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This paper aims to analyse the role and responses of professional groups and their media outlets in relation to fashionable management discourses. Although much emphasis has been given to the role played by ‘knowledge entrepreneurs’ in sponsoring and exploiting management fashion, this risks neglecting the degree of adaptation and re-invention involved in translating these ideas into practice. Professional groups, in particular, can be seen as mediators of the spread and assimilation of fashionable discourses. In an empirical study we sought to analyse the importance and implications of this mediating role by focussing on the academic and professional media associated with Human Resource (HR) and Information Systems (IS) practitioners and their responses to one of the most influential management fashions of the recent period—Knowledge Management (KM).The initial stage of the study involved a qualitative and quantitative review of the IS and HR literature to identify the critical elements of their response to the KM discourse. This highlighted the role of legitimation, differentiation and inter-professional competition as features of professional media's ‘theorization’ of new management fashions. A further element of the study focussed on a particular HR magazine sponsored by the HR profession. Analysis of these articles suggests that this magazine has evolved a distinctive perspective on KM, one which highlights the employee and behavioural issues associated with its application compared to the more IT-driven rhetorics found in the mainstream literature. The rhetorical claims of the new discourse were thereby interwoven with the overarching knowledge claims of the HR profession.  相似文献   

Initiating a total quality management (TQM) effort can be a time-consuming and costly effort for a hospital. Perceptions of management and employees are important in initiating TQM because people function as if perceptions are fact. Assessing these perceptions and determining the levels of readiness or resistance to change are important steps in reducing costs, thus increasing organizational ability to address proactively challenges to the implementation and ultimate success of a TQM effort. Key assessment criteria are discussed including a comparison of management and employee perceptions in one hospital.  相似文献   

The hospital continues to be pleased with the progress of our material services program in all areas, but especially surgery. It took a few simple, basic methods, such as exchange carts and inventory control, mixed them with people who actually care about doing a good job, and the whole program moved forward dramatically. People, both in materiel services and surgery, have accomplished a tremendous amount in the past two years. They have made, and will continue to improve, an already excellent program.  相似文献   

A limited number of studies in Africa have reconciled human resource management (HRM) programs with cultural diversity as represented by Hofstede's cultural dimensions. The objective of this study is to examine how Western-based HRM can be modified to embrace cultural diversity in an African context. A mixed methodology employed a survey, as well as a case study in Mozambique. The results indicate high levels of power distance, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and feminism that are very similar to Kenya. These dimensions differed across a spectrum of employee levels illustrating cultural hybridization at firm level in a multinational operating in Africa. The results also illustrate the importance of a range of health, family, and societal beliefs in the workplace. Finally, a series of HRM recommendations were developed in an African context with respect to the selection, training, performance measurement, and management programs of the company.  相似文献   

Business-to-Business (B2B) services companies invest heavily in acquiring very expensive assets that they hire out to serve their clients (e.g. UPS buys huge warehouses and hires them out to companies), and hence they engage in careful long-term planning and forecasting, especially when it concerns a new market. It is interesting to note that the client-firms, on the other hand, decide to hire those assets based mostly on the prevailing short-term market forces. Hence, it is important for the companies which provide the assets for hire to also build the prevailing short-term market trends into their long-term forecasting and planning. In this paper, we develop a model for tracking these two simultaneously evolving and interacting patterns, namely the asset-availability (i.e. supply) and utilization (i.e. demand) patterns, in order to better understand the underlying processes, and thereby provide a basis for better forecasting. We test our models using three sets of data collected from the oil drilling industry, and find the proposed model to provide a good fit and forecasting efficiency.  相似文献   


Hybrid professional managers appear less effective in introducing management into public professional settings than policymakers hope. To date, research has offered little understanding of professionals’ identity transition challenge and the role of social interactions underpinning this process. We studied the identity work of hybrid doctors inside a large public health-care organization, finding that it takes place through processes of familiarizing with management, rationalizing being a hybrid, and legitimizing the new role-identity. We contribute to the literature by showing that identity work is distributed and enabled by social interactions beyond the professional group. Implications for policymakers and executives are discussed.  相似文献   

When resorting to Greek divine mythology to purchase original insights on management styles, Handy (1991) identifies Apollo and Dionysius as representative of two ideal types which can be developed and fine-tuned to highlight one relatively under-explored area of inter-cultural human resource management. This concerns the cultural interface between alien, imported management styles and local, home-grown practices in the context of small and island states. This paper argues that indigenous behaviour patterns in the unfolding of labour-management relations cannot be discounted. Indeed, these home-bred practices will both place imported 'textbook' management strategies in sharp relief as well as debilitate their purposed efficacy. Such a proposition suggests that this is one expression of how globalization will necessarily find itself textured and infected by indigenous cultural material, even that forthcoming from possibly the least expected quarter: that of micro, insular jurisdictions. Case-study material exploring and illustrating this cultural clash is drawn from seminal, empirical fieldwork carried out in the Indian Ocean island state Republic of the Seychelles.  相似文献   

