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This article describes a method used to evaluate customer satisfaction with a telephone Hotline that, at the time of the study, received more than 200,000 calls annually. The statistical analysis, which is based on responses to a customer survey, specifies three logistic regression models as a set of recursive equations estimated in a two-stage process. The first stage analysis estimates two equations designed to measure service quality characteristics that contribute to customer satisfaction. The second stage analysis estimates the likelihood that customers were satisfied with their Hotline experience, as a function of the service quality characteristics and other factors. The results of the analysis provided several practical areas lor improving customer satisfaction with the Hotline.  相似文献   

With the advent of digital technologies, both academic researchers and marketing practitioners alike continually seek a richer understanding of the way information is produced and consumed. Against this backdrop, this study explores the relationship between interactivity, consumer satisfaction and adoption intention in the context of digital information products. Drawing broadly on the services marketing literature, interactivity literature and diffusion theory, the results of our study suggest that in a utilitarian context, consumers are more likely to adopt interactive books than more traditional static e-books. However, satisfaction with interactivity is moderated by the age of the consumer, with older “digital immigrant” participants more satisfied by static e-books and younger “digital native” participants more satisfied by interactive e-books. Also, the less useful consumers find print products, the more likely they will be to adopt interactive digital books, and this effect is also moderated by the age of the consumer. Finally, with the proliferation of digital devices only expected to continue, these findings have important implications for both product development and marketing communication programs.  相似文献   

The complex healthcare services and the consumer’s lack of technical knowledge to assess them engender a debate over using consumer satisfaction ratings as a quality-of-care marker. This paper aims firstly to investigate the effect of socio-demographic, socio-economic and spatial characteristics on the perception of quality of healthcare and secondly to evaluate the relationship between consumer satisfaction and health system performance. Reporting a Eurobarometer survey and the scores of the Euro Health Consumer Index, the finding is that some socio-demographic groups are more likely to get unsatisfied with healthcare services than others (e.g. women, those over 24 years old, those who self-define themselves as working class). Moreover, a strong relationship is revealed between consumer satisfaction and health system performance. The higher the performance of a health system, the higher the propensity to have consumers with positive perception of the healthcare services (satisfied consumers). The implications of the findings are then discussed.  相似文献   

Increased knowledge concerning the determinants of perceived consumer satisfaction with housing would permit a more sensitive response to demand in private markets and in the design of government programs to improve the supply of housing. In this study the probability of reporting satisfaction with housing was examined for those who live in single-family homes, duplexes, apartments and mobile homes and for renters and owners. Findings include: (1) housing characteristics were more important determinants of housing satisfaction than the demographic characteristics of housing occupants, (2) mobile-home dwellers were the least likely to be satisfied with their homes, and (3) apartment and duplex dwellers had similar preferences for housing characteristics.  相似文献   

Are customers less likely to seek bargains once they are satisfied with a product and service? This study examines the relationship between customer satisfaction and price sensitivity. Specifically, satisfaction is divided into economic satisfaction derived from tangible products and social satisfaction provided by service encounters. This survey of 248 retailer–consumer dyads shows that economic satisfaction is negatively associated with price sensitivity. However, social satisfaction is positively related with price sensitivity, especially for female customers and customers with high patronage frequency. Interpersonal relationships emphasized in the Chinese collectivist societies tend to influence customers' price sensitivity. These findings have many implications for researchers and practitioners in the retail sector.  相似文献   

