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Peter Spitz’s new book is a continuation of his earlierwork, Petrochemicals: The Rise of an Industry (1988), whichdetailed the development of the modern chemical industry beginningin the 1930s. The Chemical Industry at the Millennium picksup the story at the end of the 1970s and examines the momentouschanges that have taken place in the last twenty-five years.Subtitled Maturity, Restructuring, and Globalization, this isan excellent collection of essays by industry  相似文献   

The last few years have seen a number of books on the rise ofSilicon Valley. Martin Kenney’s Understanding SiliconValley (2000), Ross Bassett’s To the Digital Age (2002),Frederick Terman at Stanford by C. Stewart Gillmor (2004), andmy own book on Making Silicon Valley (2006) are notable examples.Another addition to this literature is The Man behind the Microchip:Robert Noyce and the Invention of Silicon Valley by  相似文献   

From Physick to Pharmacology, Five Hundred years of BritishDrug Retailing is a welcome supplement to a growing body ofwork on the origins and development of British drug manufacture.However, Louise Hill Curth's main concern is not manufacturing,or scientific development, but rather how a wide variety ofdrugs were bought, sold, concocted, advertised and otherwiseused in Britain over the last five centuries. The book is divided into seven chapters, corresponding to fivekey phases in British drug  相似文献   

In her introduction to Wives of Steel, Karen Olson warns thatthe book is "not a business or labor history of the SparrowsPoint steel complex," stressing that it is instead a genderedanalysis of an industrial community (p. 13). Yet historiansof business and labor should find much of interest in this book.By placing women at the center of her history of Sparrows Point,Maryland, and the neighboring communities of Dundalk and TurnerStation, Olson highlights the  相似文献   

"This book," writes Charles Loft, "is first and foremost aboutrailway closures ... [It] is not a business history, or an economicstudy" (p.2). What, then, does it have to offer to readers ofEnterprise & Society, who may not expect much of a bookwhich is part of a series on "British Politics and Society"?The simple answer is that it provides much more than the author'smodest opening remarks. By analyzing the political and popularopposition  相似文献   

Over the course of the past two decades, historians have begunto pay serious and sustained attention to the history of occupationalhealth, much of it analyzing the role of social, economic, andpolitical factors in the medical recognition of industrial disease.Although much has been published about the British coal industry,this is the first book to address the issue of health and safetyin this critically important sector of the British economy.Miners’ Lung, building on the work done by Jo  相似文献   

When and why did the West gain its current economic advantageover the rest of the world? This topic is the source of an animateddebate within the academy today. Jack Goody, a noted socialanthropologist, analyzes these questions and offers his ownviews in his new book, Capitalism and Modernity: The Great Debate. The participants in this debate often have been divided intotwo broad camps. On the one side, which I will call here theEuropeanists, are those who  相似文献   

Solid scholarly historical studies of overseas businesses inAfrica are rare. Rarer still are studies of this area that dealwith ethics and corporate responsibility without cant or overheatedrhetoric. Lowell J. Satre’s Chocolate on Trial standsout as a nuanced history of the dilemmas of doing business responsiblyin a colonial setting. The paradoxes it describes are similarto what many corporations face today. The book demonstratesthat the  相似文献   

Elvins’s book is part of a growing body of historicalscholarship that interrogates the lived experience of consumersociety in the twentieth-century United States. Beginning whereWilliam Leach’s Land of Desire (1993) left off, Elvinsseeks to complicate "top-down" narratives of the homogenizationof American consumer culture into a national mass market. Takingher cue from Lizabeth Cohen’s early work on consumptionin Chicago, Elvins examines consumption on the local level in  相似文献   

Robin Pearson’s Insuring the Industrial Revolution providesa richly detailed account of the British fire insurance industrythrough the mid-nineteenth century. Whereas most previous accountshave focused on single companies, Pearson’s study encompassesthe entire industry of London and provincial firms and seeksto place the industry within the larger context of British economichistory. British economic historians have long overlooked the contributionof insurance, and service industries in general, to the nation’seconomic  相似文献   

The advertising extract, which is this book’s first sentence,reads "Leviathans represents a path-breaking effort to lookat multinational corporations in the round, emphasizing especiallytheir scope, history, development, culture and social implication,and governance problems" (p. i). Given the appropriately globalprestige of the editors and of several of the chapters’authors, one’s curiosity is unavoidably piqued. Whilefew readers will ultimately judge the book to be path-breaking,many will welcome its contribution to  相似文献   

