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原产地规则是在国际贸易中判断产品国籍的工具.不同的自由贸易区有其特定的原产地规则,这些原产地规则是根据各成员国自身的特点而制定的,其已经成为自由贸易区各成员国进行贸易保护的重要工具.本文在分析自由贸易区原产地规则的影响时,主要从成本、贸易、投资和就业四个方面对其进行了深入分析.  相似文献   

多阶段生产方式下的原产地规则分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文拟运用Dixit和Grossman的多阶段生产模型,从一个新的角度分析自由贸易区各成员制定的优惠性原产地规则给成员国和非成员国所带来的贸易影响 ,并区分了完全遵守WTO规则而制订的非原产地规则同各成员方歧视性原产地规则对贸易造成的不良影响。得出了非歧视的原产地规则会给自由贸易区的成员国和非成员国都带来利益,但歧视性的原产地规则不仅会带来非成员国的 贸易转移,而且会在成员国之间造成贸易衰退的结论。  相似文献   

评自由贸易区对区内成员国的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐松  张建明 《财贸研究》2000,11(6):35-38
<正> 在考察自由贸易区对区内成员国的影响时,人们大都从以下四方面来进行:1.在对外关税不变的情况下,自由贸易区对福利的影响;2.成员国间运输成本差异的影响;3.原产地规则的影响;4.非传统利益,如市场准入、特别保护、同步进行的改革和争端解决等所带来的利益。 一、优惠关税对福利的影响 自由贸易区是经济一体化组织的主要形式,其静态福利影响也是人们了解最彻底的部分。因此在评价经济一体化影响时,大都把焦点集中在它的静态影响上。  相似文献   

中国自由贸易协定的原产地规则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,我国签署了7个自由贸易协定(不包括与香港、澳门签署的关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排和亚太贸易协定),均对"原产地规则"作出明确规定.出口到自由贸易区的产品必须符合自由贸易区原产地规则的标准,提供自由贸易区的优惠<原产地证书>,才能享受关税优惠的待遇.  相似文献   

上海自由贸易试验区是我国大陆境内首个自由贸易园区,但上海自贸试验区适用自贸区原产地规则立法方面尚不完善,影响了上海自贸试验区对自由贸易区原产地规则的实践运用,唯有明确管理与立法方面的不足,各个击破,制定并实施符合上海自贸试验区特性的自由贸易区原产地规则、划分合理的"一线"、"二线"贸易管制职能、有计划地放开原产地证明签证权限、强化试验区原产地规避行为管理,提高贸易安全性,为优惠性原产地规则在上海自贸区的适用创造条件,才能促进上海贸易中心以及国际航运的建设发展,吸引国际投资,增加就业机会,拉动我国经济发展。  相似文献   

在借鉴中国已建立的自由贸易区和世界其他自由贸易区原产地规则的基础上,定性探讨并定量验证了不同限制程度的原产地规则对中澳自由贸易区的经济效应,结果发现:综合来看,建立中澳自由贸易区对中国的效应是积极的;具体来看,原产地规则限制程度过低或过高都会给经济带来负面的影响,而只有选择适中限制程度的原产地规则才会最优化中国在中澳自由贸易区中的收益。  相似文献   

美国正式加入并开始主导《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(TPP)谈判以来,一直致力于构建以全球价值链为基础、以“第二代”贸易政策措施为主题的新型贸易协定,并努力将其打造成为高标准、高质量的跨区域自由贸易区,以期实现“重返亚太”的战略目标。TPP谈判涵盖金融服务、竞争政策、原产地规则、环境与劳工标准等多项议题,其中原产地规则是谈判的重要议题之一。原产地规则在自由贸易区运行与发展中起着至关重要的作用,是判定最终产品是否原产于某一成员国继而享有关税优惠待遇的基本法律依据。  相似文献   

