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This article proves the existence of all moments of the partially restricted reduced-form estimator. It highlights this estimation method as it appears to be the only reduced-form estimator to possess finite moments, and is thus a valid alternative to restricted reduced-form estimation (where the moments do not exist). The estimation method is described briefly and then the existence proof is formulated, first, for the case of two included endogenous variables in the structural equation and then, we extend the result for any number of included endogenous variables.  相似文献   

Dit artikel geeft een voorbeeld van een twee-dimensionale waarschijnlijkheidsdcht-heid met de eigenschap, dat het bestaan van momenten van de vorm E(gkyl ) niet het bestaan garandeert van alle momenten van lagere orde, E(gmyn ) met 0myn ) met 0 < m < k en 0 < n < l is, dat de drie momenten E(xk), E(yl ) en E(xkyl ) bestaan, alsmede een iets algemener resultaat.  相似文献   

In this paper a simple modification of the usual k-class estimators has been suggested so that for 0 ≦ k ≦ 1 the problem of the non-existence of moments disappears. These modified estimators can be interpreted either as Bayes estimators or as constrained estimators subject to the restriction that the squared length of the coefficient vector is less than or equal to a given number.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,106(1):109-117
This paper investigates some structural properties of a family of GARCH processes. A simple sufficient condition for the existence of the αδ-order stationary solution of the processes is derived, where α∈(0,1] and δ>0. The solution is strictly stationary and ergodic, and the causal expansion of the family of GARCH processes is also established. Furthermore, the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the moments is obtained. The technique used in this paper for the moment conditions is different from that used in He and Terasvirta (J. Econom. 92 (1999a) 173), and avoids the assumption that the process started at some finite value infinitely many periods ago. Moreover, the conditions for the strict stationarity of the model and the existence of its moments are simple to check and should prove useful in practice.  相似文献   

D. Dyer 《Metrika》1977,24(1):99-105
Due to the physical nature of certain periodic data, the harmonic dial points (the Fourier coefficients obtained from harmonic analysis of the data) are sometimes restricted to circular regions in the dial plane. It is proposed that a circular normal distribution (CND) truncated outside a circular region be used to describe the probabilistic behavior of the random phenomena. Recurrence relations for the population moments of a CND truncated outside a circular region are derived. These recurrence relations are used to obtain consistent asymptotically (jointly) normal estimators of the unknown parameters of the distribution. A numerical example based on the harmonic dial points representing the 27-day recurrence tendency of the daily international magnetic character-figureC i is given to illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the modeling of the housing market. First, there is a discussion of terminology. The importance of distinguishing between housing and structures, and between reduced form and supply elasticities is emphasized. Second, the role of tastes and technology is emphasized. Third, the integration of the housing market into a general equilibrium urban model to investigate such issues as the effects of a housing subsidy is discussed. Throughout attention is drawn to what additional information is needed to provide an adequate empirical characterization of the housing market.  相似文献   

The restricted maximum likelihood is preferred by many to the full maximum likelihood for estimation with variance component and other random coefficient models, because the variance estimator is unbiased. It is shown that this unbiasedness is accompanied in some balanced designs by an inflation of the mean squared error. An estimator of the cluster‐level variance that is uniformly more efficient than the full maximum likelihood is derived. Estimators of the variance ratio are also studied.  相似文献   

It is proved that there exists an unbiased estimator for some real parameter of a class of distributions, which has minimal variance for some fixed distribution among all corresponding unbiased estimators, if and. only if the corresponding minimal variances for all related unbiased estimation problems concerning finite subsets of the underlying family of distributions are bounded. As an application it is shown that there does not exist some unbiased estimator for θk+c(ε≥0) with minimal variance for θ =0 among all corresponding unbiased estimators on the base of k i.i.d. random variables with a Cauchy-distribution, where θ denotes some location parameter.  相似文献   

This paper establishes the existence of an invariant probability measure on the set Π of measure-preserving bijections of the unit interval. In fact, the measure may be further restricted to be a Baire-measure. This result is compared with Aumann's (1967) and Aumann and Shapley's (1974) impossibility theorems.  相似文献   

In this paper, the distribution of a statistic based on the likelihood ratio method for testing the dimensionality of regression coefficients has been derived. The method of integration over alternate variables has been used to derive the results.  相似文献   

Sample autocorrelation coefficients are widely used to test the randomness of a time series. Despite its unsatisfactory performance, the asymptotic normal distribution is often used to approximate the distribution of the sample autocorrelation coefficients. This is mainly due to the lack of an efficient approach in obtaining the exact distribution of sample autocorrelation coefficients. In this paper, we provide an efficient algorithm for evaluating the exact distribution of the sample autocorrelation coefficients. Under the multivariate elliptical distribution assumption, the exact distribution as well as exact moments and joint moments of sample autocorrelation coefficients are presented. In addition, the exact mean and variance of various autocorrelation-based tests are provided. Actual size properties of the Box–Pierce and Ljung–Box tests are investigated, and they are shown to be poor when the number of lags is moderately large relative to the sample size. Using the exact mean and variance of the Box–Pierce test statistic, we propose an adjusted Box–Pierce test that has a far superior size property than the traditional Box–Pierce and Ljung–Box tests.  相似文献   

The moments of the geometric mean of n independent and identically distributed random variables are shown to converge as n→∞. Rates of convergence are determined for the first moment and the variance. The results relate to recent work on long term investment returns when yearly rates of return are randomly varying. Application is made to moments of the harmonic mean.  相似文献   

An existence theorem for Walrasian equilibrium is demonstrated for an economy with a continuum of consumers and an infinite-dimensional commodity space, such as l1 or c0, having an ‘order-compatible’ basis.  相似文献   

Social systems with coordination were introduced by Vind (1983) as a general model of economic institutions. The present paper gives a general existence theorem for equilibria in social systems with coordination extending Vind's result.  相似文献   

This paper studies symmetry among countably infinitely many agents who randomly enter into a stochastic process, one for each period. Upon entry, they observe only the current period signal and try to draw inference about the underlying state governing the stochastic process. We show that there exist random entry models under which agents are ex post symmetric. That is, all agents have identical posterior belief about the underlying states, although they are not ex ante symmetric. The form of the posterior belief is uniquely pinned down by ex post symmetry and a stationarity condition. Our results provide a common prior foundation for the model studied in Liu and Skrzypacz (2014).  相似文献   

This paper addresses the class of generalized agency problems: situations in which adverse selection and moral hazard are jointly present. We present a decomposition of the principal's optimization problem under the first-order approach that sheds light on the interactions between the two types of private information, and also significantly improves tractability. We use the decomposition to (1) provide examples of closed form solutions of the optimal contract, and (2) analyze the existence of optimal contracts. We also show that the first-order approach is valid in generalized agency problems if the production technology satisfies the linear distribution function condition (LDFC) in actions and types. For more general production technologies the Mirrlees-Rogerson sufficient conditions need to be extended to include restrictions on the form of the optimal contract. Received: 11 August 1997 / 26 September 1999  相似文献   

This note discusses the existence and stability of two equilibrium concepts for a spatial economy in which the utility of an agent depends on the overall distribution of agents over space.  相似文献   

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