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李军林 《中国广告》2009,(6):121-124
本文分析了目前中国比较广告的法律法规的现状,并且结合国情,提出了完善比较广告法律法规的几点建议。  相似文献   

本文通过对六大跨国广告集团在华并购案例的剖析,试图达到三个目的。其一,说明现阶段中国广告业的市场热点:渗透市场与终端营销、数字营销、专业营销、公关服务与信息咨询。其二,说明跨国广告集团资本运作的差异性——IPG:按兵不动,该出手时才出手;电通:谨慎合作,保持稳健成长;哈瓦斯:低调做派,掀起独资浪潮。其三,说明外资并购对中国的负面风险以及化解危局的方向——政府、行业、公司三方群策群力。  相似文献   

夏定  程兰  王叔良 《中国广告》2013,(12):124-126
《广告法》修订要成为在新兴经济复杂的环境中调整广告活动的主要法律依据。本文主要从五个方面分析了修善广告理机制订案亟待解决的问题:一是完管理部门的权责规定.创新管二是广告法与相关法律的协调:三是广告主体及责任认定:四是广告法与具体法规的内容的理顺和完善,五是将新情况、热点问题有选择地纳入广告法范围。并试图提出相应的解决问题的路径  相似文献   

根据CTR的预测,2008年中国广告业的总经营额将超过4000亿人民币,首次超过日本,仅次于美国列世界第二。确实就如我几年前说的一样,我们已经不缺少规模,但是更需要与这种规模相适应的行业的标准资源。好在今天有了这个日趋成熟的《中国广告代理评估报告》,真的有一种发自内心的欣慰。  相似文献   

许正林  马蕊 《中国广告》2012,(4):139-145
本文以西方目前主导性广告学术类六大刊物在2010-2011年间所刊登的188篇学术论文为主要考察对象,整理出比较突出的广告研究热点:社交媒体与广告的研究热潮、互动媒体环境要求新的社会营销模式、植入式广告在新媒体环境中的效果、少数群体的广告也成为了"热点"、广告道德规范、当广告遭遇"回避"、广告效果认知的误区、市场调查的未来发展等八个方面,希望由此勾画出西方广告学术研究发展的最新脉络。  相似文献   

广告是商品经济发展的产物,在一定程度上已经成为一个国家是否经济繁荣昌盛的衡量标准。纵观我国广告之三十年发展变化历程,无论是消费者与广告从“一元”到“二元”的关系转变,还是广告主、广告商、媒介的广告观念,都发生了翻天覆地的变化,本文通过大量的案例研究,从以上四个角度对中国广告观念之三十年变化进行了梳理和分析。  相似文献   

This article examines China's 1993 Interim Regulations on the Advertising Agency System and Interim Advertising Censorship Standards as reflections of a developing country's concerns over advertising practices. Four issues facing a developing country such as China are identified: (1) The influence of foreign advertising practices on the domestic advertising industry; (2) the urge to speed up the learning process of advertising skills and know-how; (3) the threat of advertising to the indigenous culture; and (4) the government's authoritarian role in maintaining order. The new regulations are conceived as the Chinese government's remedies to these issues. The article concludes with a discussion on the enforcement problems and consequences of the regulations on China's advertising industry.  相似文献   


Written by several executives of the International Advertising Association, “The Global Challenge to Advertising” was first made public at the 23rd IAA World Congress in Dublin in early June of 1973. The study, with detailed examples from many areas, brings into focus the two main currents of world-wide opposition to advertising: mounting consumer dissatisfaction with product quality and claims, and increasing government regulation and control of advertising. It is reprinted here by permission of the International Advertising Association, 475 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.  相似文献   

F. P. Bishop argues that the ethical standard for advertising practitioners must be utilitarian. Indeed, the utilitarian theory of ethics in decision-making has traditionally been the preference of U.S. advertising practitioners. This article, therefore, argues that the U.S. advertising industry's de-emphasis of deontological ethics is a reason for its continuing struggle with unfavorable public perceptions of its ethics — and credibility. The perceptions of four scenarios on advertising ethics and the analyses of the openended responses of 174 members of the American Advertising Federation to those scenarios suggest that advertising practitioners need a stricter adherence to deontological ethics than is indicated in this study.Cornelius B. Pratt is Associate Professor in the Department of Advertising at Michigan State University. His research has been published in such journals as theJournal of Media Planning, Journal of Business Ethics, Public Relations Review, Public Relations Journal, Public Relations Quarterly, andJournalism Quarterly.E. Lincoln James is Associate Professor and Assistant Chairperson in the Department of Advertising at Michigan State University. His work has appeared in several scholarly journals, including theInternational Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Direct Marketing, Journal of Media Planning, andWeberforschung und Praxis.  相似文献   

One of the fastest growing sectors in China's transforming economy is advertising. Within the industry, large numbers of ‘advertising agencies’ are typically reported. This article charts growth in the industry and classifies agencies by type, in order to establish a more accurate understanding of agency numbers and growth. Advertising agencies are but one type of organization among the huge number of licensed ‘advertising practitioners’ in China, which are often erroneously referred to as agencies.  相似文献   

Commentaries by:
Simon Broadbent Challenge to Advertising Research Methods
Thomas O'Guinn, Ads, Brains and Social Text
Larry Percy, Neuro-Images of Advertising  相似文献   

