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The general wisdom in the routine literature is that routine contraction happens as a response to adverse situation. This study examines routine contraction even during non-adverse situations. Here, routine contraction is operationalized as the shrinkage of resources. The data is hand collected from the public website of the National SCRABBLE® Championship, 2010. Here, each SCRABBLE® routine is an analogy of a prototype development routine. The higher order relationships between SCRABBLE® routines and prototype development routines in a second generation Stage Gate® product development process are mapped following structure mapping theory. The results of panel regressions indicate that the performance of a routine at a particular time (t0) positively affects contraction of the same routine at an immediately later time (t1). Efficiency moderates this relationship. Routine contraction may happen even in good times. The paper closes with theoretical contribution and managerial implications of these results.  相似文献   

Even though the current investment climate in Southeast Asia is good and its future outlook appears bright, investment funds from Western sources remain absent due to perceptions of risk.  相似文献   

Research considering the effects of leadership training and development is underresearched. However, leadership behaviour can generate greater levels of performance and satisfaction. In this study, the effect of a group reflective learning programme for school leaders is examined. The study questions whether leadership development, using a group reflective learning programme that focuses on coaching skills, can influence teacher perceptions of the organizational learning climate. Gaining a deeper insight in factors influencing organizational learning climate is important because organizational learning climate is associated with job motivation, job satisfaction, positive working conditions and the optimizing of training outcomes. Hence, a positive organizational learning climate can contribute to organizational performance, in the case of primary education delivering quality education to pupils. Based on a sample of 289 teachers, it turned out that school leaders’ participation in the group reflective learning programme resulted in a significant increase of teachers’ perceptions of the organizational learning climate. The results are inspiring for scholars, policy makers and practitioners.  相似文献   

Training effectiveness is a function of trainee characteristics, training design and contextual factors. Social exchanges in the work environment have received less attention compared with other training effectiveness predictors. We focus on the extent to which leaders (through their relationships and exchanges with followers) influence skill transfer, maintenance and generalization. We also examine two intervening processes (training motivation and outcome expectancy). Our findings, based on surveys from 495 employees, argue for the importance of leader–member exchange for training transfer, with training motivation and outcome expectancy as intervening mechanisms.  相似文献   

From both a practical and a theoretical point of view, it is important to identify factors that foster knowledge acquisition in organizational training programs. Recent models of training effectiveness have proposed relationships between trainees’ characteristics and subsequent learning. The present study tested the impact of trainees’ pretraining expectations, post‐training reaction to training, expectation fulfillment and commitment on declarative knowledge acquisition, while controlling for education and motivation to learn. Participants were call center agents (N = 84), working in 10 call centers in Germany. Results showed that, in addition to education and motivation to learn, only expectation fulfillment significantly predicted learning. Implications for practice and future research were discussed.  相似文献   

Internships are an important part of education in an applied field such as consumer sciences. Within consumer sciences, coursework typical of a fashion merchandizing programme exposes students, often for the first time, to issues of fibre, yarn and textile structure as well as colour and design. While these topics expand student knowledge beyond apparel, students find it difficult to imagine careers outside of the typical fashion merchandizing framework, thus limiting their internship choices to apparel retailing. Most students are unaware of the art and craft markets, specifically the needlearts of knitting, crocheting, needlepoint, cross‐stitching and embroidery. In the United States and Canada alone, this market, which includes fibre and yarn designers and producers, suppliers and retailers, constitutes an $8.5 billion industry. In summer 2006, the University of Akron and The National NeedleArts Association (TNNA), a trade association, initiated a joint venture, coined Pathways into Professional Needlearts (PiPN), to familiarize and train students in the needlearts. During the pilot programme, 10 fashion merchandizing students attended TNNA's trade show, spent 2 weeks in intense needlearts training and completed 10‐week‐long internships. TNNA appealed to its members for internship positions, which were subsequently matched with students’ abilities and expectations. The positions, scattered throughout the United States and Canada, ranged from a summer camp for school‐aged children, a design house for specialty knits, a needlepoint boutique and design business, yarn designers and distributors, to a web site and e‐business to retail boutiques. Both hosts and students benefited from new, and ongoing, business relationships. The enthusiasm for PiPN prompted TNNA to sponsor a second class in 2007. The students reported that they easily transferred their traditional fashion course concepts to their new areas of interest. They were able to apply their knowledge of textile materials, construction techniques, fashion trends, market research and consumer behaviour to both their needlearts course and subsequent internship. Students not only learned the fundamentals of the needlearts, they also gained a new perspective on the possibilities of future careers. Equally important, they experienced the personal fulfilment of self‐expression through artistic media previously not attempted and the relevance of building a community through the needlearts. They also learned that in applying the traditional content of fashion merchandizing to a related industry, they could expand consumer choice by providing a different market perspective.  相似文献   

