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This study deals with the search for psychological profile(s) that can differentiate levels of leader performance. Although many have rejected the traditional trait theory approach to leadership, others continue to search for meaningful relationships between leader characteristics and leader behavior/effectiveness. Recent promising research focuses on profiles as opposed to individual traits as indicators of leader effectiveness. It is clearly the interaction of certain individual characteristics and situational variables that ultimately predict leader behavior. This requires continued search for person variables that may be relevant to this equation. Work with the 16 Personality Factor scale suggests some promising results. Research in this article focuses on the generation of specification equations that differentiate between high and low performers. The assumption is that there exist unique combinations (profiles) of characteristics that can aid in the prediction of leader performance. This research is an attempt to explore such profiles. Results show that a multitrait profile with weighted scale scores can predict performance. Significant correlations were obtained between 16PF profile scores and overall performance.  相似文献   

Research on the social competence perspective holds that since operating high performing new ventures is dependent on entrepreneurs’ ability to influence stakeholder actions, entrepreneur social competence is likely critically important to new venture performance. Using a sample of 163 entrepreneurs throughout the USA, we extend such research by examining the entrepreneur political skill new venture performance relationship. Our results suggest that political skill, which is the component of social competence which specifically assesses an individual's ability to influence other's actions within the business environment, is positively associated with new venture performance. Study results provide additional support for the social competence perspective.  相似文献   

洪恩  晓燕 《经营者》2005,(9):48-52
占据“2004胡润零售富豪榜”11号席位的陈智,在商业界和地产界都享有较高的知名度。从1999年在深圳建立铜锣湾广场,铜锣湾集团已在全国13个省、2个自治区和3 个直辖市拥有分店网络,其中Mall达22家。日前,铜锣湾的扩张步伐还在加人,陈智在中国商业地产的影响力正在骤升。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impacts of globalization, political institutions, and financial liberalization on the performance and risk-taking of insurance firms covering 1324 individual firms in 30 selected OECD countries. We find that greater globalization and a stable political institution lead insurance companies to exhibit a better performance—i.e., insurers adjust their strategies while being aware of institutional changes. By contrast, financial liberalization has an inverse impact on insurance company performance. Thus, greater globalization and a stable political environment both drive less risk-taking for insurers. These findings are particularly important to insurance markets’ competitors and national policymakers.  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between the human resource management function's access to avenues of political influence and perceived organizational performance. We examine responses from 441 Australian senior HRM managers who participated in an online survey of a national HRM professional association. Drawing from political influence theory, we develop a model and related hypotheses to investigate the impact of opportunities for the HRM function to manage and control the shared meaning of HRM on perceived organizational performance. Although there was no evidence of a moderating effect of avenues of HRM political influence, CEO support and organizational support for HRM predicted perceived organizational performance. HRM representation on the board of directors appears to serve a symbolic function only. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed in response to the identified importance of CEO and organizational support. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Driven by fierce global competition, flatter organizational structures and the growing complexity of tasks, boundary spanning behavior (BSB) in externally dependent work teams has increasingly been emphasized in both theory and practice. The current study aims to answer the questions of whether, when and how an individual’s BSB impacts his or her task performance within a team. Based on a sample of 272 employees from 57 new product development teams in China, we found that informal leader emergence mediated the relationship between an individual’s BSB and his or her performance within a team. Moreover, group-level power distance positively moderated the association between BSB and informal leader emergence. An overall mediated moderation model of the effect of the interaction between BSB and group power distance (PD) on task performance via informal leadership emergence was also confirmed. In particular, the relationship between BSB and task performance via informal leadership emergence was stronger for teams with less PD than for those with more PD. The implications of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

马晓雨 《国企管理》2020,(1):108-111,7
并购行业“世界第八”烟台万华实业集团有限公司(简称万华)是亚太地区最大的聚氨酯生产企业,更是唯一拥有自主知识产权的中国企业。万华成立于1998年12月20日,是山东省第一家先改制后上市的股份制有限公司。异氰酸酯(MDI)行业是一个寡头垄断的全球化产业,目前只有美、德、日、中的七家公司生产,万华是全球生产聚氨酯的七家企业之一。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2001,25(2):85-112
Using survey data for 220 traditional manufacturing firms over 7 years of transition and 4 Central Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, we find firms that produced for the EU market under planning consistently outperform those that produced for the CMEA market. Within the previously CMEA market, the best firms were selected to outside privatisation and outperformed insider/state owned firms. Outside privatisation was resisted in EU oriented firms and ownership was found to have no effect on performance. Path dependent demand shocks and political constraints on the sequencing of state firms to private ownership determine the relationship between firm performance and ownership structure during transition.  相似文献   

