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This paper provides empirical assessments of one of the leading explanations for the increase in skill premium in Mexico and Argentina during the 1990s: trade liberalisation. We present evidence showing that imports increase skill premium in Mexico, while exports reduce it. In Argentina, trade increased skill premium in the early 1990s (the beginning of trade reforms), although it reduced it later in the decade. These results are helpful for a comparison between South–South integration, FTAA or bilateral FTAs with Northern economies as alternative trade policy options for Latin American countries.  相似文献   

美墨电信服务贸易争端是第一个由WTO专家组作出裁决报告的服务贸易争端,该案围绕各方对《参考文件》的不同理解,对电信服务贸易的规则特别是各成员的电信竞争规制作出了更清晰的阐释,这将深刻影响今后WTO框架下电信服务自由化的进程。  相似文献   

<正> 墨西哥第三次贸易政策审议进展顺利,本次审议全面而且深入,并为贸易问题的研究工作提供了众多资料和借鉴。委员们赞赏了墨西哥近年来经济上的成效。墨西哥在贸易和投资自由化方面的努力带动了贸易和投资的显著高涨,是促使墨西哥经济进步和繁荣的关键因素。同时,墨西  相似文献   

In recent years,trade between Mexico and China has grown dynamically with an average annual growth of 36.7%.Mexico and China are both major world economies and China is the second largest trading partner of Mexico.Our two countries have been committed to deepening strategic partnership,cementing the basis for cooperation in all areas with fruitful outcome achieved.  相似文献   

贸易自由化与我国农村贫困的关系是极其复杂的,对农村脱贫兼具正反_两种效应。总体上讲,贸易自由化对我国农村摆脱贫困的影响是利大于弊:农民会从贸易自由化中获益,使其尽快摆脱贫困;加快了城市化进程。而对于经济欠发达地区的农民,贸易自由化对其的影响多是负的。应正视贸易自由化与我国农村贫困的关系,着眼于贸易自由化对我国农业发展的长远利益,适时适宜制定贸易自由化条件下我国农村减贫的对策,加快农村减贫的进程。其对策是:建立农民的政治和经济参与制度;支持广大农户多元化的创收活动;改革和完善农村的金融服务市场;增加对农业的科学技术知识投入;加大贫困地区农村基础设施建设;鼓励农民进城务工和向城市迁移。  相似文献   

Of the dearth of empirical studies on marginal intra-industry trade, there is a relative paucity of empirical evidence involving developing countries. The major contribution of this article is two-fold: Firstly, it measures to our knowledge for the first time the extent of Jamaica's marginal intra-industry trade with CARICOM. This study is warranted bearing in mind that Jamaica's involvement in recent integration efforts with CARICOM will have adjustment costs implications. Secondly, we compare the performance of various Jamaican export sectors with their CARICOM counterparts. The article concludes by proposing some recommendations for policy makers to ensure smoother functioning of the Jamaican labour market.  相似文献   

Mexico plays an important role in the developing‐country trade‐liberalisation literature because it liberalised early and extensively. Numerous papers analysed changes in Mexican wage levels and inequality after Mexico joined the GATT in 1986. This paper reviews recent papers that analyse changes in wage levels and inequality since the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994. Two main puzzles emerge. First, wage growth rates are similar before and after NAFTA. Second, Mexican wage inequality, which received much attention after its post‐GATT rise, falls steadily after NAFTA. This paper reviews several possible explanations for these two phenomena.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of trade liberalisation on poverty reduction in Vietnam during the period of economic reform. Using a combined approach dealing with four transmitting channels from trade to poverty, the major findings are summarised as follows. First, Vietnam's trade liberalisation has fostered economic growth, which has helped to raise per capita GDP and reduce poverty. Second, trade liberalisation has directly benefited the poor through creating pro‐poor employment and raising wages. Third, another impact of trade liberalisation on poverty is income and substitution effects associated with reduced domestic prices of importables and increased domestic prices of exportables such as coffee and rice. Fourth, trade liberalisation has indirectly benefited the poor because it raises government revenue, which enhances the government's ability to subsidise the poor. Finally, although the poverty rate in Vietnam has been reduced impressively, there is an increasing disparity between urban and rural areas and, among the latter, concern does exist regarding ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

