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To explain the significant disparity of tourism development across Chinese provinces, this paper conducts a dynamic panel data analysis of tourism development in China using statistical data of Chinese provincial tourism industry for the 2000–2009 periods. The estimated results provide empirical evidence on the relationship between the agglomeration and development of Chinese provincial tourism in firm level. The econometric analysis shows that the tourism density in agglomeration has a positive influence on local tourism development. It appears that the variance of tourism development across Chinese provinces can be explained by the differences in the density of tourism economic activities.  相似文献   

Immigration can potentially influence tourism flows. However, in spite of the vast number of studies on tourism demand modelling, the immigration-tourism linkage has not received much attention in the empirical literature. This paper seeks to address this gap. A dynamic demand model is developed and estimated using data from 1980 to 2008 for the 15 main markets of Australia. The explanatory variables included are income, own price, price of a substitute destination, airfare and immigration. The estimation results empirically establish the connection between immigration and inbound tourism. The short run and long-run immigration elasticities generated are 0.028 and 0.09 respectively. Additionally this paper demonstrates that omission of prices of substitutes affects the value of the own price elasticity of demand. The results have implications for future research and for stakeholders who can improve the efficiency of their planning exercises by taking into account additional information on immigration trends.  相似文献   

The conceptual framework of the Tourism Area Life Cycle (TALC) has been frequently examined since it was first proposed by Butler in 1980. However, few studies have applied the concept to national parks and other protected areas. This paper examines the applicability of the model to China's Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. In addition, both external and internal factors affecting the park's tourism development as well as the environmental, social, and economic changes of the area are also discussed. Results indicate that the park has experienced the first four stages as described in Butler's 1980 seminal paper [The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: Implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer, 24, 5–12]. Currently, the park is in the consolidation stage. Both governments and the private sector are major players as catalysts for the park's tourism development from one stage to the next. While the local or even regional economy has become increasingly dependent on tourism, the park has also been experiencing noticeable transformation and loss of traditional cultures since its inception in 1982. Finally limitations to the current paper are outlined.  相似文献   


Although China's tourism has become a vital part in the world tourism market, little is known internationally about tourism and hospitality research in China. This study reviewed 500 articles published from 2000 to 2005 in China's leading tourism research journal, Tourism Tribune, and provided an overview of China's recent tourism and hospitality research. Content analysis results showed that tourism research themes in China primarily focused on tourism attraction/resources development and management, tourism planning, and tourism industry development issues. Most research under review used a qualitative approach, while 15% of the articles employed some quantitative methods. Articles using advanced statistical techniques were scarce.  相似文献   

This study examines the causal relationship between tourism expansion and economic growth in two Asian countries: Taiwan and South Korea. An EGARCH-M model with uncertainty factors is employed to examine the direction of causality between tourism expansion and economic growth, as well as the impulse impacts of uncertainty on both variables. The results indicate that the tourism-led economic growth hypothesis is supported for Taiwan while a reciprocal causal relationship is found for South Korea. The significant impacts of uncertainty on growth are also identified.  相似文献   


This paper first reviews the origins and development of tourism higher education in China, then elaborates on its present hierarchy of programs, regional distribution and mechanisms for operating schools. Based on an investigation, the paper also discusses the educational objectives, program setup, curriculum design, textbooks and reference materials. It summarizes the problems and challenges China's higher education studies in tourism are facing, and in conclusion, it explores development trends and offers suggestions for its future.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of tourism development in reducing regional income inequality in China. First, the theoretical foundation for how tourism affects regional income inequality is discussed. Second, based on the conditional convergence framework, this study proposes a spatiotemporal autoregressive model to capture spatial and temporal dependence as well as spatial heterogeneity. Tourism development is introduced as a conditional convergence factor in an attempt to examine whether the convergence speed is accelerated by regional tourism development. Third, the effects of international and domestic tourism in narrowing regional inequality are compared both globally and locally. The empirical results indicate that tourism development contributes significantly to the reduction of regional inequality, with domestic tourism making a greater contribution than international tourism.  相似文献   