当国美祸起萧墙时,有多少人会问:苏宁在做什么?这两个常常被用来对比的同行,其实已走出了家电连锁业中迥异的两种发展模式。如果说2008年,已通过《中外管理》掷出豪言的张近东,还只能呈现出一个超越的前半部分,那么现在,可以给出的是,苏宁超越完整版。  相似文献   

随着海南“国际旅游岛”战略升温及“中国特色休闲地产实践者”、“国际休闲地产供应商”的品牌发展诉求,鲁能顺势整合旗下四大项目资源,海南鲁能城管理有限公司(以下简称鲁能城)应运而生,而其铸就的“鲁能环岛休闲圈”的战略规划与独具特色的休闲地产实践,也必将重塑与提升区域价值,促进海南城市建设进程。从起步、发展到腾飞,鲁能城始终贯穿“凡事用心、勇攀高峰”的企业文化,不断超越前进。  相似文献   

Gender inequity is globally present in the labor force and advocating for gender equality is not merely a fairness issue, but a benefit for organizations. In this paper, we identify common challenges for gender-diverse teams (i.e., turnover, discrimination, communication issues, conflict between team members, and low team cohesion). We also discuss the importance of inclusive leadership to overcome these challenges. Correspondingly, we provide practical actions for inclusive leaders to implement on their teams to address issues regarding diversity, and subsequently leverage its benefits.  相似文献   

拥有“公路之王”美誉的瑞典重卡制造企业——斯堪尼亚集团,在风起云涌的中国汽车市场上一直坚守着稳健而专注的发展策略,不为它动。  相似文献   

作为中国叉车行业的领跑者,林德(中国)不仅仅是一面旗帜。也是一个缩影。1993年德国林德叉车落户中国厦门,投资之巨,决心之大,使全球叉车企业望其项背。随后林德花了7年的时间在中国卖了1万台叉车;而卖出第二个1万台只花了3年时间;第三个1万台仅仅用了一年半的时间。林德在艰难地启蒙中国市场的同时,自身也在加速发展。目前,林德在中国不仅拥有满足各行业需求的全系列的产品和领先技术,而且还有覆盖全国的销售与服务网络及40多家分支机构,可为全国各行各业的用户提供专业及时的服务。  相似文献   

物美物流驶入快车道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江宏 《物流技术与应用》2010,15(7):30-32,34,35
拥有全球领先的SAP ERP系统,建立功能强大的现代物流体系,为物美实现经营技术升级插上了翅膀,奠定了物美向供应链企业转型的基础。  相似文献   

Political risk forecasting has attracted considerable business and academic attention in the last decade. This paper starts with a review of the major findings and approaches to the assessment of political risk in foreign investment situations, particularly in terms of the specification of relevant causal relationships between the sources of risk and corporate contingencies. Next. a comprehensive model of general applicability incorporating these findings is outlined. Finally, we conclude with a few comments on the dynamics of political change and corporate strategy that make any such model subject to constant review and evaluation.  相似文献   

AMD“抢逼围”中的英特尔中国变局5月16日,星期二。早晨,赖一龙并没有像往常那样来到位于嘉里中心六楼的英特尔(中国)的办公室,而是直接前往医院,看护即将生产的太太。就在这一天,英特尔(中国)的员工们收到了一封公司的内部邮件,宣布英特尔中国区管理层调整:中国区总经理赖一龙将于6月11日起正式离职。此外,中国区另一位总经理简安琪将被调离中国区,加入公司一个新成立的绩效提升部门工作。英特尔全球副总裁、亚太区总经理杨旭重新执掌英特尔中国,主要负责中国区的运营管理。同时,按照英特尔在重要管理职位上实行“TwoInOneBox”(双位一…  相似文献   

上期给读者介绍了“早餐早会”等几款“展会小点心”,本期继续小辑业界的一些创新晨会经营的经典范例,献给辛勤拼搏在寿险营销一线的所有营业部经理、主管或每一位早会主持人。[编者按]  相似文献   

文章对团队领导风格的有效性与情境因素的关系进行了分析。笔者认为有效的团队领导风格需要反映情境因素,团队领导风格的有效性与团队成员成熟度与团队任务结构等环境因素相关。  相似文献   

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