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As part of the ten industrial revitalization plan,shipbuilding industry attracts the society's attention.According to the latest data from China Association of National Shipbuilding Industry,in the first quarter of 2009,there was hardly any new ship order,while the key shipbuilding companies under monitoring only got new ship orders of 440,000 dead weight tonnes(DWT),down by 95.6% from those of the same period in 2008.  相似文献   

历史上的劳氏 18世纪中叶,划时代的全球“地理大发现”业已大体完成.人类随即进入了蒸汽时代。在英吉利海峡、大西洋乃至太平洋,形形色色的船舶穿梭游弋.海洋上频繁出现的贸易、开发、掠取。强烈地显现出英国工业革命的先兆。  相似文献   

全球造船产业经历了5年的超预期兴旺后,在金融危机的冲击下,市场形势急转直下。中国船舶工业行业协会常务副会长于世春认为,金融风暴对我国造船业的冲击和影响主要表现为“市场需求下滑、航运指数跌落、船舶订单减少、承接增速减缓、融资信贷收缩、撤单时有发生”。在全球经济风暴的席卷下,中国船舶工业的“冬季”已来临。在“寒冬”来临之时,我国中小型造船企业或者民营造船企业应如何应对?他们怎样才能顺利“过冬”?本文将就这些问题提出一些拙见。  相似文献   

China's shipbuilders faced with great difficulties China's fledgling shipbuilding industry is set for more hard times as industry insiders have indicated that the global shipbuild- ing industry is unlikely to recover in the near future. New ship- building orders received by China in the first quarter of this year fell 98.3 percent year-on-year to 0.19 million deadweight tons (dwt), according to Clarkson Research Service. In the first quarter, new orders have fallen by 97 percent to 1.33 million dwt worldwide.  相似文献   

At present, China has a shipbuilding capacity of about 66 million dead weight tons (DWT). According to Shipbuilding Industry Restructuring and Revitalization Planning, China is targeting~at taking a share of more than 35% in global shipbuilding completions in 2011, meaning a total production of 35 to 40 million DWT per year, of which 70% plus will be exported and the demand in domestic market totals 10 million DWT or so. Till then, more than one third of the constructed shipbuilding infrastructure is of overcapacities.  相似文献   

今年一季度.国际造船市场受世界经济、欧债危机和海运低迷等的影响是一个不景气的季度.全球新船签单成交量锐减.船价下行.全世界造船企业的手持船单累计数量大减.造船企业均面对着重大的压力和经营困难。韩国虽然是世界上第一造船大国,但在上述市场大环境之中.其造船企业也难以独善其身.一季度的新船接单量.新船接单总计金额.手持船单总量和船舶出口金额同比均呈现出了两位数的下降:主要大型造船企业在海工装备接单方面有所建树.众多中小造船企业新船接单廖廖无几.绝大多数仍处于零接单的危机境地.  相似文献   

节能减排,是海事界多年来追求的目标。近年来,挪威船级社(DNV)联合设计单位、船厂、船东打出一系列船舶节能减排组合拳,在艰难的市场环境中共同创造竞争力。针对新船型设计、燃料电池的应用、燃油效率指南的颁布以及LNG船等话题,记者采访了DNV有关人士及相关合作伙伴。  相似文献   

中小船企经过近几年的快速发展,造船产量和手持订单量已经占到总量的47%左右,成为我国船舶工业的重要组成部分。在金融危机的冲击下,这些企业正面临着巨大的经营风险和融资难题.撤单问题日益恶化。专家指出:中小船企如果出现问题,受冲击的不仅是他们本身,而是整个船舶工业。正如中国船舶工业行业协会会长张广钦所说,如果这些企业中出现大规模倒闭现象。势必会给中国造船业多年来积累的良好国际形象带来负面影响。因此,为使我国船舶工业保持平稳发展,中小船企的“过冬”问题也需加以解决。本刊推出“中小船企过冬”专题,希望能给这些企业在应对危机方面提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

“造船市场的旺盛时期已经结束,随着新船订单量持续下降以及船东撤单的风险越来越大.造船企业将面临巨大的经营压力。在当前的形势下。全行业应该团结起来,相互扶持,为共同渡过这场危机创造有利条件。”在4月7,8日由中国船舶工业行业协会和中国进出口银行联合举办的“2009船舶工业应对金融危机高峰论坛”上.来自政府部门、造船业、金融业以及法律界的相关人士达成上述共识。  相似文献   

