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针对西部大开发中发展目标与环境保护之间存在的突出矛盾,在建立资源开发生态补偿机制时应进一步明确生态补偿责任主体,积极开展生态补偿立法活动,建立长效稳定的资金渠道和有利于生态补偿的财政转移支付制度,建立科学的生态补偿标准核算方法体系和有利于生态建设的利益分配格局,确立“退耕还林”长效机制,研究制定促进资源型地区可持续发展的相关政策,并将陕西确立为资源开发生态补偿机制综合改革实验区。  相似文献   

现实中由于自然灾害事发突然,灾害发生初期和灾后重建时期政府主导的应急征用与补偿不可避免。文章以"4·14"玉树地震为例,在问卷法、访谈法的基础上,统计分析了地震中的应急征用与补偿情况、政策知晓情况等,建议国家应急管理部门考虑民族地区应急征用的需求和补偿的特殊性,尽早制定出相关的应急征用与补偿法律、法规,切实在公共危机管理中发挥政府作用,保障被征用者权利与权益。  相似文献   

建立生态补偿机制,是社会主义市场经济条件下有效保护生态环境的重要途径,也是统筹区域协调发展的重要方面。近年来,在生态补偿方面,已经初步形成一些制度和政策安排,并取得了积极的成效。但是,生态补偿还存在许多方面的问题,影响了我国经济又快又好的发展。对此,我们必须采取切实有效的措施,提供强有力的政策支持和稳定的资金渠道,真正实现生态环境保护与建设投入的制度化、规范化和市场化。  相似文献   

生态补偿在传统保护危机之后出现,生态补偿定价机制受到了生态系统服务市场、"污染者付费原则"和生态系统服务付款、"管家收入原则"的影响,随着新自由主义和市场环境保护主义的发展,生态补偿经历了三个阶段的发展最终实现商品化。  相似文献   

文宗瑜 《开放潮》2003,(5):29-30
中共十六大会议以后,国有企业员工分流的相关政策发生了很大的变化:在员工的分流问题上,变原来的直接分流为补偿分流,并明确了可以用国有资产给予员工补偿后再进行分流。  相似文献   

徐岩 《改革与战略》2011,27(9):26-28
生态补偿机制是保证国家生态安全的有效途径。但是,我国目前现行的生态补偿制度存在着较为严重的结构性的政策缺位,与保证国家生态安全的要求相距甚远。文章从加快生态补偿立法进程、建立和完善生态补偿政策体系、开征生态税费、建立多元化融资渠道、进一步完善生态补偿管理体制以及全面强化多部门间的协调与配合等方面论述了生态补偿机制的构建  相似文献   

失地农民补偿标准的现状及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地是农民赖以生存的基础.现阶段,我国城市化建设步伐加快.农村土地被征用的力度越来越大.使得很多农民失去了土地使用权或土地所有权.成为失地农民.对这一弱势群体补偿标准的确定,关乎失地农民的合法权益.国家对此做出相关的政策规定.文章分析了国内各地区征地补偿标准和补偿政策执行的现状.指出存在补偿标准低、补偿标准存在漏洞以及补偿方式不完备等问题,并提出了完善失地农民补偿标准的对策.  相似文献   

因为水资源属于公共物品,在使用过程中会产生"搭便车"和"公地的悲哀"现象,加上目前国内流域生态补偿机制并不完善,从而导致各利益方在上游地区和下游地区分配不均。免费或低成本用水不但违反水资源"谁受益,谁补偿"的原则,同时也不利于水资源的高效有序配置,会使得上游地区居民保护水资源生态环境的积极性受到重挫,甚至导致上游地区不再进行水环境保护。本文对美国、德国、澳大利亚多个国家的流域生态补偿进行了总结,并结合国内流域生态补偿的成功经验,就我国流域生态补偿提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

刘利 《特区经济》2014,(10):31-32
本文从分析深圳土地房屋征收补偿政策及其缺陷入手,结合深圳征转地历史情况及原村民的补偿诉求,探索提出保障失地原村民后续发展措施,以期达到既保障城市发展对土地的需求,又保障失地原村民长远发展的"双赢"目标。  相似文献   

