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我国财政部于2006年2月颁布了《企业会计准则第27号-石油天然气开采》,该准则同现行的石油天然气会计制度相比,突出了油气开采会计与其生产工艺相适应的特点,并初步实现了国际油气会计准则的趋同,但在许多具体问题的处理上还有很大差异。本文从石油天然气行业的特殊性出发,结合我国国情,对完善我国石油天然气开采会计准则提出了很好的建议。  相似文献   

石油天然气开采会计准则对矿业企业审计的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油天然气开采会计准则(以下简称本准则)为新制订的准则,制定该准则的大背景就是中国会计准则的国际趋同。由于油气开采与其他矿产资源的采掘存在较大差异,国外石油公司一般使用单独的油气开采会计准则。本准则参考国际惯例和我国三大石油公司(中石油、中石化和中海油)的实际情况,针对油气开采业务(上游活动)进行了规范。对于油气之外的其他矿产资源的开采,目前也适用该准则。但财政部有可能针对其他矿产资源单独制定会计核算办法。  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国目前石油天然气行业会计现状,并对新颁布的油气会计准则的主要特点进行了简单描述,通过与旧准则和国际惯例的两方面的主要差异比较,探讨并展望了新准则对我国大型油气企业的重要影响,旨在抛砖引玉,以期引起更多同仁对我国油气会计准则的理解和重视。  相似文献   

新会计准则下石油天然气开采准则初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张英 《会计师》2008,(12):17-18
<正>石油天然气行业是一个比较特殊的行业,具有高风险、高投资等特点,而且石油天然气资源的会计处理具有显著的行业特点,但是我国一直没有一套完整的适应油气资源的会计准则规范,同国外准则相比,我国油气企业使用的会计规范一直都不适应油气行业的生产特点,这对于石油天然气开采行业的发  相似文献   

我国于2006年2月颁布了《企业会计准则第27号一石油天然气开采》,对当前我国石油天然气开采业财务会计发展中的热点、难点问题进行了规范。本文通过对新准则相关规定的分析,探讨新准则下我国石油天然气会计核算的相关问题以及对我国石油天然气企业的影响。  相似文献   

浅析新《油气会计准则》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国石油天然气行业会计的现状由于石油天然气工业生产过程的独特性,决定了其会计核算方法与一般工业有所不同。石油天然气(简称油气)会计的特点是由油气工业生产过程的特征所决定的,对油气生产公司所发生的取得成本、勘探成本、开发成本和生产成本进行资本化还是费用化,一般遵循历史成本原则,采用成果法或全部成本法。但在制定油气会计准则时,究竟采用成果法还是全部成本法,或储量认可法,在美国油气会计准则的历史上曾发生过激烈的争论,至今美国已形成较为完善的油气会计准则体系。目前我国油气企业的三巨头是中石油、中石化和中海油。它们的主业执行的都是工业企业会计制度或是股份有限公司会计制度和共同业务会计准则,但对具有特殊性的油气生产活动,没有石油企业共同遵守的油气会计准则。中海油的会计核算制度与国际惯例比较接近,而中石油和中石化对国内90%股份股东的报告按《股份有限公司会计制度》和已颁布的具体会计准则执行,但对香港和国外10%股份股东则按国际会计准则或美国油气准则的要求对现有资料进行调整。由此可见,对上市的股份执行FASB或IASB的准则,对非上市的股份则执行各自内部会计制度。在国内没有统一的油气生产活动会计规范。这不仅加大了石油企业...  相似文献   

姜辉 《投资与合作》2011,(10):199-199
鉴于石油资源是现在最重要的战略性资源,而石油行业相对于其他行业又具有高投资、高风险、高回报等特点,该行业会计的该如何计量,如何披露,一直是石油天然气行业财务人员面临的难题。因此.时石油天然气开采制定专门的会计准则具有重要的意义。那由中国财政部在2006年颁布的《企业会计准则第27号——石油天然气开采》做出了哪些改进,对预算管理产生何种影响呢?  相似文献   

新会计准则对我国石油天然气行业的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈渭平 《会计师》2009,(2):36-36
<正>财政部于2006年颁发的《企业会计准则第27号——石油天然气开采》(ASBE27)对油气行业的会计行为作了具体的规定。因此,笔者基于对《准则》相关规定的分析,探讨新准则下我国石油天然气会计核算的相关问题以及对我国石油天然气企业的影响。  相似文献   

