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加大自助银行的建设力度是商业银行解决客户排长队办理业务的有力措施之一。然而,充分发挥自助银行的作用并不是仅仅增加自助设备这么简单。笔者认为,银行应该根据客户排长队办理业务形成的原因,通过增加自助设备、开发自助业务程序、加强自助业务宣传等多个措施,提高自助银行营运能力与服务质量。  相似文献   

计算机技术的迅猛发展,极大地推动了自助银行的发展。经过近几年的建设,国内自助银行已经初具规模。自助银行的出现大大地减轻了银行柜台的工作压力,同时为客户提供了全天候银行柜台延伸服务,方便了客户。自助银行树立了银行品牌和服务形象,已成为各家银行提高竞争力的重要手段。然而,如何充分发挥自助银行的作用,提高服务效率,加强金融业务创新和管理能力,使其真正成为银行与客户良性沟通的桥梁,是当前自助银行发展过程中值得深入探讨的问题。一、自助银行的发展现状应用先进计算机技术发展起来的自助银行,已成为衡量银行科技应用水平的重…  相似文献   

薛晨 《投资与合作》2014,(10):207-207
我国商业银行的个人银行业务正经历从传统网点向自助银行迁移的历史阶段.各商业银行为适应激烈的市场竞争,都加强了自助银行与传统网点的建设.随着信息技术和网络技术的发展,传统网点的发展策略由业务重点转为高增值、个性化服务,将简单业务操作交由自助银行来完成.本文探讨了传统网点与自助银行的发展策略,对于银行机构个人银行业务从传统网点向自助银行过渡的策略选择有普遍的参考意义.  相似文献   

随着金融行业竞争加剧与信息化、网络化技术的日新月异,自助设备提供的自助交易将逐步取代银行网点交易,成为现代商业银行为客户服务的主流渠道。于是,各家商业银行都在设置自助银行方面争先恐后,抢占有利地点,扩大自己影响力与业务量。目前办理小额对私业务可以通过自助银行取代,增加自助银行可以方便客户办理业务,但由于  相似文献   

随着银行业信息化建设的深入,自助设备、自助银行已经成为开展个人业务不可替代的渠道,在众多电子渠道中,自助设备、自助银行的认知率最高,自助渠道逐渐成为银行服务客户的主流渠道。为了适应市场竞争和服务客户的需要,各银行日益重视自助渠道建设,近年来自助银行业务突飞猛进,并成为增强银行争夺客户的核心竞争能力重要手段之一。而大量自助设备投放市场后,自助业务的运营管理以及安全防范等方面面临许多迫切需要解决的问题。农业银行南京大厂支行在自助银行的专业化集中管理方面做出了一些有益的尝试,在工作中有些问题还需要提出来共同研究、参考。本文就这方面提出一些观点,与大家共同探讨。  相似文献   

在银行自助设备刚刚投入使用时,由于数量少和使用率低,银行自助设备的管理,并未引起重视。随着客户自我服务的需求越来越多,银行自助设备的装机数量和使用率也不在断增长,如何对银行自助设备进行实时管理,及时排除故障、延长银行自助的服务时间,提高银行自助设备的开机率和使用率,为客户提供优势的自助,就变得越来越重要了。本主要以工商银行北京市分行银行自助设备综合管理服务系统为例,分析银行自助设备管理模式,介绍  相似文献   

日前,银行的服务水平正得到社会的普遍关注。银行为了解决排队问题,很多柜面业务向自助银行转移,为自助银行运营带来更大的压力。除了提高柜面服务质量外,如何进一步提高自助银行的服务质量,提升客户对自助服务的满意度是摆在各家商业银行面前急需解决的课题。自助银行运行监测系统的上线运行,恰是提升自助银行服务质量的有效途径。  相似文献   

正一、自助银行超市的定义自助银行超市模式首先由中国人民银行通化市中心支行(以下简称"通化中支")提出,具体解释为,由通化中支负责组织、各商业银行负责维护和运营,建立一个由多家商业银行自助银行设备组成的自助银行。二、自助银行超市的操作方式通化中支负责组织有意愿参与自助银行超市的商业银行共同参与自助银行超市的选址工作。选址条件主要是商业相对繁华,同时还要考虑各商业银行的网点布局和自助银行设备的布放,避免重复建设。选址确定  相似文献   

卢建跃 《福建金融》2009,(12):38-39
自助银行是银行设立的电子化无人值守营业场所,由客户使用银行自助设备,通过计算机、网络通信等信息技术支持,自行完成取款、存款、转账和查询等金融服务。本文分析了自助银行的建设现状及自助银行安全管理机制建设存在的缺陷,提出完善自助银行安全管理机制建设的建议。  相似文献   

自助银行又称无人银行、电子银行,它属于银行业务处理电子化和自动化的一部分,其运用科技手段向客户提供自动化程度高、方便、安全、全天候的金融服务,也有效地把银行柜员从附加值低的机械劳动中解放出来,提高了工作效率。目前自助银行已成为金融同业竞争的有力手段。自助银行建设的重点是全面提升自助银行的安全性能,给客户提供一个安全放心的交易环境。随着自助银行案件不断增多,自助银行安全问题引起了社会各界的高度关注。本文分析自助银行存在的安全风险,并重点分析自助设备的安全现状和可能存在的风险因素,着重阐述自助设备安全解决方案的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