In 2013, the Dong villagers of Zhaoxing in Guizhou province expelled a Han-managed tourism company from their community and from their tourist enterprises. Far from being passive and homogeneous, ethnographic data reveal ethnic populations negotiate tourism development in a variety of ways. Using concepts of livelihood, resistance, agency and ethnicity, this article reveals: villagers responded to tourism development differently according to their livelihood strategies; villagers sided with local authorities of their own ethnic group in order to resist Han-led higher levels of government and villagers responded to non-local stakeholders’ infringement rather than to the presence of tourists. These findings point to the necessity of detailed ethnographic case studies to understand the context within which tourism development occurs in China.  相似文献   


This article outlined the emergence and phenomenal growth of higher occupation and technical education (HOTE) in China, and analyzed the characteristics of HOTE in relation to the human resource needs of China's growing tourism industry. The characteristics of tourism HOTE were examined in the contexts of specialization offerings, curriculum design, and instructional delivery and student evaluation. Comparisons were drawn between tourism HOTE and traditional four-year degree program, and between tourism HOTE and two- and three-year higher professional schools. Observations were made with regard to the greater employability of tourism HOTE graduates and their popularity with employers. The article concluded with the recommendation of an open system for higher tourism education that legitimizes the role of HOTE, and accommodates its coexistence with traditional four-year program, and two- and three-year professional schools.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the effects of the military in politics on the number of tourist inflows from 71 countries to Turkey for the period from 1984 to 2014. We use the fixed-effects and the random-effects as well as the dynamic generalized methods of moments estimations. We find that a lower level of the relative military in politics (the difference between the source country and Turkey) positively affects the tourism inflows to Turkey. Specifically, one standard deviation reduction in the index of the relative military intervention in politics in Turkey leads to almost 7% increase in the tourism inflows.  相似文献   

入境旅游:基于引力模型的实证研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
郭为 《旅游学刊》2007,22(3):30-34
本文利用传统的国际贸易引力模型,考察了影响中国入境旅游的一些因素,包括经济发展水平、绝对距离、地理与文化上的差异性(共同性)、是否属于同一个贸易区,以及国家之间是否免签证等.我们发现,这些因素对解释变量具有明确的影响,但影响最大的是绝时距离和经济发展水平.在上述基础上,我们考察了入境旅游对几个主要变量的扰动所形成的响应路径.  相似文献   

Human thermal perceptions are closely related to success in the tourism sector. However, a single climatic parameter or thermal index based on empirical equations cannot fully assess the thermal conditions at tourist destinations. While examining Taiwan and Eastern China, this study attempts to determine tourist thermal perceptions based on physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) and thermal comfort classifications (TPCs) for temperate and (sub)tropical regions. Seasonal distribution maps of PET indicate that Taiwan and Eastern China are perceived as comfortable during spring and autumn for those residing in temperate regions, while only the southern region during spring and the northern region during summer are perceived as comfortable for those residing in (sub)tropical regions. Furthermore, the annual thermal comfort distribution (ATCD) is determined to identify comfortable months for 20 tourist destinations. The PET frequencies, which are calculated using hourly climate data, describe climate variability and change. This climate information will prove useful to tourism authorities, travel agencies, resorts and tourists.  相似文献   


This paper overviews the evolution and development of tourism degree education in Australia from its beginnings in the early 1970s to the present time (2005). From this analysis a number of key issues are raised which are then compared with issues arising from tourism degree education in China. Whilst there are many differences between the situation in Australia and that of China the differences are outweighed by a remarkable number of similarities.  相似文献   

This paper considers three econometric models to determine the relationship between macroeconomic variables and tourism demand. Tourism demand is measured by the inbound visitor's population and also by on-the-ground expenditures. The database is an unbalanced panel of 218 countries over the period 1995–2012. There is evidence that an increase in the World's GDP per capita, a depreciation of the national currency, and a decline of relative domestic prices do help boost tourism demand. The World's GDP per capita is more important when explaining arrivals, but relative prices become more important when we use expenditures as the proxy for tourism demand. We cannot reject the hypothesis of a relative prices unitary elasticity of expenditures. Additionally, we have partitioned our data by income level and by Continent. Results are robust in the first partition, but less robust in the second, although the main conclusions still hold. Finally, we draw policy implications from our findings.  相似文献   