In the fourth quarter of 2008, the shipbuilding industry entered the downturn period, with the weak global shipping market adding more pressure. The shipbuilding industry is almost frozen, and the companies' busi-ness performances result turned in red all at once. While the industry leaders and experts were shocked at the weak-ness, the supporting industries of this sector, which used to be dependent on shipbuilding industry, have begun a quick development in Nantong, Weihai, Wuzhou and other places, stirring the "dead" shipbuilding industry. Just after the lunar New Year, as one of the ten re- vitalization plans, shipbuilding industry stimulus plan was issued, and the policy has a clear favor of ship machinery manu-facturing industry, than shipbuilding in-dustry.  相似文献   

Mould Industry is seen as the "mother" of other industries. In recent years, this industry .in China has had a fast development. From 1996 to 2002, the production value of die and mould industry increased at a rate averaged 14% per year or so. In 2003, the production value increased by 25% from a year ago, to RMB 45.0 billion, amounting to US$5.0 billion and ranking the third in the world. According to the data from CDMIA,  相似文献   

船舶舾装产品涉及面广、规格品种繁多、需求量大,是船舶建造中不可缺少的组成部分。因此,舾装设备的标准化对于统一船舶配套产品的设计、生产制造、检验和使用有着十分重大的意义。 国内发展  相似文献   

2009年,世界造船业必将是一个非常艰难和富有挑战的一年。根据造船市场行情演变及其发展环境的变化,对世界造船市场提出以下判断。  相似文献   

船舶建造地点纠纷往往并不是常见的船舶建造合同纠纷,在市场高峰期时船厂可能由于种种原因,接单后要异地建造。在金融危机加剧的今天.产生此类纠纷的可能性大大增加。本文以船舶建造地点和分包为核心,介绍英国法下此类纠纷的一些案例,供广大读者参考。  相似文献   

战略性人力资源是船舶工业核心竞争力与持续竞争优势的基础和源泉,而人力资源到核心竞争力的转化过程实际上是战略性人力资源管理改善的过程。只有通过转变观念、长远规划、建立机制、构建学习型组织和推进企业文化创新等措施来加强战略性人力资源管理,才能不断提升核心竞争力,使我国发展成为世界第一造船大国。  相似文献   

2009年。在韩国、中国、日本等主要造船国家受到国际金融危机强烈冲击而急转直下之际.俄罗斯和巴西的造船业却通过“国轮国造”政策、引进战略合作伙伴、投资建设新船厂等举措逆势而上.成为2009年全球造船业最为抢眼的两只“潜力股”。  相似文献   

2008年9月份以来,在为数不多的订单中,总有海洋工程辅助船的身影.加上我国把海洋工程装备作为造船业新的经济增长点,为此很多人寄希望于海洋工程市场来弥补传统船舶订单不足。但市场的实际情况表明,尽管我们长期看好海洋工程辅助船市场.但是当前及短期市场仍不容乐观。  相似文献   

General of economic performance 1.Three major economic indicators comparison of China, Japan and Korea in January-July In January-July 2011, China accomplished shipbuilding output stood at 38.46 million dwt, accounted for 42% of the global market; Korea accomplished shipbuilding output stood at 29.67 million dwt, accounted for 32.4% of the global market;  相似文献   

9月15日,美国有着158年历史的第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)向法院正式申请破产保护,美林银行(Merrill Lynch)被收购以及美国国际集团(AIG)寻求美联储(FED)750亿美元左右的贷款援助,所有这一切显示出美国次贷危机远比想象的更为严重。雷曼兄弟的倒下使其成为这场持久不息的信贷危机的最大牺牲品。在这场危机中,各家银行接连陷入亏损,有的不得不进行并购重组,数家商业银行甚至关门大吉。亚洲信贷市场也将受到波及。  相似文献   

The financial storm that has spread to the whole world has already influenced major economies at present. China, which is actively involving itself in the global economy, cannot get rid of its influence. Among the economic departments that are undergoing strong attacks, export industries are the worst influenced. According to the statistics by General Customs Administration, in November 2008,  相似文献   

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