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创业团队的优势在于能将具有不同特征、知识、技能和能力的人聚集在一起并创造更好的创业绩效。本文从团队创业研究的宏观层面入手,围绕创业团队成员构成特征特别是异质性特征与创业绩效之间的关系研究,对其中一些重要文献的研究逻辑、实证方法及主要结论进行了初步梳理,并对未来研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

企业外包决策及模型——一个文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将传统的企业生产流程分割为不同的价值生产模块,并分散到世界各地进行生产。这种生产组织形式正在成为现代企业生产的主流,并影响着发达国家与发展中国家的分工。对该现象的研究,已不能单纯运用传统的国际贸易理论,Antr(?)s,Helpman等学者将产权理论、交易成本理论与国际贸易理论结合对该现象的研究代表着理论研究领域的一个新方向。本文对有关此方面的文献进行了梳理,并重点对企业外包、外包地点及外包组织形式的决策文献进行了综述。  相似文献   


Brand love is a phenomenon that is experienced by a group of satisfied consumers. The construct brand love is of great importance to academics and practitioners because a group of satisfied customers become loyal customers, thereby reduce several costs and also enhance several marketing activities. Since the research paper of it can be observed that there has been a surge in the number of research publications pertinent to brand love literature. Through this systematic literature review, we comprehensively review seventy six articles pertinent to brand love literature, published in various scientific journals there by presenting the key emergent themes, extensively used methodologies and analysis approaches, key variables observed, dominant theoretical underpinnings and a strategic conceptual framework.  相似文献   


Use of celebrities as part of marketing communications strategy is a fairly common practice for major firms in supporting corporate or brand imagery. Firms invest significant monies in juxtaposing brands and organisations with endorser qualities such as attractiveness, likeability, and trustworthiness. They trust that these qualities operate in a transferable way, and, will generate desirable campaign outcomes. But, at times, celebrity qualities may be inappropriate, irrelevant, and undesirable. Thus, a major question is: how can companies select and retain the 'right' celebrity among many competing alternatives, and, simultaneously manage this resource, while avoiding potential pitfalls? This paper seeks to explore variables, which may be considered in any celebrity selection process by drawing together strands from various literature.  相似文献   

中国—东盟自由贸易区正式实施以来,双方贸易额有了大幅增长。帕克(Park,1989)命题认为:合成谬误将在中国与东盟四国率先出现。本文提出了两个核心假说:第一,贸易竞争会导致结构调整和生产分工;第二,结构调整和生产分工会导致贸易互补。并根据可获得的各种统计资料,运用实证分析的方法和各种判定指标对帕克命题进行了判定。  相似文献   

环境税"双重红利"假说文献述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境税的思想源于外部性理论,其最初目的在于消除由于污染导致的负外部性,以提高资源配置的效率.为了矫正环境污染的负外部性,自20世纪60年代起,西方理论界对环境税进行了深入研究,西方各国也开始了一轮环境税改革运动.作为20世纪0ECD国家进行环境税改革的重要理论依据,"双重红利"假说的提出及其后继研究具有重要的理论和实践意义.但是,"双重红利"是否存在,理论界至今未有结论.本文将对已有的有关环境税改革与"双重红利"的研究进行梳理,就已有的研究成果进行一个综述总结,最后简要评价其对我国环境税改革的启示.  相似文献   

This article provides the analyses of the academic literature on offering a combination of products and services. Trend analyses were performed from 1995 through the end of 2016 on the various parameters such as journals publishing this type of research, changes in the use of keywords, citation frequency, and research contribution from different authors, disciplines, and nations. The analyses presented a clear trend that research in combining product and services accelerated after the year 2000 indicating a focus on research in this area in the 21st century. This highlights many emerging trends in this area.  相似文献   

During the past twenty years, there has been an explosion of new interest in entrepreneurs and their activities. Yet only recently has serious research attention been devoted to the ethical problems encountered by entrepreneurs and their organizations. Entrepreneurs face uniquely complex moral problems related to basic fairness, personnel and customer relationships, distribution dilemmas, and other challenges. This essay surveys contemporary research in entrepreneurial ethics, examines the kinds of ethical dilemmas entrepreneurs confront, identifies major research topics and methodological approaches, and discusses possible directions for future research.  相似文献   

网络口碑研究述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
消费者之间的口碑传播对消费行为具有强大的影响力,随着互联网的发展,传统口碑出现了网络化趋势,网络口碑成为近年来的研究热点之一。目前的网络口碑研究主要按网络口碑传播的构成要素从口碑传播者、接收者和传播信息3个方面展开。本文针对这3方面主要对网络口碑传播的特征、网络口碑传播者的发送动机、传播意愿,接收者的搜寻动机、网络口碑的说服效果等进行文献梳理,概述了网络口碑的研究现状,同时还分析了未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

国际贸易政策中的原产地规则——文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,世界各国日益倾向于通过缔结或参加区域贸易安排(RTA)以实现区域内自由贸易来加快本国经济的发展和福利的改善。原产地规则作为一种重要的贸易管理措施,是决定RTA能否顺利实现的一个关键性问题。本文对原产地规则的主要理论研究和实证分析进行了归纳和对比,并指出进一步研究和拓展的方向。  相似文献   

