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赵红军  高恒宇  黄丹煌 《财经研究》2022,48(3):19-32,63
“一带一路”倡议从其经济学本质来看,是构建“走出去”和“引进来”良性互动新发展格局的重要“先手棋”,它在重塑世界经济格局的同时,也可能改变国内的经济版图。文章基于2003-2018年281个地级市数据的实证分析表明,“一带一路”倡议在传递“走出去”信号的同时,却对全国城市层面的“引进来”产生了一定的消极影响。从影响机制来看,“一带一路”倡议的实施,让节点城市外向型发展的注意力部分地转移到海外投资上,表现为普遍增加了本地用于“走出去”的贷款水平,并在一定程度上减少了地方政府在城市内部的固定资产投资,这使得节点城市对外商直接投资的吸引力出现一定程度的下降。但从影响的异质性来看,这却在客观上促进了我国外商直接投资区位的空间调整,使得东部地区对外商直接投资的吸引力下降,却让中西部城市成了吸引外商直接投资的新阵地。这意味着,今后可充分发挥“一带一路”倡议促进我国外商投资布局调整的积极一面,同时将它与东、中、西部城市发展阶段结合起来,实现“走出去”与“引进来”良性互动。  相似文献   

We develop a dynamic multiregion model, where a household's choice of housing location depends on its current wealth and its current type, and involves both consumption and investment considerations. The relative strength of the consumption motive and the investment motive determines the equilibrium pattern of residential sorting. A strong investment (consumption) motive implies sorting according to household type (wealth). The model predicts that large house‐price fluctuations are associated with a low degree of sorting by type. This prediction is consistent with evidence from US metropolitan areas when income, education, and age are used as proxies for household type.  相似文献   

提出城市适度人口规模不是一个静态的数值,而是动态的过程。不是一个先验的数值,而是系统决定的综合结果。建立了一个适度人口规模的概念性框架,即EFL模型,就是说合理和适度的人口规模是与之相联系的资源环境因素、功能和经济方式、空间区位状态共同决定的结果。生态系统的变动,综合决定了一定时期、一定标准下的城市人口适度规模,并决定了这一适度规模的变化趋势。基于这一思路,讨论了影响上海人口规模变动的积极因素和阻碍因素,从资源环境变化、城市功能变化和城市空间变化三个方面对上海适度人口规模的变动趋势作了基本判断,提出上海人口规模将出现先上升再下降的趋势。根据动态适度人口规模的观点,对城市人口综合调控和城市管理的有关问题提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

A recent literature documents the downward impact of national borders on trade. This paper probes the relative importance of two potential sources of border effects: (1) pure locational factors, such as transport costs and tariffs; and (2) an inherent disadvantage for a firm selling in a foreign market. I am able to make this decomposition by using data on the local sales of foreign affiliates of US multinational enterprises, on US bilateral exports, and on domestic sales by host‐country firms. The “border effect” arises almost entirely from locational factors. If a firm establishes and sells from a subsidiary located in the foreign country, its local sales are about on a par with those of domestic firms in that market.  相似文献   

Skills, agglomeration and segmentation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the role of skill heterogeneity in “new economic geography” models of location. In our setting, products are both horizontally and vertically differentiated, and producing higher quality goods requires workers with higher skills. Selling to customers based in a different location entails iceberg-type transport costs and additional “communication costs” consisting of a fixed quality loss. We show that the presence of pecuniary externalities creates a mechanism which always promotes spatial sorting of workers according to their skill levels. In particular, in all stable equilibria, workers with higher skill choose to stay in the location where aggregate skill and income is higher, while the less skilled stay in the other.  相似文献   

在撒哈拉以南的非洲各国中,新民主制度的确立要依赖于先建设国家能力。本文通过使用民主、治理以及大众观念调查等实证数据,指出国家能力建设中哪些方面最为重要。本文的研究发现,国家基础设施的多少和社会福利的提供对民主化影响很小。但是,法治的建立(体现在个人安全感的提高和公民普遍相信政府领导尊重宪法)对民主化很关键。不过,因为政府的合法性本身也要在民主化过程中形成,所以,目前学术界将非洲各国家能力建设和民主政治分开进行的研究应当联系起来。  相似文献   

This paper explores the ability of a class of one-sector, multi-input models to generate indeterminate equilibrium paths, and endogenous fluctuations, without relying on factors’ hoarding. The model presents a novel theoretical economic mechanism that supports sunspot-driven expansions without requiring upward sloping labor demand schedules. Its distinctive characteristic is that the skill composition of aggregate labor demand drives expansionary i.i.d. demand shocks. Next, the model explains the labor market dynamics from the supply side, while endogenizing the capital productivity response to changes in the aggregate labor demand composition. Last but not least, it is worth to mention that the model presents an effective shock propagation mechanism that operates into the labor market and across labor market segments through the cross elasticities of equilibrium labor demand and supplies.   相似文献   