While adverse selection problems between insureds and insurers are well known to insurance researchers, few explore adverse selection in the insurance industry from a capital markets perspective. This study examines adverse selection in the quoted prices of insurers' common stocks with a particular focus on the opacity of both asset portfolios and underwriting liabilities. We find that more opaque underwriting lines result in greater adverse selection costs for property-casualty (P-C) insurers. A similar effect is not apparent for life-health (L-H) insurers and we find no effect of asset opaqueness on adverse selection for either L-H or P-C insurers.  相似文献   

The house selection process involves an assessment by the buyer of a series of qualitative and quantitative factors. Simple ranking or weighting selection methods utilizing these factors can lead to less than optimal decision making. This paper presents a model to aid in the house selection decision process. Specifically, this paper presents a Goal Programming (GP) model that utilizes the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to evaluate property attributes and make an optimal house selection decision. The formulation methodology for the proposed house selection modeling process is illustrated with examples based on data from a prior study.  相似文献   

Delinquency rates for mortgages originated before and after the financial crisis are examined using a novel and large panel obtained by merging data from tax records and credit registers. First, we estimate the selection into the mortgage market using an exogenous index of local credit supply as exclusion restriction. Second, controlling for selection we estimate the impact of income shocks on the delinquency rate. We find that since 2008 the selection process has led to the halving of the delinquency rate. Conditional on the creation of a new mortgage, job losses nearly double the delinquency risk; estimates uncorrected for selection are severely downward biased.  相似文献   

As the skewed return distribution is a prominent feature in nonlinear portfolio selection problems which involve derivative assets with nonlinear payoff structures, Value-at-Risk (VaR) is particularly suitable to serve as a risk measure in nonlinear portfolio selection. Unfortunately, the nonlinear portfolio selection formulation using VaR risk measure is in general a computationally intractable optimization problem. We investigate in this paper nonlinear portfolio selection models using approximate parametric Value-at-Risk. More specifically, we use first-order and second-order approximations of VaR for constructing portfolio selection models, and show that the portfolio selection models based on Delta-only, Delta–Gamma-normal and worst-case Delta–Gamma VaR approximations can be reformulated as second-order cone programs, which are polynomially solvable using interior-point methods. Our simulation and empirical results suggest that the model using Delta–Gamma-normal VaR approximation performs the best in terms of a balance between approximation accuracy and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

中小企业融资一直是当前我国的一大难题,海外上市成为中小企业融资的新途径。本文分析了中小企业海外上市的有利环境,指出中小企业海外上市存在着上市市场选择、上市方式选择、上市时机选择、中介机构选择、财务会计准则差异性和公司内部不完善等问题,并提出了一系列针对性的可行性措施建议。  相似文献   

深市买卖价差逆向选择成分的估算与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以深市150家上市公司为样本,估算买卖价差逆向选择成分,研究逆向选择成分与公司特征之间的关系,并探讨其日内变化模式。研究发现信息不对称对深市买卖价差的贡献度为39%。公司规模越大,其股票的逆向选择成分越小;逆向选择成分随着交易量水平的上升而降低;高价股的逆向选择成分比低价股低。总体而言,逆向选择成分在早市呈现“倒U”型,在午市呈现“L”型。逆向选择成分与公司特征之问的关系及逆向选择成分的日内变动模式的实证分析结果,符合信息不对称与公司特征之问的逻辑关系及信息不对称的日内变动模式。  相似文献   

We develop a bivariate probit selection model of consumer access and adoption that accounts for the cross equation correlations of the errors. The Survey of Consumers, collected by the University of Michigan, is the database used to estimate the model. We find a significant cross equation correlation between consumers perceived access and their use of computer banking. Based on our results, the bivariate selection model provides asymptotically more efficient estimates than does a single equation model because the bivariate selection model accounts for the sample selection bias associated with access. In addition, the bivariate selection model has a higher percentage of correctly predicted adopters than does the corresponding single equation (univariate) model.  相似文献   

This paper examines the trading behavior and decomposes the trading performance of foreign, individual and institutional investors as well as proprietary traders in a dynamic emerging stock market, the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Foreign investors follow a positive feedback, momentum strategy and are good short term market timers but have poor security selection performance in poor markets, thus suggesting that they have a macro (market timing) but not a micro (security selection) informational advantage relative to local investors. Institutions and proprietary traders have poor security selection trading performance. Individuals display herding behavior and have fairly good security selection performance, but individual investors appear to compensate proprietary traders for the provision of short term liquidity by proprietary traders, so individuals' security selection gains are canceled out by market timing losses.  相似文献   

This study examines the importance of the self‐selection problem when evaluating returns to bidder firms around announcement events. Takeover announcements are not random because managers decide rationally whether to bid or not, which indicates announcements are timed; consequently, in the presence of the sample selection problem, standard ordinary least square estimates are biased. Using a conditional model, the results indicate that after controlling for the self‐selection bias effect, shareholders of bidder firms make normal returns. In sum, failing to account for sample selection bias may lead to erroneous conclusions about a bidder's true economic wealth effects around an announcement event.  相似文献   

This study examines firms’ use of partner selection and formal contracts as key approaches to manage transaction risk in interfirm relationships. We specifically examine the impact of transaction characteristics that generate transaction risk on (1) the importance placed on different selection criteria in the choice of collaboration partner, and (2) the complexity of contracts used to manage the collaboration. Survey data support that when confronted with greater risk from the transaction context, firms place more emphasis on trust-based and reputation-based selection criteria for partner choice and develop more complex (i.e., more inclusive and specific) contracts to manage the collaboration. Furthermore, our results show that partner selection mediates the effects of transaction characteristics on contract complexity, consistent with the argument that the information acquired during the partner selection process in response to risk facilitates the design of contracts to manage risk.  相似文献   

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