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据美国《财富》杂志就“总裁失败原因”的一项调查表示,有70%的总裁认为战略失败的原因是“战略执行不到位”。现代的企业竞争是在信息、技术、人力资源都完全市场化之下展开的,竞争的焦点已经从“战略定位”潜移默化为“战略的执行”。  相似文献   

会展营销从项目的定位开始,不同的定位策略反映出不同的竞争战略。根据展览产业链上相关环节的市场主体在项目营销中是是否居于主导地位,可以发现有“主办”、“展商”、“观众”与“消费者”导向的四种展会项目定位策略,其中基于“主题会展营销”理论的“消费者导向定位策略”代表着我国会展营销未来发展的方向。由于组办单位的办展宗旨、愿景、目标的差异性,其出发点、立足点不同,导致展会项目营销战略各有千秋,从而会形成不同的市场竞争力与盈利策略,这与展会项目营销本身的定位决策理念密切相关。所谓定位是指“确定所要占的位置”,按照…  相似文献   

雕龙 《市场论坛》2005,(2):69-71
总成本领先战略:战略大师迈克尔&;#183;波特定义了三种战略定位:基于需求的定位(指满足一个特定顾客群的全部或大部分需求).基于品种(variety)的定位和基于接触(Access)的定位。这分别对应着三种战略:总成本领先战略——以低成本.低价位参与竞争并吸引“大众消费”;差异化战略——以很强的技术创新能力.营销能力提供优质.优价的一流产品和服务,从“高价位”中赢得超常利润;  相似文献   

论述了“按照‘立足湖北、面向全国、走向世界’的定位,构建跨学科的创新团队”的思路,提出了构建学科群和跨学科的高水平平台、寻求战略合作伙伴等有效措施,对提升高校核心竞争力具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

基于企业生态位的汽车工业产品定位战略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐和谊 《商业时代》2005,(27):18-19,34
本文论述了产品定位的一般战略、新的产品定位战略发展趋势;重点分析了基于企业生态位分离的产品定位战略及其实现,多种生态位产品定位战略及其实现。最后给出北京汽车工业产品定位战略。  相似文献   

“预防上火的饮料”是特劳特中国公司给王老吉做出的战略定位。“怕上火,喝王老吉”这种简洁明了的定位,非常直观的给消费者传达了王老吉的产品特性,填补了消费者在心智中对降火性饮料需求的缺位,树立了降火饮料第一品牌的概念,实际上也让王老吉的销量连上了几个台阶。可以说王老吉的战略定位是非常成功和准确的,是非常对得起特劳特“定位理论”的。但是,战略定位可以取代品牌定位吗?王老吉有持久发展的品牌内涵吗?  相似文献   

今年1月,习近平总书记考察云南时,对云南提出了努力成为民族团结进步示范区、生态文明建设排头兵、面向南亚东南亚辐射中心的“三个定位”.“三个定位”与“一带一路”战略构想紧密融合、互相推动,为云南实现跨越式发展带来了更大的机遇. 好风凭借力,扬帆正当时.在实现大发展进程中,“三个定位”中的“生态文明建设排头兵”这一定位,是习近平总书记对云南的殷切厚望,更是从云南实际出发,把保护好生态环境作为生存之基、发展之本,坚定不移闯出一条跨越式发展新路子的现实要求.从加强云南生态保护对全国的特殊作用出发,这一定位也赋予了云南在全国生态文明建设中的重大责任,凸显了云南在“一带一路”战略中改革创新发展所必须坚守住的底线.  相似文献   

文章以临沂电力勘察设计院为例,首先分析了“走出去”发展战略的定位,然后确定了战略思路和战略定位,并提出了相关的对策和措施促进“走出去”发展战略的实施。  相似文献   

赵太峰  李俊 《市场论坛》2008,(11):94-95
文章以临沂电力勘察设计院为例,首先分析了“走出去”发展战略的定位,然后确定了战略思路和战略定位,并提出了相关的对策和措施促进“走出去”发展战略的实施。  相似文献   

<正> 在经济全球化、市场一体化和知识经济高速发展的当今时代,一个国家经济融入WTO,参与全球化经济协作和经营竞争,已是振兴区域经济不可逾越的一步。随着加入WTO时间的临近,我国企业有必要加快经营战略创新,以更加适应国际化经营与发展的需要。研究美国企业市场定位、市场营销、市场效益和市场占有等以科技领先和知识经济发展为特征的“知识经营”战略创新的成功做法,对于我国企业应对国际市场竞争是颇有借鉴意义的。 一、市场定位战略创新——企业国际市场定位从传统的寻  相似文献   

Joint space multidimensional scaling maps are often utilized for positioning analyses and are estimated on survey samples of consumer preferences, choices, considerations, or intentions so as to provide a concise spatial depiction of the competitive landscape including relevant dimensions or attributes, competing brands, and consumers in the same joint space representation. Care has to be given concerning the underlying scale properties of such survey data so as not to distort the resulting joint space positioning map. We present a new joint space multidimensional scaling procedure for positioning analyses for displaying the structure in such survey data when such common ordered successive category measurement scales such as Likert, Edwards, semantic differential, etc., are employed. We present the technical details of this stochastic ordered preference multidimensional scaling vector model as well as the maximum likelihood estimation-based algorithm devised for parameter estimation. Favorable comparisons are made with several existent multidimensional scaling methods in representing the internal structure for such data in marketing positioning studies. An actual commercial positioning application concerning large sports utility vehicles consideration to buy judgments is presented with predictive validation comparisons with other multidimensional scaling joint space procedures.  相似文献   

