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The movement of people in space implies the consumption of resources such as time, space, money and energy, as well as the production of negative externalities such as accidents, pollution and congestion. Some of these effects have been analyzed on an aggregate level by comparing regions in the world, a set of selected cities and different geographical areas in a particular city. The analysis of data on a more disaggregate level that considers the differences in the cause and continuance of negative transport externalities among social classes and groups living in a particular city in the developing world is rare.This paper uses the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (SPMR) 1997 origin–destination (OD) survey to investigate such phenomenon by taking advantage of the fact that data are divided according to six levels of household income. Results refer to mobility patterns in workable days.The main conclusions are that although people at the lowest income level spend a high share of their income on transport, they have a very low overall mobility and contribute almost nothing to transport externalities. At the other extreme, the two highest income groups that use cars intensively invest much more time, space and money to travel around and so contribute to transport externalities 8.4–15.2 times more than the lowest income group. Such large differences challenge current transport policies in developing countries and call both for a reassessment of assumptions and principles as well as for opposition to the propagation of myths that have sustained such inequitable policies.  相似文献   

In the field of transportation, several studies have researched commute mode choice and its dynamics in the short and in the long term. Relatively less is known about mode choice for discretionary and more flexible activities, such as social visits. These choices are dynamic and depend on personal habits and preferences, reflected to some extent in the history of similar choices. This study adopts the theory of path dependence to take life cycle dynamics and habitual preferences into account. Using a dataset collected in the Netherlands in 2011, a multinomial logit model of mode choice was developed. Results suggest that mode choices for social activities are path dependent, yet not entirely. There is also evidence of switching towards faster and more flexible modes after a life cycle event.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of student vacation travel choice analysis using a reference dependent model of airline fare preferences. Findings suggests, as expected, that the preferences/utility decreases with increasing levels of cost. The evaluation of the airfare, however, becomes significantly more critical in the regime were low-fare airlines are more expensive than the regular airlines, meaning that price sensitivity for low-fare airlines is higher in this case. Part-worth utility functions for airfare as part of a more general portfolio model of vacation decisions of students suggest that indeed a reference dependent model captures such regimes in utility space.  相似文献   

This study presents a fuzzy mathematical model to support and evaluate airport waste management. The model generates a waste management index, composed of three dimensions, and it was applied in a case study of Congonhas Airport, located in Brazil. In addition to the mathematical model, the nonparametric Mann-Kendall test was applied to verify the existence of bias in the obtained results. The results showed that there is a concern on the part of the airport regarding waste management, reflected in the Fuzzy Waste Management Index (FWMI) results. They also indicated that there was an improvement in waste management in 2015 compared to 2014, resulting from increased accounting for recyclables and awareness of the airport community. The developed model proved to be an important tool to support the decision making of airport managers, including aspects related to waste management steps, and there may be adjustments that may be made to include new indicators.  相似文献   

Despite its contribution to the national economy, domestic tourism is one of the most neglected and under-researched forms of tourism in the literature. This study tested an integrated path model examining the interrelationships between destination image, perceived quality, satisfaction and behavioural intentions, using domestic tourists who visited Eilat, Israel. The findings support the hierarchical relationships between image, quality, satisfaction and behavioural intentions. In addition, the affective image component was found to exert a far greater impact on the overall destination image than the cognitive component. The study establishes a better understanding of domestic tourists’ destination image and behavioural intention formulation. It also provides a number of implications for destination managers targeting the voluminous domestic segment.  相似文献   

The main goal of this article is to evaluate the relationship between the spatial distribution of the population of the city of Belo Horizonte, one of the largest cities in South America, and its public transport network, seeking to ascertain whether the current bus network is able to meet the needs of the population. The methodology was based on data processing and vector information from different sources through spatial analysis tools. As expected, the results revealed a greater concentration of routes and bus stops in the central region of Belo Horizonte, which is the main commercial center of the municipality and its metropolitan region. However, the results suggest evidences of a disadvantage for the population with lower income, especially those living on the periphery. A possible explanation for this disadvantage is the invisibility of these communities due to their high level of irregular occupation. Under the eyes of public transport planning, they are not recognized, and, theoretically, do not generate demand for lines and bus stops  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics of households with multiple car ownership in Dublin, Ireland. Data from the 2006 Census of Ireland are analysed to ascertain the characteristics of these households. The analysis of multiple car ownership presented herein examines individual specific, transport availability, and household characteristics to provide an indication of the individuals most likely to have access to more than one vehicle. Understanding the characteristics of households with more than one car is important for many reasons, such as how policies for emissions reductions or pricing regimes might affect households. Ireland, like many countries, has recently launched a number of electric vehicle and car sharing schemes. Traditionally these schemes have been aimed at reducing multiple car ownership, therefore it is important to develop an understanding of the households that would most likely give up an extra car and use a car sharing scheme or an electric vehicle. Also from a sustainability point of view, greater levels of car ownership can result in unsustainable transport patterns.This paper examines the Census data using a multinomial logit regression model to determine the relationships between multiple car ownership levels and several household characteristics. The findings of the paper demonstrate that occupation, public transport availability and residential density all have an impact upon the decision to own more than one vehicle.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of culture brokers in the management of tourism in the indigenous community of Taquile Island. Culture brokers are individuals that have the ability to understand visitors' culture as well as their own. In‐depth interviews were conducted with culture brokers, members of the community and tourists to explore the topic from multiple perspectives. The findings suggest that their strong sense of identity has determined that culture brokers direct the course of action from inside and outside their society, while members of the community contribute from their positions, and this collaborative effort positively influences the tourist experience. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of wage premiums on the competition between Full Service Carriers (FSC) and Low Fare Carriers (LFC) in the airline industry. We study the impact of changes in the labor market and the resulting effects on performance in the product market and examine the role of economies of density. We develop an oligopoly model of airline competition with endogenous wages and simulate increases in labor costs. We apply the model to the case of the most important domestic route of Brazil using airline/route-specific demand and costs data. Our chief contribution relies on the empirical model of asymmetric economies of density for the competing business models. We estimate that LFCs have higher economies of density than FSCs. With the empirical models of demand, costs and wages, we compute the wage-elasticities of price-cost markups. We find that, on account of the higher sensitivity of marginal costs to labor costs of the FSCs, their markups are more affected by wage premium increases than the markups of the LFCs. The results are attenuated by higher economies of density, but amplified by higher price-elasticities of demand and lower economic growth.  相似文献   