This paper presents a retrospective analysis of the service sector focusing on the hotel industry with reference to how internationalisation and globalisation are having a major effect on demand, and as a result how changes must be made to what is offered. The so-called mass tourism must evolve; we are about to enter the second decade of the twenty-first century and mass tourism needs to be transformed. A large number of issues need to be borne in mind, such as the influence technological progress is having on the ways of travelling and booking and on sustainable, environmental tourism. Also to be taken into account is the competitiveness of the so-called emerging nations, for which a mature country like ours can provide new tourist packages.  相似文献   

Service Business - This research studies the formation of tourist expectations around a tourist destination and the existence of a knowledge gap between this group and perceptions of tourism...  相似文献   

Previous research has shown age and gender differences in training, but the results have been mixed and their combined influence is only rarely examined. We fill those gaps by analysing age and gender effects on self‐efficacy and training success. Study participants were trainees in an e‐learning time‐ and self‐management behaviour modelling training programme. We measured self‐efficacy before and after training and time‐ and self‐management behaviour before and 6 weeks after training. We expected the differences between pre‐ and post‐test results to indicate self‐efficacy development and we expected differences between pre‐ and follow‐up tests to indicate training success. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that age and gender interacted in both self‐efficacy development and training success. A structural equation model confirmed that men and women showed different relationships among age, self‐efficacy and training success. Older women showed more positive development compared with older men. We conclude that age and gender should both be considered in future design and training evaluations.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(9-10):1025-1039
Consumers are at the focal point of marketers' attention. However, while extensive research is devoted to understanding consumers' motivations, attitudes and behaviour, surprisingly little attention is given to the consumers' views of marketing itself. This paper explores consumers' attitudes towards marketing and their perceptions of it, reflecting critically upon their views. Since much criticism of marketing focuses on its role in promoting consumption, we also consider perceptions of current levels of consumption and the extent to which marketing is held responsible for them. Based on 29 in-depth interviews we find evidence suggesting the prevalence of negative attitudes towards marketing, especially associated with deceptive or dishonest campaigns, although marketing's informative role is acknowledged. Importantly, findings reveal a limited understanding of the discipline, suggesting a gap between the concept of marketing and consumers' perceptions of it. This paper sends marketers important messages from consumers and offers grounds for further debate.  相似文献   

The buying power of millennial consumers is ever growing. They are social consumers, sharing all aspects of their experiences on social media. One advertising technique that may sway millennial consumers is using a celebrity endorser. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the presence of a congruent product-endorser match helped influence purchase intent of millennial consumers and aide in favourable attitudes toward the advertisement. Millennials evaluated an unfamiliar celebrity endorsement where they indicated they had little intent to purchase the product endorsed by the unfamiliar celebrity, but the unfamiliar celebrity did lead to favourable evaluations of the advertisement.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify and examine the various factors affecting adolescents' body‐tanning behaviours. Gender, body mass index (BMI), sociocultural attitudes towards appearance (SATA) and body satisfaction were examined in order to determine how these variables influence both outdoor sun‐tanning and indoor tanning‐bed use. Self‐administered survey data were collected from 155 adolescent boys and 202 adolescent girls with an average age of 14.3. Multivariate analysis of variance and multiple regression methods were used to analyse the data. Adolescent girls tended to engage in both outdoor and indoor tanning. Overall, adolescents' SATA significantly affected their body‐tanning behaviours. However, BMI and body satisfaction revealed a significant effect only on indoor tanning behaviour. Implications for the design of interventions and overall health promotion towards adolescents are discussed with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that the transfer climate of work organisations is an important factor in determining the degree to which knowledge, skills and abilities gained in training transfer to the workplace. In particular, workplace social support from supervisors and coworkers is consistently cited as an important factor that can facilitate or inhibit training transfer. However, research evidence regarding the impact of workplace social support on training transfer is mixed. In order to address this issue a study was conducted to identify under what conditions workplace social support impacts on training transfer. This study evaluated a workplace drug and alcohol training programme * * The training evaluated in this study is part of the Building Trades Group Drug and Alcohol Programme. This is a national drug and alcohol programme for the Australian Building and Construction Industry. For more information on this programme, visit: http//www.btgda.org.au .
to examine the impact of workplace social support and identification with workplace groups on training transfer. Results indicated that the influence of workplace social support on training transfer was moderated by the degree to which trainees identified with workplace groups that provided this support. This study supports the proposition that in order to fully understand training transfer, and to design effective training programmes, training research and practice needs to focus on both the personal and situational factors that may interact to influence learning and transfer.  相似文献   