Determinants of satisfaction for entrepreneurs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study considers the extent to which entrepreneurs are satisfied with their businesses in their third year of business ownership. Entrepreneurial satisfaction might be viewed as a basic measure of performance. It may bear upon decisions by individual entrepreneurs about whether to invest more time and money, whether to cut back, or whether to close down. It may also influence whether entrepreneurs work effectively with their customers and employees. For researchers, the investigation of why, in particular settings, some entrepreneurs may be more satisfied than others may aid in the interpretation of past research, which has used this as a performance measure.This research draws upon a theoretical framework used in investigations of employee satisfaction. Called discrepancy theory, it suggests that individual satisfaction is determined, in part, by whether there is a “gap” between actual rewards or performance and the individual's goals or expectations.In this research, it was hypothesized that entrepreneurs emphasizing primarily noneconomic goals (such as doing the work they wanted to do) would have higher satisfaction when the business was experiencing lower levels of performance. For higher levels of performance, there would be no difference. In essence, the satisfaction of those emphasizing economic goals would vary more with economic performance. A related hypothesis was that, for this sample of start-up firms (many of which would be experiencing low levels of performance), those emphasizing noneconomic goals would have higher average levels of satisfaction. This was based upon the expectation that many start-up firms would be experiencing marginal performance, so that the “gap” between goals and performance would be greater for economically oriented entrepreneurs. The research also focused upon expectations, because one aspect of discrepancy theory suggests that satisfaction decreases if there is a gap between expectations and performance. Accordingly, it was hypothesized that, controlling for performance, entrepreneurs with higher initial expectations would subsequently have lower levels of satisfaction. Previous research suggests that membership in particular demographic groups may influence expectations. This led to hypotheses that older entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs, and minority entrepreneurs would have lower levels of initial expectations. This, in turn, may influence later satisfaction. Thus, it was hypothesized that, controlling for performance, entrepreneurs in each of these groups would have higher satisfaction because their initial expectations would be lower. The study utilized a sample of 287 entrepreneurs who were followed over a 3-year period. The data on predictors of satisfaction were gathered in year 1, when the average owner had been in business for 11 months. The satisfaction measures were gathered 2 years later. By that time there should have been some stabilization in the routines of the business, and the entrepreneur could reflect upon historic performance and experiences in judging the extent to which business ownership had been satisfying. The data were analyzed primarily using path analysis, in which it was hypothesized that certain variables would have both direct and indirect effects upon satisfaction.It was found that the satisfaction of entrepreneurs emphasizing economic goals was not more sensitive to economic performance, at least within the range of performance considered in this sample. For this group of firms, many of which appeared to be experiencing marginal performance, those emphasizing noneconomic goals did express higher levels of satisfaction. It had been expected that those with higher initial expectations would later be less satisfied because they would have a greater expectation-performance gap. However, the opposite was found; those who were more optimistic initially were more satisfied later, even when controlling for performance. Demographic influences on initial expectations were examined. Contrary to expectations, none of the demographic traits was significantly related to initial assessment of likelihood of success. Older entrepreneurs, women entrepreneurs, and minority entrepreneurs were just as optimistic as those in other groups. The relationship between membership in these demographic groups and later satisfaction was also examined. No significant relationships were found for older entrepreneurs and minority entrepreneurs. However, there was some evidence (p = .07) that women entrepreneurs were more satisfied with business ownership.Two of the most interesting findings were those related to initial expectations and to women entrepreneurs. Contrary to discrepancy theory, those who had higher initial expectations were later more satisfied, not less. This may suggest, as Staw and Ross (1985) found in a longitudinal study of employee satisfaction, that attitudes are, in part, a function of stable individual traits. Those who had a positive view of their initial prospects later viewed the experience of business ownership more favorably, regardless of subsequent performance. For women entrepreneurs, the higher levels of satisfaction may reflect a view that they have fewer attractive alternatives; it may also be that they discover greater relative satisfaction from the day-to-day aspects of business ownership.For entrepreneurs and their advisors, the findings suggest that particular goals, attitudes, and backgrounds are likely to be associated with greater satisfaction. This may influence whether entrepreneurs stay with marginal businesses. For researchers, the study provides insight into discrepancy theory by considering its application to entrepreneurs rather than the hired employees normally studied. In addition, subjective measures of performance, such as satisfaction, have often been used in previous research on entrepreneurial performance. This study casts light on why, in particular settings, some entrepreneurs may be more satisfied than others.  相似文献   

For many years marketing academics have recommended, and practitioners have implemented, organization‐wide programs that measure customers' levels of satisfaction with a firm's offerings because it is believed that satisfied customers are both more likely to continue using a previously adopted product and less likely to engage in negative word‐of‐mouth communication. Given the ubiquity of product‐review forums resulting from today's increasing levels of e‐commerce, this paper pairs cause constructs from the diffusion literature with effect constructs from the satisfaction and services literatures to reconsider that perspective. Specifically, it examines the relationships bet‐ween six perceived innovation attributes known to influence a new product's diffusion process and two post‐adoption behaviors, satisfaction and negative word‐of‐mouth communication. The results quash previous assumptions that satisfaction mediates negative word‐of‐mouth communication and reveal that satisfied customers do speak ill of previously adopted products. Implications for both theory and practice are also presented. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study reports on Canadian consumer satisfaction with six government services in two time periods, 1983 and 1988. A taxonomy of government services is developed based on heterogeneity of consumer needs and extent of consumer experience with government services. This framework is used to organise the analysis of regional and demographic differences between satisfied and dissatisfied individuals. Results of the study indicate the majority of people are very satisfied with all six government services in both time-periods. Variation does exist across types of services and several regional and demographic variables are found to be significantly different across satisfied and dissatisfied respondents within each service.  相似文献   


