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Using a laboratory experiment in a developing country (Tunisia, North Africa), we investigate whether the level of monitoring and both the nature (monetary versus moral) and magnitude of sanctions influence cheating levels. Our findings show that the introduction of weak monetary sanctions and monitoring is likely to increase cheating. However, a perfect monitoring is found to decrease the level of cheating. Moreover, when combined with a perfect monitoring, moral sanctions matter and may be even more effective than strong monetary sanctions in reducing cheating. We draw some policy implications regarding cheating in various domains. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

周君良 《物流科技》2009,32(7):30-31
随着生产原料价格上涨,企业降低生产成本,提高生产效率势在必行。文章以火力发电企业的物流系统作为研究对象,对其内在的物流服务水平和物流成本的关系进行了对比分析,为了提高火力发电企业物流服务水平。增强市场竞争力,对改进其物流管理过程提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

杨春梅 《价值工程》2014,(9):294-296
在本文中,作者根据与考试相关进程的不同,分阶段为考试前,考试中,考试后,并加入持续分析问题,形成四个步骤去分析各种作弊隐患因素,在每个步骤都分别进行内因、外因相结合的分析。  相似文献   

A bstract .   Some nonparticipants support lotteries because they expect the lottery will shift a portion of their tax burden to participants. The principal-agent model suggests that lotteries will result in an above normal increase in state expenditures. This paper finds that 77 percent of net lottery proceeds are utilized for above normal spending increases, suggesting that tax benefits to nonparticipants are greatly diminished.  相似文献   

阐述了应按企业的机械加工设备条件,工艺方法,生产方式及量具楝备精度等方面实际情况选用尺寸的未注公差,并对有关未注公差等级转换提出了处理方法。  相似文献   

This paper attacks the problem of developing strategies for a firm to deal with technological change. We show that the product market strategies of the firm—including pricing, product positioning, and rent preemption strategies—can play a role in the efficient search for technology-related information when information search is costly and there are adaptation costs due to the presence of agency. We utilize a dynamic model of spatial competition with uncertain technological innovations in which firms can learn from each other about technological developments. Private information and agency conflicts are shown to increase the effective information search costs of incumbents, who then use interfirm learning to their advantage in equilibrium. This viewpoint also allows us to see the role of mergers and acquisitions, subsidiary formation, and internal R&D labs in a new light. The more general point is that organizational structures and, in particular, the differential distribution of information within the organization impose constraints on the information-search and adaptation strategies of the firm, and the formulation of product-market and R&D strategies serves to relax these constraints.  相似文献   

Changes in costs of credit for small and large firms respond differently to economic conditions and the markets are segmented. Costs for small firms are less responsive to changing economic conditions. Small firms borrow via credit card loans and from banks. Dynamic models prove the costs of funds are negative functions of quantities borrowed and positive functions of the Fed funds rate. During recessions, the decline in funds’ prices to large firms is greater than the reductions to small firms. Large firms benefit to a greater extent than small firms when prices of credit are changing.  相似文献   

张小钢 《城市发展研究》2006,13(5):83-85,96
近年来,国内房地产业快速发展,而房价则持续攀升,房价成为经济和社会的尖锐突出问题。要把畸高的房价降下来,一个很重要的途径,就是要把构成房价的真实成本清单公布于众,阳光操作,定期公示并加快建立具有权威性、科学性和专业性的房价成本测算体系,把一个详细、透明、百姓能看懂的动态房价成本呈现给百姓。为此,提出公开房价成本的若干理由和建议。  相似文献   

会计造假就是企业对外提供的会计信息严重偏离企业会计准则的规定,不能真实反映企业实际的财务状况和经营成果的一种现象。一、上市公司会计造假的原因(一)内部控制制度缺乏或低效建立企业内部控制制度的目的就在于发现、防止和纠正错误与舞弊。从理论上讲,一切的错误和舞弊是能够被健全的内部控制制度及时发现和纠正的。  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查法和个别访谈法研究了当前高校大学生作弊问题,并分析了作弊原因,进而提出了合理化解决策略。  相似文献   

医药品逆向物流的运输成本模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客海生  吴旻 《物流科技》2009,32(2):66-68
文章主要研究制药厂对其问题药品进行回收的最低运输成本问题。构建了一个制药厂,一个回收处理厂,多个药店的回程载货VRP模型,并进行了实例分析。在这个模型中,通过对回收路径进行合理的安排,使药店在回收过程中的运输成本最低。希望对制药厂降低其回收药品成本提供了一些帮助和参考。  相似文献   

