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Federal Reserve nonborrowed reserve supply systematically responded to changes in inflation and in the output gap over the period 1969-2000. While the feedback from output gap is always negative, the response of money supply to changes in inflation varies considerably across time. Nonborrowed reserves decreased with inflation in the post-1979 period and increased in the pre-1979 period. Applying a standard macro-model, the estimated reaction functions are shown to ensure equilibrium determinacy. Viewed through the money supply lens, Federal Reserve policy substantially changed over time, but has never allowed for endogenous fluctuations, which contrasts conclusions drawn from federal funds rate analyses.  相似文献   

In this paper we demonstrate that there is a pronounced and persistent daily pattern of returns in the federal funds market, centered on Wednesday. We present evidence that explains this phenomenon as a reflection of the optimal behavior of banks operating in an environment in which there are effective reserve requirements and a penalty cost for recourse to discount borrowing. In particular, we report empirical evidence that shows there was a significant upward shift in the amplitude of this pattern of daily returns that resulted from (1) the increase in uncertainty associated with the change in Federal Reserve operating procedures during the 1979–1982 period, and (2) the imposition of a surcharge on discount borrowing instituted by the Federal Reserve. Our results demonstrate that what otherwise might be regarded as anomalous interest-rate behavior is consistent with the optimal response of banks to the regulatory environment within which they operate.  相似文献   

全球金融危机与美国货币政策的变化密不可分,从低利率货币信贷扩张的流动性过剩到高利率的流动性紧缩,使宏观经济产生剧烈波动,前期低利率带来过剩的流动性,后期利率的提高造成巨量房地产泡沫的破灭。让美联储无视资产泡沫的原因是美联储货币政策一贯秉持的"泰勒规则"指导原则没有纳入资产价格因子,致使美联储货币政策调控失误。  相似文献   

The paper develops and tests a general equilibrium model in which variability, or risk, affects the choice of portfolios. Our measures of variability include only the variability of unanticipated growth in monetary and non-monetary aggregates, and our tests use data ending with the change in Federal Reserve procedures in October 1979. We find that increased variability of unanticipated money growth raises demands for debt and money, and reduces the demand for real capital. Interest rates on both short- and long-term debt rise by a risk premium. We estimate the size of the risk premium before and after the October 1979 change, and we show that the change in Federal Reserve procedures moved the economy to a less efficient point.  相似文献   

A large literature has employed structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) models to investigate the empirical effects of U.S. monetary policy. Many of these models regularly produce a “price puzzle”—a rise in the aggregate price level in response to a contractionary innovation to monetary policy—unless commodity prices are included. Conventional wisdom maintains that commodity prices resolve the price puzzle because they contain information that helps the Federal Reserve forecast inflation. I examine a number of plausible alternative indicator variables and find little correlation between an ability to forecast inflation and an ability to resolve the price puzzle. Additionally, a sub-sample investigation reveals that evidence of a price puzzle is associated primarily with the 1959-1979 sample period, and that most indicators—including commodity prices—cannot resolve the puzzle over this period.  相似文献   

In but a relatively few years banking has changed considerably. Now it is very much a business of making contingent promises or commitments; and even just a decade ago it was not. Recognizing change is apparently easier, though, than accounting for it. Or than not worrying about it. In this paper, an attempt is made to account for the change from traditional to contingent commitment banking, an attempt which must, however, be regarded as less than brilliantly successful. And responding to the concern that has been expressed by, among others, Federal Reserve officials, it is argued that even if banking keeps on changing until the last vestige of the traditional has disappeared, the Federal Reserve need not in the end be less effective as the U.S. monetary authority than it is at present. There is also a concern, shared by some Federal Reserve officials, that if change persists, then, unless bank regulatory policy is altered appropriately, financial stability will be increasingly threatened. That could be, but as is argued in the paper it is far from obvious that more capital (and/or a risk-adjusted capital requirement) will make bank failures rarer than they otherwise would be.  相似文献   