Responding to Randall and Gibson's (1990) call for more rigorous methodologies in empirically-based ethics research, this paper develops propositions — based on both previous ethics research as well as the larger organizational behavior literature — examining the impact of attitudes, leadership, presence/absence of ethical codes and organizational size on corporate ethical behavior. The results, which come from a mail survey of 149 companies in a major U.S. service industry, indicate that attitudes and organizational size are the best predictors of ethical behavior. Leadership and ethical codes contribute little to predicting ethical behavior. The paper concludes with an assessment of the relevant propositions, as well as a delineation of future research needs.Dr. Paul R. Murphy is currently Associate Professor of Business Logistics at John Carroll University. His previous publications have appeared in journals such as theTransportation Journal, Transportation Research, Journal of Business Logistics, Journal of Global Marketing, andIndustrial Marketing Management.Dr. Jonathan E. Smith is Associate Professor of Management and Marketing at John Carroll University. He teaches courses in organizational behavior and human resource management. His current research interests are in business ethics, leadership and organizational uses of information. Dr. Smith consults with organizations regarding management development, ethics and business/organizational communications.Dr. James M. Daley is Associate Dean at John Carroll University and is a consultant to business, government, and academia; his publications include one book and over 40 articles.  相似文献   

The research group was established in 1967 at Lund University and moved to Karolinska Institutet in 1980. Work began with epidemiological studies of all injuries in the local community in support of various experimental local interventions. An important element was the creation of 'surveillance systems' in healthcare. The work resulted in the establishment of a WHO Collaborating Centre and an international safety-building programme called 'Safe Communities'. In parallel, training at both master's and doctoral level and the building of a conference programme were embarked upon. The research group consists of three sections. Specific efforts are being made by some countries to address their own injury problems.  相似文献   

凯伦(Heartland,原名华伦媒体)是中国领先的户外传播代理公司,由首批留美广告学硕士林建潮(Jay Lin)于2000年创立,秉承策略、创新、实效的服务理念,致力于为客户提供包括策划、购买、创意、制作和执行、监测和维护在内的全方位服务。2007年凯伦加入了全球知名传媒品牌安吉斯集团旗下的户外传播代理公司Posterscope,成为其全球网络的重要一员。  相似文献   

Public health officials enforced several measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic that affected grocery stores, such as limits on store capacities and enforcement of masks and physical distancing among customers. Nevertheless, these measures can provoke queues, which could drive customers away from stores. In this study, we investigate how customers trade off between social distancing measures and increased waiting times during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our data comes from an online survey applied in New York City in May 2020. This survey included a set of discrete choice experiments framed in virtual stores, as well as a set of psychometric indicators regarding the pandemic. With this data, we estimated a latent class conditional logit model where assignment to classes is correlated with COVID-19 latent variables. We identified three latent classes with preference structures that valued social distancing to varying degrees. In spite of this heterogeneity in preferences, we found that customers were willing to wait longer to access stores with better social distancing measures. This result suggests that stores could increase, rather than decrease, their sales if they enforce public health measures at the expense of longer waiting times.  相似文献   

A large number of governments in all regions of the world have recognised the need for paid sick leave although the benefit schedules vary widely. International data show that the incidence of paid sick leave is closely associated with overall economic developments. What are the patterns of paid sick leave and its incidence around the world, and how have these been affected by the recent economic crisis?  相似文献   

Compulsive consumption is regarded as a global phenomenon that can adversely affect consumer well‐being. Although the topic has been studied in different cultural settings, we have seen relatively little theory development and explanations of compulsive behaviour. Nearly all previous empirical studies attempt to explain this behaviour by correlating measures of compulsive behaviour with independent variables taken within the same time frame. However, recent developments in social sciences suggest that such a phenomenon may best understood in the context of the person's earlier‐in‐life experiences. Using the life course paradigm as an overarching framework, the present research extends previous work on this topic. Hypotheses derived from life course perspectives are formulated, and a survey of young adults in France is used to test them. The findings have implications for theory development and suggest directions for further research.  相似文献   


One of the least understood areas in customer complaint behaviour (CCB) research is why some customers complain and others do not in similar dissatisfaction situations. Prior research has explored differences in customer characteristics between complainers and non-complainers, but not in association with relevant situational factors. This gap is addressed with a new conceptual framework incorporating two situational variables – customer dissatisfaction and involvement – and two consumer traits – impulsivity and self-monitoring. Several hypotheses about their main and interaction effects are tested in two different contexts, using a survey-based study in three countries (Singapore, South Korea, and the United States). Specifically, it is shown that CCB is positively associated with involvement and impulsivity, and negatively with self-monitoring. Involvement and impulsivity are shown to moderate the association between dissatisfaction and CCB positively, and self-monitoring moderates it negatively. Some implications and directions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

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