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Estimation of economic relationships often requires imposition of constraints such as positivity or monotonicity on each observation. Methods to impose such constraints, however, vary depending upon the estimation technique employed. We describe a general methodology to impose (observation-specific) constraints for the class of linear regression estimators using a method known as constraint weighted bootstrapping. While this method has received attention in the nonparametric regression literature, we show how it can be applied for both parametric and nonparametric estimators. A benefit of this method is that imposing numerous constraints simultaneously can be performed seamlessly. We apply this method to Norwegian dairy farm data to estimate both unconstrained and constrained parametric and nonparametric models.  相似文献   

It is shown how to implement an EM algorithm for maximum likelihood estimation of hierarchical nonlinear models for data sets consisting of more than two levels of nesting. This upward–downward algorithm makes use of the conditional independence assumptions implied by the hierarchical model. It cannot only be used for the estimation of models with a parametric specification of the random effects, but also to extend the two-level nonparametric approach – sometimes referred to as latent class regression – to three or more levels. The proposed approach is illustrated with an empirical application.  相似文献   

Empirical growth regressions typically include mean years of schooling as a proxy for human capital. However, empirical research often finds that the sign and significance of schooling depends on the sample of observations or the specification of the model. We use a non‐parametric local‐linear regression estimator and a non‐parametric variable relevance test to conduct a rigorous and systematic search for significance of mean years of schooling by examining five of the most comprehensive schooling databases. Contrary to a few recent articles that have identified significant nonlinearities between education and growth, our results suggest that mean years of schooling is not a statistically relevant variable in growth regressions. However, we do find evidence (within a cross‐sectional framework), that educational achievement, measured by mean test scores, may provide a more reliable measure of human capital than mean years of schooling.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of D-optimal experimental design under two linear constraints, which can be interpreted as simultaneous restrictions on the size and on the cost of the experiment. For computing a size- and cost-constrained approximate D-optimal design, we propose a specification of the “barycentric” multiplicative algorithm with sequential removal of redundant design points. We analytically prove convergence results for the proposed algorithm and numerically demonstrate its favorable properties compared to competing methods.  相似文献   

We examine a consistent test for the correct specification of a regression function with dependent data. The test is based on the supremum of the difference between the parametric and nonparametric estimates of the regression model. Rather surprisingly, the behaviour of the test depends on whether the regressors are deterministic or stochastic. In the former situation, the normalization constants necessary to obtain the limiting Gumbel distribution are data dependent and difficult to estimate, so it may be difficult to obtain valid critical values, whereas, in the latter, the asymptotic distribution may not be even known. Because of that, under very mild regularity conditions, we describe a bootstrap analogue for the test, showing its asymptotic validity and finite sample behaviour in a small Monte-Carlo experiment.  相似文献   

This paper proposes exact distribution-free permutation tests for the specification of a non-linear regression model against one or more possibly non-nested alternatives. The new tests may be validly applied to a wide class of models, including models with endogenous regressors and lag structures. These tests build on the well-known J test developed by Davidson and MacKinnon [1981. Several tests for model specification in the presence of alternative hypotheses. Econometrica 49, 781–793] and their exactness holds under broader assumptions than those underlying the conventional J test. The J-type test statistics are used with a randomization or Monte Carlo resampling technique which yields an exact and computationally inexpensive inference procedure. A simulation experiment confirms the theoretical results and also shows the performance of the new procedure under violations of the maintained assumptions. The test procedure developed is illustrated by an application to inflation dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper proposes several tests of restricted specification in nonparametric instrumental regression. Based on series estimators, test statistics are established that allow for tests of the general model against a parametric or nonparametric specification as well as a test of exogeneity of the vector of regressors. The tests’ asymptotic distributions under correct specification are derived and their consistency against any alternative model is shown. Under a sequence of local alternative hypotheses, the asymptotic distributions of the tests are derived. Moreover, uniform consistency is established over a class of alternatives whose distance to the null hypothesis shrinks appropriately as the sample size increases. A Monte Carlo study examines finite sample performance of the test statistics.  相似文献   