旅游的产业属性决定了旅游地理研究的实践性,在服务国家战略和产业实践需求的过程中,中国旅游地理学科呈现出研究领域、方法和应用的新特征。本文围绕旅游规划、旅游资源、旅游大数据和旅游实验方法等进行总结与展望,认为:(1)旅游规划是透视旅游地理研究发展的重要视角,旅游规划的知识域主要包括旅游开发战略与对策、旅游业与旅游企业、乡村旅游与乡村振兴等12个方面;(2)新时代文化和旅游资源普查面临文旅资源保护和整合利用的重大现实需求,为旅游地理研究带来了文旅资源的内涵与分类评价、普查信息集成与应用、普查技术与组织方式等新命题;(3)大数据背景下要求旅游地理探寻新科学问题,重点要关注大数据旅游统计测量模型和指标规则的规范,数据伦理与信息茧房,大数据旅游现象的地理效应和相关空间格局等研究;(4)实验研究方法在认识论层面从描述走向解释预测,在方法论层面从调查走向直接测量,为认识和理解旅游情境下人地关系的核心科学问题提供了“科学化”的研究路径。因此,面对新时代战略要求和旅游业发展趋势,旅游地理学应加强产业实践、研究方法和学科交叉研究,提升学科服务国家战略和社会经济发展的支撑能力。  相似文献   

Water is an important factor for the sustainable development of tourism. We constructed a comprehensive model of the tourism water footprint (TWF), including tourism sewage and water for management, and used the world heritage Mount Huangshan as an example. The results showed that the total TWF, which included green, blue and grey water of Mount Huangshan in 2012, was about 10.19 million m3/year, approximately per tourist 3.39?m3/day or 3387?L/day. Tourism sewage and food were the main factors of water consumption. The spatial transfer of TWF led the spillover of tourism environmental impact, not only affecting Mount Huangshan but the Huangshan City and even nationwide. Tourist flow and temperature had a highly significant positive correlation with the TWF. Quantifying the TWF can reflect the pressure of tourists on water resources, and provide an effective decision-making basis for rational use of water resources.  相似文献   


This paper starts with an overview of tourism development in China in the past two decades. While highlighting much of the government initiative which makes progress possible, it tries to pinpoint the primary cause of the existing problems China faces. It is the lack of professionalism, which can be found in government decision making, business management and operation, education and training. The solutions will come mainly from the inside, and one can see efforts being made by policy‐makers and the front‐line people, but it is believed that overseas professionals have a positive role to play, as they have done in China's hospitality industry in the past.  相似文献   

王迪  张红  张春晖  李红辉 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):36-44
董事会作为公司治理的核心,是影响企业绩效的重要因素,对旅游上市公司的可持续发展具有重要意义。制订科学、完善的监管制度并严格执行,是上市公司防止"一股独大"与"内部人控制"等现象产生的重要途径。因此,建立科学合理的董事会成为现代公司治理的必然要求。文章选取2004—2012年间16家旅游上市公司为研究样本,以董事会规模、董事会会议频率、前三名董事薪酬、独立董事比例、执行董事比例和董事长与总经理两职合一为董事会治理变量,运用主成分分析法计算我国旅游上市公司经营绩效指数,利用非平衡面板数据建立计量经济学模型,采用混合最小二乘法对我国旅游上市公司董事会治理与经营绩效的相关性进行实证研究。研究发现,我国旅游上市公司董事会规模与经营绩效之间存在显著的倒U形曲线关系,执行董事比例对企业业绩有显著的促进作用,前三名董事薪酬、独立董事比例和董事长与总经理两职合一对经营绩效有消极影响,而董事会会议频率对经营绩效无显著影响。  相似文献   

Between 2001 and 2011 Chinese authors published over 838,000 articles in SSCI rated journals, second only to authors in the United States. However Chinese tourism academics lagged behind their counterparts in obtaining such publications, with only 157 papers in the Thomson Reuters SSCI listing for tourism and hospitality. However in recent years the numbers of Chinese authored publications have significantly increased. The paper argues that access to SSCI ranked publications is important for Chinese tourism academics because (a) it helps inform the world of developments in Chinese tourism, (b) it is a recognition of the standards of Chinese research and a means of improving Chinese research and (c) it provides a motive for international collaboration between Chinese researchers and their counterparts.  相似文献   

本文对三大权威旅游期刊上发表的有关中国旅游研究的51篇文献进行了综述,确认了现状分析、旅游政策、旅游开发与规划、基础研究、出境旅游以及旅游与政治等六大研究主题,并对每一主题进行了回顾与总结,探讨了未来研究的重点和方向.  相似文献   

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