企业兴建的、专门展示和经销中国轻工精品的五星级批发中心——美国亚世商城将拔地而起,该商城建设面积8.3万平方米,全部采用顶级标准施工建设,美国亚世商城公司表示,每年将举办五个大型批发展吸引来自美国、加拿大、欧洲、南美等多个国家与地区的超过25万名采购商来此洽商贸易,中国轻工企业在进驻商城,入境签证、开设分公司等方面将获得一站式便利服务和诸多优惠政策。  相似文献   

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