This survey examines consumer satisfaction with the informational value of magazine and television advertising. Three significant conclusions are indicated by the data: (1) consumers are more satisfied with the informational value of magazine advertising than television advertising; (2) blacks are more satisfied with the informational value of both types of advertising than whites; and (3) middle-income are more satisfied with the informational value of both types of advertising than are low - and high-income.  相似文献   

Consumers often feel schadenfreude, an emotion reflecting an experience of pleasure over misfortunes of another. Schadenfreude has found wide use in advertising, but its actual consequences for consumers have not been thoroughly documented. The present research investigates the effect of schadenfreude on consumers' satisfaction with choices they have made. Building on the feelings-as-information theory, the authors posit that consumers take their positive feelings of schadenfreude over another's unrelated bad purchase as positive information about their own choices, and through such misattribution become more satisfied with their own choices. Three experiments show that feeling schadenfreude over another consumer's bad purchase makes consumers more satisfied with their own choices (Study 1), regardless of whether the other's bad purchase is in the same or in a different product category as one's own choice (Study 2), but only so long as consumers are not aware that they are engaging in misattribution (Study 3). The present research contributes to the literature on schadenfreude and feelings-as-information theory. Its findings may be used by marketers aiming to exert an unconscious influence on consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Prior empirical investigations have found in-store information programs have little effect on sales volume. The current study examined the relationship between point-of-purchase information and consumer purchasing and satisfaction. Consumers who responded positively to the information program were found to purchase more from the relevant product category. Additionally, they were more satisfied with their purchases and with the store environment. Food marketers can reap long term direct and indirect benefits by providing information that is salient, easily assimilated and available at the point-of-decision.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the relation between customer satisfaction and loyalty through the introduction of commitment, trust, involvement and perceived value as mediators in the e-service context. An online consumer survey on selected web auction sites was used for the data collection. The findings suggest that customer satisfaction is an essential ingredient for service loyalty, but that mediators exist between satisfaction and loyalty. Commitment, trust and involvement are each proven to be partial mediators between satisfaction and loyalty, while perceived value is proven to be a complete mediator. The results have implications for the retention of satisfied customers in an interactive e-service setting.  相似文献   

Many factors may contribute to consumers' satisfaction with Internet shopping, but the issue has rarely been addressed from the perspective of customer participation. Drawing on the attribute-based model, this article examines the attributes important for consumer satisfaction with Internet-based self-service technology (ISST). In addition, the current study argues that the importance of the attributes in determining consumers' satisfaction would vary as a function of their readiness to adopt technology. A survey was conducted to collect data from experienced users of online travel agencies or bookstores. The results based on 459 participants show that efficiency, ease of use, performance, perceived control and convenience are attributes having significant impacts on users' satisfaction with ISST. This study also identifies three consumer segments among ISST users based on their scores on technology-readiness drivers and inhibitors. As predicted, the importance of each attribute at determining user satisfaction varies across the three segments. Finally, implications for managers and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between customer satisfaction and company performance has been extensively researched at both the consumer and firm levels. However, little is known about the impact of customer satisfaction at the economy-wide level, especially in Europe. This study aims to link customer satisfaction to personal consumption expenditure using panel data collected from 1999 to 2011 and covering nine European countries. Our findings suggest a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and consumer expenditure in these countries. In addition, economic structure, culture, political economy and socio-economic factors have been examined to understand the impact of cross-country differences on this relationship. The results reflect the importance of satisfied consumers on the economy as a whole; thus, efforts at boosting customer satisfaction should become a national agenda.  相似文献   