A financial stress index for the United States is introduced—one used by the staff of the Federal Reserve Board during the financial crisis of 2008–2009—and its׳ interaction with real activity, inflation and monetary policy is investigated using a Markov-switching VAR model, estimated with Bayesian methods. A “stress event” is defined as a period of adverse latent Markov states. Results show that time variation is statistically important, that stress events line up well with historical events, and that shifts to stress events are highly detrimental for the economy. Conventional monetary policy is shown to be weak during such periods.  相似文献   

Changes in the Federal Reserve's Inflation Target: Causes and Consequences   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper estimates a New Keynesian model to draw inferences about the behavior of the Federal Reserve's unobserved inflation target. The results indicate that the target rose from 1 1/4% in 1959 to over 8% in the mid to late 1970s before falling back below 2 1/2% in 2004. The results also provide some support for the hypothesis that over the entire post-war period, Federal Reserve policy has systematically translated short-run price pressures set off by supply-side shocks into more persistent movements in inflation itself, although considerable uncertainty remains about the true source of shifts in the inflation target.  相似文献   

In this article, we critically examine two policies designed to protect the deposit insurance funds—the Federal Reserve Board's source‐of‐strength policy and the FDIC's cross‐guarantee authority. We discuss why each of the policies was adopted and how effective each has been in practice since its implementation. We then evaluate the future application and usefulness of the two policies in light of the structural changes that have resulted from industry consolidation and the financial modernization of the 1990s.  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence that the Federal Reserve has an informational advantage over the public that can be exploited to improve activist monetary policy. The informational superiority does not result from the Fed having earlier access to publicly released financial data. Instead, this advantage is generated by confidential supervisory knowledge about troubled, non-publicly traded institutions. As a result, this information can remain confidential for an extended period, since these banks have neither the desire to fully disclose the extent of their financial troubles, nor the requirement to do so. The informational advantage is both statistically significant and economically important, providing a potential justification for activist monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy on the economy of South Africa, particularly during the period of quantitative easing and thereafter from 2009 to 2018. A VAR model, including South Africa’s inflation, output, a stock market index, exchange rate, and South Africa’s policy rate is examined to determine the impact of the Federal Reserve’s actions. Our results show that the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing programs had only slight overall effects on South Africa’s economy. However, the way monetary policy is measured appears to have important effects for studies of international monetary spillovers as the results differ depending on the type of monetary policy measure used.  相似文献   

Asset purchases have become an important monetary policy tool of the Federal Reserve in recent years. To date, most studies of the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases have tried to measure the interest rate effects of the purchases, and several provide evidence that these purchases do have important effects on longer-term market interest rates. The theory of how asset purchases work, however, is less well developed. Some of the empirical studies point to “preferred habitat” models in which investors do not have the same objectives, and therefore prefer to hold different types and maturities of securities. To study this more closely, we exploit Flow of Funds data to assess the types of investors that are selling to the Federal Reserve and their portfolio adjustment after these sales, which could provide a view to the plausibility of preferred habitat models and the transmission of unconventional monetary policy across asset markets. We find that the Federal Reserve is ultimately buying from only a handful of investor types, primarily households (which includes hedge funds), with a different reaction to changes in Federal Reserve holdings of longer-term versus shorter-term assets. Although not evident for all investors, the key participants are shown to rebalance their portfolios toward more risky assets during this period. These results can be interpreted as supporting, at least in part, the preferred habit theory and the view that the monetary policy transmission is working across asset markets.  相似文献   

The behavior of the Federal Reserve System can be characterized as secretive. One common justification for this secrecy is the financial markets will overreact to information, causing undue variability in interest rates. This paper examines the credibility of this assertion under the post-October 1979 non-borrowed reserves operating procedure. The major result is that conditional on this operating procedure secrecy can reduce the variability of the federal funds rate. However, in a result analogous to Barro (1976), secrecy raises the variance of the forecasting error of the federal funds rate.  相似文献   

To combat the financial crisis that intensified in the fall of 2008, the Federal Reserve injected a substantial amount of liquidity into the banking system. The resulting increase in reserve balances exerted downward price pressure in the federal funds market, and the effective federal funds rate began to deviate from the target rate set by the Federal Open Market Committee. In response, the Federal Reserve revised its operational framework for implementing monetary policy and began to pay interest on reserve balances in an attempt to provide a floor for the federal funds rate. Nevertheless, following the policy change, the effective federal funds rate remained below not only the target but also the rate paid on reserve balances. We develop a model to explain this phenomenon and use data from the federal funds market to evaluate it empirically. In turn, we show how successful the Federal Reserve may be in raising the federal funds rate even in an environment with substantial reserve balances.  相似文献   