The mage trans-strait fixed links are constructed in different countries to promote regional economic and social development. This paper proposes a spatial impacts model for the trans-strait fixed links in the Pearl River Delta, China. To verify the rationality of the model, four quantitative indicators, including weighted average travel time, the economic linkage intensity, the economic linkage membership grade, and the fractal index are used to investigate the effect by construction of Humen Bridge, Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge and Shenzhen–Zhongshan Bridge. The results show that the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge and Shenzhen–Zhongshan Bridge greatly improve the regional accessibility with a maximum decrease weighted average travel time of 1.38 h and 0.4 h. The central part of the Delta has greatest impacts. The links increase the economic linkage of cities of each side. The cities directly connected to the fixed links (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Macao and Zhongshan) experience the highest increasing economic linkage. The regional spatial pattern evolves from unipolarity to multi-polarity and integrates a more advanced and sophisticated spatial network. The theoretical spatial impacts model for the trans-strait fixed links accords with the actual development in the Pearl River Delta.  相似文献   

Air transport policy, national income, bilateral trade volume, distance, common language and immigration are significant determinants of international arrivals to Australia. The close link between aviation policy and the number of international travellers might suggest that Australia has benefited from the liberalisation of the airline industry globally in recent decades.  相似文献   

Since the mid-2000s, public bikesharing (also known as “bike hire”) has developed and spread into a new form of mobility in cities across the globe. This paper presents an analysis of the recent increase in the number of public bikesharing systems. Bikesharing is the shared use of a bicycle fleet, which is accessible to the public and serves as a form of public transportation. The initial system designs were pioneered in Europe and, after a series of technological innovations, appear to have matured into a system experiencing widespread adoption. There are also signs that the policy of public bikesharing systems is transferable and is being adopted in other contexts outside Europe. In public policy, the technologies that are transferred can be policies, technologies, ideals or systems. This paper seeks to describe the nature of these systems, how they have spread in time and space, how they have matured in different contexts, and why they have been adopted.Researchers provide an analysis from Europe and North America. The analysis draws on published data sources, a survey of 19 systems, and interviews with 12 decision-makers in Europe and 14 decision-makers in North America. The data are examined through the lens of diffusion theory, which allows for comparison of the adoption process in different contexts. A mixture of quantitative and qualitative analyses is used to explore the reasons for adoption decisions in different cities. The paper concludes that Europe is still in a major adoption process with new systems emerging and growth in some existing systems, although some geographic areas have adopted alternative solutions. Private sector operators have also been important entrepreneurs in a European context, which has accelerated the uptake of these systems. In North America, the adoption process is at an earlier stage and is gaining momentum, but signs also suggest the growing importance of entrepreneurs in North America with respect to technology and business models. There is evidence to suggest that the policy adoption processes have been inspired by successful systems in Paris, Lyon, Montreal, and Washington, DC, for instance, and that diffusion theory could be useful in understanding public bikesharing policy adoption in a global context.  相似文献   

This article discusses how the beach neighbourhood of Ponta Negra (Natal, RN), in the Northeast of Brazil, came to experience the intensive tourist development that now characterises it. Its origins as a fishing village, its gradual emergence as a local resort and the internationalisation of its tourism in the late twentieth century are examined. The discussion of this process demonstrates how public policies have played a major role not only in configuring the model of spatial planning and urbanisation that was adopted, but also in defining Europe as the main geographical focus of tourist internationalisation, in creating attractive conditions for foreign investment, and in the construction and dissemination of a tourist identity largely founded on past images and desires. At the same time, this discussion of Ponta Negra’s tourist-capitalist appropriation, Europeanisation and its (re)production as a site of racialised desires contributes to a better understanding of the ambivalent spatialities and multiple tensions that coexist in the neighbourhood today. The analysis presented here draws on empirical data collected during a period of ethnographic fieldwork in which the predominant methodologies included participant observation, semi-structured interviews and documental and statistical research.  相似文献   

