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For a simple autocorrelated error model studied by Fomby and Guilkey (1978) we demonstrate that there is a Bayesian counterpart to the class of sampling theory pre-test estimators.  相似文献   

The paper gives (necessary and sufficient) conditions for the local identifiability of dynamic regression models with autocorrelated errors in the variables. The conditions are simple counting rules combining the order parameters of a model and directly generalize the results of Maravall and Aigner. A new method of identification is presented allowing a compact derivation of the results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we make a Bayesian analysis of the switching (two-phase) regression model when the subset of the regression coefficients shifts and the error terms are generated by a first-order autoregressive process. The posterior distributions of the shift point and other parameters are derived, and some numerical studies are performed. From the numerical studies, we see that the shift point is accurately estimated when the shift of the regression coefficient is relatively large. Also, the conditional distributions of the autocorrelation and regression coefficients on the shift point are compared with the marginal ones.  相似文献   

《Labour economics》2007,14(3):623-637
We show in a theoretical efficiency wage model where firms differ in monitoring intensity that the impact of monitoring intensity on wages is ambiguous, a result that mirrors evidence from the empirical literature. We argue that to correctly specify the impact of monitoring on wages, the interaction between monitoring and effort needs to be modelled. Results using a worker, firm panel from Ghana which contains reasonable effort and monitoring proxies show that the return to effort is higher in poorly monitored sectors as the theory suggests.  相似文献   

Journal of Productivity Analysis - This paper proposes a panel data based stochastic frontier model which accommodates time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity along with efficiency effects. The...  相似文献   

This paper replicates the Cornwell and Trumbull ( 1994 ) estimation of a crime model using panel data on 90 counties in North Carolina over the period 1981–1987. While the Between and Within estimates are replicated, the fixed effects 2SLS as well as the 2SLS estimates are not. In fact, the fixed effects 2SLS estimates turn out to be insignificant for all important deterrent variables as well as legal opportunity variables. We argue that the usual Hausman test, based on the difference between fixed effects and random effects, may lead to misleading inference when endogenous variables of the conventional simultaneous equation type are among the regressors. We estimate the model using random effects 2SLS and perform a Hausman test based on the difference between fixed effects 2SLS and random effects 2SLS. We cannot reject the consistency of the random effects 2SLS estimator and this estimator yields plausible and significant estimates of the crime model. This result should be tempered by the legitimacy of the chosen instruments. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We model panel data of crime careers of juveniles from a Dutch Judicial Juvenile Institution. The data are decomposed into a systematic and an individual-specific component, of which the systematic component reflects the general time-varying conditions including the criminological climate. Within a model-based analysis, we treat (1) shared effects of each group with the same systematic conditions, (2) strongly non-Gaussian features of the individual time series, (3) unobserved common systematic conditions, (4) changing recidivism probabilities in continuous time and (5) missing observations. We adopt a non-Gaussian multivariate state-space model that deals with all these issues simultaneously. The parameters of the model are estimated by Monte Carlo maximum likelihood methods. This paper illustrates the methods empirically. We compare continuous time trends and standard discrete-time stochastic trend specifications. We find interesting common time variation in the recidivism behaviour of the juveniles during a period of 13 years, while taking account of significant heterogeneity determined by personality characteristics and initial crime records.  相似文献   

Panel data models with spatially correlated error components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we consider a panel data model with error components that are both spatially and time-wise correlated. The model blends specifications typically considered in the spatial literature with those considered in the error components literature. We introduce generalizations of the generalized moments estimators suggested in Kelejian and Prucha (1999. A generalized moments estimator for the autoregressive parameter in a spatial model. International Economic Review 40, 509–533) for estimating the spatial autoregressive parameter and the variance components of the disturbance process. We then use those estimators to define a feasible generalized least squares procedure for the regression parameters. We give formal large sample results for the proposed estimators. We emphasize that our estimators remain computationally feasible even in large samples.  相似文献   

This paper derives a method for estimating and testing the Linear Quadratic Adjustment Cost (LQAC) model when the target variable and some of the forcing variables follow I(2) processes. Based on a forward-looking error-correction formulation of the model it is shown how to obtain strongly consistent estimates of the structural parameters from both a linear and a non-linear cointegrating regression where first-differences of the I(2) variables are included as regressors (multicointegration). Further, based on the estimated parameter values, it is shown how to test and evaluate the LQAC model using a VAR approach. A simple easy interpretable metric for measuring the model fit is suggested. In an empirical application using UK money demand data, the non-linear multicointegrating regression delivers an economically plausible estimate of the adjustment cost parameter. However, the restrictions implied by the exact LQAC model under rational expectations are strongly rejected and the metric for model fit indicates a substantial noise component in the model. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2003,117(1):123-150
This paper derives several lagrange multiplier (LM) tests for the panel data regression model with spatial error correlation. These tests draw upon two strands of earlier work. The first is the LM tests for the spatial error correlation model discussed in Anselin (Spatial Econometrics: Methods and Models, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht; Rao's score test in spatial econometrics, J. Statist. Plann. Inference 97 (2001) 113) and Anselin et al. (Regional Sci. Urban Econom. 26 (1996) 77), and the second is the LM tests for the error component panel data model discussed in Breusch and Pagan (Rev. Econom. Stud. 47(1980) 239) and Baltagi et al. (J. Econometrics 54 (1992) 95). The idea is to allow for both spatial error correlation as well as random region effects in the panel data regression model and to test for their joint significance. Additionally, this paper derives conditional LM tests, which test for random regional effects given the presence of spatial error correlation. Also, spatial error correlation given the presence of random regional effects. These conditional LM tests are an alternative to the one-directional LM tests that test for random regional effects ignoring the presence of spatial error correlation or the one-directional LM tests for spatial error correlation ignoring the presence of random regional effects. We argue that these joint and conditional LM tests guard against possible misspecification. Extensive Monte Carlo experiments are conducted to study the performance of these LM tests as well as the corresponding likelihood ratio tests.  相似文献   

