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In a recent paper, Galor and Zang attempt to explain the large observed cross-country disparities in the levels and growth rates of per capita output. Cross-country variation in family size and income distribution patterns are an important element of such an explanation. Galor and Zang support the arguments put forth in their paper by using a simple variation of the model published by Galor and Zeira in 1993 and 70 cross-sectional growth regressions in the style of Barro's 1991 work. Some points in Galor and Zang's recent work require clarification. The author therefore reviews their work with the goal of clarifying some of Galor and Zang's underlying assumptions which are not that clear in their paper. The aim is to give the reader an idea of what Galor and Zang's paper does and does not do.  相似文献   

郑昭阳 《开放导报》2001,(10):24-26
1995年东盟首脑会议上,东盟正式提出与中国韩领导人非正式会晤的设想并由轮值主席国马来西亚牵头实施。1997年7月亚洲金融危机爆发,美国先是隔岸观火,后又通过IMF提出了苛刻的援助条件,并且IMF也未能拿出迅速拯救金融危机受灾国的合适办法,其后开出的药方甚至加剧了一些国家的金融危机。相反,中国等亚洲国家向危机的重灾国伸出了援助之手,特别是中国坚持人民币不贬值,对缓解亚洲金融危机起到了十分重要的作用,东亚金融危机中,东南亚各国经济损失达数千亿美元之巨,数十年的积累,一旦尽付东流。曾经在国际经济竞争中大展雄风的东亚各国突然发觉,它们如果各自单干,家家都势孤力单,易受伤害,难以和庞大的国际资本较量。  相似文献   

石油输出国组织(欧佩克)诞生在20世纪60年代,是世界石油工业和石油经济发展、世界石油市场和国际石油贸易变革,以及世界石油地缘政治和国际石油关系演化的综合产物.它的发展、变化始终没有离开过世界石油发展演进的大环境,同样,也自始至终影响世界石油市场的发展进程.两者相互依存、……  相似文献   

2013年12月2日晚,在国泰艺术中心上演的“中国戏剧梅花奖三十年庆典重庆获奖艺术家专场演出”,由“川剧皇后”、三度梅花奖获得者沈铁梅领衔,曾获得中国戏剧梅花奖的重庆艺术家们聚集一堂精彩献艺. 至此,百花绽放、星光熠熠的重庆第四届文化艺术节(简称“四艺节”)圆满落幕. 在“四艺节”营造的浓厚艺术氛围中,重庆市民迎来了“梵高”、“塞尚”,“女驸马”、“牡丹亭”,以及全国的杂技、魔术高手.也感受了世界知名小提琴家伊扎克·帕尔曼,中国戏剧界“大导”林兆华等名家解读“高雅艺术”.  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(8):1309-1337
Care is the provision in the household and the community of time, attention, and support to meet the physical, mental, and social needs of the growing child and other household members. The significance of care has best been articulated in the framework developed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). This paper extends the UNICEF model of care and summarizes the literature on the relationship of care practices and resources to child nutrition. The paper also summarizes attempts to measure the various dimensions of care. The concept of care is extended in two directions: first, we define resources needed by the caregiver for care and, second, we show that the child's own characteristics play a role in the kind of care that he or she receives. The literature summary and methodological recommendations are made for six types of resources for care and for two of the least studied care practices: complementary feeding and psychosocial care. The other care practices are care for women, breast-feeding, food preparation, hygiene, and home health practices. Feeding practices that affect a child's nutritional status include adaptation of feeding to the child's abilities (offering finger foods, for example); responsiveness of the caregiver to the child (perhaps offering additional or different foods); and selection of an appropriate feeding context. Psychosocial care is the provision of affection and attention to the child and responsiveness to the child's cues. It includes physical, visual, and verbal interactions.  相似文献   

Considered in this paper are the main economic outcomes produced by the systemic transformation of the Russian economy leading to its recession and the downturn in the major industries associated with the liberal monetary policy patently ruinous to the reconstruction of the structurally and technologically inhomogeneous economy of the Soviet period.  相似文献   

This study uses plant level data from the census of manufacturing establishments to examine the production technology and labor productivity of foreign and domestic firms in Nepal. The results show that the capital intensity in foreign firms is higher than that in domestic firms. The statistical results also imply that foreign firms have higher labor productivity. A simultaneous equation model suggests that foreign firms are technically not more efficient than domestic firms. In fact, analysis indicates that foreign firms are technically less efficient. The foreign firms may have derived their competitiveness from capital intensive technology that is found to be one of the major factors to boost labor productivity.  相似文献   

中医药神奇的魅力正在征服全世界。去年11月在成都举行的“2002中医药现代化国际科技大会”无疑是中国有史以来由政府主办的规模最大的一次中医药国际盛会。而素来喜以阴郁面孔示人的成都这几天天气出奇的好,阳光灿烂、秋色怡人,来自中国、印度、韩国、美国、英国、法国、香港、澳门等26个国家和地  相似文献   

欧佩克面临的挑战及调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石油输出国组织(欧佩克)[1]诞生在20世纪60年代,是世界石油工业和石油经济发展、世界石油市场和国际石油贸易变革,以及世界石油地缘政治和国际石油关系演化的综合产物。它的发展、变化始终没有离开过世界石油发展演进的大环境,同样,也自始至终影响世界石油市场的发展进程。两者相互依存、相互影响。21世纪,石油工业和石油经济进入了一个新阶段,欧佩克的未来前途也面临新的挑战和机遇。对伊战争,加快了世界石油市场格局的变化进程。这一变化是朝着石油市场一体化的方向发展。欧佩克作为世界经济和世界贸易活动中的重要参与者,在经济全球化的…  相似文献   

特·斯·艾略特不仅为我们留下了 2 0世纪英美诗歌中部分最伟大的作品 ,而且留下了许多的困惑 :应该将他视作英国诗人还是美国诗人 ;他的诗歌语言及其风格该如何归类 ;他究竟是现代主义诗人的代表还是传统诗歌的继承者 ,等等。文章就艾略特的身份、诗歌语言和风格及其“现代性”展开探讨 ,尝试对这些看似各自独立、实则有着内在联系的问题作出解答。  相似文献   

目前 ,通货紧缩是我国经济生活中比较严重的宏观经济问题 ,通货紧缩具有较严重的危害性和治理的难度性。本文从“流动性陷阱”角度分析了目前我国通货紧缩的现状 ,提出了解决通货紧缩的三条具体思路。  相似文献   

State capacity has become one of the most discussed concepts in development economics and political economy. In this survey we argue that the study of economic history provides vital insights into the process through which modern states have acquired ‘state capacity’. By evaluating the process of state building across a range of different countries in Europe and Asia, we are able to ‘decompress’ the relationship between state capacity and economic growth. Our analysis emphasizes the variegated nature of the state building process. We focus on recent research that helps to elucidate the mechanisms that relate state capacity to economic growth.  相似文献   

亚历山大一世在1801年宫廷政变后登上皇位,他曾经受到继承王位的专门培养,在教育中接受了欧洲的自由主义价值观,认为在俄国最主要的任务是取消农奴制,实行立宪管理制度和政治—法律制度现代化,他执政的最初十年体现了他的这些思想,在与拿破仑法国战争后这些思想获得一定程度的延续。  相似文献   

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