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This study was designed to investigate the influence of lifestyle and apparel evaluative criteria on information search in apparel purchasing decisions among non-employed female consumers. A random sample of non-employed female consumers (n = 476) was collected via a self-administered questionnaire mailed across the nation. Principal Components Factor Analysis with Varimax Rotation was used to reduce the number of lifestyle, evaluative criteria, and information search activity items. As a result of Stepwise Multiple Regression Analyses, it was found that relationships existed among evaluative criteria, lifestyle, and informarion search patterns. Search profiles were developed to describe the four consumer information search patterns in terms of their lifestyle and evaluative criteria. Results will benefit consumers, marketers, and legislators because an understanding of consumer information seeking activities is essential in the design of efficient communication among these three groups.  相似文献   

Although there is immense international support for consumer protection, the notion exists that consumer protection can only exist in developed countries with ample fiscal resources and expertise to properly act in the interest of consumers. This conception leaves consumers in emerging and transitional economies in a difficult position as these economies indeed generally lack sufficient funding and the required capacity to educate consumers on their rights. With the South African Consumer Protection Act that came into effect in 2011, South African consumers can now claim to be among the best protected consumers in the world. However, many consumers are still not aware of their consumer rights, and do not have the necessary knowledge to pursue redress when they are dissatisfied. The objective of this research was therefore to explore and describe the relationship between consumers’ knowledge of consumerism (consumer protection) and their consumer complaint behaviour (CCB) concerning their dissatisfaction with a technologically advanced product, in this case, a consumer electronic product. This study attempts to differentiate between subjective consumerism knowledge and objective consumerism knowledge and by extension the measures used. In addition, we explored and described the relationship between demographic variables and levels of subjective and objective consumerism knowledge as well as the combined effect of the two types of knowledge on CCB. The findings revealed that the respondents had a reasonable level of subjective consumerism knowledge relative to a low level of objective consumerism knowledge. No significant relationship was found between subjective consumerism knowledge and demographic variables. However, the factors of race, gender and level of income were related to objective knowledge. A higher level of subjective knowledge could be associated with public action. Respondents with reasonable levels of objective knowledge were also better equipped to take private and public action. CHAID (Chi‐Square Automatic Interaction Detection) analysis highlighted that a combination of subjective and objective knowledge was the best predictor of taking public action only and of taking both private and public complaint action. The study has implications for policy makers, consumer protection organisations, retailers and the individual consumer. Our approach to measuring knowledge of consumerism could possibly be applied in other emerging contexts where consumers generally lack awareness of consumer protection.  相似文献   

A critical issue faced by marketing practitioners today is orchestrating strategies that provide a smooth consumer experience in an omni-channel environment. The extant literature offers limited guidance on managing the consumer journey in an omni-channel environment across different retail types. Using the S–O-R framework as its basis, this study generates novel insights by examining how different types of retailers influence consumer perceptions of channel integration (CPCI) as well as consumer empowerment, trust, satisfaction, and patronage intention. Data from 736 consumers was collected using purposive sampling to target those who interact with retailers from high-end specialty stores, department stores, and hypermarkets. The data was then analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). We find that consumers from high-end specialty stores, hypermarkets, and department stores have different perceptions when patronising the omni-channel retail business. The implications of the study are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Always low price (ALP) and low price guarantee (LPG) are store-price signals that retailers frequently use to induce favorable store-price image and discourage consumers from comparing prices across stores. Although both policies signal low prices, only LPG is an obligatory promise to beat rival stores’ prices. Results of two shopping simulations show that when consumer search costs are relatively low, ALP may effectively discourage consumer search whereas LPG may trigger more search. Paradoxically, consumers tend to evaluate ALP stores less favorably (as having lower integrity and higher self-serving intention) than LPG stores even when both signals appear to be credible. These findings suggest that LPG is a superior tactic for creating a favorable store image while ALP is more effective for discouraging consumer search. The results also indicate that consumers visit fewer stores when the LPG is not a credible signal of lowest market price than when it is credible. This is because consumers are inclined to either claim discounts or refunds at the non-credible LPG store or to purchase at the competing store with a lower price rather than continue searching.  相似文献   

