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Based on intergenerational data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, I provide estimates of income mobility across generations for men. Special attention is paid to issues of censoring caused by a son's unemployment. Employing non‐parametric bounds estimates, I illustrate that previous income mobility estimates rely heavily on (unjustified) assumptions of exogenous selection. Assuming a son's potential income is instead a function of his reason for unemployment and work history, I re‐estimate mobility. Allowing for sampling variability, the range of feasible slopes consistent with these modified bounds restrictions is 0.27 to 0.55. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a seminal paper, Mak, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B, 55, 1993, 945, derived an efficient algorithm for solving non‐linear unbiased estimation equations. In this paper, we show that when Mak's algorithm is applied to biased estimation equations, it results in the estimates that would come from solving a bias‐corrected estimation equation, making it a consistent estimator if regularity conditions hold. In addition, the properties that Mak established for his algorithm also apply in the case of biased estimation equations but for estimates from the bias‐corrected equations. The marginal likelihood estimator is obtained when the approach is applied to both maximum likelihood and least squares estimation of the covariance matrix parameters in the general linear regression model. The new approach results in two new estimators when applied to the profile and marginal likelihood functions for estimating the lagged dependent variable coefficient in the dynamic linear regression model. Monte Carlo simulation results show the new approach leads to a better estimator when applied to the standard profile likelihood. It is therefore recommended for situations in which standard estimators are known to be biased.  相似文献   

空间单元大小以及其它的经济特征上的差异,常常会导致空间异方差问题。本文给出了广义空间模型异方差问题的三种不同估计方法。第一种方法是将异方差形式参数化,来克服自由度的不足,使用ML估计进行实现。而针对异方差形式未知时,分别采用了基于2SLS的迭代GMM估计和更加直接的MCMC抽样方法加以解决,特别是MCMC方法表现得更加优美。蒙特卡罗模拟表明,给定异方差形式条件下, ML估计通过异方差参数化的方法依然可以获得较好的估计效果。而异方差形式未知的情况下,另外两种方法随着样本数的增大时也可以与ML的估计结果趋于一致。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new quantile regression model to characterize the heterogeneity for distributional effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on infant birth weight across different the mother's age. By imposing a parametric restriction on the quantile functions of the potential outcome distributions conditional on the mother's age, we estimate the quantile treatment effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy on her baby's birth weight across different age groups of mothers. The results show strongly that the quantile effects of maternal smoking on low infant birth weight are negative and substantially heterogenous across different ages.  相似文献   

Despite the solid theoretical foundation on which the gravity model of bilateral trade is based, empirical implementation requires several assumptions which do not follow directly from the underlying theory. First, unobserved trade costs are assumed to be a (log‐)linear function of observables. Second, the effects of trade costs on trade flows are assumed to be constant across country pairs. Maintaining consistency with the underlying theory, but relaxing these assumptions, we estimate gravity models—in levels and logs—using two data sets via nonparametric methods. The results are striking. Despite the added flexibility of the nonparametric models, parametric models based on these assumptions offer equally or more reliable in‐sample predictions and out‐of‐sample forecasts in the majority of cases, particularly in the levels model. Moreover, formal statistical tests fail to reject either parametric functional form. Thus, concerns in the gravity literature over functional form appear unwarranted, and estimation of the gravity model in levels is recommended. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is well known that there is a large degree of uncertainty around Rogoff's consensus half‐life of the real exchange rate. To obtain a more efficient estimator, we develop a system method that combines the Taylor rule and a standard exchange rate model to estimate half‐lives. Further, we propose a median unbiased estimator for the system method based on the generalized method of moments with non‐parametric grid bootstrap confidence intervals. Applying the method to real exchange rates of 18 developed countries against the US dollar, we find that most half‐life estimates from the single equation method fall in the range of 3–5 years, with wide confidence intervals that extend to positive infinity. In contrast, the system method yields median‐unbiased estimates that are typically shorter than 1 year, with much sharper 95% confidence intervals. Our Monte Carlo simulation results are consistent with an interpretation of these results that the true half‐lives are short but long half‐life estimates from single‐equation methods are caused by the high degree of uncertainty of these methods. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many studies have estimated the trade effect of the euro, but their results vary greatly. This meta‐analysis collects 3323 estimates of the euro effect along with 28 characteristics of estimation design from almost 60 studies and quantitatively examines the literature. The results show evidence of publication bias, but they also suggest that the bias decreases over time. After correcting for the bias, the meta‐analysis shows that the literature is consistent with an effect ranging between 2% and 6%. The results from Bayesian model averaging, which takes into account model uncertainty, show that the differences among estimates are systematically driven by data sources, data structure, control variables, and estimation techniques. The mean reported estimate of the euro's trade effect conditional on best‐practice approach is 3%, but is not statistically different from zero.  相似文献   

