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一、网络环境下会计信息系统审计的风险 会计信息系统审计(AIS Audit)指“通过一定的技术手段收集并评估证据,以判断一个会计信息系统是否做到安全、可靠和有效,同时又能最经济的使用资源”。这一定义既包括信息系统的外部审计的鉴证目标——即对被审计单位的会计信息系统安全性和可靠性的审查,又包含内部审计的管理目标——即不仅包括被审计会计信息系统安全性和可靠性而且包括会计信息系统的有效性和效率性目标。  相似文献   

网络环境下的审计风险及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络经济对审计的挑战是严峻的,但同时又给了审计一个创新的机遇。审计只有不断创新才能使审计工作处于长胜不败的境地,也才能适应网络经济的发展。  相似文献   

徐剑彬 《商》2013,(2):187-187
资金流作为电子商务的三个构成要素之一,是实现电子商务交易活动的不可或缺的重要因素,然而网络支付的环境却日趋复杂,本文将浅析当下网络支付存在的一些安全性问题,并对其提出相关的建设性意见。  相似文献   

随着经济的全球化发展,计算机网络的普及,推动了电子商务的迅速发展.电子商务支付市场的这种信用缺失催生了这种基于信用中介模式下的第三方支付产业的发展.本文通过对第三方支付的现状,对第三方支付在网络交易过程中可能遇到的风险及相应的风险防范进行探讨.  相似文献   

浅谈网络欺诈及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
最近十年是互联网络在中国迅速普及的时期,在这快速发展过程中也暴露出一些不安全、不和谐的因素,其中最突出的是各类网络欺诈行为,使许多网络用户蒙受了损失。分析常见的网络欺诈行为,防范网络钓鱼及网上交易中的欺诈行为,在网络通讯时避免欺诈,应在网络上保护好个人隐私。  相似文献   

针对信用证L/C支付方式的特点,分析了对于卖方而言存在的各种明显的风险,提出了进行风险防范的具体措施,为卖方具体的贸易业务提供安全保证。  相似文献   

网络支付的广泛普及开辟了网络金融的新时代。本文旨在从国家安全层面出发,以支付宝和Apple pay为研究对象,比较研究其两种支付方式在监管中存在的风险与难点,对电子支付方式的安全风险问题进行研究,结合规范分析与实证分析,并从跨学科视角对上述问题进行科学合理的解答,呼吁社会公众重视网络信息安全风险,并为我国网络支付的制度建设和网络安全风险防范提供可资借鉴的意见和建议。  相似文献   

李蓓蕾 《商业研究》2002,(20):151-153
伴随着计算机在网络上的广泛运用 ,大大促进会计的变革与发展 ,网络财务将成为信息时代会计发展的新领域和必然趋势。网络财务环境下的会计风险既来自网络系统安全方面 ,也有来自网络财务会计信息方面 ,规避与防范网络环境下的会计风险将是财务管理的新课题。  相似文献   

潘莉  张桁 《商》2014,(30):178-178
经济的全球化发展及互联网的普及,推动了电子商务的迅速发展。同时催生了电子商务支付市场这种基于信用中介模式下的第三方支付产业的发展。本文通过对网络支付的发展现状进行梳理,讨论了网络支付在网络交易过程中可能遇到的风险并提出相应的风险监管措施。  相似文献   

网络经济中网络欺诈防范探悉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络经济的迅猛发展,网络诈骗愈加猖獗.网络诈骗不但沿用了传统的诈骗手段,而且还充分利用网络性能的独特优势,实施各种比过去的许多欺诈更快的欺诈类型.本文试图揭露各种网络欺诈类型,并进一步探寻防范网络欺诈的方法和措施.  相似文献   

在大数据时代复杂的网络环境下,如何利用计算机软硬件和现代管理技术来确保计算机网络信息的安全性和可靠性,已经成为亟需解决的重要问题。本文研究计算机网络信息安全面临的风险因素,并采取相关网络安全技术策略与安全管理制度来确保网络安全与信息安全。  相似文献   

移动电子商务已经成为市场发展的趋势,但移动支付的安全问题也日益突显。为了保证移动支付的安全,在分析了无线PKI系统的结构和实现流程的基础上,设计了基于无线PKI的移动支付认证鉴权服务平台的框架和体系结构,进而设计了了移动支付认证鉴权服务平台的构建过程,用以指导移动支付认证鉴权服务平台的开发和实现。  相似文献   