In research on antisemitism related to Germany generally four subdimensions of hatred towards Jews are differentiate: (a) the anti-Judaism related to the Christian religion, (b) the biologically argued racial antisemitism, (c) secondary Antisemitism, and (d) antisemitism presented as antizionism. The central question in relation to the shift in how antisemitic attitudes are articulated in the German population is the dispute over whether this shift consists merely in a change in how a continuing, fundamental antisemitic attitude is articulated, and whether antisemitic attitudes have merely found another avenue of communication. The overall object of the study is to explore the structures, contexts, and dynamics of antisemitism and to focus on aspects of political psychology, hence looking at mainly collective identification, defense, and projection patterns. In terms of methodology the intention is to study the project as part of a qualitative supplementary study, based on the integration concept described by Christian Seipel and Peter Rieker of a sequence of quantitative and qualitative empirical research. The supplementary study will have as its base a sub-sample extracted from the overall results of the GMF Survey 2005. An especially suitable method for this is the Structured Depth Interview since it makes possible revealing non-communicated motives—whether consciously kept quiet or unconsciously suppressed. The main goal here is to penetrate the surface structure of antisemitism, to decipher its political-psychological dynamics, and to elaborate its associative contexts.  相似文献   

This article explores the impact of a relational organising model within a local UNISON NHS branch. While initial outcomes were modest, we argue that relational approaches have the potential to increase branch engagement with organising activity and to provide a focus on the importance of community within the workplace.  相似文献   

Organisations often make implementation decisions with little consideration for the maintenance phase of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, resulting in significant recurring maintenance costs. Poor cost estimations are likely related to the lack of an appropriate framework for enterprise-wide pre-packaged software maintenance, which requires an ongoing relationship with the software vendor (Markus, M.L., Tanis, C., and Fenema, P.C., 2000 Markus, M. L., Tanis, C. and Fenema, P. C. 2000. Multisite ERP implementation. CACM, 43(4): 4246. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Multisite ERP implementation. CACM, 43 (4), 42–46). The end result is that critical project decisions are made with little empirical data, resulting in substantial long-term cost impacts. The product of this research is a formal dynamic simulation model that enables theory testing, scenario exploration and policy analysis. The simulation model ERPMAINT1 was developed by combining and extending existing frameworks in several research domains, and by incorporating quantitative and qualitative case study data. The ERPMAINT1 model evaluates tradeoffs between different ERP project management decisions and their impact on post-implementation total cost of ownership (TCO). Through model simulations a variety of dynamic insights were revealed that could assist ERP project managers. Major findings from the simulation show that upfront investments in mentoring and system exposure translate to long-term cost savings. The findings also indicate that in addition to customisations, add-ons have a significant impact on TCO.  相似文献   

In a modern society that is inundated with cell phones, laptops, PDAs and other IT facilities, it is little wonder that digital handheld tools and facilities have followed suit in the wireless trend. Services in Bluetooth promise to allow industries and businesses to adapt rapidly to changes in the business environment and to the needs of IT users. Nevertheless, the dramatic changes of services in Bluetooth also result in undesirable interactions that negatively influence quality of service and customer satisfaction regarding Bluetooth. Consequently, it is important to discuss the service quality, service feature interaction and service recovery about Bluetooth and their influence on user satisfaction and trust. Due to particular properties of wireless communication services, there exist software testing models and methodologies in the domain of wireless communication services. Based on the previous literature that defines the overall quality of wireless communication services, this study proposes a quality-oriented framework that may be effectively applied to the area of wireless communication.  相似文献   

For the last few years, the videoconferencing system and multi-point connection service market represented by multimedia technology have enjoyed strong growth in Japan. Behind the recent upturn in this market was the strategic alliance of NTT, Japan's largest telecommunications carrier, and PictureTel of the US, followed by the birth of business communities centred around or outside NTT, thus intensively creating and boosting a new market referred to as interactive video communication. This article reviews the challenges that faced NTT, one of the big businesses in Japan, followed by PictureTel and other players within and outside NTT, all of which were lined up to create various strategic business communities. The article gives careful consideration to the measures taken by these players who achieved success in such a way as to alter employee consciousness, vitalize organizational morale, entrench the new NTT 'Phoenix' brand (videoconferencing system) in the Japanese market and create an emergent new video multi-point connection network service market. And it was under the innovative leadership of community leaders that communities' core competencies were elevated, and innovation of the multimedia business achieved, as a function of the creation and harmonization of new value outlooks within the business community, inside as well as outside the companies.  相似文献   