What consumers know or think they know about stores’ relative price levels is an important research area from both a societal as well as a retail perspective. This study investigates the determinants of objective as well as subjective store-price knowledge. Using structural equation modeling, the effects of price consciousness, income, education, and three forms of price-related experience on the two knowledge dimensions, as well as the relationship between objective and subjective knowledge, are tested. Whereas out-of-store price search had positive effects on both subjective and objective price knowledge, the two other types of experience, number of stores shopped, and length of residence in the market only affected objective price knowledge, indicating that the two knowledge dimensions are determined differently. Furthermore, price consciousness had a larger effect on subjective than on objective knowledge. Finally, subjective and objective store-price knowledge were not significantly related in this study.  相似文献   

Customers’ in-store shopping experiences are critical for luxury brand success. Research on the creation of experiential value in retailing finds clear differences in the cues contributing to delightful consumer experiences depending on the retailing sector. A management perspective dominates research in luxury retailing, while research on consumers’ subjective luxury shopping experiences is scarce. This study contributes to filling the gap regarding consumers’ subjective experiences through a qualitative inquiry into shoppers’ accounts of experiences in luxury brand stores. The study finds that the major determinants of a delightful shopping experience in luxury stores are extraordinary service excellence, unique multi-sensory emotional stimulation conforming to the brand, and a feeling of personal importance and assurance. The study demonstrates the importance of a holistic individual experience in helping shoppers become immersed in the brand universe through all their senses.  相似文献   


Relatively little is known about consumer perceptions of retailers in Central and Eastern Europe. What store attributes do consumers in these markets emphasize? Do these attributes reflect the culture of the region? These questions are addressed in the case of Estonia. However our main objective is to contrast the Estonian situation with that of a typical Western country, Canada. Two key shopping experience constructs are selected, namely merchandise selection and the interactivity between the store and the consumer. To make the comparison meaningful we have chosen a single retail category, namely discount or low-price department stores. In both countries there were two stores that dominated their respective market, so this facilitates the collection of consumer perceptions. Structural equation modeling using AMOS software has been used to test the equivalence of the constructs across cultures. Our main findings are that (1) both merchandise selection and store-customer interaction are valid constructs across both countries, (2) that the factor patterns have configural invariance or equivalence for each construct across the two cultures and (3) that the factor patterns do not have weak factor invariance across the cultures. In short, we conclude that there are major differences in consumer's discount store shopping experiences across the two cultures.  相似文献   

Lizhu Davis 《中国市场》2014,(13):8-17,20
本文旨在探讨中国消费者的购物价值。在利用定性研究所获得的购物价值维度的基础上,本文还采用量化研究来进一步评估消费者在两类零售经销店——百货商店和超型市场中的购物体验及相应的购物价值观。研究结果表明,中国消费者倾向于同时到上述两类零售经销店购物,并从中获得自我满足感和实现社会交往;同时,他们在百货商场获得更多的享乐性购物价值,而在超市里则获得更多的实用性购物价值。这些研究结果凸显了购物体验和购物价值对中国消费者的重要性。  相似文献   

Although delivering value is the key for retailers to create new competitive advantages, the literature on consumer shopping value is fragmented and findings are inconsistent. This study aimed to understand consumer shopping value in-depth by examining consumer shopping processes and experiences in two retail formats: mass merchandisers and department stores. This study conceptualizes consumer shopping value as having two components: shopping trip value and in-store shopping value. Shopping trip value is originated by fulfillment of general shopping motivations, and in-store shopping value stems from retail elements that create in-store shopping experiences that consumers have in specific retail contexts. Five shopping trip value dimensions and six in-store shopping value dimensions are identified from the in-depth interviews. The findings highlight how consumer shopping value is a complex and context specific construct.  相似文献   

Chatbots can be used in marketing services to substantially improve the consumer experience. Based on cognitive appraisal theory, this study applied an event-related potential (ERP) approach to investigate consumers’ emotional experiences and consumer trust in passive interaction with chatbots versus humans, taking into account objective or subjective tasks in e-commerce. The results showed that chatbot (vs. human) service interactions automatically drew more consumer attention at the subconscious stage (i.e., a larger P2); consumers purposefully allocated more resources to regulate the negative emotions elicited by chatbots at the conscious stage (i.e., a larger LPP); and there was a lower trust in chatbots than in humans. Moreover, under subjective tasks, the differences between chatbots and human agents in emotional experience (as reflected by LPP) and trust were amplified. The findings will encourage e-retailers to improve the emotional service experience of their chatbots and prioritize the application of chatbots for objective tasks in customer service.  相似文献   