药品零加成政策切断了公立医院“以药补医”补偿渠道,而提高医疗服务收费标准和增加财政补助难以填补取消药品加成的缺口。因此,构建科学合理的长效补偿机制成为当前深化公立医院改革的切入点和重要保障。本文借鉴全民医保国家的基本经验,构建了医保基金支付、政府财政补助、患者自付和社会投入四支柱补偿体系,从优化结构的视角分别界定了各补偿渠道的比重和投入方向,并强调推进基本医保支付方式改革是构建公立医院补偿机制的核心。  相似文献   

雷瑛 《特区经济》2010,(6):195-197
随着中国经济越来越深地融入到经济全球化当中,本世纪的此次重大全球性的金融危机自然对中国经济,尤其是对中国出口造成诸多困难。在经济回暖刚刚出现,外需市场依然疲弱的局势下,中国出口面临什么样的机遇和挑战成为人们所关注的问题。所以,通过对中国外向型企业的竞争能力、主要产品特点和国际贸易政策走向进行客观分析,可以正确认识中国出口形势,有利于稳定和促进外需。  相似文献   

本文利用微观调查数据,分析居民再分配需求的决定因素。研究发现:穷人比富人更加支持再分配,但收入的边际效应很小,收入分配问题并不会随收入的增加而自然解决。认为当前社会总体不公平的居民对再分配的诉求更高,且其边际作用最大。与同辈相比社会经济地位更低的人对再分配的需求更高。向下的流动性会增加人们对再分配的需求,这部分支持了"POUM"假说,并提醒我们应该警惕"流动性红利"减弱所导致的再分配需求上升。中国社会特殊的转型特征与再分配需求密切相关。西部地区比东部地区,事业单位比党政机关的居民对收入调节的诉求更强烈。与新型都市社区的居民相比,其他类型社区的居民都更加支持均富的收入调节政策。此外,一些人口统计学变量也有显著影响。  相似文献   

Summary A more equitable personal distribution cannot be achieved exclusively by a general incomes policy which changes primary distribution only. In that case people that have left the labour force are beyond the scope of incomes policy because their incomes often consist of transfers. Neither can redistribution instruments be considered as pseudo-policies for these groups. An effective incomes policy will therefore have not only to bring about fundamental changes in the conditions of supply and demand on the factor markets, but to make use of transfers as well.

Rede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in de staathuishoudkunde aan de Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool te Rotterdam op 20 april 1972.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to assess under what conditions exchange rate volatility generates a positive effect on an exporting firm’s labour demand. As the exchange rate volatility increases, so does the value of the export option, provided that firms are flexible with respect to international trade. Higher volatility increases the potential gains from trade and can increase the demand for labour. The firm’s trade flexibility can be interpreted as a real hedging strategy when financial markets are incomplete. In many newly industrializing countries and emerging economies financial markets are imperfect or risk sharing markets are just starting to develop at a rather slow pace.  相似文献   

During the last decade economic literature explored the presence of and reasons for what became known as “the great moderation” in the US and other G7 countries. “The great moderation” describes the decrease in economic volatility experienced in many of the G7 countries. This paper finds that in South Africa volatility is also not constant (it even finds that there are autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic effects present) and that volatility also decreased, particularly since 1994. Following the literature, the paper explores several reasons for this decrease and finds that smaller shocks, better monetary policy and improvements in the financial sector that place less liquidity constraints on individuals and allow them to manage their debt better are some of the main reasons for the reduction in the volatility of the South African economy. The literature on the G7 also suggests that better inventory management contributed to the lower volatility. However, this seems not to be true for South Africa.  相似文献   

My discussion of Reichelstein and Sahoo (2018) is organized into three parts. First, what is the context for this work? That is, what are the energy and climate stakes? Second, what does the paper do? I will re‐work the equation defining the components of long‐run marginal cost to better reflect what is actually estimated and to better highlight some important choices about how the different components are modeled. Third, and most importantly, how do the results inform business decisions and policy choices regarding energy and climate? What more do we need?  相似文献   

