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Informal workplace learning has become a prominent reality in the knowledge society of today. For this reason, developing appropriate learning conditions in order to enhance workplace learning is dominating organizational agendas. However, research that investigates the relationship between important learning conditions and learning outcomes resulting from informal learning is scarce. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to explore how learning conditions in the workplace are related to these informal learning outcomes of police inspectors in particular. A mixed method study, including a survey among 390 police inspectors and interviews with nine police inspectors, was set up to explore this relation. Overall, the results of the survey study suggest that the learning conditions ‘information’, ‘feedback’, ‘reflection’ and ‘coaching’ are good predictors for the acquisition of ‘generic learning outcomes’ and ‘organizational level learning outcomes’. The learning condition ‘coaching’ is also strongly associated with ‘job‐specific learning outcomes’. These results are in accordance with the perception of the interviewed police inspectors.  相似文献   

The high rates of training transfer failure that prevail still puzzle practitioners as well as researchers. The central aim of the present study is to analyze the relatively under‐researched role of job dissatisfaction in the training transfer process. Specifically, we expect that job dissatisfaction would have a negative effect on transfer but that this effect would be buffered by the expectation of positive transfer consequences and motivation to transfer. To test these hypotheses, 220 participants in different training programs completed an online questionnaire 1 year after training. The results support our assumptions. They reveal that job dissatisfaction has a detrimental effect on training transfer, but that motivation to transfer and the expectation of positive transfer consequences have a buffering effect. The more motivated a person is towards transfer, the less negative is the effect of job dissatisfaction on actual transfer, but only if a person expects positive outcomes from transfer, such as acknowledgment or rewards. The findings are discussed in relation to existing training transfer models, as well as models of job (dis)satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article reports on findings from a longitudinal study, carried out during 1998–9, of the learning and training experiences of 11 Australian teenagers in their first year of fulltime work. Interviews with the young people over the course of the year were supplemented by interviews with parents, employers, and college teachers where appropriate. The working and training environments, and the learning experiences of the young people are described. The relationship between performance and learning is discussed. The article provides an insight into the lived experiences of young people attempting to learn about work within an organisational context.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand how the different domains of nutrition knowledge are related to health-oriented food behaviour and how both of these are related to socioeconomic factors. The studied population of homemakers (n = 647) answered a mailed questionnaire gathering socioeconomic data, food use data and data on nutrition knowledge. Items measuring both food behaviour and nutrition knowledge were chosen in the areas of fats and dietary energy because of their importance in the Finnish nutrition recommendations. The household context was chosen to increase the understanding of the knowledge-behaviour relationship in everyday settings. The major findings were: nutrition - related beliefs were the best predictors of health-oriented food behaviour (h.o.f.b.); factual knowledge had only weak connections with h.o.f.b.; education and income had stronger connections with h.o.f.b. than factual knowledge; and the connection of practical knowledge oriented with childhood implied that a homemaker's food behaviour was linked with habits adopted from childhood.  相似文献   

Globalization and technology advancement are creating more biculturalism at workplaces and learning settings. However, little is known about acculturation experience and its influence on a person's cultural values and learning preference. The research reported in this study investigates the impact of acculturation experiences upon the relationship between cultural values and learning preference of 292 Far East Asians (from Confucian‐influenced societies) and Asian Americans. Different preferences for learning methods and different levels of traditional cultural values were found between these two groups of adult learners. Acculturation experience was identified as the influential factor for the differences. However, they all still retain their traditional cultural values in various degrees regardless of the length of time the individual had been exposed to the acculturation experience. The impact of cultural values on an adult's learning preference is an area of concern in cross‐cultural training and development.  相似文献   

在资产评估中经常接触价值和价格两个概念,笔者结合工作实际和所学理论进行阐述两者关系和市场特征.  相似文献   

Gottfried Zieger 《Intereconomics》1978,13(9-10):216-221
In early 1970 responsibility for the conclusion of trade agreements was transferred from the individual member states to the EC. Since then the EC has been recognized throughout the world as a contractual partner in its own right within this area. Only the Soviet Union and the CMEA are being difficult accepting these changes in responsibility since 1970. This means that in trade between the EC countries and the state trade countries there exists at present a situation without treaties. Where do the problems lie? What models offer themselves for overcoming this situation?  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between training evaluation and the transfer of training in organizations. We hypothesized that training evaluation frequency will be related to higher rates of transfer because evaluation information can identify weaknesses that lead to improvements in training programs and create greater accountability among stakeholders for training outcomes. The data were obtained from 150 training professionals who were members of a training and development association in Canada. The results indicated that training evaluation frequency is positively related to training transfer. However, among Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation criteria, only behavior and results criteria were related to higher rates of transfer of training, indicating that the level of evaluation criteria is important for training transfer. These results indicate the importance of organizational‐level initiatives such as training evaluation in addition to individual‐level practices for facilitating the transfer of training.  相似文献   

企业与企业会计的关系密切.企业会计在企业的经营活动中起着重要的作用.企业会计为企业的内部管理提供资源数据信息,为企业的进一步经济发展做出预算与估计;企业会计所反应的财务信息准确性与可靠性直接影响企业的财务关系和投资计划等等.企业会计的工作质量对企业的经济活动与企业的发展有着方方面面的影响.因此企业要做好会计控制.  相似文献   

