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This paper considers an endogenous growth model with asymmetric information between lenders and borrowers, that leads to credit-rationing a proportion of borrowers. However, in contrast to the existing literature, in this model, both firms and consumers face borrowing constraints. Nonetheless, the borrowing constraints facing a firm and those encountered by a consumer have opposing effects on growth. Relaxing borrowing constraints on firms is growth-promoting, as more funds become available for productive investment. In contrast, relaxing borrowing constraints facing consumers has a detrimental effect, as funds are diverted from productive investment to consumption. Such an adverse effect may offset the externality effect present in the production function that would otherwise ensure perpetual growth. Furthermore, it is shown that the interaction between households’ and firms’ borrowing constraints may give rise to endogenous cycles.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the possibility of having money as a source of indeterminacy in endogenous growth models. We adopt the simple Ak model of endogenous growth to be the main analytical vehicle whose balanced growth paths do not display local indeterminacy. Money is introduced via either a general cash-in-advance (CIA) constraint or a pecuniary transactions costs (PTC) technology. It is shown that local indeterminacy of the dynamics is due to the presence of an intertemporal substitution effect on capital accumulation that works against and dominates the conventional inflation effect of Tobin [1965, Money and economical growth. Econometrica 33(4), Part 2, 671]. If money is growth-rate superneutral, then the intertemporal substitution effect is absent so that local indeterminacy cannot occur. Finally, the strength of the intertemporal substitution effect depends positively on the intertemporal elasticity of substitution in consumption.  相似文献   

Ramsey fiscal policy and endogenous growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hyun Park 《Economic Theory》2009,39(3):377-398
This paper examines the effects of fiscal policies on capital accumulation and economic performance in a simple endogenous growth model with elastic labor supply by focusing on the implementability of a competitive equilibrium with productive public spending and distortionary taxation. Given a feasible exogenous fiscal policy, productive public spending can, at first, lead to positive short-run and long-run growth in the unique competitive equilibrium. However, although strictly positive growth is possible in the short run, a Ramsey policy with productive public spending does not implement positive capital accumulation in the long run. Also, the local indeterminacy of Ramsey allocations, in conjunction with the global multiplicity, arises as an implementable competitive equilibrium with Ramsey policies: namely, a continuum of transitional dynamics and multiple balanced growth paths. I am grateful to Kazuo Nishimura, Theodore Palivos, Sang Hee Won, John Conlon, Apostolis Philippopoulos, Arved Ashby, In Ho Lee, Katsuaki Terasawa, and an anonymous referee of this journal for valuable comments and suggestions. I also thank seminar participants at Ioannina University, Kyoto University, University of Mississippi, and Seoul National University. This paper is supported by 2006 Sabbatical Project, Kyung Hee University.  相似文献   

Summary. We study a financial market economy with a continuum of borrowers and pooling of borrowers promises. Under these conditions and in the absence of designing costs, utility-maximizing decisions of price-taking borrowers may lead to financial market incompleteness. Parametrizing equilibria through the borrowers no-arbitrage beliefs, we link expectations to the financial market structure. Markets are complete if and only if borrowers beliefs are homogeneous. Price-taking behavior causes a coordination problem which in turn yields indeterminacy and inefficiency of equilibrium allocations.Received: 29 May 2003, Revised: 13 February 2004, JEL Classification Numbers: D50, D52.Correspondence to: Alessandro CitannaWe would like to thank David Cass, John Geanakoplos, Thorsten Hens, Atsushi Kajii, and an anonymous referee for their comments. The first author also thanks CERMSEM (Paris I) and Columbia University Graduate School of Business for the hospitality. A first version of this paper has appeared as GSIA Working Paper #1997-E137, Carnegie Mellon University, which itself revised Citanna and Villanacci (1995).  相似文献   

We study a two-sector model with heterogeneous agents and borrowing constraint on labor income. We show that the relative capital intensity difference across sectors is crucial for the conditions required to get indeterminacy and endogenous fluctuations. The main result shows that when the consumption good is sufficiently capital intensive, local indeterminacy arises while the elasticities of capital–labor substitution in both sectors are slightly greater than unity and the elasticity of the offer curve is low enough. Locally indeterminate equilibria are thus compatible with a low elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption and a low elasticity of the labor supply. As recently shown in empirical analysis, these conditions appear to be in accordance with macroeconomic evidences. We would like to thank R. Becker, J.P. Drugeon and an anonymous referee for useful comments and suggestions. The current version also benefited from a presentation at the conference “Public Economic Theory 04”, Beijing, August 2004.  相似文献   