汤桃云 《时代金融》2011,(30):189-190
石油天然气是一个特殊的行业,其生产经营有着自己的特点。它有着特殊的风险一勘探风险、价格风险和政治风险,加之石油天然气作为战略资源,对一国经济和安全起着基础性作用。文章从颁布背景及内容两个方面对中美石油天然气会计准则进行了比较,简单的论述了中美两国会计准则在矿区权益、油气勘探等方面的异同,并对我国会计准则中存在的不足提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

2006年2月15日,财政部公布了包括《企业会计准则第6号——无形资产》(下称新准则)在内的39项企业会计准则,标志着我国新会计准则正式出台。业内人士认为,新会计准则将带来“革命性的变化”。就第6号会计准则而言,新的无形资产会计准则是对2001年1月1日起施行的旧无形资产会计准则(下称旧准则)的重新修订,就内容而言其主要变化表现在以下几方面:①适用范围。新准则规定投资性房地产的土地使用权、石油天然气矿区权益和合并商誉不是该准则的规范范围,与旧准则相比前两者是本次新增的。②无形资产的定义。新准则对无形资产的定义的表述为:“无形资产,指企业为生产商品、提供劳务、出租给他人,或为管理目的而持有的、没有实物形态的非货币性长期资产。无形资产可分为可辨认无形资产和不可辨认无形资产”。  相似文献   

我国石油、天然气行业税费制度探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先介绍了我国石油、天然气行业的相关税费制度,归纳了国外石油税制的经验。在此基础上,对我国石油、天然气税费制度中存在的问题进行了分析,并对完善我国石油、天然气行业的税费制度提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to compare the value relevance of environmental provisions as recorded under Canadian/U.S. GAAP and IFRS accounting frameworks with consideration of the impact of voluntarily issuing stand‐alone sustainability reports. The value relevance of environmental provisions is tested using a modified Ohlson (1995) model. We exploit IFRS reconciliations as a quasi‐experimental setting to conduct this comparison. Results indicate that environmental provisions recorded under either framework only act as liabilities for oil and gas firms that release stand‐alone sustainability reports. For other firms in the oil and gas industry, and the mining industry, the liability nature of these provisions appears to be discounted by the market. Furthermore, for firms in the oil and gas industry that do not have stand‐alone CSR reports, provisions appear to be interpreted by the market as a costly signal about future growth. Instead of downwardly affecting market values, this information is associated with higher market values. In terms of the transition to IFRS, we find that, while the IFRS provisions are significantly higher than under former GAAP, they do not improve value relevance for investors. Accounting standard setters should consider examining the changes in the current standards from the original Canadian environmental provision reporting requirements under Capital Assets section 3060.39, as it was rightfully shown to be a relevant proxy for unbooked liabilities (Li and McConomy, 1999; Bewley, 2005) rather than earnings expectancy. The study builds upon prior research to examine the value of accounting standards that have gone through significant changes.  相似文献   

关于我国当前环境下的会计国际化问题   总被引:147,自引:1,他引:147  
我国会计当前所处的环境十分复杂 ,计划经济的影响与市场经济的发展并存 ,工业经济与知识经济交融 ,这决定了我国会计具有自己的特点。会计国际化是一个国际协调的过程 ,是大势所趋 ,各国都要参与到这个协调过程中来 ,同时也将是一个艰巨而漫长的过程。在我国当前环境下 ,我们不应仅仅被动消极地接受其他国家协调的成果 ,而应主动积极地参与到协调过程中 ,以期使国际会计准则解决我们所面临的一些特殊会计问题 ;此外 ,会计国际化的发展需要法律等各个方面的配合 ,并强化会计标准的执行机制  相似文献   

国际会计准则改革:回顾与展望   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
改革开放以来 ,中国的会计改革进程都是朝着借鉴国际会计准则的大方向迈进的。因此 ,关注国际会计准则委员会 (IASC)的重组进展 ,把握其发展前景 ,对深化中国的会计改革意义重大。基于此 ,本文拟介绍国际社会对IASC改革的回应、国际会计准则理事会 (IASB)自去年 4月正式运行以来所取得的进展和面临的难点热点问题 ,并对建立一套高质量全球性会计准则的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

