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This study compares the allocational and technical efficiency of private and public firms in three industries in Iraq. The Hicks-neutral index of technology is found to be lower in private firms than in public firms, while the ratio of the marginal product of labor to real wages is about unity in private firms but significantly more than unity in public firms. These findings imply that the public firms in Iraq tend to be more technologically efficient but less allocationally efficient than the private firms.  相似文献   

We conduct a performance evaluation in terms of technical efficiency of large law firms based on a unique sample of 163 large law firms in the USA in 1994. To estimate technical efficiency for individual firms, we use the stochastic frontier production function with composed errors where output (measured in terms of revenue) is a function of various labour and human capital inputs. Based on the sample, the average level of technical efficiency in the production of legal service in large US law firms is estimated at 82.20%. More than 87% of the firms attained 75% or higher level of technical efficiency. The estimation results also indicate that the number of lawyers, the number of paralegals, and the number of associates per partner, have a positive and statistically significant effect on the production of legal service.  相似文献   

This theoretical paper shows that developing countries possess an inherent shock-absorbing mechanism that stems from their peculiar institutional characteristics and can lessen the gravity of detrimental welfare consequence of international terms-of-trade disturbances in terms of a static two-sector, full-employment general equilibrium model with endogenous labour market distortion. The supply of foreign capital in the economy is a positive function of the return to capital. Subsequently, it has been verbally explained why the main result of the full-employment model would remain valid even in a two-sector specific-factor Harris-Todaro type model with urban unemployment. The analysis leads to a couple of important policies that should be adhered to preserve this in-built system. Finally, it offers three important statistically testable hypotheses which would pave the way for future empirical research in this area.  相似文献   

While there is considerable evidence on the observed linkage between foreign investment and technical efficiency of the developing countries, the question of causality between them has not been investigated. This paper re-examines the relationship between foreign direct investment and technical efficiency in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Singapore and Zambia using Granger Causality tests. The results suggest that foreign direct investment and labour productivity are causally independent variables. However, capital formation of the host country is found to exert ‘Causal’ influence on foreign investment.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the theoretical motives of corporate cash holdings while concentrating on the effect of political connections. In particular, we postulate two competing hypotheses for the effects that political connections can have on cash holdings: ‘substitution effect hypothesis’ and ‘complementary effect hypothesis’. Using the data on Pakistani firms over the period 2002–2010, we find that connected firms hold significantly larger cash reserves than their non-connected counterparts, thus confirming the ‘complementary hypothesis’, which suggests that agency problems lead connected firms to accumulate large amount of cash. Further, this effect is found to be more pronounced in dictatorial as opposed to democratic regimes indicating the presence of higher degrees of political patronage in that period. Finally, we also find differences in the complementary effect based on firm characteristics. Our results suggest that the firm size and leverage have increasing effects on the cash holdings of connected firms, contrary to the mainstream literature standpoint.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, China has become the largest destination of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI). Observing this trend, the authors analyzed whether Japanese FDI did promote exports from China to the rest of the world, and more importantly, whether this is a strategy adopted by Japanese multinationals to penetrate not only the Chinese market but also the global market. This analysis takes into account not only the direct effects of FDI on exports, but also the indirect effects, by examining the mediating role of export oriented Japanese FDI in China from 1998 to 2007 through panel analysis. The study contributes to the conceptual framework of indirect relationship among the macroeconomic variables, FDI and exports provides some insights into the strategy of export oriented Japanese FDI in creating a win-win platform for Japan and China.  相似文献   

In this paper, in contrast to much of the existing literature dealing with the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on labour productivity, we assess the relationship between ICT investments and technical efficiency (TE) using a stochastic frontier approach. We utilize a large panel dataset of Italian manufacturing firms over the period 1995–2006 and confirm the findings of the previous work on ICT and productivity. In addition, we test to what extent ICT investments influence the gap between firms and the production frontier; that is, how adoption of ICT influences the narrowing of the said gap. We also test the duration of the effects of adopting ICT on technical efficiency. Finally, our results indicate that ICT returns on TE are influenced by certain firm characteristics, most of which idiosyncratic, such as management practices, labour organization, research and development.  相似文献   

We show that tax evaders can respond to a tax amnesty, even if enforcement activities do not change, if it is timed to coincide with liberalization and rising incomes. The success of the amnesty, in terms of its effect on tax revenue and welfare, depends on the distribution of the gains from liberalization. Our analysis provides a theoretical justification of the link between successful amnesties and economic liberalization and points to factors that a policy maker should consider for success of future amnesties.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an alternative way of testing FOREX efficiency for developing countries. The FOREX market will be efficient if fully reflects all available information. If this holds, the actual exchange rate will not deviate significantly from its equilibrium rate. Moreover, the spot rate should deviate from its equilibrium rate by only transitory components (i.e. it should follow a white noise process). This test is applied to three Central and Eastern European Countries — members of the EU. Considering an LSTAR model we find no evidence of nonlinear adjustment in the misalignment series. So, linear unit root tests imply that the Poland/Euro FOREX market is efficient, the Czech/Euro FOREX market is not, while the Slovak/Euro FOREX market is quasi-efficient.  相似文献   