Nowadays, organizations have started to become more conscious about the environment in their supply chain operations. The greening process has guided supply chain practices into new ways of thinking according to green standards. The assessment of the performance of green supply chain management (GSCM) requires a holistic view for the whole supply chain. In this context, given that becoming green in the operational side of activities is essential, the performance assessment of operational activities also requires a holistic view to be taken. In this paper, an attempt has been made to improve the performance of GSCM by examining and evaluating the green operational excellence of a hot dip galvanizing company. The framework includes several green operational excellence key criteria, namely, quality management, efficiency management, green production/manufacturing, eco‐packaging, and green design. First, the weights of the criteria and the respective measurements were found by fuzzy analytic network process. Then, the overall operational performance score was found by a weighted scoring method. Finally, both managerial and theoretical implications were suggested according to the outcomes and findings of the case study.  相似文献   

This article describes the application of value stream mapping to analyze and redesign the way of managing the materials procurement stage of a project. A framework based on integrated definition (IDEF) methodology, the stream analysis approach, activity‐based costing, and discrete event simulation is presented. The stream analysis approach is used to analyze, diagnose, and manage process changes represented using an IDEF model. A dynamic simulation is used to evaluate the impact of the changes considered, to support the analysis of the process, and to model the performance of the proposed process. The overall methodology is demonstrated by applying it to a company whose core business is the design and construction of offshore oil rigs. The company specializes in engineering, procurement, and construction projects and has an annual portfolio of about six projects. Many of these projects have common features in terms of design and components, and they are all also characterized by a short “time to delivery.” For this reason, this study was aimed at assessing the possible effects that the application of new materials management policies could have on reducing both project completion time and the resources required.  相似文献   

Fundraisers, managers, and boards in the charitable sector are faced with an ongoing concern: how do they produce sustainable, predictable financial returns for their causes while minimizing the cost of fundraising? One way to address this is to improve the measurement of fundraising activities and this study asks how fundraising results should be communicated within organizations to support sustainability. This case study focuses on the fundraising program from one Canadian charity with a large, diversified fundraising program to examine how fundraisers can move beyond simple end-of-year financial ratios and implement one managerial technique, leading and lagging indicators, to improve long-term financial performance. A literature review, internal interviews, and internal document review are used to identify 81 potential leading and lagging indicators that fundraisers can use to develop a suite of indicators that fit their context, activities, and goals and to identify potential challenges with implementing indicators. The role of organizational context and characteristics in selecting an appropriate suite of indicators is also discussed.  相似文献   

This study develops an off-site emergency response plan for a nuclear power plant in Gujarat, India subject to time constraints with resource limitations and risk of radiation exposure to victims. We formulate an optimization model to capture the effect of delay in evacuation, limited resource availability, and costs associated with resource allocation. A single chain closed queuing network model with class switching is used to model traffic congestion during evacuation. The throughput measures from the queuing network are used as inputs in the optimization model. Further, two resource allocation strategies are suggested and genetic algorithm is used for optimizing resource utilization and evacuation risk. The results indicate that pooling resources among a cluster of affected areas is most suitable for evacuation. Numerical experiments are conducted to analyze the time trade-offs and the effect of service time variability on the expected evacuation time. The proposed model can serve as an important resource planning and allocation tool for emergency evacuation.  相似文献   

Recent location-allocation studies have made considerable progress in optimizing the equality of facility accessibility but are focused on automobile transport to facilities. In cities, however, the transit-based accessibility of essential services is crucial for social equality and sustainable development. In this study, we develop a modified transit-based maximal accessibility equality (MAE) model for optimizing the equality of the transit-based accessibility of healthcare facilities. In this model, equality is quantified as the weighted mean absolute deviation (WMAD) of accessibility across locations. Two scenarios are set up to reallocate resources or allocate newly added resources. The results reveal that the equality of transit-based healthcare accessibility can be significantly improved in both scenarios. A dispersed planning strategy for facilities is suggested to achieve equal accessibility. However, the transit-based optimization results significantly differ from the car-based optimization results, with more supply allocated to facilities close to transit corridors. This finding implies that the traditional car-based MAE model might generate unequal healthcare accessibility for transit-dependent populations and thus lead to biased recommendations for healthcare planning. Furthermore, it shows that traditional car-based optimization may engender a misallocation of healthcare supply, exacerbating the inequality in healthcare accessibility. The necessity of incorporating public transit into public facility planning is highlighted. The improved MAE model can be applied in cities where the supply of public services is relatively adequate and public transit plays an important role in daily mobility.  相似文献   

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