张飚 《西安金融》2014,(8):53-56
随着市场经济的发展,租赁业也日趋繁荣,租赁会计信息处理也变得更加的复杂和重要。为适应现代经济发展,国际租赁会计准则正处于不断的变化之中。本文以近几年国际租赁会计准则的变化为基础,回顾了国际租赁会计准则的修订进程,结合社会各界对相关国际组织征求意见稿等的观点和建议,从国际租赁会计准则的修订探讨对我国租赁会计准则的启示。  相似文献   

The continuing and deepening economic reforms in China have brought many changes both socially and economically to the society. The primary function of auditing in China has begun to shift away from the traditional tax compliance assessment towards the credibility lending to financial statements. The economic reforms and the development of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises have necessitated the parallel development of auditing standards in China. While some significant differences exist, the new Chinese auditing standards are, in a number of important aspects, similar to the professional standards promulgated by the International Federation of Accountants. The development of a comprehensive body of standards, auditor independence, the role of certain auditing techniques, and certified public accountant (CPA) population are the major areas that China needs to improve. Opening up the Chinese accounting industry will trigger significant advances in the implementation of Chinese standards and the development of the Chinese accounting profession.  相似文献   

The accounting treatment of exploration expenditure in the extractive industry has historically been a challenging issue for regulators. This paper examines the accounting policies for, and value relevance of, the exploration assets of firms listed on the London Stock Exchange from the oil & gas and mining sectors. The policies used by oil & gas firms range from the relatively conservative Successful Efforts to the most aggressive Full Cost method, whereas mining firms employ a range of policies from the Successful Efforts to the most conservative Expense All method. The results suggest that the income statements of Main Market-listed extractive firms contain value relevant information regardless of the policy followed by the firm. There is no significant difference between the value relevance of exploration asset disclosures by Main Market-listed oil & gas firms following the Successful Efforts or Full Cost methods. For AIM-listed oil & gas companies only the Full Cost method provides value relevant information on exploration assets. In the mining sector, exploration-related asset disclosures are only value relevant for AIM-listed firms following the Expense All method. The results suggest that flexibility in accounting for exploration expenditure is necessary to facilitate the disclosure of value relevant accounting information.  相似文献   

非油气矿产资源会计问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文采用理论分析的方法,结合现代会计理论和矿产资源权益价值理论的内涵,系统地分析了在我国全新的矿产资源市场化管理模式下非油气矿产资源会计问题研究的必要性,并根据国际、国内会计界的相关研究成果,提出了非油气矿产资源资产的定义,论述了全新的适合我国会计发展现状的非油气矿产资源会计的特有构成内容,期望本文能对我国矿产资源会计理论的研究起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

In China, the government has long been involved in directly regulating accounting work. The rule-based accounting regulations have been formulated for different industry and business ownership structure by the central government since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949. Remarkable changes have, however, taken place in Chinese accounting which have resulted from the wide-ranged economic and accounting reforms in the last two decades. Recently, an accounting regulatory framework based on accounting standards has been introduced, with great efforts to develop a set of practical accounting standards. A survey study was conducted to empirically investigate the prevailing perceptions of the users and providers of business accounting in respect of four major conceptual and practical issues underlying the construction of the accounting regulatory framework in the changing business environment in China. The study results demonstrate that the respondents from various interest groups possessed mixed views. They generally endorsed the current progress in the accounting reforms. On the other hand, the majority of the respondents were supportive of further changes in reshaping accounting regulatory framework to accommodate the growth of market-oriented economy in China.  相似文献   

Accounting literature suggests that contemporaneous earnings are more useful than current operating cash flow in predicting future cash flows and, therefore, also more relevant for company valuation. However, recent research indicates that elevated levels of merger and acquisition activity or a changing economic environment may reduce the value relevance of earnings. Using the oil and gas industry as a case, this paper examines how the oil industry upheaval in the late 1990s influenced the value relevance of financial statement information. We extend the literature by testing for a structural shift in the equity market valuation process. Our results provide evidence of a structural break in the value relevance of accounting information. In contrast to prior research, we find that the value relevance of cash flows actually decreased in the recent oil industry upheaval. On the other hand, the value relevance of book equity increased. Furthermore, we find that accounting-method choice (full cost versus successful efforts) affects the value relevance of accounting information.  相似文献   

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