原产地规则存在的合理性及其趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊倩  师树兴 《商业研究》2003,(18):48-49
随着多国产品在国际贸易中不断增多,确定某一产品的原产地变得越来越重要,因此各国政府在制定原产地规则方面具有很大的歧视性,以保护本国的利益。通过分析政府制定原产地规则的经济动机,并预测原产地规则的发展趋势——建立一套相对固定的、统一的、透明的原产地规则是促进世界经济贸易发展的一个重要举措。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和贸易自由化的发展,各种新型贸易壁垒层出不穷。笔者通过日常签证工作中积累的案例,分析中国—东盟自由贸易区原产地规则对自由贸易区成员国的隐性壁垒作用,说明即使一国答应给予另一国优惠待遇,仍可通过原产地规则筑起新的市场准入壁垒。一、中国—东盟自由贸易区的建立及其原产地规则中国—东盟自由贸易区是我国同其他国家商谈的第一个自由贸易区,也是目前建成的最大的自由贸易区。东盟有10个成员国:文莱、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸和越南,其中,前6个国家是东盟的老成员,经济相对发达;后4个国家是东盟新成员。目前,东盟是我国在发展中国家中最大的贸易伙伴,我国是东盟的第四大贸易伙伴。2002年11月4日,我国与东盟签署了《中国—东盟全面经济合作框  相似文献   

对建立中国——东盟自由贸易区若干问题的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立中国东盟自由贸易区是中国与东盟双方领导人面对全球化的发展趋势,积极推进区域经济一体化的重大决策。自由贸易区具有扩大市场、贸易创造和提高成员国地位的作用,而建立中国东盟自由贸易区更有利于密切双边关系,促进经济合作,应对全球化挑战的作用。对建立自由贸易区我们要研究的问题很多,特别是建立自由贸易区的主要目的、双方的互惠互利问题、处理好WTO的规则与自由贸易区内部的优惠安排的关系以及关税及非关税壁垒的削减、原产地原则等技术性问题都必须予以足够重视。为了适应建立自由贸易区的要求,必须采取积极的应对措施。  相似文献   

The well-known Kemp-Vanek-Ohyama-Wan proposition establishes that if two or more countries form a customs union (CU) by freezing their net external trade vector through a common external tariff and eliminating internal trade barriers, the union as a whole and the rest of the world cannot be worse off than before. Owing to the fact that a Free Trade Area (whose member countries impose country specific external tariff vectors) does not equalize marginal rates of substitution across its member countries (in contrast to a CU), the literature has been unable to provide a parallel demonstration regarding welfare improving Free Trade Areas (FTAs). The present paper eliminates this gap. In extending the result to the case with intermediate inputs, the paper also sheds new light on the rules of origin required to support such necessarily welfare enhancing FTAs. We show here that provided no trade deflection is permitted, all that is required by way of rules of origin is that the goods produced within the union - whether final or intermediate - be allowed to be traded freely. The proportion of domestic value added in final goods does not enter as a criterion in the rules of origin.  相似文献   

While policymakers and scholars often emphasise the significance of the rule‐making aspect when they discuss the benefits of negotiating free trade agreements (FTAs), we know little about the ways in which rules are actually made. We need impartial assessment of the status of rule‐making to draw any concrete policy implications. Moreover, “how international economic rules develop” in terms of enforceability has been a neglected but important research question for students of international economics and laws. International economic rules evolve through a series of FTAs that are signed by a different set of countries. By using the case study of e‐commerce chapters, this paper will specifically examine: (1) how earlier FTAs paved the way to the Trans‐Pacific Partnership (TPP) e‐commerce negotiations; (2) whether rule‐making achievements of TPP are substantial compared against earlier FTAs; and (3) whether rule‐making achievements of TPP, if any, are likely to have some impact on post‐TPP FTAs.  相似文献   


This article provides three-good, three-country examples of trade in both intermediate inputs and final goods. These show the adverse effects that rules of origin (ROOs) can have, even in a world where every country has a free trade agreement (FTA) with every other country. ROOs may cause ubiquitous FTAs to yield a level of welfare, for everyone, that is worse than if there were no FTAs at all, and all trade were subject to common nondiscriminatory tariffs. Thus, the move to an ever increasing number of FTAs may be reducing world welfare.  相似文献   

Regionalism in Asia, particularly in the form of free‐trade areas (FTAs), is a recent trend that is becoming increasingly important. This has been disturbing to many, given the significance of trade and investment in Asian economic growth and development and the region's key role in global commerce. In light of this trend, the goal of this paper is to develop a blueprint, or a set of 10 ‘best practices’, that can be used as a guide to FTAs in order to ensure that they approximate first‐best outcomes to the greatest extent possible. Next, the paper applies this framework to the existing FTAs between Asian countries and their regional and extra‐regional partners. The results suggest that the more advanced regional accords generally receive high grades, with the notable exception of rules of origin, which tend to be even more problematic in the context of accords in which an OECD country is a party.  相似文献   

