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This paper presents a novel intelligent bidding system, called SOABER (Simultaneous Online Auction BiddER), which monitors simultaneous online auctions of high-value fine art items. It supports decision-making by maximizing bidders’ surpluses and their chances of winning an auction. One key element of the system is a dynamic forecasting model, which incorporates information about the speed of an auction’s price movement, as well as the level of competition both within and across auctions. Other elements include a wallet estimator, which gauges the bidders’ willingness to pay, and a bid strategizer, which embeds the forecasting model into a fully automated decision system. We illustrate the performance of our intelligent bidding system on an authentic dataset of online art auctions for Indian contemporary art. We compare our system with several simpler ad-hoc approaches, and find it to be more effective in terms of both the extracted surplus and the resulting winning percentage.  相似文献   

In government procurement activities, asymmetric information, incomplete contracts and opportunism, led to the dysfunction of principal-agent. Through the reference of the principal-agent theory, this paper uses the model of the principal-agent to analyze government procurement activity, and proposes some countermeasures to improve principal-agent in government procurement.  相似文献   

Public procurement partnerships represent a new approach to conducting government acquisition. These partnerships are predicated on the notion that governments today simply lack the requisite knowledge, skills and financing to provide core public services and acquire sophisticated services, IT and knowledge development by themselves. Instead, governments need to enlist the collective energies of the governmental, business and non-profit (third) sectors. This research looks at the concept of public procurement partnerships in the United States and the major trends promoting their use. Two case examples of public procurement partnerships are presented; one from the perspective of a government partner, the other from the perspective of a private (third) sector partner.  相似文献   

我国的土地出让招拍挂制度是具有重大意义的市场竞争性交易制度和社会资源配王方式.论文运用拍卖理论简要回顾了土地招拍挂制度影响市场绩效的经济学原理,对全国(2003-2005)和北京(2005-2007)城市土地有偿出让市场进行了分类统计,并以此数据为基础对招标、拍卖和挂牌三种不同出让方式的市场绩效进行了对比分析,得出了我国土地出让市场中存在理论和实践并不一致的结论,并指出了造成该问题的原因是政府对招拍挂制度的干预,最后提出了提高招拍挂制度绩效的建议.  相似文献   

This paper recognises that commissioning has now become an important term in the lexicon of UK public policy but the term ‘commissioning’ is taking on a different meaning than that traditionally used within the purchasing and supply management community. The frequent inter-changeability of the terms ‘commissioning’, ‘procurement’ and ‘purchasing’ is now causing confusion and means different things to different people. Therefore the academic community needs to help practitioners understand the differences and implications. A document analysis of various UK Central Government departments’ commissioning frameworks was used to establish the key themes and compare commissioning, procurement and purchasing. This paper discusses the similarities and differences, and argues that commissioning is different from procurement, but that commissioning offers major opportunities for Procurement practitioners to make a strategic contribution.  相似文献   

白兵学 《价值工程》2010,29(32):121-121
通过对工程招投标过程中存在的串标、围标等不良现象发生的现状、原因以及危害性进行分析,能够引起各参与主体对此问题的高度重视,并通过积极的教育、引导和完善相关法规来进一步规范这个有形市场,使大家都能公平公正地参与这项工作,以促进这个有形市场健康发展。  相似文献   

张磊  唐开春  王浩 《价值工程》2011,30(32):311-311
欲在某一废弃使用的砌体水塔顶部安装广告牌,由于建造年代较早,技术资料全无。文中分析了安装广告牌的可行性,并给出了相关的建议和意见。  相似文献   

曲文彦 《价值工程》2014,(30):316-317
水质好坏直接影响着人畜健康,其水质相关指标是否符合标准成为了全社会关注的热点话题。笔者结合多年工作经验,对太原某地自来水中细菌总数进行了检测并分析,为当地自来水的现状以及对其治理方案的制定提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to assess local currency (LCY) Asian government bond markets using network analysis during the period 2001–2017. In particular, we (i) assess how the network of the markets is connected (integrated), (ii) assess how the risks over the network diverge following a risk shock in one market, and (iii) determine under what conditions rapid reconvergence occurs. We found that the network of LCY Asian government bond markets is fully connected by the Asian Bond Fund Initiative and the Asian Bond Market Initiative, and thus, risk can reach further out faster in the web of stronger relationships in the post-2008 period. The quarantine of and assistance for risks in the center market lead to rapid reconvergence compared with other markets. These findings suggest the success of LCY Asian government bond financing promoted by ABFI and ABMI, triggering LCY Asian corporate bond financing.  相似文献   

随着时代的不断进步,我们已进入一个科技创新的新时代,我国在许多方面的建设都取得了显著成就,如教育、经济、文化、科技等。但我国在建设工程方面还在不断地完善。道路与桥梁工程属于土木工程建设。这已经成为国家的重点发展方向。为了提高道路和桥梁的质量,应该把它与检测技术相结合,这样可以提高我国的工程建设水平并且能够推动经济的发展。  相似文献   

通过对合理低价中标法含义、优缺点的探讨,论述了推行合理低价中标法的意义、保证措施及发展趋势。  相似文献   

鲁平 《价值工程》2013,(34):311-312
随着科学技术的不断发展,水果蔬菜的生长量在不断增加,农药的使用也越来越多,这就要求着我们必须加强对于水果蔬菜之中的农药残留的检验。本文主要对于残留农药的检测技术进行简要的探析研究。  相似文献   

结合课程的特点和各方面的教学经验,提出将一体化职业教学应用于检测与控制装置课程中,从传统的以课程理论教学为主导的阶段式教学模式转换为以综合职业能力培养为目标,以贴合实际岗位要求的工作任务为载体,根据实际岗位的工作任务和工作过程设计出理论与实践紧密结合的课程体系和内容,按照学生将来的工作岗位的流程顺序和高职学生学习的特点进行教学及实训的设计,实现理论教学与实践教学融通合一的一体化教学模式。  相似文献   

Empirical research characterizing transportation markets in developing countries is scarce. By analyzing contracts between the World Food Programme and private carriers, we identify the determinants of transportation tariffs in Ethiopia and quantify their relative importance. The econometric models devised from our unique dataset provide insights for shippers to improve procurement processes, for carriers to develop competitive business models and for government authorities to define effective investments and policies. Results indicate that the number of carriers on a given lane significantly reduces transportation tariffs and that policies stimulating competition may be as important as road infrastructure investments in Ethiopia's development strategy.  相似文献   

文章从目前中国集体土地征地拆迁补偿定价中存在的问题及其根源出发,运用模糊数学理论,基于主成分分析的方法,在考虑构成补偿价值的物质因素和非物质因素的基础上,讨论了特征定价模型在征地拆迁补偿中的应用。并以重庆市的实际案例进行检验,建立了完整的补偿价值构成体系和合理的定价方法,为实现真正的等值补偿,改进现行的集体土地征地拆迁补偿模式提供了一定的参考和依据,进一步促进城市化的进程和社会的发展。  相似文献   

本文立足烟草行业,从小盒烟包铝箔及内衬纸检测系统谈起,探究了机器视觉在小盒烟包铝箔及内衬纸检测系统应用上的合理性和优越性,以带动卷烟包装设备的新一轮自动化改革浪潮。  相似文献   

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