This study explores the mechanism that causes an inverted U-shaped relationship between the public debt to GDP ratio and the economic growth rate which is observed in empirical studies. We show that this relationship is caused even when the government does not introduce the golden rule of public finance, and government health care expenditure has important role in generating this relationship.  相似文献   

This paper develops a post-Keynesian dynamic model of capacityutilisation and growth, in which the supply of credit-moneyis endogenous and firms' debt position—and thus the financialfragility of the economy à la Hyman Minsky—is explicitlymodelled. The interest rate is set by banks as a markup overa base rate exogenously determined by the monetary authority.The banking markup varies with changes in capacity utilisation,while the debt ratio varies with changes in the rates of interest,capital accumulation and growth. Regarding dynamics, it is shownthe possibility of relating the stability properties of a systemwith the interest rate and the debt ratio as state variablesto the prevailing Minskyan regime—hedge, speculative orPonzi.  相似文献   

We analyze an endogenous growth model with public capital and public debt where we posit that the primary surplus of the government is a positive function of cumulated past debt with an exponentially declining weight put on debt further back in time. We consider two scenarios: first, we study the model assuming that the government runs a balanced budget and, then, we compare the outcome to that of the model with permanent deficits. We analyze growth effects of the two scenarios and we study how fiscal policy of the government affects the dynamics of the model economy. It is demonstrated that the balanced growth rate is higher when cumulated past public debt is smaller. Further, we show that the debt policy of the government crucially determines the dynamics of the model economy and that endogenous growth cycles can arise.  相似文献   

Summary. The paper studies the local dynamics of an endogenous growth model with externalities of investment. It is demonstrated that, in case of sustained per capita growth, the competitve economy is characterized by a situation with a unique balanced growth path which is saddle point stable or by a situation with two balanced growth paths. If there are two balanced growth paths, the one with the higher growth rate is a saddle point whereas the path with the lower growth rate is either completely stable, with convergence to a rest point or limit cycle, or completely unstable. In the social optimum the existence of a balanced growth path implies that it is unique and that this path is a saddle point. Received: May 15, 2000; revised version: December 14, 2001  相似文献   

对于本次危机的根源,国内外学者比较一致的观点是,创新过度、监管不足,而中国目前的情况是创新不足、监管过度.本文首先对金融创新与金融监管关系的相关文献进行了回顾,然后总结了激励相客理论的主要思想,并着重分析了银行监管领域中的多层次的委托代理关系.在此基础上,本文将金融创新和银行监管问题置于信息不对称的委托代理分析框架内,从监管者激励约束、资本监管、监督检查、信息披露、存款保险等五个方面进行文献回顾,系统分析了银行金融创新监管机制的激励相容问题,这对于中国银行业在全面开放创新的背景下,如何借鉴危机前后国外银行业创新与监管的经验教训,促进中国银行业创新与监管的激励相容,具有重要的理论及实践意义.  相似文献   

Investment and financial constraints in Hungarian agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate credit market imperfections in Hungarian agriculture. Farmers with low debts and using mainly rented land are liquidity constrained. We find also evidence for the presence of soft budget constraint for high debt and corporate farms.  相似文献   

We work out the mechanism that makes public debt affect the allocation of resources in the long-run. To do so we analyze an AK growth model with elastic labor supply and a government sector. The government levies a distortionary income tax and issues bonds to finance lump-sum transfers and non-distortionary public spending. We show that the long-run growth rate is the smaller the higher the debt ratio if the government adjusts public spending to fulfill its inter-temporal budget constraint. If the government adjusts lump-sum transfers the public debt ratio does not affect the balanced growth rate.  相似文献   

Three large unbalanced panels of Italian manufacturing firms observed over the period 1991–2009 are employed to assess, by means of a dynamic GMM approach, whether the existence of financial frictions is suitable to explain deviations of inventories from their long-run path. A negative response of inventory investment to the presence of financial burdens might provide evidence of a significant role played by the financial framework in conditioning the real side of the economy, especially during recession years, when liquidity problems arise. The negative effect is found over the entire analyzed period, with firms' dimensional aspects accounting more than risk characteristics to explain the phenomenon, but the inclusion of recessionary dummies into the model leads to controversial and puzzling results. A significant recessionary effect is found during the Nineties, accounting for inventories being more sensitive to financial frictions during the main recessionary peaks, 1993 and 1996. The result is not confirmed by the most recent estimates, especially the ones referring to the 2008–2009 recessionary shock, whose effects are investigated for the first time by a paper addressing the inventory investment–financial constraints subject. Alternative hypothesis for the proposed results have been tested on data. Firms were found to rely on inventory decumulation to a lesser extent compared to the past, to generate internal financing. More specifically, disinvestments in financial assets were found to represent, as a matter of fact, one of the main drivers adopted to ease liquidity tensions: a negative and strongly significant relationship with inventory investment was detected, after controlling for short-run liquidity constraints at firm level. By contrast, only a weak negative relationship was established with fixed capital during the same recessionary biennium.  相似文献   

