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建立了供电企业服务补救质量指标体系,并利用改进的模糊层次法确定指标权重.在将客户感知的补救质量进行量化的同时,兼顾了思维的不确定性.根据电力客户的特性,将电力客户分为工业客户、居民客户和其他客户进行实证分析.根据结果提出供电企业可将服务补救对象分为居民和非居民2类分别实施服务补救.  相似文献   

房地产开发风险的多因素层次模糊综合评价模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
房地产开发活动受到诸多风险因素的影响,对风险预期估计的不足会导致开发商蒙受巨大的损失,甚至破产。从开发商的角度出发,分析房地产开发中存在的主要风险因素,通过建立房地产开发风险因素多层次模糊综合评价模型,索取专家数据,计算风险因素的权重并进行分析,旨在为开发商对开发项目风险的判别起到积极作用,以达到不断提高开发商的自身竞争力。  相似文献   

企业环境绩效与经济绩效的关系一直是企业战略管理研究关注的重要问题.传统观点认为:环境规制与经济效益是相互矛盾的,经济发展必须以破坏环境为代价,而若要保护环境则会限制经济的发展.实践证明环境规制与经济效益并不是矛盾的,而是由于制度设计的不当造成的.本文通过对我国环境规制现状的分析,针对我国现行的环境规制进行改革和创新,给经济主体提供充分的激励,将环境规制与经济主体的利益最大化行为相关联,从而实现环境绩效与财务绩效的双赢.  相似文献   

多个管理体系并存,难免导致管理行为的重复、交叉,并且增加了各种资源的重复投入通过整合各个体系来提高管理效率.通过管理增值,使海油工程公司统一了各体系管理要求,并在体系整合的同时,应用先进的管理方法提升了安全环境管理的绩效。  相似文献   

通过分析油气田地面建设工程质量监督管理的现状,提出了构建油气田地面建设工程质量监督管理体系的设想.阐述了质量监督工作流程及信息沟通方式.重点对质量监督管理的方法和措施进行了研究.  相似文献   

“Asian Management Research Needs More Self-confidence” (Meyer, 2006) generated a surprisingly extended and diverse set of responses from Asia and beyond. In this rejoinder, I draw together a few lines of arguments that have emerged in that debate with the aim of moving the debate—and thus Asian management research agendas—forward. In particular, I argue that context is a crucial variable to explain management behavior, yet for practical reasons, it has been neglected in research published in top journals. Thus, I challenge management scholars in Asia and beyond to devise new research strategies to enhance our understanding of the contextual boundaries of our knowledge.
Klaus E. MeyerEmail: URL: www.klausmeyer.co.uk

Klaus E. Meyer   (PhD, London Business School) is currently Professor of Strategy and International Business at the University of Bath. He has previously served 8 years on the faculty of Copenhagen Business School, and held visiting appointments at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and National Cheng-chi University, Taipei. His research focuses on the strategies of multinational enterprises in emerging economies, especially foreign entry and growth strategies in Eastern Europe and East Asia. He has a personal website at . This is Professor Meyer’s third contribution to APJM.  相似文献   

"十五"期间,中国航天科技集团公司开创性地推行资金集中管理,在资金集中、融资管理、金融投资管理、金融风险监管和历史投资问题清理等方面均取得了良好的工作成效,较好地落实了集团公司第二次财务工作会提出的"1251"工作目标,初步构造了集团公司资金集中管理体系的顶层框架,形成了"统管聚财、制度理财、运作生财的整体资金运行机制",开创了集团公司资金管理的新局面.  相似文献   

从世界工业安全管理发展的趋势来看,安全管理已由本能的管理方式过渡到建立安全管理体系,通过管理者承诺、完善可行的规章制度及监督控制来实现安全业绩的不断提升.在以人为本、尊重科学的现代化工业安全管理中,杜邦公司率先建立了企业安全文化,实现了有效的人性化管理,创造了令人瞩目的安全业绩.在实践的过程中,杜邦提出了十大安全管理理念;各级管理层以自身行动向所有员工展示管理者对安全的重视;每一个业务部门的经理对所管辖区域和人员的安全负有责任;全员参与安全管理,一线操作工人在安全管理方面有充分的发言权.安全已成为杜邦公司四大企业核心价值之一.借鉴杜邦的安全管理模式,对于建立和完善中国石油的安全管理十分有益.  相似文献   

ISO 9001—2000标准提倡以过程方法的应用展开有效的审核活动,其目的在于实现质量管理体系运行的有效性评价和产生增值的效果。因此,管道工程施工现场质量体系审核所用的途径和方法的合理性、科学性,不但构成了有效审核的重要组成部分,也是评价组织质量管理体系符合性、有效性和充分性的必要条件。因此,应引起充分重视。  相似文献   

