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In this paper, football clubs are modeled as value-maximizing enterprises. With a long-term perspective in this framework, players are not only factors of production, but also assets of the club. It is shown that talent investment is higher with value-maximization than with profit maximization for homogeneous football clubs. Club heterogeneity is then modeled by different time-horizons regarding future profits, which leads to asymmetric levels of talent investment. Teams with longer time-horizons demand more talent and tilt the competition to their favor. Increases in transfer prices for players worsen the competitive balance, while higher player wages improve it.  相似文献   

This research aims to analyze how a firm's technological diversification strategies influence its financial performances, in terms of ‘technological diversification’ in broad technology sectors and ‘technological concentration’ on its own core technology, especially in the case of Korean large firms. The data used in the analysis were panel data encompassing the years between 1990 and 2006, which linked Korean firms’ patent information registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office to the financial data of those firms collected from Korea Investors Service, Inc. (Kis-Value). For the estimation of the panel data, a fixed effect model, which considers the individual firms’ own effect on the financial performance, was used. Tobin's q was used as a dependent variable representing firm performance, while ‘broad technology diversity’ and ‘core technology diversity’ were used as the focal explanatory variables. The results show that a firm seeking to have more technological assets should invest in a broad technological diversification strategy in its search for new business opportunities; it should likewise concentrate on the core technology in order to maintain its financial performance.  相似文献   

We show that the value maximizing hurdle rate for research and development (R&D) investments among private firms operating in a market setting is less than for conventional investments despite the fact that R&D has development risk. Because development risk arises only during R&D, entrepreneurs control this risk by deferring or pursuing R&D depending upon profitability. This risk management moderates downside loss and encourages upside gain which increases the value attraction of R&D and decreases the value maximizing hurdle rate below that of conventional investment.  相似文献   

The study aims to estimate the impact of R&D expenditure and patenting on the performance of firms using productivity, profitability and Tobin's q ratio as the performance indicators. The study uses firm-level data of 489 high- and medium-technology firms during the period of 2000–2010. We employ relatively a new source of data particularly in the context of India, firm-level patent granted, that has not been explored earlier. The study finds that firms patenting result in productivity improvement of firms, whereas R&D expenditure does not. The study further finds the evidence of positive impact of patenting on financial performance of firm with significant differences between foreign and domestic firms.  相似文献   

边际成本分析能对具有技术可行性的企业资源节约措施作出经济合理性分析,即沿着资源节约效益等于边际成本情况下的速率节约资源,能够在一定程度上有效解决资源环境对企业发展的约束。依据边际成本均衡原理,企业在寻求最优资源节约措施组合方案降低资源消耗时,实际上就是在多种措施组合决策范围内寻求一条恰当的边际成本均衡线,此问题可通过建立目标规划模型解决。经实例计算验证,本文所提的决策方法是切实可行的。  相似文献   

理解真实世界各种现象和行为之道,在于寻找影响成本和收益的约束条件。考虑了所有的约束条件,经济总是有效率的,边际收益总是等于边际成本,私人成本与社会成本没有分离。现实中,帕累托改进是不存在的。帕累托改进要求约束条件不变,那些所谓的帕累托改进其实伴随了约束条件的改变,因而不是真正意义上的帕累托改进,也就不能成为无效率的理由了。  相似文献   

投资是湖北省经济增长最重要的推动力量,但湖北省投资增长处于非均衡发展的状态。为了避免湖北省投资因过热而浪费社会资源或者因投资不足造成经济增长的停滞,应按照投资效率原则对固定资产投资结构进行调整。通过阐述湖北省固定资产投资产业和行业结构基本情况,利用投资效率指标对湖北省固定资产投资结构的效率进行了分析,并对投资政策进行了评。在此基础上,提出湖北省今后一段时期固定资产投资的合理的产业和行业结构,为湖北省固定资产投向提供政策参考。  相似文献   

固定资产投资与经济发展有密切的关系,固定资产投资的数量决定了地区的经济总量,固定资产投资的方向决定了产业布局、产业结构。根据东部、西部地区2008年固定资产投资与国内生产总值的有关数据建立动态规划模型,进行了产业发展优势分析,并对西部地区的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

河南省农村公共物品投资的收入效应研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王洪庆 《经济经纬》2007,(1):129-132
通过运用面板数据模型对河南省农村公共物品部门固定资产投资对农民收入的影响进行分析,主要结论表明,河南省农村公共物品投资对农民收入的增长起到了积极的推动作用.当前,河南省农村公共物品供给匮乏且结构不合理,河南省农村人均收入和人均累计公共物品投资的地区差距在逐渐拉大.针对这些问题,我们应采取相应措施,以进一步提高河南省农民的收入水平.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of economic policy uncertainty on firm-level capital investment, by not only delving into the long-term investment-uncertainty relation like previous studies, but also analyzing the short-term investment-uncertainty relation for the U.S. market. The empirical investigations show that firms decrease short-term, long-term, and total firm investments when encountering higher economic policy uncertainties. The research also explores the non-linear investment-uncertainty relation based on various theories. Our findings present a U-shaped relationship between short-term, long-term, and total investments and uncertainties. Policy implications are provided from our empirical results.  相似文献   

