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Stochastic linear programming is a suitable numerical approach for solving practical asset-liability management problems. In this paper, we consider a multi-stage setting under time-varying investment opportunities and propose a decomposition of the benefits in dynamic re-allocation and predictability effects. We use a first-order unrestricted vector autoregressive process to model asset returns and state variables and include, in addition to equity returns and dividend-price ratios, Nelson/Siegel parameters to account for the evolution of the yield curve. The objective is to minimize the Conditional Value at Risk of shareholder value, i.e., the difference between the mark-to-market value of (financial) assets and the present value of future liabilities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider optimal insurance and consumption rules for a wage earner whose lifetime is random. The wage earner is endowed with an initial wealth, and he also receives an income continuously, but this may be terminated by the wage earner’s premature death. We use dynamic programming to analyze this problem and derive the optimal insurance and consumption rules. Explicit solutions are found for the family of CRRA utilities, and the demand for life insurance is studied by examining our solutions and doing numerical experiments.  相似文献   

Fundamental analysis is used in asset selection for equity portfolio management. In this paper, a generalized data envelopment analysis (DEA) model is developed to analyze a firm’s financial statements over time in order to determine a relative financial strength indicator (RFSI) that is predictive of firm’s stock price returns. RFSI is based on maximizing the correlation between the DEA-based score of financial strength and the stock market performance. This maximization involves a difficult binary nonlinear program that requires iterative re-configuration of parameters of financial statements as inputs and outputs. We utilize a two-step heuristic algorithm that combines random sampling and local search optimization. The proposed approach is tested with 230 firms from various US technology-industries to determine optimized RFSI indicators for stock selection. Then, those selected stocks are used within portfolio optimization models to demonstrate the usefulness of the scheme for portfolio risk management.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the effects of different strategies to construct Shariah compatible financial portfolios. The difference between conventional and current Shariah portfolio management is the application of sector screens and financial screens by which the asset universe is reduced. Yet, here different schools of scholars define different screening rules leading to significant differences with respect to compliance, but also with respect to performance. After analyzing this discrepancy we propose several new strategies to apply the inconsistent rule systems and a new paradigm for defining Shariah-compliance. Under this new paradigm compliance is attributed to the portfolio and not to the individual assets of the universe. We report results of an empirical study analyzing the potentials of these strategies and of the paradigm. We can show that under the proposed concepts Shariah-compliant portfolios can be realized which have return and risk profiles comparable to the conventional non-constrained portfolios.  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate alternative optimization frameworks for constructing portfolios of hedge funds. We compare the standard mean–variance optimization model with models based on CVaR, CDaR and Omega, for both conservative and aggressive hedge fund investment strategies. In order to implement the CVaR, CDaR and Omega optimization models, we propose a semi-parametric methodology, which is based on extreme value theory, copula and Monte Carlo simulation. We compare the semi-parametric approach with the standard, non-parametric approach, used to compute CVaR, CDaR and Omega, and the benchmark parametric approach, based on both static and dynamic mean–variance optimization. We report two main findings. The first is that the CVaR, CDaR and Omega models offer a significant improvement in terms of risk-adjusted portfolio performance over the parametric mean–variance model. The second is that semi-parametric estimation of the CVaR, CDaR and Omega models offers a very substantial improvement over non-parametric estimation. Our results are robust to the choice of target return, risk limit and estimation sample size.  相似文献   

The 1/N investment strategy, i.e. the strategy to split one’s wealth uniformly between the available investment possibilities, recently received plenty of attention in the literature. In this paper, we demonstrate that the uniform investment strategy is rational in situations where an agent is faced with a sufficiently high degree of model uncertainty in the form of ambiguous loss distributions. More specifically, we use a classical risk minimization framework to show that, for a broad class of risk measures, as the uncertainty concerning the probabilistic model increases, the optimal decisions tend to the uniform investment strategy.To illustrate the theoretical results of the paper, we investigate the Markowitz portfolio selection model as well as Conditional Value-at-Risk minimization with ambiguous loss distributions. Subsequently, we set up a numerical study using real market data to demonstrate the convergence of optimal portfolio decisions to the uniform investment strategy.  相似文献   

Integrated risk management for financial institutions requires an approach for aggregating risk types (market, credit, and operational) whose distributional shapes vary considerably. We construct the joint risk distribution for a typical large, internationally active bank using the method of copulas. This technique allows us to incorporate realistic marginal distributions that capture essential empirical features of these risks such as skewness and fat-tails while allowing for a rich dependence structure. We explore the impact of business mix and inter-risk correlations on total risk. We then compare the copula-based method with several conventional approaches to computing risk.  相似文献   