For general volatility structures for forward rates, the evolution of interest rates may not be Markovian and the entire path may be necessary to capture the dynamics of the term structure. This article identifies conditions on the volatility structure of forward rates that permit the dynamics of the term structure to be represented by a two-dimensional state variable Markov process. the permissible set of volatility structures that accomplishes this goal is shown to be quite large and includes many stochastic structures. In general, analytical characterization of the terminal distributions of the two state variables is unlikely, and numerical procedures are required to value claims. Efficient simulation algorithms using control variates are developed to price claims against the term structure.  相似文献   

沈铀 《北方经贸》2007,(2):47-49
近年来,我国企业纷纷以跨国并购的方式向海外输出资本。随着年并购额的逐年攀升,盲目注重并购规模和数量的劣势已初露端倪;另一方面并购技术的稚嫩和对海外并购潜在法律风险的忽视使得我国企业在并购中屡遭挫败。目前学界已经开始对海外并购法律风险和规避措施进行系统研究。本文拟从反垄断法和劳工标准两方面阐述其法律风险的产生原因及应对措施,并对海外并购法律风险的不可预测性及发展趋势进行初步探究。  相似文献   

个人所得税为财政收入的重要来源 ,从个人所得税在各国财政收入中的比重入手 ,结合近十年来我国个人所得税的增长速度 ,预测中国个人所得税的发展前景和趋势 ,重点分析目前我国个人所得税的流失原因 ,并有针对性地提出改革策略  相似文献   

文章首先就我国外贸企业在经营过程中面临的主要经营风险作了介绍。指出风险预测是有效防范风险的必要前提 ,并列举了常用的风险预测方法。最后 ,针对外贸企业在经营过程中所遇的不同风险 ,提出了具体的防范措施和对策。  相似文献   

This paper considers the dynamics of pure exchange OLG models with stationary population (each agent living for two periods), tastes and endowments, homogeneous agents and well behaved preferences. It is shown that any kind of dynamics that can emerge from this class of models can be generated by a subclass of models where preferences are described by quasi-linear utility functions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the features of a dynamic multisectoral model that focuses on the relationship between income distribution, growth and international specialization. The model is explored both for the steady‐state properties and the transitory dynamics of integrated economies. Income inequality affects the patterns of growth and international specialization as the model uses non‐linear Engel curves and hence different income groups are characterized by different expenditure patterns. At the same time income distribution is also reflected in the relative wage rates of skilled to unskilled workers, i.e. the skill premium, and hence the wage structure affects comparative costs of industries which have different skill intensities. The model is applied to a situation that analyses qualitatively different economic development strategies of catching‐up economies (a ‘Latin American’ scenario and a ‘East Asian’ scenario).  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive a micro model of employment demand with hysteresis whereby firms can adjust along an intensive (employment) and an extensive (hours of work) margin. A mechanism of aggregation over heterogeneous firms is used to generate the corresponding aggregate dynamics. Longitudinal micro monthly data on a representative sample of Portuguese manufacturing firms are used in the empirical analysis. Our results indicate that signs of hysteresis found at the micro level do not vanish completely by aggregation and that hysteresis is magnified by the existence of an additional margin of adjustment (the hours adjustment margin).  相似文献   

Rajiv Sethi 《Metroeconomica》1995,46(3):246-277
This paper presents a model in which financial practices are chosen by decentralized units on the basis of expectations regarding financial market conditions, while the probability distribution governing market conditions itself depends on the choices made. If all agents are unboundedly rational, there is a unique equilibrium in which expectations are self-fulfilling. The assumption of universal unbounded rationality is relaxed by introducing an optimization cost, which leads to the possibility that optimizers may not have a sufficiently great evolutionary advantage to eliminate nonoptimizers entirely. In this case behavioral heterogeneity can persist even in the long run. For certain classes of probability distributions governing financial conditions, the evolutionary dynamics of population composition can help explain a number of stylized facts regarding the dynamics of financial practices which have hitherto been explained on the basis of learning dynamics or systematic cognitive biases.  相似文献   

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