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以17万元落地的4款SUV车型为研究对象,应用层次分析法建立层次结构模型和判断矩阵,结合定性与定量评价,对4款SUV车型综合排序,作出科学、合理的决策。分析表明,层次分析法在购车决策中是一种简便、行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

针对权重信息已知且属性值为混合型的多属性决策,对用模糊语言和实数表示的属性进行了区间化处理,从而把多混合属性决策转化为属性值为区间数的多属性决策。然后基于新定义的可能度计算公式,给出多混合属性决策的可能度法,通过民航实例说明方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

轿车已进入大多数家庭,如何购车是摆在购车者面前的一个问题,本文从层次分析法的角度给购车者提供最佳决策方法。  相似文献   

在理论研究方面,多属性决策自从其诞生以来就一直是学术界关注的研究课题.本文总结了多属性决策方法的国内外研究现状,分析了多属性决策方法的研究热点,并对多属性决策方法的未来研究提出展望.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,投资商有越来越多的机会进行投资,但如果对投资目标评价不准确,盲目投资,会造成投资利润无法收回,因此投资商在选择企业进行投资时,应该对企业进行正确的评价,本文研究了基于信息熵的多属性决策方法,将其应用于选择企业进行投资的评价中,实验证明,该方法是切实有效的。  相似文献   

在研究互反矩阵的基础上给出了指标优先度的定义,并且在理想点,相对贴近度的角度给出了模糊群决策的方法,此方法简单实用。最后给出了一个实例论证了它的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

通过对现有应用模糊数学的方法来解决多属性在线拍卖中决定胜出者的方法进行分析后,发现其存在两个问题,一是原计算方法存在简化空间,二是方法本身涉及到模糊指标值和模糊权重的直接加权,导致了模糊元素的非线性化和计算的复杂化。本文针对第一个问题提出计算步骤简化意见,进而又针对第二个问题提出一种新的模糊决策算法。新算法避免了直接对模糊指标值进行加权,从而保持了模糊元素的线性性质,简化了模糊决策计算过程,优化了现有多属性拍卖中用到的模糊决策算法,丰富和完善了拍卖问题涉及模糊环境时采用模糊数学求解的算法。  相似文献   

吴长亮 《商业时代》2011,(19):24-25
本研究首次从消费者决策心理过程出发,把产品属性细分为成本属性和收益属性两类,并做了更进一步的细分;首次提出并采用实验方法验证了价格属性具有和其他各个属性都有相关关系的论点,产品各个属性值发生变化的时候,消费者的心理价格会发生或正或负的变化,最后在此基础上提出了一种新的消费者决策模型。  相似文献   

陈道平  刘伟 《消费经济》2005,21(3):68-72
在这篇文章中,选取性别、居住城市、职业、文化程度、年龄、家庭人口、家庭月平均收入、住房类型、住房面积9个变量作为消费者特性变量,选取消费者近期是否购买微(小)型汽车作为行为变量,然后以消费者特性变量为自变量而行为变量为因变量,使用最优尺度回归方法建立回归模型,以此模型为基础对消费者特性进行分析。分析结论为:消费者的家庭月平均收入、职业、年龄、文化程度和住房类型对其购买行为产生显著影响,且影响程度差别很大,其中最重要的两个影响特性是家庭月平均收入和职业;此外,若对第一次购车消费者和第二次购车消费者加以区分,则所得显著影响特性又有不同。文章最后还给出了结论的可能应用。  相似文献   

采购是企业产品增值过程的起点,采购管理对于降低供应链总成本、确保产品质量、缩短运作周期具有非常重要的意义。现代管理中强调优化决策的作用。从需求时段的划分以及订货优化模型使用与否的角度,来探讨采购优化问题。文章提出了采用日为单位划分需求时段,由此优化方法对采购管理带来了成本降低的优势。  相似文献   


The past decade has seen a dramatic increase in wine consumption. With this increase comes the need to understand how consumers choose wine. Wine consumers have different types of experiences and expectations, and a one bottle fits all method of catering to wine consumers is not an appropriate marketing strategy. Consumer segmentation based upon involvement with wine is critical to understanding buying behaviors. This study used factor analysis and logistic regression to identify the wine novice and what marketing cues they use to purchase wine. The results identified key marketing cues wine novices use to purchase wine and revealed yet another involvement category: the emerging wine learner.  相似文献   