This paper studies optimal dynamic portfolios for investors concerned with the performance of their portfolios relative to a benchmark. Assuming that asset returns follow a multi-linear factor model similar to the structure of Ross (1976) [Ross, S., 1976. The arbitrage theory of the capital asset pricing model. Journal of Economic Theory, 13, 342–360] and that portfolio managers adopt a mean tracking error analysis similar to that of Roll (1992) [Roll, R., 1992. A mean/variance analysis of tracking error. Journal of Portfolio Management, 18, 13–22], we develop a dynamic model of active portfolio management maximizing risk adjusted excess return over a selected benchmark. Unlike the case of constant proportional portfolios for standard utility maximization, our optimal portfolio policy is state dependent, being a function of time to investment horizon, the return on the benchmark portfolio, and the return on the investment portfolio. We define a dynamic performance measure which relates portfolio’s return to its risk sensitivity. Abnormal returns at each point in time are quantified as the difference between the realized and the model-fitted returns. Risk sensitivity is estimated through a dynamic matching that minimizes the total fitted error of portfolio returns. For illustration, we analyze eight representative mutual funds in the U.S. market and show how this model can be used in practice.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider two different mixed integer linear programming models for solving the single period portfolio selection problem when integer stock units, transaction costs and a cardinality constraint are taken into account. The first model has been formulated by using the maximization of the worst conditional expectation as objective function. The second model is based on the maximization of the safety measure corresponding to the mean absolute deviation. Extensive computational results are provided to compare the financial characteristics of the optimal portfolios selected by the two models on real data from European stock exchange markets. Some simple heuristics are also introduced that provide efficient and effective solutions when an optimal integer solution cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates several alternative formulations for minimizing the credit risk of a portfolio of financial contracts with different counterparties. Credit risk optimization is challenging because the portfolio loss distribution is typically unavailable in closed form. This makes it difficult to accurately compute Value-at-Risk (VaR) and expected shortfall (ES) at the extreme quantiles that are of practical interest to financial institutions. Our formulations all exploit the conditional independence of counterparties under a structural credit risk model. We consider various approximations to the conditional portfolio loss distribution and formulate VaR and ES minimization problems for each case. We use two realistic credit portfolios to assess the in- and out-of-sample performance for the resulting VaR- and ES-optimized portfolios, as well as for those which we obtain by minimizing the variance or the second moment of the portfolio losses. We find that a Normal approximation to the conditional loss distribution performs best from a practical standpoint.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of a portfolio optimization methodology which combines features of equilibrium models and investor’s views as in Black and Litterman (1992), and also deals with estimation risk as in Michaud (1998). In this way, our combined methodology is able to meet the needs of practitioners for stable and diversified portfolio allocations, while it is theoretically grounded on an equilibrium framework. We empirically test the methodology using a comprehensive sample of developed countries fixed income and equity indices, as well as sub-samples stratified by geographical region, time period, asset class and risk level. In general, our proposed combined methodology generates very competitive portfolios when compared to other methodologies, considering three evaluation dimensions: financial efficiency, diversification, and allocation stability. By generating financially efficient, stable, and diversified portfolio allocations, our methodology is suitable for long-term investors such as Central Banks and Sovereign Wealth Funds.  相似文献   

We study the sensitivity to estimation error of portfolios optimized under various risk measures, including variance, absolute deviation, expected shortfall and maximal loss. We introduce a measure of portfolio sensitivity and test the various risk measures by considering simulated portfolios of varying sizes N and for different lengths T of the time series. We find that the effect of noise is very strong in all the investigated cases, asymptotically it only depends on the ratio N/T, and diverges (goes to infinity) at a critical value of N/T, that depends on the risk measure in question. This divergence is the manifestation of a phase transition, analogous to the algorithmic phase transitions recently discovered in a number of hard computational problems. The transition is accompanied by a number of critical phenomena, including the divergent sample to sample fluctuations of portfolio weights. While the optimization under variance and mean absolute deviation is always feasible below the critical value of N/T, expected shortfall and maximal loss display a probabilistic feasibility problem, in that they can become unbounded from below already for small values of the ratio N/T, and then no solution exists to the optimization problem under these risk measures. Although powerful filtering techniques exist for the mitigation of the above instability in the case of variance, our findings point to the necessity of developing similar filtering procedures adapted to the other risk measures where they are much less developed or non-existent. Another important message of this study is that the requirement of robustness (noise-tolerance) should be given special attention when considering the theoretical and practical criteria to be imposed on a risk measure.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model that allows for nonlinear risk exposures of hedge funds to various risk factors. We introduce a flexible threshold regression model and develop a Bayesian approach for model selection and estimation of the thresholds and their unknown number. In particular, we present a computationally flexible Markov chain Monte Carlo stochastic search algorithm which identifies relevant risk factors and/or threshold values. Our analysis of several hedge fund returns reveals that different strategies exhibit nonlinear relations to different risk factors, and that the proposed threshold regression model improves our ability to evaluate hedge fund performance.  相似文献   