介绍在 Auto CAD平台上开发公差查询及标注系统实用软件。软件包括 :按照最新国家标准设计而成的形位公差查询及标注、尺寸公差查询及标注、表面粗糙度查询及标注等。  相似文献   

翻转课堂作为新兴事物在全球掀起了课改风暴,倡导个性化学习和自主学习理念,随着翻转课堂的深入使用,困境逐渐显现。通过实践发现,翻转课堂的局限性体现在课程设计难度增大,需要通过视频满足不同层次学生的需求较困难;对学生自主学习能力和自我约束能力要求高;不利于人格和治学态度的传承等。本文针对上述问题,提出将翻转课堂与传统教学模式结合,根据各课程、课程的不同阶段、课程的不同课型来灵活使用翻转课堂和传统课堂,构建"融合教学"模式,实现翻转课堂的软着陆。  相似文献   

Differentiation-Induced Switching Costs and Poaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We show that the presence of sufficiently significant switching costs, which are increasing in the degree of product differentiation, generates an equilibrium configuration with maximal differentiation within the framework of a Hotelling model with linear transportation costs. The equilibrium with maximal differentiation offers a formalization of the idea that competing firms have noncooperative incentives to establish maximal switching cost barriers. The equilibrium incentives for commitments to high switching costs can be explained with poaching profits, which are increasing in the switching costs. Ex ante competition for market shares in period 1 is unable to eliminate these poaching profits .  相似文献   

加强工程竣工结算审核是合理确定和有效控制工程造价的重要措施.文章针对工程结算中存在多算、冒算、高套定额单价和高套取费标准的现象,提出在工程竣工结算审核中应注意的问题及采取的相应措施,以有效控制工程造价  相似文献   

目前学校规模不断扩大,校区不断增多,但受制于国家事业编制的改革管理,教师编制数量严格控制,导致运用传统模式的教学出现了师资严重短缺。虚拟云教室的发展为解决师资问题提供了技术支撑,本文提出了虚拟云教室的体系架构。  相似文献   

基于时间和成本的加工装配线物流平衡方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出一种基于时间和成本的加工装配线上物流的规划方法,在对现有的生产装配线重新分配工件的同时保证最大效益的改善,执行花费/效益分析,同时该平衡方法借助于数据库和电子表格的联合应用,可以在短时间内完成。文中以哈锅阀门股份有限公司生产线的改造为例,详细介绍了该方法的使用。计算结果表明,这种物流平衡方法提供了企业一种效率高,费用低的现有加工装配线改造方法。  相似文献   

我国劳动力成本状况与中美经济关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要从劳动力成本的角度对中关经济关系进行了深入探讨,结果发现:随着中国社会保障体系的逐步健全、劳动力市场的不断完善、劳动力增速的放缓、技术进步和资本深化等多种因素的出现,中国的劳动力成本将会继续上升,加之人民币升值等不利因素影响,中国出口会面临严峻挑战.短期内,中国的相对低劳动成本优势仍然会保持,所以尽管美国经济发生衰退,对中国进口和投资会减少,这会减少中美贸易逆差,但不会太多.  相似文献   

Firms' Stakeholders and the Costs of Transparency   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We develop a model of a firm whose production process requires it to initiate and nurture a relationship with its stakeholders. Because there are spillover benefits of being associated with a "winner," the perceptions of stakeholders and potential stakeholders can affect firm value. Our analysis indicates that while transparency (i.e., generating information about a firm's quality) may improve the allocation of resources, a firm may have a higher ex ante value if information about its quality is not prematurely generated. Transparency costs arise because of asymmetric information regarding the extent to which stakeholders benefit from having a relationship with a high-quality firm. These costs are higher when firms can undertake noncontractible innovative investments that enhance the value of their stakeholder relationships. Stakeholder effects of transparency are especially important for younger firms with less established track records.  相似文献   

中日物流成本现状比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过研究中日物流成本现状,以及对物流成本及其各构成成本项目比较,找出两国物流成本的变化趋势和差异所在,目的是为了降低我国物流成本,提高我国物流管理水平.  相似文献   

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