Rapid globalization has resulted in increased competitive pressures. The entry of foreign firms in a host economy increases the level of competition faced by not only the domestic firms but also the existing foreign firms. We argue that domestic firms, especially in developing countries, respond to this situation by increasing their research and development (R&D) spending, whereas the foreign firms decrease their R&D spending. By making use of firm-level panel data from China's manufacturing sector, over the period 2005–2007, this paper investigates the impact of the entry of foreign firms on R&D behaviour of domestic and foreign firms. Empirical analysis, based on Tobit and Instrumental Variables Tobit regression, reveals that foreign entry increases the R&D intensity of domestic firms but its impact on R&D intensity of foreign firms is negative. The estimated results are found to be robust across balanced and unbalanced panels.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of agglomeration economies and industrial structure upon firm-level technical efficiency in the Indonesian manufacturing industry over the period 2004–2009. A stochastic production frontier and three channels of agglomeration economies consisting of specialization, diversity and competition are used. The empirical results show that the effects of specialization and diversity upon firm-level technical efficiency are positive and negative, respectively, indicating that specialization is more favourable than diversity for stimulating firms’ technical efficiency. Competition has a positive sign, showing that region with high levels of competition tend to be more conducive in accelerating firm-level technical efficiency. In terms of firm location, both dummy for urban region and industrial complex turn out to be positive, indicating that firms located in both areas are experienced higher technical efficiency. Both firm size and age also have positive effect upon technical efficiency.  相似文献   

The sweeping change in political economy associated with the rapid growth of the private sector in China is rarely studied empirically in the economics literature. Using four cross-sectional surveys of private firms between 1995 and 2010, we examine the dynamics of rent creation from Party membership and other political connections when the regime changed from anti-capitalistic to pro-capitalistic during the period 2002–2004. We find that entrepreneurs with political connection enjoyed significantly more rents only after the constitutional amendments. This finding sheds lights on the nature of the political economy of today’s Chinese economy. Endogeneity/causality problems are addressed.  相似文献   

Despite the long-run efficiency benefits that can be generated by a financial reform program, the authorities in developing countries are often reluctant to enact the required reforms because they fear that these programs will create short-run difficulties for important segments of the financial system. This paper argues that many of these difficulties can be avoided if financial reform is integrated with stabilization policy. The analysis focuses on the specific problem of how to remove nominal interest rate ceilings when complete interest rate decontrolwould lead to widespread bankruptcies amongst the firms in a major segment of the financial system. The optimal combination of stabilization policy and financial reform is shown to involve a mix of discrete and gradual changes in the rate of monetary growth and ceiling lending and depocit rates under either adaptive or rational expectations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a plausible story on capital market imperfections and fits it in a Pasinetti-style growth model. The first object is to show that, in a developing economy, credit rationing may well be explained by the institutionalized monopsonistic capital market. The second object is to amplify the intimate relationship between real and monetary phenomena by presenting a simple conceptual framework to link the financial sector and the real sector via workers' demand for monetary assets and entrepreneurs' capital formation. The foremost emphasis is given to the fact that entrepreneurs and workers do not have the same ability and opportunity to invest their saved income.  相似文献   

We explore wage flexibility in a developing country and compare our results to what has been found in similar studies using European data. In particular, we conduct a survey of 1189 firms in Pakistan to analyze the determinants of wage rigidity. We find that the existence of competitive wages and an interaction with the informal economy are statistically significant determinants of wage stickiness. While the role of competitive wages is similar to what has been found in studies of European firms, the latter find a much larger role for turnover, collective bargaining and employment protection. In contrast, in Pakistan we find that firms hiring from the informal sector are significantly more flexible in changing their wages. This suggests that the informal sector adds to the wage flexibility of the formal sector.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the ‘empirical regularities’ observed for exchange rates in the major foreign exchange markets apply equally to the case of a developing economy such as Singapore.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of currency devaluations on goods prices and foreign reserves for a small-open economy with inbound tourism. Tourism transforms non-traded goods into exportable goods. Devaluations yield an over pass-through to the prices of the non-traded tourism goods. This may hurt the trade balance and hence lead to a decline in foreign reserves for the economy.  相似文献   

Technological innovations are important sources of competitive advantage when there is a balanced rate of adoption that helps organisations maintain or improve performance levels. This paper synthesises and builds on efforts to conceptualise the adoption and implementation of technologically induced customer services in developing countries. Its point of departure is recent advances in computer-mediated marketing environments (CMMEs). It assesses relationships between customer services and evolving technologies in the provision of services in the banking sector. Using phenomenological hermeneutics and a case study approach, we iteratively engaged with data that emerged to identify core values and community-based values. These facets were further developed into seven main issues (core values: quality, education and reach, and community-based values: efficiency, usability, control and security). The paper offers practical steps by which companies and institutions may counter these issues and the theoretical implications for wider considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

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