We study parametric and non‐parametric approaches for assessing the accuracy and coverage of a population census based on dual system surveys. The two parametric approaches being considered are post‐stratification and logistic regression, which have been or will be implemented for the US Census dual system surveys. We show that the parametric model‐based approaches are generally biased unless the model is correctly specified. We then study a local post‐stratification approach based on a non‐parametric kernel estimate of the Census enumeration functions. We illustrate that the non‐parametric approach avoids the risk of model mis‐specification and is consistent under relatively weak conditions. The performances of these estimators are evaluated numerically via simulation studies and an empirical analysis based on the 2000 US Census post‐enumeration survey data.  相似文献   

We consider the benchmark stochastic frontier model where inefficiency is directly influenced by observable determinants. In this setting, we estimate the stochastic frontier and the conditional mean of inefficiency without imposing any distributional assumptions. To do so we cast this model in the partly linear regression framework for the conditional mean. We provide a test of correct parametric specification of the scaling function. An empirical example is also provided to illustrate the practical value of the methods described here.  相似文献   

The behavior of estimators for misspecified parametric models has been well studied. We consider estimators for misspecified nonlinear regression models, with error and covariates possibly dependent. These models are described by specifying a parametric model for the conditional expectation of the response given the covariates. This is a parametric family of conditional constraints, which makes the model itself close to nonparametric. We study the behavior of weighted least squares estimators both when the regression function is correctly specified, and when it is misspecified and also involves possible additional covariates.  相似文献   

In contrast to a posterior analysis given a particular sampling model, posterior model probabilities in the context of model uncertainty are typically rather sensitive to the specification of the prior. In particular, ‘diffuse’ priors on model-specific parameters can lead to quite unexpected consequences. Here we focus on the practically relevant situation where we need to entertain a (large) number of sampling models and we have (or wish to use) little or no subjective prior information. We aim at providing an ‘automatic’ or ‘benchmark’ prior structure that can be used in such cases. We focus on the normal linear regression model with uncertainty in the choice of regressors. We propose a partly non-informative prior structure related to a natural conjugate g-prior specification, where the amount of subjective information requested from the user is limited to the choice of a single scalar hyperparameter g0j. The consequences of different choices for g0j are examined. We investigate theoretical properties, such as consistency of the implied Bayesian procedure. Links with classical information criteria are provided. More importantly, we examine the finite sample implications of several choices of g0j in a simulation study. The use of the MC3 algorithm of Madigan and York (Int. Stat. Rev. 63 (1995) 215), combined with efficient coding in Fortran, makes it feasible to conduct large simulations. In addition to posterior criteria, we shall also compare the predictive performance of different priors. A classic example concerning the economics of crime will also be provided and contrasted with results in the literature. The main findings of the paper will lead us to propose a ‘benchmark’ prior specification in a linear regression context with model uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a dating algorithm based on an appropriately defined Markov chain that enforces alternation of peaks and troughs, and duration constraints concerning the phases and the full cycle. The algorithm, which implements Harding and Pagan's non‐parametric dating methodology, allows an assessment of the uncertainty of the estimated turning points caused by filtering and can be used to construct indices of business cycle diffusion, aiming at assessing how widespread are cyclical movements throughout the economy. Its adaptation to the notion of a deviation cycle and the imposition of depth constraints are also discussed. We illustrate the algorithm with reference to the issue of dating the euro‐area business cycle and analysing its characteristics, both from the classical and the growth cycle perspectives.  相似文献   

In Davidson and MacKinnon (1981), two of the present authors proposed a novel and very simple procedure for testing the specification of a nonlinear regression model against the evidence provided by a non-nested alternative. In this paper we extend their results in several directions. First, we relax a number of the assumptions of the previous paper; we admit the possibility that the nonlinear regression functions may depend on lagged dependent variables, and we do not require that the error terms be normally distributed. Second, we show how the earlier procedure may straightforwardly be generalized to the case where the two non-nested models involve different transformations of the dependent variable. Finally, we propose a simple procedure for testing non-nested linear regression models which have endogenous variables on the right-hand side, and have therefore been estimated by two-stage least squares.  相似文献   