The objective of brand positioning is to place a brand that is clearly distinguishable from competitors' brands on the market. The principal aim is to ensure that the brand occupies a unique position on the market and that it is endowed with a precisely defined profile with clear-cut contours. The basic idea underlying this analysis is that consumers' perceptions of the various brands can be conceived as a multidimensional space in which individual brands are positioned. A product's positioning is determined from its position on the relevant dimensions of the perceptual space, its position on the various product attribute vectors and its position with respect to other brands. This paper uses correspondence analysis to reconstruct a space, in order to connect the relevant brand attributes with the drivers of behaviour, such as utility components and individual values. An empirical investigation shows the usefulness of this approach for product and advertising policy.  相似文献   


If a school is able to establish a distinctive position relative to its competitors, it enhances its ability to maintain or increase enrollments. This paper focuses on the steps necessary for a school to create an effective positioning strategy. Success at positioning, however, does not occur easily or rapidly. Through the use of a variety of survey methods, it can be determined whether the strategy employed has resulted in the desired positioning for the school. Schools that have properly positioned themselves to meet the needs of their student market will flourish while those that have failed to do so will languish.  相似文献   

品牌定位在市场营销战略中的地位   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文认为,品牌是消费者关于该品牌的所有知识和联想,它存在于消费者的头脑中。品牌定位是在消费者心目中确定一个独特的位置,使本品牌和竞争品牌相区分,或使品牌与消费者的特定需求和目标相联系,它在企业营销战略中居于十分重要的地位。品牌定位有两种主要方式即竞争定位和目标定位,不论采用何种方式,企业都可以通过定位声明从战略高度对品牌面向谁和提供何种利益等问题作出回答,以协调企业内外的营销活动和保证定位的一致性。  相似文献   

在当今社会,竞争涉及社会的各个领域,尤其是经济领域。而在经济领域,最重要,最突出的竞争就是品牌竞争。所谓企业品牌生态位就是企业在其品牌生态系统中所确定的"生态位",依据企业品牌生态位的形成探讨奥运赞助企业品牌的优势生态位,以此制定出奥运赞助企业品牌国际化的"生态"策略。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2017,93(4):527-540
This study analyzes a retailer’s store brand quality decision in vertically differentiated product categories. We analyze a game theoretic model composed of one or two national brand manufacturers and a retailer, who strategically chooses the quality level(s) of its store brand(s) relative to the well-established national brand position(s) to maximize its category profit. Our analysis reveals that the nature of a retailer’s store brand quality positioning is quite different from the manufacturer’s national brand positioning decision, and that the best position for a store brand is not “as close to a national brand as possible” as previous studies suggest. Instead, the optimal quality position of each store brand is remarkably sensitive to the distribution of consumers’ willingness-to-pay. In particular, the relative proportions of quality sensitive consumers and price sensitive consumers determine the balance of three key strategic forces — the market expansion force, the retail margin force, and the consumer profitability force, leading to different optimal product line designs for store brands across different category environments. Interestingly, against multiple incumbent national brands, the retailer’s optimal product line design includes a store brand positioned at the highest quality level in the category only if most consumers are moderately quality conscious. We also analyze the implications of national brands’ brand equity for retailers’ store brand strategy.  相似文献   

When marketplace dynamics prompt a familiar brand to change its positioning, consumers often meet such attempts with resistance. This research demonstrates how familiar brands can incorporate new attribute information into the brand's position via comparative advertising in order to broaden the brand's marketplace positioning. Study 1 shows how the use and nature of comparative advertising affects the ability of a familiar brand to broaden its positioning. Studies 2a and 2b demonstrate that a comparative advertising strategy that incorporates a specific sequencing of dissociative and associative comparative advertisements best broadens brand positioning.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the retailer's problem of positioning her private label against two national brands in terms of both product quality and product features. Using a demand function derived from consumer utility, we show that the private label's best positioning strategy depends on the nature of the national brands’ competition and its own quality. When the national brands are differentiated, a high quality private label should position closer to a stronger national brand, and a low quality private label should position closer to a weaker national brand. When the national brands are undifferentiated, the private label should differentiate from both national brands.  相似文献   

试论市场定位、产品定位和竞争定位之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝进 《商业研究》2007,3(10):51-53
定位市场营销理论中的一个重要概念,分析定位的本来含义,研究市场定位?产品定位和竞争定位三者的逻辑关系,具有重要的学术价值。市场定位是一种服务于市场营销总体战略而实施的定位,因而它具有宏观及战略层次的属性;产品定位是针对产品开展的,指明企业用什么样的产品来满足目标消费者需求。竞争定位方式的确定及表达更为直接地瞄准竞争对手。  相似文献   

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