Scientists have asserted that genetically modified (GM) food offers financial, environmental, health, and quality benefits to society, but the realization of such benefits depends on consumer acceptance of this new technology. Consumer concerns about GM food raise questions about what consumers know about GM food and to what extent this knowledge translates into their evaluations of GM products. The present research empirically examines the effect of both objective and subjective knowledge on perceived risk and, in turn, key consumer behaviors associated with GM food. The results reveal that objective knowledge about GM food significantly reduces performance and psychological risks, whereas subjective knowledge influences only physical risk, and the valence of that impact depends on the level of the consumer's objective knowledge. Furthermore, different risk types enhance consumers' information search and reduce their propensity to buy GM food. The overall findings thus suggest the need for cooperation among government, scientific institutions, and the food industry to foster effective communication strategies that increase consumers' objective knowledge, reduce their risk perceptions, and encourage consumer adoptions of GM technology. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The current study reviews consumer purchasing of locally produced foods in retail grocery stores across Hispanic and Caucasian groups in the United States. Six hypotheses were tested via the creation and evaluation of a measurement model within the structural equation modeling process. Results suggested that group differences exist between Hispanic and Caucasian consumers across the constructs of attitudes, perceived product availability, subjective norms, intention to purchase and extent of purchase. Implications for marketing strategies across groups and product categories are provided, along with future research directions.  相似文献   

虽然中国已经成为世界上最大的消费者市场,但是有关中国消费者的购物行为研究还没有广泛开展,特别是针对中国内地的购物人群而言。本研究探索的是中国西北消费者的购物经历。深度采访显示,那些被访者更多地展现出一种消费者角色,这种角色能够同时满足个人和社会地位需求的购物特征。除此之外,在选择零售商店(购物)时,商品、商店和服务标准也是重要的影响因素。本文为研究中国消费者的商店购买行为提供了参考文献资料,同时也为零售商拓展中国西北市场提供了非常有价值的观点。  相似文献   

A variety of investigations have indicated that consumers subjectively perceive a positive relation between price and product quality. However it is also necessary to consider the objective analysis of actual price-quality relations which exist among competing products available for consumer choice. This investigation reviews findings from some subjective and objective evaluations of the price-quality relationship, followed by an objective analysis of price versus quality among 135 recently marketed groups of products in five product categories. Findings indicate that for 51 percent of the products a positive price-produce quality relation may be inferred, and dramatic differences in this relation are evident from one product category to another. Implications of these findings for the efficiency of consumer decision-making, the performance of consumer markets and future research on objective price-quality relations are discussed.  相似文献   

Similarities and differences in selected clothing acquisition behaviour at two independent sites have been investigated using the Engel, Blackwell and Miniard consumer behaviour model as the conceptual framework. Similar clothing values orientations were found, supporting the assumption of a common Anglo-root culture at both sites. The paper focuses on an outcome of the values issue, namely store selection criteria and clothing evaluative criteria used by university students in Winnipeg, Canada and Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. Respondents at both sites rated the store selection criteria and clothing evaluative criteria in similar orders of importance. Significant Spearman rank correlation coefficients for store selection criteria (rs= 0-95) and clothing evaluative criteria (rs= 0-88) suggest that the common Anglo-root culture of the Winnipeg and Newcastle participants has more influence on the alternative evaluative stage of the decision-making process than marketing stimuli and strategies found at each site. When individual criteria were compared across sites, only three of the ten store selection criteria gave statistically different responses, while three of the 21 clothing evaluative criteria were found to be statistically different.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that consumer intentions to adopt innovations are often poor predictors of adoption behavior. An important reason for this may be that the evaluative criteria consumers use in both stages of the adoption process weigh differently. Using construal level theory, we develop expectations on the influence of innovation characteristics across the intention and behavior stages of the adoption process. Using meta-analysis, we derive generalizations on drivers of intentions and actual innovation adoption behavior. The results show important differences across both stages. Consumers show higher levels of adoption intention for innovations that are more complex, better match their needs, and involve lower uncertainty. However, consumers are found to actually adopt innovations with less complexity and higher relative advantages. Adopter demographics are found to explain little variance in adoption intention and behavior, whereas adopter psychographics are found to be influential in both stages. These findings have implications for innovation adoption theory, for managers involved in new product and service marketing, and for future research on innovation adoption.  相似文献   