In the area of environmental analysis using hedonic price models, we investigate the performance of various nonparametric and semiparametric specifications. The proposed model specifications are made up of two parts: a linear component for house characteristics and a non‐(semi)parametric component representing the nonlinear influence of environmental indicators on house prices. We adopt a general‐to‐specific search procedure, based on recent specification tests comparing the proposed specifications with a fully nonparametric benchmark model, to select the best model specification. An application of these semiparametric models to rural districts indicates that pollution resulting from intensive livestock farming has a significant nonlinear impact on house prices. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Copulas are distributions with uniform marginals. Non‐parametric copula estimates may violate the uniformity condition in finite samples. We look at whether it is possible to obtain valid piecewise linear copula densities by triangulation. The copula property imposes strict constraints on design points, making an equi‐spaced grid a natural starting point. However, the mixed‐integer nature of the problem makes a pure triangulation approach impractical on fine grids. As an alternative, we study the ways of approximating copula densities with triangular functions which guarantees that the estimator is a valid copula density. The family of resulting estimators can be viewed as a non‐parametric MLE of B‐spline coefficients on possibly non‐equally spaced grids under simple linear constraints. As such, it can be easily solved using standard convex optimization tools and allows for a degree of localization. A simulation study shows an attractive performance of the estimator in small samples and compares it with some of the leading alternatives. We demonstrate empirical relevance of our approach using three applications. In the first application, we investigate how the body mass index of children depends on that of parents. In the second application, we construct a bivariate copula underlying the Gibson paradox from macroeconomics. In the third application, we show the benefit of using our approach in testing the null of independence against the alternative of an arbitrary dependence pattern.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose estimators for the regression coefficients in censored duration models which are distribution free, impose no parametric specification on the baseline hazard function, and can accommodate general forms of censoring. The estimators are shown to have desirable asymptotic properties and Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate good finite sample performance. Among the data features the new estimators can accommodate are covariate-dependent censoring, double censoring, and fixed (individual or group specific) effects. We also examine the behavior of the estimator in an empirical illustration.  相似文献   

Summary In a recent paper S nee and M arquardt [8] considered designs for linear mixture models, where the components are subject to individual lower and/or upper bounds. When the number of components is large their algorithm XVERT yields designs far too extensive for practical purposes.
The purpose of this paper is to describe a numerical procedure resulting in a design of fixed size N , which is approximately D -optimal, and where the components may be subject to linear constraints (f.e. upper or lower bounds). The proposed method is more generally applicable for models linear in the independent variables and the parameters and the convex hull of the experimental region is a polyhedron whose vertices are known.  相似文献   

Conventionally, the money demand function is estimated using a regression of the logarithm of money demand on either the interest rate or the logarithm of the interest rate. This equation is presumed to be a cointegrating regression. In this paper, we aim to combine the logarithmic specification, which models the liquidity trap better than a linear model, with the assumption that the interest rate itself is an integrated process. The proposed technique is robust to serial correlation in the errors. For the USA, our new technique results in larger coefficient estimates than previous research suggested, and produces superior out‐of‐sample prediction. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper estimates food Engel curves using data from the first wave of the Survey on Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Our statistical model simultaneously takes into account selectivity due to unit and item nonresponse, endogeneity problems, and issues related to flexible specification of the relationship of interest. We estimate both parametric and semiparametric specifications of the model. The parametric specification assumes that the unobservables in the model follow a multivariate Gaussian distribution, while the semiparametric specification avoids distributional assumptions about the unobservables. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, using mixed data on Canadian housing, Parmeter, Henderson, and Kumbhakar (Journal of Applied Econometrics 2007; 22 : 695–699) found that a nonparametric approach for estimating a hedonic house price function is superior to formerly suggested parametric and semiparametric specifications. We carefully reanalyze these specifications for this dataset by applying a recent nonparametric specification test and simulation‐based prediction comparisons. For the case at issue our results suggest that a previously proposed parametric specification does not have to be rejected and we illustrate how nonparametric methods provide valuable insights during all modeling steps. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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