企业国际化与绩效存在复杂的内在机理,所以它们之间的函数形式和影响方向并不稳健和唯一。由于不仅缺乏新兴经济体企业国际化理论支撑和情境依赖分析,还忽略了国际化过程对国际化与绩效关系的影响,现有文献存在诸多不足。这就需要我们从国际化新企业理论视角,探讨在缺乏所有权优势和吸收能力相对低下的中国企业以加速或超负荷的方式实现国际化的情境下中国企业的国际化和绩效关系。  相似文献   

中国人口容量与适度人口问题研究   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36  
:本文回顾了我国学术界对我国人口容量和适度人口问题的研究 ,就人口容量研究的意义、人口容量的概念、研究方法、对我国人口容量的估算和有待进一步研究的问题等进行了概括与总结。人口容量的科学研究是一件极为复杂和困难的事情 ,既取决于自然科学和社会科学有待认识的过程 ,也取决于我们和子孙后代有待作出的选择。  相似文献   

近年来,文化服务全球贸易的增长十分迅猛。但是,在世界贸易组织框架下,文化服务贸易却是一块模糊不清的领域,因此有关文化服务贸易自由化的争论也一直存在。尤其是在视听服务开放的问题上,WTO各成员的立场严重对立。当然,就WTO各成员而言,是否推动文化服务贸易自由化,特别是视听服务的自由化,首先取决于各自的利益。  相似文献   

比较优势与集聚分别是传统贸易理论与新贸易理论的核心,而新贸易理论舍弃了传统贸易理论的基石:要素禀赋差异。很少文献研究比较优势与集聚在产业结构与贸易模式的同时决定,而相关文献可按基于专业化的分析、基于垂直关联与外部经济的分析、基于经济地理的分析三条脉络进行归纳。  相似文献   

This study investigates antecedents of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in multinational corporations’ (MNCs’) subsidiaries. Using stakeholder theory and institutional theory that identify internal and external pressures for legitimacy in MNCs’ subsidiaries, we integrate international business and CSR literatures to create a model depicting CSR practices in MNCs’ subsidiaries. We propose that MNCs’ subsidiaries will be likely to adapt to local practices to legitimize themselves if they operate in host countries with different institutional environments and demanding stakeholders. We also predict that MNCs’ subsidiaries will be likely to adapt to local practices to avoid spillover effects if their parent companies suffer major legitimacy problems at home or abroad. However, we speculate that MNCs’ subsidiaries will be less likely to adapt to local practices if they are strongly annexed to their parent companies and the benefit to gain internal legitimacy outweighs external legitimacy. This article contributes to the discourse on CSR across borders by exploring the antecedents of CSR practices in MNCs’ subsidiaries at social and organizational levels, and integrating institutional and stakeholder views. We provide a number of propositions for future studies and explore implications for practitioners.  相似文献   

运输服务贸易文献综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
作为货物贸易的派生需求,运输服务贸易随着世界货物贸易量的增长也呈快速增长趋势,同时GATS的生效实施也给运输服务贸易在全球范围内的自由化提供了机遇。从有关文献看,目前国内外关于运输服务贸易的研究主要集中在4个方面:(1)运输服务开放对货物贸易的影响;(2)各国对运输服务开放的承诺现状;(3)目前运输服务部门开放的壁垒;(4)运输服务在GATS谈判中的现状及未来走向。研究表明:运输服务贸易开放可以增加货物贸易量;世界各国对运输服务贸易开放的承诺程度普遍很低;影响运输服务贸易自由化的最大障碍是各种限制市场准入的国内规制;GATS新一轮谈判需要考虑更多的运输服务子部门。  相似文献   

近年来随着异质性企业理论的兴起,对贸易中介的研究逐渐成为国际贸易领域的热点话题。本文从出口占比、影响因素和贸易利得三个层面梳理了最近五年来有关贸易中介研究的最新成果,结果表明:尽管贸易中介的筛选方法存在差异性和不完美性,但是其在世界各国出口主体中的数量比例和出口总额中的价值比例均不容小觑,不仅对企业的出口模式选择产生了影响,而且为企业、消费者和国家带来了不同的贸易利得。而出口模式是否会发生实质性转变、电子商务嵌入背景下贸易中介何去何从等许多未知领域,尚期待未来的进一步研究。  相似文献   


Since 1978 business marketing has seen a great deal of research activity. It is reasonable to ask whether this has led to advances in theory development and a general increase in our level of knowledge of business marketing. This article reviews the business marketing literature from 1978–1997 from twenty-three journals, five sets of proceedings, and selected books of articles in an attempt to answer that question. Over two thousand articles were examined to assess the current state of the field and suggest directions for future development. As the sheer number of articles since 1978 would suggest, the field of business marketing has attracted a considerable amount of attention. Close examination of the past twenty years of research, however, clearly indicates that certain areas have received a disproportionate share of the research effort. Organizational buyer behavior, strategy and planning, and sales management accounted for over forty percent of the articles published. Important areas such as computers and technology in business markets, marketing to the government, ethics in business markets, and pricing, in contrast, have received relatively little research attention. Regardless of the uneven coverage, the research in business marketing over the past twenty years has been conceptually and empirically strong. Changes in the way business is done has also resulted in a recent surge in theory development in the area of buyer-seller relationships within the context of relationship marketing. Increased attention has also centered on cross functional issues, networks, and strategic alliances.  相似文献   

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