认知语言学主要从语言的角度研究人脑中的概念或根据语言分析推测思维中概念的内容.语用学则是语言学各分支中一个以语言意义为研究对象的新兴学科领域,是专门研究语言的理解和使用的学问,它研究在特定情景中的特定话语,研究如何通过语境来理解和使用语言.阅读理解是一个复杂的心理过程.在此过程中,大脑贮存的语言知识图式和背景知识图式相互作用,不断地对新输入的信息进行验证、分析和推断,直至完成对文本的解码.对阅读理解过程的认知解析.在于揭示阅读的心理机制和思维规律,以促进大学英语阅读理解教学.  相似文献   

Despite potential competitive and customer service advantages of liberal return policies, retailers have tightened policies in response to fraudulent consumer behavior. This article suggests that changes in consumer behavior/retail return policies may be the result of a larger social phenomenon: consumer anomie. This research explores consumer anomie within the context of retailing. Two studies assess the relationships between anomie, materialism, rationalization techniques, and fraudulent marketplace behaviors. Factor analysis corroborates previous research indicating that modern‐day anomie is essentially cynicism. Consumers high in cynicism are more materialistic and more likely than other consumers to employ rationalization techniques in order to justify engaging in unethical retail disposition. Consumers high in cynicism are also found to hold more favorable views toward engaging in fraudulent marketplace behaviors that permit them to benefit at the seller's expense. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Customers prevalently use social media (SM) to post their experiences and to review others’ experiences. This study investigated how Internet addiction (IA) influenced customers’ word-of-mouth behaviors on SM after a service failure, focusing on both young and older customers. Two experiments were conducted. The first study was conducted with young customers and second experiment with older customers. Results suggest that the group of young customers had significantly higher levels of IA, compared to older customers. The analysis identified that IA and functional/technical service failure partially influenced four negative types of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) (i.e. Badmouthing, Tattling, Spite, and Feeding the Vultures). Both young and older customers tended to show more negative eWOM types for technical service failures. For the functional service failures, IA was the main predictor of negative eWOM for both young and older customers.  相似文献   

This research explores the effect of product packaging uniformity on variety seeking. It is shown that the incidence of variety seeking is greater in product categories where packaging is similar among competitors, and thus the packaging display has relatively low arousal potential, as compared to categories where the packaging is less uniform across brands and therefore has higher arousal potential. Two experiments test and support these propositions. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

传说中的"风水"在我国建筑选址规划中几乎无所不在,这种古老的学说虽然充满着迷信色彩,但它具有我国古代哲学、美学、地质、地理生态、景观诸多方面丰富的内涵,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分.风水理论是地理学、气象学、景观学、生态学、城市建筑学等一种综合的自然科学,是以"自然、平衡、和谐"的原理来考察环境对人的影响.近年来房地产热潮,建筑风水学的应用逐渐兴起通过研究对象与方位的关系更多了解人与自然合一的基本易学思想,正确把握人与自然基本运动规律.  相似文献   

Gibrat's Law is tested on a sample of Italian firms. The results are similar to those recently obtained on various sets of U.S. data and confirm that departures from Gibrat's Law are modest, also when firms' age is accounted for.  相似文献   

传说中的"风水"在我国建筑选址规划中几乎无所不在,这种古老的学说虽然充满着迷信色彩,但它具有我国古代哲学、美学、地质、地理生态、景观诸多方面丰富的内涵,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分.风水理论是地理学、气象学、景观学、生态学、城市建筑学等一种综合的自然科学,是以"自然、平衡、和谐"的原理来考察环境对人的影响.近年来房地产热潮,建筑风水学的应用逐渐兴起,通过研究卦象与方位的关系更多了解人与自然合一的基本易学思想,正确把握人与自然基本运动规律.  相似文献   

在建筑工程施工中事故发生带来的经济损失,造成的社会影响,是我们大家有目共睹的,同时伤亡和损失也是无法逆转的.这些事故的发生主要存在于人的不安全行为、物的不安全状态、以及管理上的缺陷.从经济学的角度来看安全生产与经济效益的关系,由经济角度的分析得出结论是加大对建筑安全产业的教育培训.  相似文献   

阐述了税务会计的基本前提及一般原则,探讨了税务会计与财务会计的区别与联系,指出税务会计脱离财务会计而独立有利于会计准则向国际惯例靠拢,有利于财务会计的规范化,也有利于保证税法的科学性和严肃性,对丰富会计理论和方法,完善会计科学体系也有很重要的意义.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that retailers' and brands' images are affected by numerous factors. One factor affecting a retailer's image is the image of the brands being sold in the store. Brand image may also be affected by the image possessed by the selling retailer. By using Heider's formula for determining congruent relationships, an analysis of the reciprocal relationships existing between various retailers' and brands' images was conducted. Although retailers' images were affected by the brands' images and the brands' images were affected by the retailers' images, congruity often did not exist.  相似文献   

The visible trace of online communications has given rise to research on their effect on firm outcomes. The literature has established a link between online communication about a product and the product??s sales and price performance. On the assumption that financial markets understand this link, we conjecture financial markets consider the amount of online communication, or chatter, about a firm to be an indication of the firm??s performance in the marketplace. Our results confirm this conjecture. The relationship between stock returns and chatter are robust to alternative specifications of the model and to alternative measures of stock returns. We also investigate the issues of reverse causality and omitted variable bias driving a spurious relationship between stock returns and chatter. The data are not consistent with any of these alternative explanations for our results.  相似文献   

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