By introducing an international relocation mechanism into a two-country model, we analyze the effects of an increase in the corporation tax in the richer country on employment and effective demand in both countries. This taxation policy proves to produce not only enterprise relocation, but also depreciation in the real exchange rate. The latter is also shown to dominate the former, such that rich-country employment and effective demand are stimulated. However, the two countries respond in opposing ways regarding enterprise relocation and real exchange rate adjustment. Consequently, employment and effective demand in the poor country will fall.  相似文献   

Summary Analytical frameworks useful for the exploration of processes developing in any given environment are significantly simplified constructs in the nature of short-cuts within the boundaries of far more comprehensive theoretical systems. The more comprehensive systems retain their crucial importance because of the recurring need to adjust and to reconstruct the short-cuts employed. Monetarism is a short-cut the interest in which has been spreading in an environment influenced bycountercurrents against what Schumpeter called the March Into Socialism, defined by him as a transition into a system in which all important economic decisions are made by the political authority. The monetarist short-cut has passed some performance tests reasonably well in economies in which only a few important variables are politically controlled. The monetarist approach is best interpreted as relating to the determination of nominal demand, hence, as bearing only indirectly on trends in costs, prices and in real magnitudes. New developments in the theory of expectations have also been in spired by countercurrents against the Schumpeterian March Into Socialism. This is because, regardless of the process by which nominal demand is determined, it is true particularly of free-market economies, that market expectations play a decisive role in determining the cost and price trends that develop, given the trends in nominal demand. Unrealistic assumptions concerning market expectations have turned out to be the most vulnerable element of the postwar period’s neo-Keynesian analytical constructs. While the package of propositions usually associated with the concept of rational expectations also contains unconvincing elements, the views underlying those propositions contain a valid and significant core which I prefer to describe as the credibility hypothesis. The most important policy conclusion following from this hypothesis is that market expectations can be conditioned to a firm and reasonably predictable policy posture and that there is a large difference between the efficiency of an economy in which this condition is met and one in which it is not. Basic political-sociological forces will decide whether analytical constructs focused on problems of essentially free market economies, such as those discussed in this paper, will retain their pragmatic significance. This is because it will depend on these basic forces whether Schumpeter’s prognosis about the march into a bureaucratic and politically directed economic system will prove realistic or whether he underestimated the strength of the countercurrents with which the recent spread of interest in the approaches I have discussed is connected. At least for the time being, the countercurrents seem to have acquired considerable importance in several major economies. Let us remind ourselves also of a qualification that Schumpeter added in the Preface to the second and later editions of Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. That qualification does not seem to have had much influence on his own betting odds, but he nevertheless stated it very clearly: “The report that a given ship is sinking is not defeatist. Only the spirit in which this report is received can be defeatist: The crew can sit down and drink. But it can also rush to the pumps”.  相似文献   

Explanations for the Great Moderation in GDP volatility have included improved management of inventory schedules, the good luck of smaller economic shocks, and better anti-inflation policy. This article provides direct evidence on the changes in production behavior underlying these explanations within a market model for consumer durable goods. Long-run price and sales elasticities are estimated using VECMs for 1959 through 1983 (period I) and 1984 through 2008 (period II). Significant and more effective adjustments to output growth in response to both market disequilibria and changes in demand occur in period II and contribute to the reduced volatility observed. During that time, 95 percent of market disequilibrium gaps were closed after four quarters, and current output adjusted to accommodate 90 percent of demand changes occurring during the preceding three quarters.  相似文献   

彭兆祺  王璇 《特区经济》2010,(10):126-128
现行的中国养老保险制度是"统筹账户和个人账户"相结合的部分积累模式。其中,个人账户不具备代际内收入再分配的功能,属于私人商品。个人账户缴费率的高低不仅影响到个人当期的可支配收入,而且间接影响到其退休后生活水平的高低。现行养老保险制度下的个人账户缴费率只能保障退休人员10年的生活,而目前男女退休职工的算术平均余命已接近17年,因此,随着人均寿命提高且不断延长,如果不能及时调整个人账户缴费率,那么退休人口将面临着因长寿带来的生活无保障的情况。本文则通过以现有的理论研究为基础进行合理测算,力求得出基于人均寿命提高调整个人账户缴费率的理论依据和政策依据。  相似文献   

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