发展循环经济不仅可以有效促进产业结构的高度化,而且能够实现产业结构的生态化,是加快产业结构转换的有效途径。本文从循环经济理念入手,重新认识影响产业结构综合素质的相关因素,同时运用定量方法对我国各地区产业结构综合素质进行实证研究。最后根据实证对比分析结果,提出政策性结论,为循环经济理念指导下的产业结构优化提供依据。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the best efforts of outstanding managers, project team members, researchers, and consultants, no product development plan can guarantee success. Every new products organization will experience its fair share of failures, but a firm can take steps to ensure that its failures do not outweigh its successes. By benchmarking the competition, a firm can gain insight into best practices–the factors that lead most directly to new product success. To help identify these best practices, X. Michael Song, William E. Souder, and Barbara Dyer develop and test a causal model of the relationships among the key variables leading to new product performance. The proposed model identifies five factors that lead to marketing and technical proficiency: process skills, project management skills, alignment of skills with needs, team skills, and design sensitivity. According to the model, marketing and technical proficiency directly determine product quality, and ultimately lead to new product success or failure. The causal model was tested using information on 65 completed projects–34 successes and 31 failures–from 17 large, multi-divisional Japanese firms. The study participants develop, manufacture, and market high-technology consumer and industrial products. These firms judged the success or failure of the projects in this study by using seven criteria: return on investment, profit, market share, sales, opportunities for technical leadership, market dominance, and customer satisfaction. These firms generally assigned the greatest importance to customer satisfaction, opportunity creation, and long-term growth. For the most part, the responses from these firms support the relationships presented in the causal model. According to the respondents, marketing proficiency and product quality have a strong, positive influence on their new product performance, as do process skills, project management skills, and alignment of skills and needs. The responses highlight the importance to these firms of responsiveness to customer wants and needs, as well as ensuring a close fit between project needs and the firm's skills in marketing, R&D, engineering, and manufacturing. Somewhat surprisingly, the responses do not support the model's suggested relationships between skills/needs alignment and technical proficiency or between technical proficiency and product quality.  相似文献   

We compare the wholesale model and the agency model that characterise a vertical relation in a bilateral duopoly framework. Results suggest that the agency model may be regarded as an example of retailer power resale price maintenance and provide an economic view of why restraints of this kind should be evaluated under the rule of reason. While competition is more likely to be undercut under the agency model, relative to the wholesale model, the agency model benefits consumers by offering relatively lower retail prices and greater demand.  相似文献   

国务院颁发的《关于改革建筑业和基本建设管理体制若干问题的暂行规定》,决定在我国实行工程质量监督制度。工程质量监督是一种政府行为,它具有强制性,任何单位、任何部门、任何工程不得阻挠其执法行为。工程质量监督机构接受政府委托.对建设工程质量进行监督。随着国家基本建设体制改革的进一步深化,工程质量监督事业取得长足发展,工程质量监督领域实现了有法可依,依法执监。  相似文献   

实验经济学方法的出现和大量应用使市场交易制度问题研究得以深入,并取得了大量重要的研究成果。市场交易制度与市场结构共同影响市场绩效是对传统的SCP分析范式的修正.交易制度可以将需求因素作为一个形成市场绩效的力量和评估主体,使对市场绩效形成的考察更加全面、深入。本文据此构造了市场交易制度影响市场绩效的假说并进行了理论和实验的证明。这一假说可以成为分析市场绩效、设计市场交易制度、制定政府规制和评估制度效果的重要方法。  相似文献   

中国城市化进程中土地集约利用的系统动力学模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对土地利用及城市发展系统的不断发展变化的动态特征,从系统工程的角度,应用系统动力学的方法,研究了城市土地可集约利用和城市可持续发展的问题。在充分考虑城市化过程中涉及的社会、经济和自然环境因素,建立了中国城市土地利用与城市可持续发展的系统动力学模型。在城市容积率高低两种政策下进行模型的对比模拟运行,并对结果进行了比较分析和解释。根据模拟的结果,结合我国目前城市化及土地利用的现状,提出了积极发展大城市、提高城市容积率和加强土地管理工作等相关建议。  相似文献   

本文首先依据西部地区1990~2010年的能源产量和工业SO2排放量数据,将西部地区分成能源富集区和能源贫乏区以及高SO2排放区和低SO2排放区,初步分析了各分区内经济发展质量差异;然后通过构建西部分省区随机影响变截距模型,对能源和环境约束下的西部地区全要素生产率增长率进行了估算,并以此为基础进行了西部地区要素贡献率分解核算.研究结果表明:西部地区经济增长方式正在向集约型增长转变,全要素生产率代表的技术进步对经济增长的推动作用逐步增强;但是资本和能源对西部地区能源富集省份经济发展仍起着至关重要作用,西部地区的经济增长仍没有完全摆脱资本推动型的增长路径;而劳动对西部地区经济增长的贡献份额则为负,已经成为经济增长的阻碍.此外,不同能源开发程度和环境质量特征的省区对西部整个地区全要素生产率和增长率的要素贡献率仍存在较大差距.  相似文献   

本文运用系统工程的理论和方法,构造高等学校实验室评估的综合多目标决策模型,为高等学校实验室评估提供一套科学的评估方法和程序。  相似文献   

Conflict avoidance is common in East Asia, and the Confucian notion of harmony is often invoked to explain this tendency. We review the classical Confucian doctrines and found no encouragement of conflict avoidance in Confucian teachings. Quite the contrary, the Confucian notion of harmony embodies disagreement and open debates. Thus, we argue that harmony as conflict avoidance is not a main feature of classical Confucianism, but a characteristic of the secular version that is associated with cultural collectivism. We then review several theories that are based on the notion of harmony, and show that they are compatible with a dualistic model of harmony, which posits an instrumental as well as a value motive in harmony-seeking behavior. In the instrumental perspective, harmony is viewed as a means to a typically materialistic end, whereas in the value perspective, harmony is deemed an end in its own right. Conflict avoidance is primarily driven by the instrumental motive. These two motives are then crossed to form four types of harmony-seeking behaviors. This typology is discussed in terms of its implications for future research and its applications in conflict management.  相似文献   

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