This paper examines two issues — the prediction and short-run control of the money stock — associated with the experience following the Federal Reserve's adoption of a non-borrowed reserve-oriented operating procedure in October 1979. Regarding predictability, our analysis suggests that econometric models offer no improvement over the Board's judgmental forecasting procedure in terms of a lower multiplier forecast error. Regarding the question of whether alternative operating targets would have lowered monthly variability in the money stock, our findings suggest that neither a total reserve nor a monetary base operating target would have enhanced the precision of short-run monetary control relative to a non-borrowed reserve operating target.  相似文献   

美联储“量化宽松”货币政策的原因、影响与启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为应对全球金融危机,美联储实施了非常时期的量化宽松货币政策。本文对美联储实施该政策的原因、积极和消极影响进行了深入分析。同时,美联储未雨绸缪,提出该政策的退出机制,对我国今后一段时期如何在经济逐步启稳后把握恰当的时机和节奏实现适度宽松货币政策的及时转向,防范通货膨胀和资产泡沫风险具有非常重要的启示。  相似文献   

It is documented in the literature that U.S. and many international stock returns series are sensitive to U.S. monetary policy. Using monthly data, this empirical study examines the short-term sensitivity of six international stock indices (the Standard & Poor 500 [S&P] Stock Index, the Morgan Stanley Capital International [MSCI] European Stock Index, the MSCI Pacific Stock Index, and three MSCI country stock indices: Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom) to two major groups of U.S. monetary policy indicators. These two groups, which have been suggested by recent research to influence stock returns, are based on the U.S. discount rate and the federal funds rate. The first group focuses on two binary variables designed to indicate the stance in monetary policy. The second group of monetary indicators involves the federal funds rate and includes the average federal funds rate, the change in the federal funds rate, and the spread of the federal funds rate to 10-year Treasury note yield. Dividing the sample period (1970-2001) into three monetary operating regimes, we find that not all policy indicators influence international stock returns during all U.S. monetary operating periods or regimes. Our results imply that the operating procedure and/or target vehicle used by the Federal Reserve Board (Fed) influences the efficacy of the policy indicator. We suggest caution in using any monetary policy variable to explain and possibly forecast U.S. and international stock returns in all monetary conditions.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the evidence rejecting the expectations theory of the term structure. Weekly, monthly, and quarterly data on three- and six-month interest rates are employed for five subperiods—1910–1914, 1919–1933, 1934–1959, 1959–1978, and 1979–1989. Econometric techniques are used to correct standard errors for overlapping data and for heteroscedasticity. Findings indicate that the weekly and monthly data are consistent with a weak form of the expectations hypothesis in which the yield curve has substantial predictive power for short rates for each subperiod except 1934–1959 and 1979–1989. Results for the period before the founding of the Federal Reserve indicate that a strong version of the expectations hypothesis cannot be rejected in which the joint hypothesis of rational expectations and expectations theory is hypothesized. The use of cointegration tests and an error-correction model framework to determine whether short and long rates have a common stochastic trend indicates that long and short rates are cointegrated.  相似文献   

The author provides evidence on the perceived existence of strong liquidity effect. The analysis is based on the response of the term structure of interest rates to the weekly Federal Reserve announcements of bank reserves during the post-October 1979 period. It is shown that unanticipated changes in the mix between borrowed and nonborrowed reserves cause expected real interest rates to change after the announcement because they provide information about a future change in the supply of money. A precise model is developed and tested during subperiods of nonborrowed and borrowed reserves targeting by the Fed.  相似文献   

In the standard policy model, a policymaker optimizes the welfare of a representative agent. In practice, policies are chosen in a political process by agents elected by voters. Drawing on evidence from my two-volume history of the Federal Reserve, the paper reports many examples of decisions influenced by political pressures. The history shows that the meaning of the independence of the Federal Reserve changed over time reflecting political influences.  相似文献   

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