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基于次贷危机的启示,本文构建了在不同的金融发展程度下房地产价格波动对商业银行资产影响的理论模型,并在此基础上对中国的现状进行分析,指出当前对中国的影响主要集中于商业银行基于负债业务发放的贷款领域。进一步地,利用向量自回归模型(VAR)及冲击响应函数对中国房地产价格波动对商业银行贷款的影响进行了实证检验。研究表明:金融创新改变了房地产价格波动对商业银行资产的影响模式;中国房价波动对商业银行资产的影响主要集中在源于银行负债发放的贷款领域,但总体影响有限;中国应加快发展银行资产证券化业务,谨慎发展信用衍生产品。  相似文献   

There has been much recent debate about the merits of certain aspects of the IASB's recent improvements to IAS 39 Financial Instruments – Recognition and Measurement. Many have sought changes to IAS 39 and lengthy discussions have taken place to determine whether proposed changes are appropriate. These discussions have often focused on the practical effects of the proposed changes – an aspect that is certainly worthy of in-depth consideration. However, the IASB has also focused discussions on whether proposed changes are consistent with the principles underlying the standard. This article seeks to highlight those principles underlying the recognition, measurement and hedge accounting aspects of IAS 39, and their consequences for the resultant accounting requirements as a means to enhance understanding of the reasons why the IASB may find it difficult to accept certain proposed changes.  相似文献   

Following a sector neutral approach to standard setting for about a decade, New Zealand adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for profit‐oriented entities and all other sectors including the public sector, from 2007 with the option to adopt early in 2005. Some studies have examined the impact of IFRS adoption on the accounts of profit‐oriented entities and found that this change had a significant impact on assets, liabilities and equity. This study examines the impact of adoption of IFRS on New Zealand public sector entities’ financial statements. We analyse and compare the reconciliation notes of IFRS and pre‐IFRS New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (NZ GAAP) reported in the first IFRS annual reports of all New Zealand public sector entities. The results indicate that there have been some significant increases in assets and liabilities, and significant decreases to overall equity in some sub‐sectors of the public sector. The primary causes of such changes were recognition of employee entitlements (IAS 19) and recognition of derivative financial instruments (IAS 39) for many public sector entities, as well as remeasurement of deferred taxation for public sector commercial enterprises (IAS 12). In addition, public sector entities made many reclassifications between current and non‐current financial statement elements that did not impact on the aggregate balances of the entities’ balance sheets. In general, the findings of this study are similar to findings of studies that examined the impact of IFRS on private enterprises. The findings of this study contribute to the understanding of the implication of IFRS adoption and might be useful to policy makers and regulators who are currently reviewing the applicability of IFRS to public sectors in Australia and New Zealand and other countries.  相似文献   

This fictional case is based on a Canadian public company that produces greenhouse vegetables. Focusing on the differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Canadian Accounting Standards for Private Enterprises (ASPE), this case provides students an opportunity to (1) apply IFRS in a real world setting; (2) prepare and reconcile financial statements under ASPE and IFRS; (3) analyze the impact of IFRS adoption on key financial ratios; and (4) detect and explain differences in financial statements under ASPE and IFRS through common size analysis.  相似文献   

财政部发布的《企业会计制度》规定,企业除应对应收账款和其他应收款计提坏账准备外,还要对存货、长短期投资、固定资产、在建工程、无形资产、委托贷款、应收融资租贷款的可收回金额加以分析,并计提相应的减值准备。那么在编制合并会计报表时,是否也要对内部交易形成的存货、投资、固定资产、无形资产相应的减值准备进行抵销呢?2002年注册会计师考试辅导教材中只提到“如果对内部交易形成的存货计提了跌价准备,还应在编制合并会计报表时将其抵销。如果已对固定资产、无形资产计提了相关减值准备的,还应在编制合并会计报表时进行相应的抵销…  相似文献   

运用2014年CFPS数据实证分析了居民金融素养对家庭资产的影响。研究发现,金融素养会显著提升居民家庭房产、无风险金融资产、风险性金融资产、家庭总资产及净资产。通过比较估计系数我们发现,金融素养对房产、净资产和总资产的影响较金融资产的影响更大,同时我们还发现房产在家庭总资产和净资产中的占比极高。通过基于样本分类的实证分析我们发现,金融素养对家庭资产的影响在区域、家庭总资产规模、户口以及年龄方面都具有差异性。而通过对金融素养的构成分类分析,发现金融知识和金融技能对家庭资产的影响具有差异。  相似文献   

The implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), particularly in the European Union, has led to frequent comments that IFRS are “fair value based standards” and that the IASB is moving inexorably towards full fair value accounting. This article examines the extent to which IFRS do, in fact, require the use of fair values for the measurement of assets and liabilities. It explains the definition of fair value in IFRS, the evolution of that definition and the need for further clarifications and guidance with respect to the application of the definition. It then identifies the four main uses of fair value in IFRS. Three of these uses reflect what should have happened under many national standards. The fourth use is, in practice, restricted to very few assets and liabilities. The article concluded with suggestions about the possible areas in which the IASB might extend the use of fair values.  相似文献   

International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (IFRS 9) 9 introduces new impairment rules responding to the G20 critique that International Accounting Standard 39 (IAS 39) results in the delayed and insufficient recognition of credit losses. In a case study of a Greek government bond for the period 2009–2011 when Greece’s credit rating declined sharply, this paper highlights the discretion that preparers have when estimating impairments. IFRS 9 relies more on management expectations and will lead to earlier impairments. However, these appear still delayed and low if compared to the fair value losses.  相似文献   

商业银行理财业务是我国商业银行近几年发展速度较快的业务之一。当前,受全球性金融危机和经济周期调整的影响,国内商业银行理财业务面临着前所未有的挑战,呈现出了与以往不同的新特点,理财产品收益率逐步走低、产品期限逐步缩短。同时,产生了"零收益"等一些棘手的新问题,本文对此作了深刻剖析,提出了加强市场研究、建立理财师约束机制等有助于发展我国商业银行理财业务的相关建议。  相似文献   

运用倾向分匹配的方法实证研究参加农民专业合作社对农户的收入与金融资产的影响,结果表明:参加农民专业合作社的农户工资收入比未参加合作社的农户高3285元;参加专业合作社的农户金融资产余额也比未参加合作社的高35862元。无论是平均处置效应、处置组处置效应,还是未受处置组处置效应都显示参加农民专业合作社的农户其工资收入和家庭金融资产余额均高于未参加农民专业合作社的农户。  相似文献   

We examine whether the value relevance of reported intangibles differs between financial reporting regimes pre- and post-adoption of Australian Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS) and Australian Accounting Standards (AGAAP) respectively. Using AIFRS and AGAAP measures of goodwill and identifiable intangible assets for the same financial year and testing their association with share prices, we find evidence that AIFRS generally convey incremental useful information for investors about goodwill. For aggregated identifiable intangible assets there is no evidence that AIFRS conveys information beyond that in AGAAP. In contrast, we find evidence that AGAAP provides incremental information for investors in relation to identifiable intangibles, but not goodwill .  相似文献   

论资不抵债子公司的报表合并问题   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文对资不抵债但仍持续经营的子公司的报表合并问题进行探讨。首先指出了处理子公司超额亏损时存在的误区 ,然后分析国际会计准则的相关规定 ,并提出以准重组方式变通处理资不抵债子公司特有的不对应关系 ,最后以一个案例说明资不抵债子公司的报表合并方法。  相似文献   

国有商业银行剥离不良资产始于1999年,距今刚好10周年.往事本已封存,因为它毕竟算不上是什么惊天动地或"光彩夺目".前几天偶与朋友小聚,朋友闻知笔者有过这段经历,便鼓励笔者把它写出来.为不负友托,笔者不揣冒昧,把这段几乎尘封的往事做一个回瞰,既与大家分享个中的甘辛,更把一些经验教训启示传导给后来者,以期引为鉴戒,并望得到有识之士教正.  相似文献   

Whereas empirical studies suggest that firm hedging is influenced by accounting standards such as SFAS 133 and IAS 39, the nature of earnings risk management remains a puzzle. I develop a model that shows how non-financial firms that prefer predictable earnings jointly optimize their hedging strategy and the choice between fair-value and hedge accounting. I also examine the implications of these decisions for earnings predictability under SFAS 133/IAS 39. In this model, which has two accounting periods, earnings uncertainty arises from economic shocks and accounting mismatches. The specific influence of accounting mismatches is isolated with two benchmarks, one for firm hedging (cash flow hedging) and another for an accounting system that fully complies with the matching principle. In this forward-looking analysis, most firms significantly decrease the hedging of long-term earnings when faced with persistent price dynamics. Under non-persistent price dynamics, the levels of long-term earnings hedging are only slightly reduced. Therefore, the influence of accounting mismatches on firm hedging is highly dependent on the economic environment in which a firm operates, which suggests that the potential influence of accounting on firm hedging may be difficult to identify in archival studies. The analysis also offers a forward-looking perspective on the changing properties of earnings since the late 1970s that supplements the existing body of archival accounting studies. For example, under persistent price dynamics, forward-looking short-term earnings volatility may increase tenfold or more for cash flow hedging under fair-value accounting compared with a perfectly matched accounting system.  相似文献   