In the context of the lognormal regression model with spatial error dependence, the present study examines correction of a bias in prediction. If interest lies in the predicted mean value of the dependent variable, antilogarithmic transformation of the predicted mean value of the regressand produces a bias. In order to correct such a transformation bias, we derive several alternative predictors by extending some of the predictors suggested for the lognormal regression model with spherical disturbances. Behaviors of our predictors are described in a theoretical manner, and their performances are assessed in an experimental manner. Extension of an asymptotically unbiased predictor is shown to be useful.  相似文献   

Over time, economic statistics are refined. This implies that data measuring recent economic events are typically less reliable than older data. Such time variation in measurement error affects optimal forecasts. Measurement error, and its time variation, are of course unobserved. Our contribution is to show how estimates of these can be recovered from the variance of revisions to data using a behavioural model of the statistics agency. We illustrate the gains in forecasting performance from exploiting these estimates using a real‐time dataset on UK aggregate expenditure data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms within the limited information Bayesian framework, we estimate the parameters of the structural equation of interest and test weak exogeneity in a simultaneous equation model with white noise as well as autocorrelated error terms. A numerical example and an estimation of the supply and demand equations of the U.S. gasoline market show that if we ignore autocorrelation we obtain unreasonable posterior distributions of the parameters of interest. Also we find that the hypothesis of the asymmetric effect of the changes in oil price on the changes in gasoline price is rejected. Oil inventory has a significant negative effect on the gasoline price.  相似文献   

Estimating dynamic panel data discrete choice models with fixed effects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper considers the estimation of dynamic binary choice panel data models with fixed effects. It is shown that the modified maximum likelihood estimator (MMLE) used in this paper reduces the order of the bias in the maximum likelihood estimator from O(T-1) to O(T-2), without increasing the asymptotic variance. No orthogonal reparametrization is needed. Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate its performance in finite samples where T is not large. In probit and logit models containing lags of the endogenous variable and exogenous variables, the estimator is found to have a small bias in a panel with eight periods. A distinctive advantage of the MMLE is its general applicability. Estimation and relevance of different policy parameters of interest in this kind of models are also addressed.  相似文献   

This study estimates and compares the hedge ratios of the conventional and the error correction models using Japan's Nikkei Stock Average (NSA) index and the NSA index futures with different time intervals. Comparisons of out-of-sample hedging performance reveal that the error correction model outperforms the conventional model, suggesting that the hedge ratios obtained by using the error correction model do a better job in reducing the risk of the cash position than those from the conventional model. In addition, this paper evaluates the effects of temporal aggregation on hedge ratios. It is found that temporal aggregation has important effects on the hedge ratio estimates.  相似文献   

In 2014 the Brazilian Electricity Regulator (ANEEL) evaluated the efficiency of power distribution utilities using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Estimated efficiencies range from 22.46% to 100%. Although environmental information is available in the data set, corrected efficiencies were not investigated. Different second stage models can be applied to adjust for environmental heterogeneity. Although statistical correlation among efficiencies and environmental variables can be easily estimated, corrected efficiencies are subject to the underlying structure of the second stage model. Therefore, different second stage models may achieve different corrected efficiencies. We provide a detailed statistical analysis of the Tobit model and compound error models for second stage analysis. Limitations are described and the corrected efficiencies using these models are evaluated. Potentially, Brazilian power distribution utilities may achieve substantial changes in estimated efficiencies if second stage analysis is used.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2004,123(2):307-325
This paper presents a method for estimating the posterior probability density of the cointegrating rank of a multivariate error correction model. A second contribution is the careful elicitation of the prior for the cointegrating vectors derived from a prior on the cointegrating space. This prior obtains naturally from treating the cointegrating space as the parameter of interest in inference and overcomes problems previously encountered in Bayesian cointegration analysis. Using this new prior and Laplace approximation, an estimator for the posterior probability of the rank is given. The approach performs well compared with information criteria in Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper we exploit the specific structure of the Euler equation and develop two alternative GMM estimators that deal explicitly with measurement error. The first estimator assumes that the measurement error is log‐normally distributed. The second estimator drops the distributional assumption at the cost of less precision. Our Monte Carlo results suggest that both proposed estimators perform much better than conventional alternatives based on the exact Euler equation or its log‐linear approximation, especially with short panels. An empirical application to the PSID yields plausible and precise estimates of the coefficient of relative risk aversion and the discount rate. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose an econometric model that captures the effects of market microstructure on a latent price process. In particular, we allow for correlation between the measurement error and the return process and we allow the measurement error process to have a diurnal heteroskedasticity. We propose a modification of the TSRV estimator of quadratic variation. We show that this estimator is consistent, with a rate of convergence that depends on the size of the measurement error, but is no worse than n−1/6n1/6. We investigate in simulation experiments the finite sample performance of various proposed implementations.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - This paper introduces to the literature on Economic History a measure of persistence which is particularly useful when the data are irregularly spaced. An illustration to...  相似文献   

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