贸易自由化与我国城市贫困之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放近30年来,在贸易自由化和城乡人口流动的背景下,本文运用门槛面板数据模型实证研究了贸易自由化影响我国城市贫困的机制和关系特征。结果发现,贸易自由化主要从经济增长、就业与工资以及物价水平等渠道影响城市贫困。并且,贸易自由化和城市贫困之间存在一种非线性的倒U关系,即在贸易自由化初期,贸易自由化加剧了城市贫困,当贸易自由化水平越过某一门槛值时,贸易自由化有助于城市贫困的减少。其政策含义在于,我国应继续扩大对外贸易的规模和层次,让广大人民充分享受改革开放之成果,摆脱贫困困境。  相似文献   

In recent years, trade between Mexico and China has grown dynamically with an average annual growth of 36.7%. Mexico and China are bothmajor world economies and China is the second largest trading partner of Mexico. Our two countries have been committed to deepening strategic partnership, cementing the basis for cooperation in all areas with fruitful outcome achicvcd.  相似文献   

2009年10月7—9日,WTO对智利贸易政策与实践进行了审议。此次审议是WTO贸易政策审议机构对智利贸易政策的第4次审议。  相似文献   

In a distinguished career spanning more than four decades, Jagdish Bhagwati has made numerous contributions to both trade theory and trade policy analysis. The current paper focuses on Bhagwati's major contribution to the ongoing debate surrounding the influence of trade liberalisation upon economic development and its potential to alleviate poverty in the world's poorest economies. In order to highlight Bhagwati's contributions in these fields we focus on the arguments developed in two of his numerous landmark publications; first his seminal 1964 paper on the Pure Theory of International Trade and, second, his 2004 book entitled In Defense of Globalization. Although separated in time by some four decades we argue that these two publications, despite their very different characters, each demonstrate beyond doubt the significance of Bhagwati's work in improving our understanding of the true nature of international trade and its potential to address questions of global poverty.  相似文献   

我国已经成为世界贸易大国,但还不是贸易强国。大而不强既有客观因素,也有主观原因。客观上我国经济发展水平还比较低,主观上与我国外贸法律法规不完善、体制机制不健全、外贸政策不配套和经营模式比较落后等有关。当前,我国外贸正处在大发展、大变革、大调整时期,既面临难得的发展机遇,也面临严峻的内外挑战,要以巩固贸易大国地位、推动贸易强国进程为主要目标,以调结构、促协调、提质量为重点,加快外贸发展方式转变,优化外贸国际市场布局和国内区域布局,推进外贸生产基地、贸易平台和国际营销网络建设。  相似文献   

This study includes the analysis of global trade in the services and service sector in Turkey, and estimates the elasticity of trade in services to real exchange rates and income. There is an increasing role of the service sector in the Turkish economy; however, a decreasing trend of trade in services is taking place. The commitments of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) were found to be ineffective, at least in the case of Turkey. The empirical findings suggest that the real exchange rate is not a significant determinant for the trade in services. We found an inelastic real exchange rate and income elasticities in trade demand functions. However, the value of income elasticity significantly exceeds the value of real exchange rate elasticity.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the US tariff preference afforded to Mexico relative to non‐NAFTA trading partners and evaluates the trade effects of NAFTA in a manner consistent with the idea behind a preferential trading agreement. The estimation technique exploits the time‐varying dimension of the tariff preference over 1989 to 2001. This is important because the tariff preference for Mexico into the United States market existed prior to NAFTA. Further, the NAFTA preference was phased in over time. We find that a higher US tariff preference for Mexico corresponds to increased US import demand for Mexican goods, and that a higher Mexican tariff preference for the United States corresponds to increased Mexican demand for US exports. Interestingly, import demand was more responsive to changes in the tariff preference once NAFTA was in place than it was on average.  相似文献   

贸易开放度与我国农村贫困的联系的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贸易开放与农村贫困的联系日益受到学者们的关注和研究,贸易自由化能够扩大一国的比较优势,但它对贫困的影响具有不确定性。本文对我国外贸-贫困联系的描述性实证分析表明,尽管贸易开放促进了经济增长,改善了农民福利,有助于农村贫困的减少,但不同地区种植不同农产品的农户受到的影响不尽相同。本文采用了省际面板数据回归估计方法,对我国贸易-贫困联系采用随机效应和固定效应模型的计量实证分析表明,我国贸易开放对贫困的影响具有倒J型特征。  相似文献   

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