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关于建立我国中小企业贷款融资支持体系的构想 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
山东省城市金融学会课题组 《金融论坛》2003,8(5):41-47
对中小企业进行贷款融资支持问题 ,理论界和实业界已做过多方面的研究和探讨。本课题从深入分析我国商业性金融和政策性金融制约中小企业贷款融资的因素入手 ,在考察其他国家和地区金融支持中小企业发展的基础上 ,提出了建立我国中小企业贷款融资支持体系的构想。这一体系具体由商业性金融贷款融资体系和政策性金融贷款融资体系两部分构成。其中 ,应以商业性金融包括国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、区域性中小金融机构等为主体 ,政策性金融包括政策性银行、信用担保机构、中小企业发展基金等为补充 ,尽而形成全方位、多角度的中小企业贷款融资支持体系。 相似文献
目前,各国有商业银行正积极推进本行的全球化战略.本文通过对国内、国际各方面的经济形势跟踪调查与研究认为,我行应在构建东亚区域清算体系方面倾注更多的精力,推进我行东亚区域清算网络建设,确立我行在东亚地区人民币及外币清算银行的战略地位;具体提出要以增进与人民银行多方面的沟通与联系,积极与现代化支付系统相协调,完善我行本外币清算网络,推动行内本币业务部门和国际业务部门的合作,发展东亚区域内本外币资产、负债和中间业务等为工作重点,不断加强对跨国银行清算体系先进经验的学习,开创以人民币为支付货币的国际业务先河,推动我行全球化经营战略稳步实施. 相似文献
William S. Haraf 《实用企业财务杂志》1997,9(4):82-85
For at least the past 15 years, the preferred model for financial modernization among U.S. lawmakers and regulators has been based on the concept of the financial services holding company (FSHC) with functional regulation of its financial subsidiaries. Such an approach makes eminently good sense in a world where it is possible to make clear distinctions among different financial functions and between financial services and other information-based businesses. Although this may have been the case 15 years ago, today the FSHC model will not deal with financial convergence and the broader convergence of information-based businesses in a completely satisfactory way.
To lay the groundwork for a financial structure that can carry us into the next century, Congress needs to look beyond the approaches it has been willing to consider to date. Instead of simply eliminating remaining entry barriers, it needs to permit true financial integration with a much simpler and more streamlined system of regulation than we have today. After holding up four goals for a financial services marketplace for the next century, this article offers five "sensible and politically realistic" suggestions for the 105th Congress that would help move the U.S. financial sector toward those goals. 相似文献
To lay the groundwork for a financial structure that can carry us into the next century, Congress needs to look beyond the approaches it has been willing to consider to date. Instead of simply eliminating remaining entry barriers, it needs to permit true financial integration with a much simpler and more streamlined system of regulation than we have today. After holding up four goals for a financial services marketplace for the next century, this article offers five "sensible and politically realistic" suggestions for the 105th Congress that would help move the U.S. financial sector toward those goals. 相似文献
John M. Harris 《The Journal of Financial Research》1983,6(2):153-162
Personal income growth since 1950 has been similar to increases in housing prices. In recent years, however, increases in interest rates due to inflation have prevented many individuals from purchasing a home. In this paper, a framework of analysis based on variable coefficient difference equations is presented and used to evaluate a number of alternative mortgage instruments. As an extension of this analysis, a superior mortgage is proposed. Simulations are presented that quantify the advantages of this new mortgage. 相似文献
《Africa Research Bulletin》2013,50(1):19830B-19830C
本文通过对我国房地产行业现状及未来发展趋势的分析,指出房地产业总体健康、持续和有序发展,但也存在投资增长较快和区域性、结构性风险等问题;当前我国住房金融业务主要存在系统性、区域性、政策调整、企业信用以及贷款总量与结构等方面的风险。随着社会经济发展和人民生活改善,房地产业将继续处于良好的发展环境。经过几年的努力,工商银行住房金融业务基本具备了规模化发展的条件,作者认为工商银行在住房金融业务发展中应坚持内控先行、集约经营、控制总量和比例、个人业务为主、可持续化和精品化发展等基本原则,并就近期的工作提出了具体建议。 相似文献
历次的全国金融工作会议,都是启动中国金融改革的重要“风向标”。而时值中国金融业正处于内外风险交织的转折期,2012年1月6日至7日在京召开的全国金融工作会议更是被寄予厚望。 相似文献
党的十八大确立了科学发展观的历史地位,确定了全面建成小康社会和全面深化改革开放的目标,对经济金融工作做出重要部署。大会结束后,中国人民银行、中国银监会、中国证监会、中国保监会立即召开党委扩大会议和中心组集体学习会,传达和学习贯彻党的十八大和十八届一中全会精神,并对各自系统深入学习宣传贯彻十八大精神、做好各项工作做出安排,要求按照中央部署,结合自身实际,迅速兴起深入学习贯彻落实十八大精神的热潮,用十八大精神指导各项工作的开展。 相似文献
《Africa Research Bulletin》2011,48(1):18971A-18971B
我国商业银行流动性管理的现状及改革设想 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
流动性管理是协调安全性和盈利性、防范银行支付风险的重要手段,也是商业银行经营管理的核心和精髓.本文分析了我国国有商业银行流动性管理的现状,认为我国商业银行在流动性管理理念、管理主体、管理对象和管理方法等方面存在误区,至今尚未建立起适应商业银行经营活动内在要求、符合国际惯例的流动性管理机制,严重影响了银行业的核心竞争力.作者提出了健全商业银行流动性管理机制的基本思路:改革现行以中央银行为主体的流动性比例管理,创造条件逐步建立以商业银行为主体,以所有者权益最大化为核心,以安全性、流动性和盈利性协调统一为宗旨的流动性管理机制,增强银行核心竞争力. 相似文献
This paper reports the findings of a longitudinal comparative case study of three National Health Service (NHS) hospital Trusts in England, investigating the perceptions of clinical, managerial and accounting professionals towards changing cost accounting and performance measurement practices. It incorporates both qualitative and quantitative data analysis, and is based on a contextualist understanding of change management, utilising the content‐process‐context approach (Pettigrew and Lapsley, 1994) to investigate the influence of receptive versus non‐receptive contexts on change. The analysis reveals limited success in improving performance measurement practices (the content of change) in Trusts. Nevertheless the specific context within which change was operationalised was found to be very important, with central mangers playing a key role in influencing change. The process of change indicated slow shifts in clinical‐accountant‐managerial relations, partly driven by changes in financial flows within the organisations. 相似文献
论我国银行市场结构重组的制度约束与改革设想 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着经济全球化的深入发展 ,传统商业银行正经受着前所未有的冲击 ,一场银行革命正在全球范围内展开 ,国外银行重组、企业重组浪潮此起彼伏 ,对国内银行体制改革形式巨大的冲击。而目前我国银行无论规模和实力上还不能与国外银行相提并论。我国银行市场结构重组问题一直是社会关注的一个热点 ,本文在对中国特有的由国有商业银行寡头垄断的畸形银行市场结构的制度根源及其危害性进行分析的基础上 ,提出了以业务功能为银行重组的纽带 ,以机构网络整合和代理委托制为基础 ,建立重组的技术平台 ,以集团联盟为银行经营的组织形式 ,对商业银行的业务进行全方位重组改革的新思路 相似文献