Direct to consumer (DTC) advertising has attracted significant research attention, yet none has focused on empirical assessments of its overall impact on U.S. consumers nationally, and tying assessment to relevant behavioral outcomes. This paper addresses the ethical issue of DTC advertising providing a balance of product and risk information that is both understandable and believable, and contributes direction to those exploring this phenomenon. Richard F. Beltramini is currently Professor of Marketing in the School of Business Administration at Wayne State University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin, and served on the faculty of Arizona State University for fifteen years. His teaching interests include advertising and marketing management, research, and strategy. His primary research focus is on the believability of marketing communications information, and he has published in the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, and a variety of other journals, conference proceedings, and books as well as co-editing Gift Giving: A Research Anthology. Dr. Beltramini has served on the Editorial Review Boards of a number of academic journals, as guest editor of special issues of the Journal of Business Ethics and the International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, as international president of the American Academy of Advertising, as a member of the American Advertising Federation's National Academic Committee and several other professional and business organizations, and is active as a consultant to several international organizations. He is the recipient of several national competitive grants and awards for his teaching and research, including the National Science Foundation, is the only faculty recipient of both his school’s Excellence in Research and Excellence in Teaching awards, and is currently the first Board of Visitors Faculty Fellow. Prior to academe, Dr. Beltramini worked for Texas Instruments, Inc. and The Drawing Board, Inc., both in Dallas, and he has also worked as a Visiting Research Professor for J. Walter Thompson Advertising in Chicago, Honeywell Information Systems in Phoenix, and the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

美国的《广告杂志》代表着西方广告学研究的特点与发展方向。2007-2008年《广告杂志》共刊论文80篇,主题涉及广告创意、广告效果、广告伦理与法制、广告营销等方面,问题取向表现出针对性更强、更加细化的特点,广告品牌与营销、广告社会责任、广告效果研究成为集中的专题,跨学科研究成为鲜明特色。  相似文献   

何丹锋 《中国广告》2012,(4):136-138
2011年11月28日,广电总局下发《〈广播电视广告播出管理办法〉的补充规定》,决定自2012年1月1日起,全国各电视台播出电视剧时,每集电视剧中间不得再以任何形式插播广告。本文基于这项规定,探讨今后中国广告的发展趋势,提出了六大变化猜想,并阐述这些变化对不同主体带来的多赢可能性的假设。  相似文献   

农村电视媒体广告投放策略研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈刚  张卉  郭嘉 《中国广告》2009,(12):94-98
农村电视受众分布广泛、基数庞大,如果不讲究策略地进行广告投放,会导致广告到达受众与品牌的目标受众重叠度低,造成广告资金的很大浪费。基于对8省19市3800户农村居民的抽样调查数据,本文首先从宏观层面总结了中国农村电视受众的整体特征,即高接触率、高收视时长、核心受众高端化的“三高”特点。接下来本文以企业广告投放的决策过程为主线,从人群定位、时间段选择、频道选择、节目选择等四个层面,通过实证研究数据对农村电视媒体的广告投放策略进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

宝马汽车的电影广告是一种从广告的创意到表现在到传播的全新尝试,为广告的创意与表现树立了一种崭新的模式。这种创意表现模式使广告更具艺术性、故事性和观赏性,广告似乎正在从营销的阴影里走出来,而消费者似乎也从被动的接受广告到主动的欣赏广告转变。广告已经不单单是商品信息的传播者,广告更是意识形态的传播者。因此,广告活动的核心内容必将以提炼并传播企业价值理念、文化品味、风格个性、审美情趣等讯息并以此塑造品牌形象为中心职能。  相似文献   

Changes in Europe resulting from the unification of EC countries and the accessibility of new Eastern European markets have fundamentally altered the trading environment in which advertising agencies operate. As the advertising industry attempts to get to grips with legislative and media changes, agencies are working hard to create alliances and develop networks which encompass markets in which they did not traditionally have a presence. This article draws on a combination of quantitative and qualitative information collected from secondary sources and extended personal interviews with key agency personnel, advertisers and representatives from the UK's Advertising Association and The Advertising Standards Authority. The objective is to show how the advertising industry and agencies are continuing to gear up to meeting the new demands of the Europeanized market.  相似文献   


Advertising agencies, like other organizations, exercise social control over their members. Although this has been commented upon by a number of advertising practitioners and social scientists, virtually nothing about this phenomenon and its consequences can be found in advertising texts; and undergraduates are typically unaware of it. Advertising teachers, therefore, have an ethical obligation to include a discussion of this matter in the undergraduate curriculum.  相似文献   


Attempts to fund a JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING began in the early 1960s, largely through the efforts of C.H. Sandage. Although not successful in getting foundation funds, Sandage was instrumental in publishing Occasional Papers in Advertising as a forerunner of a journal. Other individuals became involved with the quest for a journal, eventually securing sufficient funds to start, and Volume 1, Number 1 of the Journal of Advertising appeared in 1972. Governance of the Journal was in the hands of a self-perpetuating Board of Directors, with loose ties to the American Academy of Advertising. This arrangement was due to philosophical differences between those desirous of establishing a journal and the then Executive Committee of the Academy. Monetary problems and differences in viewpoint of journal content plagued those responsible for the Journal in its earlier years. By 1979, efforts were underway to merge the autonomous Journal Board of Directors into a Publications Committee within the Academy proper. The consolidation occurred in 1981 through the re-writing of Academy Bylaws.  相似文献   

To provide a future vision of alternative viewpoints moving forward in creativity research, four different perspectives are offered. The first perspective, "Wildfire 2008: Creativity with a Human Touch," offers surprising humanistic and individualistic practitioner insights from breakthrough campaigns. The second viewpoint, "Creative and Effective Advertising: Balancing Spontaneity and Discipline," emphasizes the role of discipline in developing creative advertising that is effective while still being spontaneous. The third perspective, "Defining the Necessary Components of Creative, Effective Ads," provides a functional model of how creativity works in ads. In the last viewpoint, "The Concept of ‘Imaginative Intensity’ in Advertising," an imaginative intensity concept is offered for future research consideration as the role of the consumer, agency, and clients change.  相似文献   

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