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Visions for a walking and cycling focussed urban transport system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Walking and cycling can make a considerable contribution to sustainable transport goals, building healthier and more sustainable communities and contributing to traffic and pollution reduction. There have been many national and local initiatives to promote walking and cycling, but without a long term vision and consistent strategy it is difficult to see how a significant change may be achieved. This paper presents three alternative visions for the role of walking and cycling in urban areas for the year 2030: each vision illustrates a ‘desirable’ walking- and cycling-oriented transport system against a different ‘exogenous social background’. These visions have been developed through a process of expert discussion and review and are intended to provide a stimulus for debate on the potential for and desirability of such alternative futures. Each is based on the UK and represents a substantial change to the current situation: in particular, each of the visions presents a view of a society where walking and cycling are considerably more important than is currently the case and where these modes cater for a much higher proportion of urban transport needs than at present. The visions show pictures of urban environments where dependence on motor vehicles has been reduced, in two of the visions to very low levels. The methodological approach for devising visions is informed by work on ‘utopian thinking’: a key concept underlying this approach is one of viewing the future in social constructivist terms (i.e. the future is what ‘we’, as a society, make it) rather than considering the future as something that can be ‘scientifically’ predicted by the extrapolation of current trends.  相似文献   

This research examines local bicycle and pedestrian networks in the vicinity of the University of Alabama campus to assess the utility of these networks for travel to the university by students and employees. Network connectivity is examined using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the results compared to a survey of 3731 university students and employees. Results indicate that areas within one mile of the University of Alabama’s campus have the highest levels of bicycle and pedestrian network connectivity and accessibility. The survey results show that an individual’s positive perception of the bicycle and pedestrian networks is related to their travel behavior, and that this knowledge decreases within an increase in commute distance to campus. Increases in connectivity can be expected to lead to an increase in non-motorized travel, but it is also clear that lack of knowledge of driving and cycling laws is a deterrent to many.  相似文献   

Policy seeks to support cycling as a form of sustainable and active travel, yet, cycling levels in the UK remain low and evidence about interventions mixed. Data from a qualitative sociological study is used here to explore the difference that cultural meanings make to cycling practices in four different English urban areas. Specifically, we discuss differences between places with established cycling cultures and those with newer cycling cultures. Drawing on concepts from practice theory we discuss the role that cultures of cycling play within the four places, and suggest how the meanings of cycling, including its association with other social identities, are connected to the materials and competences seen as necessary for cycling. Our research highlights the embedding of transport in local as well as national cultures, and the associated need for policy-makers to take culture seriously in considering how to shift transport practices.  相似文献   

This paper compares the travel behaviour and attitudes of two different nationalities of undergraduate students from the United Kingdom and China. The survey did find some similarities between the two. Both groups enjoyed beach holidays, and placed importance on having fun and relaxing after their studies. Both were motivated to discover somewhere new and both preferred to eat the local food of the destination. In other ways, the two groups showed significant differences. The Chinese students thought it more important to see the famous sights and learn about other cultures and history, while the British were more concerned to have fun, to socialise and enjoy the challenges of outdoor adventure. These differences were found to exist in both male and female groups. The paper discusses the extent to which these differences could be explained by cultural factors as opposed to market factors or the students' previous experience in their travel career. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper details a method of surveying the travel behaviour and values of households within inner, middle and outer urban zones. This survey of 400 households in two North Queensland (Australia) cities provides details of 3500 urban trips, travel modes and choices linked to household location. Stratified sampling based on distance from the Central Business District shows pronounced methodological advantages. This simple and effective method shows that outer urban dwellers used about three times the amount of fuel as their more central counterparts, placing them at the vanguard of unsustainable urban travel, a great challenge for policy, developers and city planners.  相似文献   

In order to understand the scale and nature of inequalities in intra-urban mobility we need reliable income data, but this is generally difficult to collect in household surveys. The methodological approaches that are employed to overcome difficulties in income data collection may affect the relative position of individuals and households within the income distribution and our estimates of mobility inequalities. In the context of a case study of Douala, this paper evaluates how the way income data is collected affects its accuracy and therefore the measurement of daily mobility inequalities. Simplified data collection tends to minimise the scale of inequalities as it misrepresents the income distribution. The error is greater in remote zones. Shortcomings in the statistical apparatus with regard to income data thus blur our perception of mobility inequalities and impede investigation of the links between daily travel, poverty and social exclusion.  相似文献   