The paper empirically investigates the issue of financial constraintsto investment, focusing on its relationship with innovationactivities. The study is based on the analysis of a cross-industriespanel of 804 Italian companies, observed through the years 1995–2000.The main objective of the study is to highlight whether thereare financial determinants underlying the strong bias of patentingactivity towards larger companies in the Italian economy. Byapplying a dynamic panel analysis, we found that only the firmsshowing lower financial constraints are able to keep a sustainedpatenting profile through time. Our evidence suggests the existenceof an imperfect capital market in the Italian economy, particularlyin the case of medium-sized companies, which tend to delay inefficientlythe start of in-house R&D activities.  相似文献   

This paper studies the optimal long-run inflation rate in a simple New Keynesian model with occasionally binding collateral constraints that intermediate-good firms face on hiring labor. The paper finds that the optimal long-run annual inflation rate is around 1.5% if the economy is hit by a total factor productivity (TFP) shock and nearly 2.5% if the economy is subject to a markup shock. The shadow value of the collateral constraint is akin to an endogenous cost-push shock. Differently from usual cost-push shocks, however, this shock is asymmetric as it takes non-negative values only. Since the mean of this asymmetric endogenous cost-push shock is positive, inflation is also positive on average. In addition, a binding collateral constraint resembles a time-varying tax on labor, which the monetary authority can smooth by setting a positive inflation rate. More generally, the basic result is related to standard Ramsey theory in that optimal policy smoothes distortions over time.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the governance literature by analyzing the specific mechanisms through which governance affects economic growth: The credit channel. Specifically, it investigates the growth impact of governance on industries with different levels of dependence on external finance. Better governance mitigates credit market imperfections by increasing transparency and accountability and reducing government-policy distortions, promoting productive investment and entrepreneurship development, with a disproportionate impact on sectors that depend on external finance. This paper indeed finds that countries with well-functioning governments are better at providing growth and investment environments for the expansion of industries that rely heavily on external finance and the formation of new establishments in these industries, when controlling for financial development. These results are robust to possible reverse causality, different specifications, subsamples and outliers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of central bank's liquidity operations on the financial constraints of the bank-dependent firms. We use the Reserve Bank of India's liquidity operation called Term Repo Operation (TRO) in the study. The empirical analysis is based on a large scale firm-level data for the period 2011–2016 and panel logit estimation method. Our findings indicate that the financial constraints of the bank-dependent firms have reduced than their counterparts since the introduction of the operation. We also show that larger firms reap significant benefit out of TRO than the smaller firms.  相似文献   

Summary. We model credit contracting and bidding in a first-price sealed-bid auction when bidder valuation and wealth are private information. An efficient separating equilibrium exists only if the wealth levels of both bidder types are sufficiently different. If not, high-valuation bidders signal by borrowing more and using less of their wealth – this is inefficient as wealth is a cheaper source of funds. An increase in the amount of borrowing required to signal does not necessarily decrease seller expected revenue. In contrast to separating equilibria, high-valuation bidders adopt pure strategy bids in pooling equilibria. Conditions are identified under which the lower bound on winning bids is higher in pooling than separating equilibria. Received: January 22, 2001; revised version: August 28, 2001  相似文献   

We develop a dynamic model of public debt under the assumption that it is problematic for governments to implement fast increases of tax revenues, as new taxes require costly infrastructure and expertise that can be built only over time. In this environment, the standard condition requiring economic growth greater than interest costs is not sufficient to guarantee financial stability. Debt might become unstable if the gap between these two indicators falls below a given threshold. Our empirical analysis based on historical public finance data for the US provides strong support for the model. This study conveys a cautionary warning, because the debt of relatively safe borrowers may suddenly become unstable for instance because of a substantial deceleration in the growth of nominal income. These issues can be particularly relevant for those countries that do not have a modern and efficient tax collection system.  相似文献   

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