This article studies the estimation of production frontiers and efficiency scores when the commodity of interest is an economic bad with a discrete distribution. Existing parametric econometric techniques (stochastic frontier methods) assume that output is a continuous random variable but, if output is discretely distributed, then one faces a scenario of model misspecification. Therefore a new class of econometric models has been developed to overcome this problem. The Delaporte subclass of models is studied in detail, and tests of hypotheses are proposed to discriminate among parametric models. In particular, Pearson’s chi-squared test is adapted to construct a new kernel-based consistent Pearson test. A Monte Carlo experiment evaluates the merits of the new model and methods, and these are used to estimate the frontier and efficiency scores of the production of infant deaths in England. Extensions to the model are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the semiparametric estimation of binary choice sample selection models under a joint symmetry assumption. Our approaches overcome various drawbacks associated with existing estimators. In particular, our method provides root-nn consistent estimators for both the intercept and slope parameters of the outcome equation in a heteroscedastic framework, without the usual cross equation exclusion restriction or parametric specification for the error distribution and/or the form of heteroscedasticity. Our two-step estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. A Monte Carlo simulation study indicates the usefulness of our approaches.  相似文献   

We develop a model of marketing efficiency based on a directional distance function that allows for marketing spillovers. A parametric model is used to test for spillovers from rival marketing and from a firm's marketing activity of its other related products. We then show how this information can be incorporated into a non‐parametric model and used to estimate marketing inefficiency. We apply brand level data from the US brewing industry to the non‐parametric model to determine the effectiveness of television, radio, and print advertising. We find that advertising spillovers are important in brewing and show that efficiency estimates are inaccurate when spillover effects are ignored. Our results also suggest that marketing efficiency may be an important component to firm success in brewing, a result that may apply to other consumer goods industries. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers the consistent estimation of nonlinear errors-in-variables models. It adopts the functional modeling approach by assuming that the true but unobserved regressors are random variables but making no parametric assumption on the distribution from which the latent variables are drawn. This paper shows how the information extracted from the replicate measurements can be used to identify and consistently estimate a general nonlinear errors-in-variables model. The identification is established through characteristic functions. The estimation procedure involves nonparametric estimation of the conditional density of the latent variables given the measurements using the identification results at the first stage, and at the second stage, a semiparametric nonlinear least-squares estimator is proposed. The consistency of the proposed estimator is also established. Finite sample performance of the estimator is investigated through a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of a sample selection model that exhibits spatial autoregressive errors (SAE). Our methodology is motivated by a two‐step strategy where in the first step we estimate a spatial probit model and in the second step (outcome equation) we include an estimated inverse Mills ratio (IMR) as a regressor to control for selection bias. Since the appropriate IMR under SAE depends on a parameter from the second step, both steps are jointly estimated employing the generalized method of moments. We explore the finite sample properties of the estimator using simulations and provide an empirical illustration. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian panel probit model with two flexible latent effects: first, unobserved individual heterogeneity that is allowed to vary in the population according to a nonparametric distribution; and second, a latent serially correlated common error component. In doing so, we extend the approach developed in Albert and Chib (Journal of the American Statistical Association 1993; 88 : 669–679; in Bayesian Biostatistics, Berry DA, Stangl DK (eds), Marcel Dekker: New York, 1996), and in Chib and Carlin (Statistics and Computing 1999; 9 : 17–26) by releasing restrictive parametric assumptions on the latent individual effect and eliminating potential spurious state dependence with latent time effects. The model is found to outperform more traditional approaches in an extensive series of Monte Carlo simulations. We then apply the model to the estimation of a patent equation using firm‐level data on research and development (R&D). We find a strong effect of technology spillovers on R&D but little evidence of product market spillovers, consistent with economic theory. The distribution of latent firm effects is found to have a multimodal structure featuring within‐industry firm clustering. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the properties of the well-known maximum likelihood estimator in the presence of stochastic volatility and market microstructure noise, by extending the classic asymptotic results of quasi-maximum likelihood estimation. When trying to estimate the integrated volatility and the variance of noise, this parametric approach remains consistent, efficient and robust as a quasi-estimator under misspecified assumptions. Moreover, it shares the model-free feature with nonparametric alternatives, for instance realized kernels, while being advantageous over them in terms of finite sample performance. In light of quadratic representation, this estimator behaves like an iterative exponential realized kernel asymptotically. Comparisons with a variety of implementations of the Tukey–Hanning2 kernel are provided using Monte Carlo simulations, and an empirical study with the Euro/US Dollar future illustrates its application in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a flexible, parametric class of switching regime models allowing for both skewed and fat-tailed outcome and selection errors. Specifically, we model the joint distribution of each outcome error and the selection error via a newly constructed class of multivariate distributions which we call generalized normal mean–variance mixture distributions. We extend Heckman’s two-step estimation procedure for the Gaussian switching regime model to the new class of models. When the distributions of the outcome errors are asymmetric, we show that an additional correction term accounting for skewness in the outcome error distribution (besides the analogue of the well known inverse mill’s ratio) needs to be included in the second step regression. We use the two-step estimators of parameters in the model to construct simple estimators of average treatment effects and establish their asymptotic properties. Simulation results confirm the importance of accounting for skewness in the outcome errors in estimating both model parameters and the average treatment effect and the treatment effect for the treated.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation and most statistical tests require a full specification of the error distribution in a model. Under suitable parametric restrictions we can derive least informative specifications. The autoregressive processes prove to be least informative under a few simple variance and covariance restrictions. For the singular multivariate error distribution in a sum-constrained model, several least informative error distributions are obtained using different parametric assumptions on the covariance structure. A combined maximum entropy — maximum likelihood approach provides an alternative to other recent proposals for covariance estimation in small samples.  相似文献   

We develop an efficient and analytically tractable method for estimation of parametric volatility models that is robust to price-level jumps. The method entails first integrating intra-day data into the Realized Laplace Transform of volatility, which is a model-free estimate of the daily integrated empirical Laplace transform of the unobservable volatility. The estimation is then done by matching moments of the integrated joint Laplace transform with those implied by the parametric volatility model. In the empirical application, the best fitting volatility model is a non-diffusive two-factor model where low activity jumps drive its persistent component and more active jumps drive the transient one.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of nonlinear models with mismeasured explanatory variables, when information on the marginal distribution of the true values of these variables is available. We derive a semi‐parametric MLE that is shown to be $\sqrt{n}$ consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. In a simulation experiment we find that the finite sample distribution of the estimator is close to the asymptotic approximation. The semi‐parametric MLE is applied to a duration model for AFDC welfare spells with misreported welfare benefits. The marginal distribution of the correctly measured welfare benefits is obtained from an administrative source. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an estimation method for a partial parametric model with multiple integrated time series. Our estimation procedure is based on the decomposition of the nonparametric part of the regression function into homogeneous and integrable components. It consists of two steps: In the first step we parameterize and fit the homogeneous component of the nonparametric part by the nonlinear least squares with other parametric terms in the model, and use in the second step the standard kernel method to nonparametrically estimate the integrable component of the nonparametric part from the residuals in the first step. We establish consistency and obtain the asymptotic distribution of our estimator. A simulation shows that our estimator performs well in finite samples. For the empirical illustration, we estimate the money demand functions for the US and Japan using our model and methodology.  相似文献   

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