A telephone survey was conducted which examined recent purchase experiences for 282 older consumers residing in a midwestern academic community. The types of purchases studied were eyeglasses, funeral services, hearing aids, home appliance repair services, home repair services, and nursing home care. Generally high satisfaction levels were reported for these purchases. A tendency on the part of the respondents to draw upon past knowledge and experience in making their purchase decisions was found. A procedural caution is noted in the interpretation of social survey data on local consumer services.  相似文献   

Low‐literacy consumers face disadvantages when making product choices. This article presents the results of two studies designed to explore differences in decision‐making behavior across consumer literacy levels, focusing on consumers’ ability to evaluate information in print ads and product packaging. The authors demonstrate that the presence of a visual decision aid at the point of purchase can improve choice for low‐literacy consumers.  相似文献   

消费者消费观念的转变,使得网购从尝试性形态逐步向日常形态转变。由于网络购物在时间和空间上的特殊性以及心理和社会原因,使得消费者在网购与实体购物时所感受的风险存在较多差异,往往感到网购比实体商店购物存在更高的风险。相对于实体购物,影响网络购物感知风险的因素主要集中在消费者、商品、零售商和技术四方面。商家要消除由于信息的失衡给消费者带来的不安全感,同时,还需要商家具有广泛的营销手段和工具,从而提高企业的产品或品牌被消费者选择的可能性。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the consumer perceptions and purchase determinants of imported fruits in an emerging economy such as India. A consumer survey was conducted in one of the major urban cities of India. Item measures were related to consumer perceptions, purchase determinants, and consumer-reported willingness to pay price premiums. The data analysis was undertaken using techniques like exploratory factor analysis, logistic regression, and analysis of variance. Consumers associate imported fruits with health, safety, taste, and free from chemicals, whereas extrinsic factors such as storage conditions, store image, appearance, label, country of origin, and price also influence the willingness to purchase imported fruits. The demographic factors having the most impact on consumers’ attribute ratings for imported fruits are age, gender, income, and education. This study highlights the significant purchase determinants that can help marketers of imported fruits to gain higher share in Indian markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates the influence of consumers’ motivational orientations (“prevention” vs. “promotion”) on their susceptibility to demand‐based versus supply‐based scarcity, measured by purchase intention scores. Prevention‐focused participants were more inclined to adopt a product when it was perceived to be demand‐scarce rather than supply‐scarce, while those who were identified as promotion‐focused responded positively to scarcity attributed to supply shortfall. In addition, products that could be associated with a prevention motive enhanced purchase intentions when presented as demand‐scarce but not if perceived to be supply‐scarce; conversely, products associated with the promotion motive scored better if the scarcity was seen to be supply‐generated rather than demand‐generated. Lastly, messages focused on prevention were more effective than those focused on promotion in the case of perceived demand scarcity, whereas the converse holds true for supply scarcity. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the motivational differences underlying the effectiveness of scarcity appeals. They furthermore suggest the strategic implication that improved intention to purchase occurs when the regulatory focus evoked by a scarcity‐related message is compatible with the appeal it communicates.  相似文献   

方茜 《市场研究》2005,(7):37-40
消费细分,就是把消费分割为具有不同需要、性格或行为的购买群体,目的是使同一细分市场内个体之间的固有差异减少到最小,使不同细分市场之间的差异增加到最大。对于企业决策而言,进行消费细分的目的是针对每个购买群体采取独特的产品或市场营销组合战略以求获得最佳收益。  相似文献   

There has been neglect of systematic conceptual development and empirical investigation within consumer ethics. Scenarios have been a long-standing tool yet their development has been haphazard with little theory guiding their development. This research answers four questions relative to this gap: Do different scenario decision frames encourage different moral reasoning styles? Does the way in which framing effects are measured make a difference in the measurement of the relationship between moral reasoning and judgment by gender? Are true framing effects likely to vary with the situation? and Are true framing effects likely to vary by gender? The conclusions reached were that (1) different scenario frames encourage both types of reasoning, but rule based moral reasoning is dominant regardless of frame, (2) accounting for formal equivalency in the measurement of true framing effects is likely to enhance the interpretation of studies in moral reasoning and judgment, (3) True framing effects are more likely to occur in situations with low to moderate perceived ethicality, and (4) true framing effects are not likely to vary by gender. Explanations as to why these results occurred are discussed.  相似文献   

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