This study deals with the temporal transferability of the parameters of the gravity model of trip distribution and focuses on the trade-off between spatial resolution and data requirements. The models are calibrated using O–D matrices constructed from the three most recent Lyon household travel surveys (1985, 1995 and 2006) and generalised travel time data from coded transport networks for the three dates. Calibration has been conducted for three different zoning levels which have been chosen in line with common practice. The parameters obtained from model calibration are then applied to estimate O–D matrices at a later date and the results are compared using indicators that have been established for the zoning level applied in calibration, but also using indicators that have been aggregated in two different ways: aggregation to create larger zones or distance segments.Our findings confirm our initial intuition: the choice of zoning is fundamentally important. Moreover, in the best case, the parameters of the model change, but not sufficiently for the goodness-of-fit of the “predicted” model to be very different from that of the matrix obtained during calibration. It is possible to use the gravity model for forecasting purposes, but on condition that the goals of the study are compatible with the level of error in the reproduction of the observed matrices. If the zoning is either too coarse or too fine grained, forecasting performance is compromised.  相似文献   

The development of downhill skiing in mountain areas has, since the 1950s been rapid, encouraged by government policy based upon an economic and social rationale. The World Tourism Organisation estimates that there are 15 to 20 million people crossing international borders to ski, representing 3–4% of the annual total of international tourist arrivals. However, as with other forms of tourism development, downhill skiing can also cause a range of negative environmental impacts or consequences. In mountain areas, where the physical environment is not robust and is slow to regenerate because of the harsh climatic conditions, downhill skiing can pose a real ecological threat. The negative consequences of ski development on mountain environments has meant that there is increasing conflict between ski developers and conservation groups. This confrontation has led to direct action against ski facilities in Vail, Colorado and in the case of Cairngorm lengthy judicial planning disputes. Yet little is understood about the attitudes of the downhill skiers to the environment they are skiing in, and little thought has been given to how this information could be used in better management of ski areas or in development strategies, to reduce the negative effects of downhill skiing. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Europe's historic cities face many challenges, including those associated with growing pressure from tourist interest. This paper reviews the general issues for historic cities with significant tourist activity, and then examines the background, purposes and future direction of the English city of Canterbury's visitor management initiative. An open, soft systems model is used to clarify the differing significance of the initiative for selected stakeholder groups with interests in the city, its society, economy, environment and ecology. The significance of the Canterbury City Centre Initiative for other European walled and historic cities is considered briefly in the context of wider town centre management initiatives, and the linkages to wider city planning processes that it exemplifies. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based upon multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork, this article debates the constitution of a particular type of transatlantic touristic flows from the European continent to the cosmopolitan beach neighbourhood of Ponta Negra, in Natal, capital city of the state of Rio Grande do Norte in the North-East of Brazil. These flows are predominantly male and are quite evidently permeated by issues related to passion, personal relations and sexual intimacy. The main objective of the analysis is to attempt to map and understand the most influential social and cultural frameworks (biographical paths of intimacy, gender relationships, subjectivities, the production and circulation of representations of Brazil, homosociabilities) in the definition and substantiation of the foreign male tourist's desire to visit Ponta Negra. It thus constitutes an attempt to socially and culturally locate the option of travelling to this leisure destination, on the part of both first-time visitors and the numerous individuals who repeatedly visit Ponta Negra over the years.  相似文献   

This paper examines the connectivity of the Spanish airport system between 2001 and 2007. Over the period, network carriers considerably strengthened the connectivity between Spanish airports and major European hubs. Although OneWorld is still the dominant alliance in Spain, SkyTeam and Star achieved a larger connectivity share through the growth of indirect services provided through their northern European hubs. In addition, the network rationalization strategy of Iberia and its decision to concentrate operations at Madrid-Barajas had important implications for the connectivity of other Spanish airports. Low-cost carriers have boosted direct connectivity from secondary Spanish airports.  相似文献   

Port activities often give rise to distinctive regions within their town or city and it might be expected that they would have on effect on the spatial differentiation and spatial structure of urban areas. However, urban spatial theory appears to ignore this possibility, urban structure models having little or nothing to say about the role of port activities in shaping the spatial structure of towns and cities. Given this, the paper investigates the possibility of port activities having influenced the spatial structure of Freetown, Sierra Leone. It discusses the historical development of the port and city as a framework for consideration of the role of port activities in shaping the growing urban area. Attention is focused particularly on those areas where the influence is clearest, i.e. the central area with its concentration of business, commercial and administrative activities, and on the location of modern industrial areas in the emerging metropolitan area. Other factors that have shaped the urban area are discussed also. It is argued that, whilst port activities have been important historically, other influences have become more significant as the basis of the economy has broadened, the structure of society has become more complex and the city has assumed additional functions. The findings are tested by a brief and preliminary examination of other port-cities in tropical Africa, establishing that spatial associations between port activities and the central business area and between them and industrial areas are common.  相似文献   

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