This paper examines the economics, politics and political economy of Chile's trade and regional integration (RI) policies, and reaches the following conclusions. First, Chile is likely to obtain static and dynamic benefits from a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US, though the benefits depend crucially on the extent to which its market access to the US improves and on the costs of implementing the intellectual property rights agreement and of enforcing the rules of origin. Second, potential benefits are more doubtful with respect to FTAs with MERCOSUR and the Andean Pact and Central American countries.Third, Chile should complement its ongoing negotiations with the EU by negotiating FTAs with key Asian countries.Fourth, Chile should bind all its tariffs at the WTO at the applied MFN uniform tariff rate. Fifth, the uniform MFN tariff should be reduced below six percent after 2003.  相似文献   

最惠国待遇条款是WTO赖以存在的基石,GATT第24条作为最惠国待遇的最大一项例外为自由贸易区(FTA)的建立提供了正当性的基础。由于该条款谈判历史上的原因,GATT第24条的条款并不非常明确。自由贸易区的兴起和发展使其正成为平行于WTO体制之外的国际经贸法制。中国应根据本国经贸状况构建符合本国利益的自由贸易区体系和规则。  相似文献   

We examine the optimal rules of origin (ROO) in a free trade area/agreement (FTA) by employing a stylized three-country partial equilibrium model of an international duopoly. We incorporate compliance costs of the ROO into the model. In particular, compliance costs are higher for a firm located in a non-member country of the FTA than for a firm (an internal firm) located in an FTA member country, whereas marginal production costs are lower for the former. The FTA member countries set the optimal level of ROO to maximize their joint welfare. An importing country within the FTA imposes tariffs on imports that do not comply with the ROO. We show that the optimal ROO may have a protectionist bias in the sense that they are set for only the internal firm to comply. ROO may also cause low utilization of FTAs when they are set such that even the internal firm does not comply with them. These cases arise depending on parameter values.  相似文献   

Beginning in 2001, the Doha Rounds afforded World Trade Organization (WTO) members the opportunity to develop equitable trade rules between the developed and developing member states. The WTO has been successful in advancing multilateral international trade; however, since the Doha Rounds stalemate, it has witnessed the development of more than 300 Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs) and over 500 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). This article attempts to answer two questions: (1) has the failure of the Doha Rounds contributed to the proliferation of PTAs and FTAs, and (2) are these agreements threatening the regulatory authority of the WTO, which, in turn, reduces its ability to effectively promote and govern free trade, and its mission?  相似文献   

We use the Michigan Model of World Production and Trade to assess the economic effects of the US bilateral FTAs negotiated with Central America, Australia and Morocco. The model covers 18 economic sectors in each of 22 countries/regions and is based on version 5.4 of the GTAP database for 1997 together with specially constructed estimates of services barriers and other data on sectoral employment and numbers of firms. The distinguishing feature of the model is that it incorporates imperfect competition in the manufacturing and services sectors, including monopolistic competition, increasing returns and product variety. The modelling focus is on the effects of the bilateral removal of tariffs on agriculture and manufactures and services barriers. Rules of origin and other restrictive measures and the non‐trade aspects of the FTAs are not taken into account due to data constraints. The computational results indicate that the benefits of bilateral FTAs for the United States and partner countries are rather small in both absolute and relative terms, and that far greater benefits could be realised if the United States and its FTA partners adopted unilateral free trade and especially if multilateral free trade was adopted by all countries/regions in the global trading system.  相似文献   

In recent years, preferential trade agreements (PTAs), free trade agreements (FTAs) in particular, have proliferated while WTO negotiations have stagnated. This paper contributes to the literature on trade liberalisation and the agricultural sector by analysing the effects of FTAs on the competitiveness of the dairy sector across 76 countries and over a 20‐year period from 1990 to 2009. With a longitudinal econometric model, the results demonstrate that when a country has a revealed comparative advantage in the dairy sector, FTAs positively influence several indicators of competitiveness in the dairy sector, such as production, market share and trade balance. The results also indicate that multilateral FTAs are more beneficial than bilateral FTAs. There is strong empirical evidence that FTAs are more beneficial to developed countries than to developing countries. There is no statistical evidence to support the hypothesis about a relationship between FTAs and farm‐gate price.  相似文献   

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