As the title aptly notes, in The English Gentleman Merchantat Work Søren Mentz explores merchant connections betweenIndia and London from the mid-seventeenth to the mid-eighteenthcentury. In particular, the book explores the organization ofprivate trade by East India Company personnel operating fromMadras on the Coromandel coast of India. Mentz argues that thesetrades should not be seen as merely part of an already existingIndian/Asian trade but rather as  相似文献   

This book recalls literature that emanated from the Annalesschool of historians, for, like the annalistes, Landers is fascinatedby the longues durées of history. His subject is preindustrialEurope from roughly the second century (with occasional forays back to the Iron and Bronze Ages) to the nineteenthcentury . He takes his thesis from E. A. Wrigley: preindustrial Europe relied overwhelmingly on organicsources for food, heat, energy, crafts, manufactures, commerce,and the means  相似文献   

Gordon Boyce traces the history of New Zealand’s PSIS,the Public Service Investment Society, in a book commissionedby the company. Boyce, now Professor of International Businessat Queensland University of Technology after thirteen yearsof teaching business and economic history at Victoria Universityof Wellington, is well qualified for the project. His recentpublications include Co-operative Structures in Global Business(2002). Boyce fulfills his commission well, narrating an engagingstory. "Vignettes" provide personal and anecdotal details thatformer staff  相似文献   

In American Babel: Rogue Broadcasters of the Jazz Age, CliffordDoerksen presents a lively discussion of the economic implicationsof cultural hierarchy on radio broadcasting. In this slim volume,only 176 pages (including footnotes), he tells the stories ofseveral radio pioneers who have been largely ignored in theretellings of the medium’s history. The difficulties inexploring the world of independent broadcasters long has beena lament of radio scholars, and Doerksen’s book represents  相似文献   

In his new book, The Texas Railroad Commission: UnderstandingRegulation in America to the Mid-Twentieth Century, historianWilliam Childs explores the history of regulation in the contextof one of the most interesting state commissions in the UnitedStates. He provides a counterpoint to many economists’narrow analysis of regulation on the basis of efficiency. Regulation,he says, has to be understood as a social, cultural, and politicalphenomena operating within the federalist framework  相似文献   

Edited by John Storey of Open University Business School inthe United Kingdom, The Management of Innovation (MoI) consistsof fifty-three of the most important social science works onorganizational and technological innovation. Predominantly journalarticles with some book chapters, the contents of the twin volumesare organized into nine sections that, as Storey says in hisintroduction, shift from overviews and general issues to morenarrowly focused topics. In the former category are three sections:Theoretical Perspectives and Overviews; National Systems, Diffusionand Historic Trajectories; and Business Strategy, Entrepreneurshipand Innovation. In the latter category are the remaining sixsections: Technology Strategy and New Product Development; Barriersand Enablers; Managing Innovation through  相似文献   

This book is a companion to Alfred Chandler’s previousbook, Inventing the Electronic Century, and provides a broadhistory of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries roughlyfrom the end of the nineteenth century to the end of the twentiethcentury. The history of the chemical and pharmaceutical industriesis remarkable because they are old industries, emerging after1880, and because a small number of companies quickly dominatedthem and have continued to do  相似文献   

Graeme J. Milne has written a wide ranging study of the maritimeindustrial heartland of north-eastern England. North East Englandis a work that should be of interest of scholars working wellbeyond the shores of British maritime history. Indeed, usefulparallels could be drawn between the North East of England andthe American automotive heartland. The author's geographic focus runs from the southern limitsof urban Teeside to the northern edge of the Northumberlandcoalfield, and from the North  相似文献   

For Canadians, the Canada-US Automotive Products Trade Agreement,or Auto Pact, is considered an icon of successful industrialpolicy. How did it evolve? Who were the players? What were theirmotivations? What was its impact? These are the central questionsfor which Dimitry Anastakis seeks answers in Auto Pact: Creatinga Borderless North American Automotive Industry. This book stems from Anastakis's 2001 PhD thesis, Auto Pact:Business and Diplomacy in the Creation of a Borderless NorthAmerican  相似文献   

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