中国固定资产投资实证研究模型综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗敬毅  刘应宗  方琳 《经济问题》2007,339(11):83-85
在利用中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)进行文献检索的基础上,总结归纳出中国固定资产投资实证研究集中在五个方面:固定资产投资总额预测,宏观经济多部门动态模型,固定资产投资对经济增长影响分析,固定资产投资效果及滞后效应分析,固定资产投资地区差距分析.并对相应的模型和基本结论进行概述.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent that technological assets contribute to the value of the firm, using the sample of 90 Japanese firms in pharmaceutical, chemical, and electrical equipment industries. We use the firm's R&D expenditures and the number of patents (in stock) as the measures of its technological assets and show that the relative usefulness of these two measures varies across industries. Particularly, Tobin's q is positively related to the technological assets most strongly in the pharmaceutical industry. It is also most sensitive in this industry to the level of patent stock, coinciding with the view that drug patents are more effective than other patents as a means of appropriating returns from innovation. The communications equipment industry is also characterized by its q's dependence on patent stock. In addition, this industry's q is particularly sensitive to the level of net R&D investment in the most recent year, presumably because of the rapid technological progress in this industry.  相似文献   

罗绍德  蔡奋 《财经科学》2007,(10):96-102
企业是投资决策的最终制定者,理解企业投资行为十分必要.本文以沪深两市制造业2003-2005年的财务数据为基础,抽取了1870家样本公司,对投资行为与企业竞争优势之间的关系进行实证分析.发现滞后一期的固定资产投资和当期的企业竞争优势显著正相关,滞后一期和滞后二期的无形资产投资均与当期的企业竞争优势不显著.  相似文献   

农村人口流动可以划分为主体性人口流动和边缘性人口流动,边缘性人口流动是对主体性流动的补充和完善,其产生的原因是大流动环境的影响,农闲、农忙时间农村劳动力的缺乏。边缘性人口流动的主体是年龄在45~64岁的中老年人口。农村人口边缘性流动的主要功能:农村人力资源的进一步解放和开发;大流动后区域性劳动力的一种平衡;与外部大流动环境的一种适应和对接;改变农村中老年人口的生活方式。  相似文献   

分析了边际机会成本定价法的特点,指出了该方法应用于城市再生水定价时的作用,给出了边际机会成本定价的一般公式.通过分析得出再生水边际成本定价时需用平均增量成本代替边际机会成本,并给出了平均增量成本的计算公式.最后提出了城市再生水边际机会成本定价的具体步骤.采用边际机会成本定价法可使再生水生产企业获得足够的收入去扩容并实现可持续发展,还有可能实现资源的高效分配,因此可作为判断再生水价格是否合理的一个主要依据.  相似文献   

应用协整理论、Granger因果检验、脉冲响应分析、方差分解等方法,对1983—2010年西安市固定资产投资和地区生产总值进行实证分析。研究发现,两者存在长期均衡关系,长期内西安市经济增长受到固定资产投资滞后和自身滞后等因素的影响,西安市固定资产投资对本地区经济增长有显著单向推动作用,而经济增长对本地区固定资产投资影响不显著。  相似文献   

新形势下,国内各高校存在如自考助学生、高技能培训班、国际教育预科班、成教脱产生等各类全日制旁听生,成为游学在高校的边缘族新群体。本文以问卷调查的形式对他们的理想信念、学习目标、伦理道德、人际交往、就业求职等思想动态展开调查,并进行分析研究,提出对策,以促进边缘族学生教育工作的开展。  相似文献   

Marginal Valuation of Charismatic Species: Implications for Conservation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most contingent valuation studies focus on total willingness to pay (WTP) as a measure of welfare change. For policy involving species preservation, however, it is important to distinguish between the benefits of preventing a species from going extinct and the benefits of preserving numbers above the minimum viable population (MVP) level. Once MVP is exceeded, marginal WTP becomes relevant. These propositions are illustrated for the case of one charismatic species whose management is much debated, minke whales in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. It is shown that, for a given estimate of total preservation value, strict conservation and extinction can both be optimal. This finding highlights the importance of collecting marginal values in contingent valuation surveys.  相似文献   

劳动价值论和边际效用价值论是从不同角度对社会财富和商品价值的度量,劳动价值论成为了分析社会结构的基础,而边际效用价值论不具备这种功能,并走上了100年的弯路;本文证明了:社会总效用量与社会总劳动耗费量的统一,商品的边际效用与生产商品的社会必要劳动时间的统一,以及总量与个量计量的统一.对两种价值论统一性的论证,进一步证明劳动价值理论及其作为社会经济结构分析基础的正确性.  相似文献   

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