In a low-cost switching environment, certain firm actions undertaken by service employees can improve consumer loyalty, satisfaction and reduce price sensitivity. Interestingly, consumers' satisfaction levels can actually increase when experiencing a price increase. Counterintuitively, when consumers experience a price decrease, their loyalty decreases, suggesting that it might be in the firm's best interest to not offer such pricing discounts as these customers may be hypersensitive to price. Overall, it appears much easier for service employees to positively influence customer satisfaction than customer loyalty; satisfied consumers do not necessarily become loyal consumers.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of apparel mobile commerce in the United States, more companies view mobile commerce as a new source of competitive advantage. Despite the importance of apparel mobile website quality and its effect on consumer satisfaction and future purchase stimulus, extant research has paid little attention to these topics. This study proposes a website quality–consumer satisfaction–purchase intention research model based on the self-regulatory process theory. Six dimensions of apparel mobile website quality—website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, brand trust, website information quality, website response time, and website security—were investigated. In all, 293 eligible responses were collected via an online survey. Multiple regression analysis was utilized to test the proposed relationships. Results reveal that website information quality, website visual appeal, apparel visual appeal, and website security positively affect consumer satisfaction toward apparel mobile commerce websites, while website response time and brand trust show insignificant impacts on consumer satisfaction. With higher satisfaction on an apparel mobile commerce website, consumers are more likely to purchase apparel through the website.  相似文献   

This article suggests that purchasers of consumer durables are convinced that warranty provisions are not available unless the registration form packed with the product is returned to the manufacturer. Thus the registration form serves as a reliever of the consumer's purchases-related risks. Produceres welcome these forms as a database of end users which can be used to track consumer demographics, lifestyles, user experiences, and levels of satisfaction.  相似文献   

State consumer protection agencies provide alternatives for consumer inquiries and for redress when consumers are unable to obtain satisfaction. In this study, the major objectives were to determine whether consumers used the services of the Kentucky Consumer Protection Division, the frequency of contact, the method of contact, the satisfaction/dissatisfaction with handling of inquiries or complaints and characteristics of inquirers/complainers. Four different surveys were used to obtain the data. The data analysis indicated that a large percentage of those who made inquiries or complained were satisfied. However, only a small percentage of the consumers had contacted the CPD, and very few used the hotline in making requests or complaints. Those who had contacted the CPD were younger, better educated and had higher incomes. Among the recommendations are that increased efforts be made to publicize the hotline and other CPD services.  相似文献   

Advertising exists to communicate information about, and promote, brands—using ‘brands’ in the broadest sense. Brand owners, it might be believed, are thereby promoting their own interests. This paper explores the extent to which consumers benefit. Brands provide economic value for money, functionality in developing the requisite quality of products to solve consumer problems and psychological satisfaction. Thus functional benefits are intrinsic to the brand and its component products, psychological benefits are in the mind of the consumer and economic benefits relate to the exchange transaction. Brands are diverse, offering different benefits in different ways to different consumers at different times. Any aggregation of brand (dis)benefits therefore needs to be treated with caution. The picture is not wholly positive and consumer concerns with branding need to be factored in. The defence is the marketplace itself: consumers are free to choose. Retailer brands meet the demand, where it exists, for alternatives to manufacturer brands. Some consumers are undoubtedly confused for part of the time but branding is a long-term investment. Manufacturer brand leaders fifty years ago are brand leaders today. They would not exist at all if enough consumers did not continue to buy them.

This article considers these consumer concerns alongside the arguments for brands, except for the last (values) which is outside its scope. In general, the economic case today is secure even though earlier economists considered brands restricted competition. The bottom line of any remaining concern is whether consumers are satisfied that brands provide value for money. If consumers feel satisfied, then they are satisfied whether or not others think they should be. General consumer satisfaction with brands' value for money is none the less an inference drawn from the literature and analysis. Similarly, functional and psychological benefits appear to outweigh disadvantages but empirical research is needed to establish the extent of consumer (dis)satisfactions.  相似文献   

This paper compares the explanatory power of consumer engagement (CE) regarding service continuance intention with the variables of attitude (utilitarian and hedonic) and satisfaction. Survey data were collected from users of mobile music (n = 596) and mobile parking (n = 297) services. The partial least squares method was applied to analyze the data. In line with expectations, the findings show that attitude and satisfaction are superior drivers of service continuance intention compared to CE when service is used for utilitarian reasons. In contrast, when service consumption is driven by hedonic reasons, CE is a stronger driver than satisfaction. However, no evidence for the superiority of CE over attitude was found in the hedonic context.  相似文献   

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