We analyze the performance of the two main portfolio insurance methods, the OBPI and CPPI strategies, using downside risk measures. For this purpose, we introduce Kappa performance measures and especially the Omega measure. These measures take account of the entire return distribution. We show that the CPPI method performs better than the OBPI. As a-by-product, we determine the set of threshold values for these risk/reward performance measures.  相似文献   

Local risk minimization and total risk minimization discrete hedging have been extensively studied for European options [e.g., Schweizer, M., 1995. Variance-optimal hedging in discrete time. Mathematics of Operation Research 20, 1–32; Schweizer, M., 2001. A guided tour through quadratic hedging approaches. In: Jouini, E., Cvitanic, J., Musiela, M., Option pricing, interest rates and risk management, Cambridge University Press, pp. 538–574]. In practice, hedging of options with American features is more relevant. For example, equity linked variable annuities provide surrender benefits which are essentially embedded American options. In this paper we generalize both quadratic and piecewise linear local risk minimization hedging frameworks to American options. We illustrate that local risk minimization methods outperform delta hedging when the market is highly incomplete. In addition, compared to European options, distributions of the hedging costs are typically more skewed and heavy-tailed. Moreover, in contrast to quadratic local risk minimization, piecewise linear risk minimization hedging strategies can be significantly different, resulting in larger probabilities of small costs but also larger extreme cost.  相似文献   

In this paper, we seek to examine the effect of the presence of long memory on the dependence structure between financial returns and on portfolio optimization. First, we focus on the dependence structure using copulas. To select the best copula, in addition to the goodness of fit tests, we employ a graphical method based on visual comparison of the fitted copula density and the smoothed copula density estimated by wavelets. Moreover, we check the stability of the copula parameter. The empirical results show that the long memory affects the dependence structure. Second, we analyze the impact of this dependence structure on the optimal portfolio. We propose a new approach based on minimizing the Conditional Value at Risk and assuming that the dependence structure is modeled by the copula parameter. The empirical results show that our approach outperforms the traditional minimizing variance approach, where the dependence structure is represented by the linear correlation coefficient.  相似文献   

Portfolio selection subject to experts' judgments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since Markowitz [Markowitz, H. M. (1952). Portfolio selection. The Journal of Finance, 7, 77-91.], mean-variance theory has assumed that risky-asset returns to be random variables. The theory deals with this uncertainty by further assuming that investors hold homogeneous beliefs regarding the probability distribution governing return uncertainty. While the theory deals with return uncertainty, it fails to address measurement imprecision. In his original work, Markowitz recognized the need to combine randomness with heterogeneous expert judgment resulting in such imprecision. The main objective contributions of the paper are (i) to explore the implications of fuzzy return indeterminacy on mean-variance optimal portfolio choice, (ii) to use bid-ask spread as a proxy measure of the indeterminacy or “fuzzy” nature of random returns, and (iii) to introduce a brief, self-contained glimpse of empirical representations to practitioners unfamiliar with the fuzzy modeling field. Exposition, such as this one, is expected to open new collaborations between other branches of fuzzy mathematics and asset-pricing theories.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the usefulness of technical analysis, specifically the widely employed moving average trading rule from an asset allocation perspective. We show that, when stock returns are predictable, technical analysis adds value to commonly used allocation rules that invest fixed proportions of wealth in stocks. When uncertainty exists about predictability, which is likely in practice, the fixed allocation rules combined with technical analysis can outperform the prior-dependent optimal learning rule when the prior is not too informative. Moreover, the technical trading rules are robust to model specification, and they tend to substantially outperform the model-based optimal trading strategies when the model governing the stock price is uncertain.  相似文献   

As the skewed return distribution is a prominent feature in nonlinear portfolio selection problems which involve derivative assets with nonlinear payoff structures, Value-at-Risk (VaR) is particularly suitable to serve as a risk measure in nonlinear portfolio selection. Unfortunately, the nonlinear portfolio selection formulation using VaR risk measure is in general a computationally intractable optimization problem. We investigate in this paper nonlinear portfolio selection models using approximate parametric Value-at-Risk. More specifically, we use first-order and second-order approximations of VaR for constructing portfolio selection models, and show that the portfolio selection models based on Delta-only, Delta–Gamma-normal and worst-case Delta–Gamma VaR approximations can be reformulated as second-order cone programs, which are polynomially solvable using interior-point methods. Our simulation and empirical results suggest that the model using Delta–Gamma-normal VaR approximation performs the best in terms of a balance between approximation accuracy and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

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