文章以新会计准则的变化为切入点,分析了新会计准则对2006年度深市主板公司的具体影响。统计发现,按新会计准则要求进行追溯调整导致的净资产增幅为0.6%,总体影响不大。新准则对公司未来财务状况、经营成果的影响是全方位的,但具体影响程度需依2007年各公司具体业务情况而定。文章最后针对新旧准则衔接过程中出现的问题提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

Two decades of developments in risk‐transfer instruments may have fundamentally changed the extent to which banks practice on‐balance sheet term and liquidity transformation. These changes should be deliberated in on‐balance sheet asset‐liability dependencies. By using correlation analyses, we investigate asset‐liability dependency for all three sectors of German universal banks from 1994 to 2007 and find that it declined over our sample period. We also investigate whether asset‐liability dependency varies systematically with a bank's affinity for using risk‐transfer instruments, regulatory capital, and profitability and document several differences between the three sectors of German universal banks.  相似文献   

合并会计报表若干理论问题探讨   总被引:72,自引:3,他引:72  
作为财务会计三大难题之一 ,合并会计报表理论最近几年经历了重大变化。继美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB) 1995年颁布《合并财务报表———政策与程序》征求意见稿拟以主体观念取代母公司观念之后 ,其他发达国家的会计准则制定机构也纷纷对合并报表的编制观念进行反思。我国关于合并报表的规定也面临着修订和完善。基于此 ,本文拟从理论渊源、合并理念两个角度 ,论述合并报表的三种基本观念———所有者观、主体观、母公司观 ,并进行必要的评述。以此为基础 ,本文还将对我国合并会计报表的理论选择进行探讨。  相似文献   

Many accounting and finance studies investigate the time-series properties of historical accounting records from corporate financial statements. Some of them have recognized the potential benefits of using disaggregated monthly accounting records. Disaggregated data are beneficial because one can use more data points within a relatively short period of time, thus reducing the chance of structural change. The added data points and reduction of the number of variables needed to accommodate potential structural changes can enhance the statistical power of any subsequent analysis. The use of disaggregated data may also improve the predictive ability of time-series analytic approaches. In order to systematically assess various financial indicators and investigate the effects of different organizational characteristics, a large number of monthly statements with certain predetermined characteristics are desirable. However, such statements are not readily available. At best, monthly statements can be obtained from a few volunteer companies. Under this circumstance, simulation of controlled financial statements seems to be a reasonable solution. This research explores a methodology for simulating complete monthly financial statements based on actual company quarterly financial statements. The methodology incorporates the interrelationships among accounting numbers and the effects of exogenous variables. To test the empirical validity and whether the monthly results derived from the quarterly data can accurately track the real monthly figures, we compare the results simulated by the proposed method and those generated by a naive random walk model. We test both complete financial statements for three companies and sales statistics from the retail industry. The results of both tests demonstrate the superiority of the method proposed by this study over a naive random walk model. The proposed simulation method provides an opportunity for researchers to examine the time-series properties of financial statement elements by using the monthly data of a large number of companies. In addition, the simulation approach allows researchers to perform cross sectional comparisons on companies with different characteristics (e.g., sales behavior patterns and degrees of stability) in their financial and economic activities. Moreover, it enables the researchers to manipulate some of these characteristics to test various hypotheses.  相似文献   

商业银行理财业务的风险转移与监管制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商业银行理财业务的风险伴随理财市场的发展逐渐暴露,并且风险主要由理财产品的投资者承担。对商业银行理财业务的监管需要摆脱传统信贷业务下以资本约束为核心的监管理念和监管模式,树立以投资者利益保护为中心的监管理念,借鉴其他投资市场的监管制度,不断加以完善。  相似文献   

《中国注册会计师审计准则第1101号——财务报表审计的目标与一般原则》依据鉴证业务基本准则制定,统领规范财务报表审计的其余38项审计准则,在审计准则体系中占有重要地位。下面对该准则的重点、难点进行简要介绍。  相似文献   

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