This paper uses an econometric frontier model to evaluate the technical efficiency of a sample of Portuguese travel agencies. The model encompasses a Cobb–Douglas cost frontier approach, with data running from 2000 to 2004, and makes use of financial variables to generate the travel agencies' efficiency scores. We conclude that the efficiency scores are, at best, mixed. A policy is then derived for guiding management teams, as far as this specific sector is concerned. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Demand for international air travel has risen over the past decade causing international visitation to the US to reach a record high in 2012. This paper assesses the dynamic impacts of GDP, exchange rate, and the 9/11 terrorist attacks on bilateral air travel flows between the US and its 11 major travel and trading partners. An autoregressive distributed lag modeling approach is employed to estimate short- and long-run relationships between variables. Long-run results demonstrate foreign GDP as the major determinant of demand for inbound travel to the US and US GDP is a crucial factor affecting demand for outbound travel from the US. These findings support a strong linkage between economic growth and demand for international air travel. The real exchange rate has relatively little impact on the bilateral air travel flows. The US dollar appreciation against foreign currencies is found to reduce demand for inbound travel to the US, while having mixed effects on outbound travel from the US. In the short-run, economic growth tends to be a primary factor influencing international travel flows to and from the US. The 9/11 market shock has a detrimental short- and long-run effect on the bilateral air travel flows, implying that the impact of 9/11 is prolonged in international air travel markets.  相似文献   

Understanding the thoughts of contemporary children about travel and their opinions on different transport modes of transport may provide important answers for policy-makers on how to respond to current and future transport needs of children. Obviously, children do not act autonomously and their travel behaviours also strongly influence their parents’ travel behaviours. Therefore, a better understanding of children’s travel behaviours seems necessary.This paper reports the results of a large-scale, self-reporting survey (N = 2546) that was conducted to examine the concept and meaning of travel and travel behaviour of children aged between 10 and 13 years in Flanders. It was found that children are able to complete a travel diary on their own, that their travel patterns differ and that the most important part of travelling for them is the social aspect.  相似文献   

One of the most high profile migration movements to the UK in recent years has undoubtedly been that of A8, and mainly Polish, newcomers following the 2004 expansion of the EU. Accompanying, and perhaps fuelling, this increase in mobility has been a substantial rise in low cost air travel provision. The UK Civil Aviation Authority and the Civil Aviation Office of the Republic of Poland statistics testify to the expansion in passenger numbers between Poland and the UK since 2004, with Ryanair being one of the main carriers. Although other modes of transport, such as coach and car travel, are still important, in some senses these Ryanair flights define this new migration. Taking as a starting point that airports and airplanes are social and cultural venues in their own right, and that migration journeys are themselves at the heart of the migration experience, this article uses interviews with Polish migrants in the UK to consider this low cost air travel for migration in more depth. Firstly it briefly charts the increase in air travel between Poland and the UK, considering the narratives of mobility cultures collected with the migrants. Secondly it investigates the collective dimension of travelling for migration on these flights and the tensions which emerge around this collectivity. Finally, it reflects on the wider costs and contexts of low cost shuttle flights as a late capitalist mode of migration transport.  相似文献   

With the upsurge of individual interest in short-form video, this has become an important communication medium that has the potential to influence viewers' behavior. Based on the importance of understanding the relationship between short-form video and the travel decision-making process, this study attempted to examine this linkage in the context of Korean food by integrating the AIDA and MGB models. An online survey was conducted with the short-form video audience in China. A total of 505 responses were analyzed by using PLS-SEM. Based on the findings, this study verified the travel decision-making process in visiting Korea under the influence of Korean food short-form videos. This research contributes to the theoretical development of existing studies regarding short-form videos as well as the integration of the AIDA and MGB models. Moreover, practical insights are provided for destination marketers in development and utilization of Korean food short-form video as a marketing medium.  相似文献   

As successful tourism firms invest heavily in marketing to defend or improve their competitive position, they increasingly need to measure their marketing performance. Previous studies related to tourism have largely focused on financial and operational performance, but the marketing perspective has been largely overlooked. Drawing on an in-depth investigation involving 12 hotel chains, 8 travel agencies and 8 tour operators, this study provides an overview of the state-of-the-art marketing performance measurements among some of the leading tourism firms in Italy. Several issues and unanswered questions are also identified.  相似文献   