Individual differences in innovativeness may drive consumer expectations and perceptions regarding retail environments, influencing preferences for particular store formats. This research investigates the impact of consumer innovativeness on expectations for, and perceptions of, service design elements, including employee performance, process design, design of physical evidence, and reliability of the shopping experience. Findings indicate that the majority of consumers expect high performance along all dimensions and dislike surprising stores, specifically those they perceive as risky. Moreover, innovative consumers expect even higher levels of store attributes and in fact perceive stores differently than do less innovative consumers.  相似文献   

The literature on scarcity has generally examined consumers’ attitudes towards scarce products and suggested that scarcity messages have a positive effect on the evaluation of and attitude toward the scarce object. However, literature has largely failed to explain consumers’ feelings or reactions to human-controlled scarce environments. This study examines how deliberate product scarcity influences the consumers’ behavioral responses, and provides an understanding of consumers’ reactions to conditions of scarcity that are strategically created by marketers. The context of this study is fast fashion retailers, as they are known to create extreme human-induced scarcity. We conducted 21 face-to-face interviews with fast fashion store managers, consumers, and an industry expert. Further, observational research was also conducted to observe the consumer buying behavior across 10 different fast fashion stores. The objectives were to (1) help the interviewees think about the various strategies adopted to induce scarcity within the stores (from retailer’s perspective), (2) understanding of scarcity in these stores (from consumer’s perspective), and (3) consumers’ responses to such deliberate manipulations. All the interviewees agreed that fast fashion stores were successful in creating perceived scarcity which reflected both limited merchandise supply as well as deliberate manipulation of merchandise availability by the retailer. The findings also suggest that consumers in these perceived scarcity conditions exhibit buying behavior like urgency to buy, which further leads to deviant and competitive behaviors like in-store hoarding and in-store hiding. Though perceived scarcity, urgency to buy, and in-store hoarding was consistent across the interviews with store managers and consumers, surprisingly, the phenomenon of in-store hiding behavior did not emerge from any of the interviews conducted with store managers, but was a consistent theme across most consumer interviews.  相似文献   

Online customer reviews are an important type of user-generated content, through which consumers share their experiences with products and services in order to help others make informed purchasing decisions. In this article, we discuss the goals of online customer reviews and develop practical, actionable principles that can be used to improve the presentations of customer reviews. We identify four goals—two ultimate, and two intermediate—of online customer reviews. The two ultimate goals are: (1) to assist consumers in making accurate choices, and (2) to reduce the cognitive costs of making such choices. The two intermediate goals are: (1) to help consumers form an unbiased understanding of the product, and (2) to construct a set of evaluative criteria. Drawing on the constructive view of consumer judgment and choice, we present a conceptual model of online-review based consumer judgment and choice. We report principles that will improve the presentation of reviews, and discuss the benefits of the new design over the traditional presentation of online reviews.  相似文献   

This study serves as an initial attempt to demonstrate empirically how online consumers react to the offline channel extensions (i.e., opening physical stores) of e-tailers. Specifically, we examine how the attributes of offline channels influence consumer intentions to switch to offline channels and how they also lead to incremental demands on online channels. We investigate how these effects vary across highly complex utilitarian and hedonic products. The results of the study indicate that although store openings encourage online consumers to shop there when purchasing highly complex utilitarian products, the addition of offline stores results counterintuitively in incremental patronage of the online channels when consumers shop for highly complex hedonic products. This study validates the guiding role of product characteristics in designing offline channels for e-tailers and suggests that incorporating product type and complexity into the design is likely to contribute to the development of stores tailored to specific consumer segments.  相似文献   

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