Despite growing academic interest in meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE) travel in recent years, there has been little investigation of the comparative information search behaviours of MICE travellers on the basis of their country of origin and cultural background. This paper proposes that country of residence and primary language spoken are significant factors in explaining the information searching and travel behaviours of MICE travellers. The sample population included Japanese‐, English‐ and Chinese‐speaking MICE travellers. A self‐completion questionnaire was administered to travellers undertaking MICE‐related travel in Taipei, Taiwan. Some significant differences were identified between the three respondent groups. The findings demonstrate the important role that is played by internal and external information sources among MICE travellers as a predictor of their subsequent travel to Taiwan. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines the structure of the travel industry in Korea with particular reference to outbound travel to Australia. The relationship between the wholesaling and retailing functions is examined. It was found that despite the existence of strict licensing procedures, which have created three categories of travel business, the distinction between the wholesaling and retailing functions remains blurred. Most business is handled by a single category of operator — general travel agents. In contrast to the oligopolies evident in other industrial sectors in Korea, however a fairly large number of companies each handle a fairly small proportion of the market. This may change as a combination of intense price competition and the impact of the East Asian financial crisis forces less competitive operators out of business. Until the expected shake-out occurs, inbound tour operators in countries such as Australia will feel the pinch. An excessive and continuing emphasis on price will make it difficult for long-haul destinations to offer high quality products and to build high-yield business. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to provide clues to the industry and the academia on how best to approach the challenge of managing ethics in the tourism supply chain. To achieve this objective, the paper provided a case study of how the Australian government has responded to concerns about unethical practices in the tourism supply chain from China to Australia. A series of best practice recommendations were provided following a review of both the demand side and the supply side processes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is about tourism, visual culture, and imperialism in the post-colonial present. International literature on these issues has been especially focused on the experience of British and French post-colonialism. Few studies have addressed this issue regarding other post-colonial realities. This paper runs counter to that fact by analysing the visual touristic discourse produced in the post-colonial Portugal. The paper examines the way the sub-Saharan Africa is represented in a Portuguese travel photo-magazine – the Blue Travel magazine – so as to verify the extent to which the ideology of colonialism continues to shape the post-colonial touristic discourse in this former colonizing country of the southern Europe. More than 522 photographs were analysed. Using visual methodologies, the paper concludes that many aspects of the photographs contain encoded encomiastic messages of colonialism and participate in a discursive construction of Africa that was clearly shaped by an imperialist gaze. The paper suggests that not only there is an obvious nostalgia for empire in the Portuguese touristic discourse on sub-Saharan Africa, but also that many imperialist myths continue to circulate diffusely within the Portuguese post-colonial society and to shape the way sub-Saharan Africa is touristically imagined.  相似文献   

Parking policy in China is characterized by “high regulation in supply and mispricing.” City governments rely on the “minimum parking requirement,” the conventional approach, to manage parking quantity, which shapes a unique phenomenon called the “developer-led supply pattern.” In this paper, we establish ordinary least squares models to explore “spatial-mismatch” characteristics that result from the current parking policy and infer the latent mechanism of parking supply using geographical correlation analysis. In the case of Shenzhen, we found that few urban factors at the district level are involved in the decision making of developers regarding parking provision, which compromises the endeavor of creating sustainable transport and thus requires further policy intervention. Market force serves its role in strict planning regulations at the neighborhood level because of the dominant role of property developers. These models not only confirm the mismatch of parking supply with the objectives of sustainable urban transport but also reveal the willingness of developers as a driving force that interacts with the regulatory environment. Such willingness leads to a spatially inconsistent, inefficient parking supply pattern over the entire Shenzhen metropolis. Based on these findings, two suggestions are made for parking policy on district and neighborhood bases that address the situation of high-density urbanization in Chinese cities and similar circumstances.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the main characteristics of travel behavior by the Arab minority community in Israel and discusses two issues related to household travel surveys: data collection among minorities and under-reporting of mid-day trips.Household travel surveys are generally designed and conducted for the majority population and, therefore, lack a proper accounting of minorities and miss many of their less-frequent trips. An alternative approach to conducting household surveys is presented, with the aim of improving data quality for transportation planning. The survey was designed for and conducted in three Arab towns in Israel. The main improvement of the survey involves better interaction between interviewer and interviewee, which should materialize into a relaxed environment that allows for obtaining detailed, reliable results within a reasonable amount of time.The results of the survey employing the alternative approach were compared to a sub-sample of the same towns taken from a regional survey conducted by the regional planning agency at the same time. The paper presents simple statistics on the main variables for each survey. Significant differences are found in the two data sets, mostly regarding the frequency of less frequent, non-home-based trips. A plausible explanation for these differences relates to the more detailed and improved data collected in the new survey.  相似文献   

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