占沪深两地股市总量近三分之二的国有股与国有法人股不得上市,是我国股市目前存在的最突出问题之一。首先,这种状况不符合公司法关于公司普通股可流通的一般规定,违背了同股同权的原则,本身就构成股市运作不规范的重要表现;其次,国有股与国有法人股的不能上市使大多数上市公司股权结构不合理的现状无法改变,政企分开的改革目标不能实现;最后,在国有股长期不能上市情况下,它的潜在市场价值与流通股市价之间的差异有扩大趋势,这对股市健康发展构成了日益严重的威胁。未能上市流通的国有股与国有法人股年复一年积累起来的巨大数量,已经成为悬在我国股市头上的达摩斯剑,如果不能适当处理,随时可能对股民心理与股市行情造成发性灾难性后果。解决国有股上市问题已经成为当务之急。  相似文献   

Many discussions of school finance policy fail to consider how households respond to policies that change the attractiveness of different residential locations. We develop a general equilibrium model that incorporates workplace choice, residential choice, and political choice of tax and expenditure levels. Importantly, we consider multiple workplaces, a fundamental feature of today's metropolitan landscape. This basic model permits investigating how accessibility and public goods interact in a metropolitan area. The model is used to analyze two conventional policy initiatives: school district consolidation and district power equalization. The surprising conclusion is that school quality and welfare can fall for all families when these restrictions on choice are introduced.  相似文献   

“微雨夜来歇,江南春色回。”在这一元伊始,百业图新时节,《江南论坛》踏着时代的节拍,奏响了长三角地区16个城市联办的序曲,成为长三角地区各城市共同的理论园地。值此新年到来之际,本刊谨向长期以来关心支持《江南论坛》工作的各级领导、专家学者和广大读者表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意!  相似文献   

利率市场化是中国金融改革攻坚克难的重要领地,也是政界学界热切关注的焦点所在。目前,从国外实践案例汲取改革经验的文献不可胜数,但从国内历史角度寻求改革规律的研究较少。拟从后一思路出发,梳理中国20世纪八九十年代经历的商品价格市场化改革,并将之与正在进行的利率市场化比较研究。归纳总结了以渐进式改革为原则,以培育市场化的经济主体为基础,以契合政治经济形势、惩治腐败、加强试点、敢于反复为方法的改革经验,为利率市场化的后续推进和经济体制改革的持续深化建言献策。  相似文献   

This article offers several models that test concepts of optimum population and consumption: classical or utilitarian models, contractual models, and generation-relative ethical models. This article is based on a lecture presented in August 1995, at a conference organized by the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences. It is posited that classical utilitarianism casts the optimum population and consumption problem as a Genesis Problem. The authors argue that the Genesis problem is the wrong problem to study because there are no actual people. The Genesis problem asks how many people there ought to be ideally at what living standards. The unborn are not a class of people, just as mud on a river bank is not a mud hut. Actual persons and potential persons are categorically different. Actual persons have a claim that potential persons do not have. An overall ethical ordering over alternatives can only be conceived for each generation of actual people. The ethical point of view inevitably changes over time. For example, a generation in the first period consumes what they are given to consume by the older generation. In the second period, the younger generation is now the older generation who decide how many children to have and how to share nonstorable, all purpose consumption goods among themselves and future generations. Procreation is a means of making one's values durable. Human development is unfair. Those who live later benefit from the labor of their predecessors without paying the same price. Procreation and ecological preservation are a matter of ethics.  相似文献   

Population, food, and knowledge   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

This paper suggests a new explanation for changes in economic and population growth with a long run perspective, emphasizing the role of land in the development process. Starting from a pre-industrialization state called the “Malthusian regime”, land and labor are the main production factors. The size of population is limited by the quantity of land available for households and by incomes. Technical progress driven by a “Boserupian effect” may push the economy towards a take-off regime. In this regime, capital accumulation begins and a “learning-by-doing” effect in production takes over from the “Boserupian effect”. If this effect is strong enough, the economy can reach an “ultimate growth regime”. In the different phases, land plays a crucial role.  相似文献   

We offer empirical information on the correlates of commercialization activity for research projects funded through the US National Institutes of Health's (NIH's) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award program. Based on this analysis we suggest possible recommendations for improving this aspect of the performance of NIH's SBIR program. Specifically, we estimate a model of the probability of commercialization as a function of the project's ability to attract additional developmental funding, along with other control variables. We find that additional developmental funding from non-SBIR federal sources and from own internal sources are important predictors of commercialization success, relatively more so than additional developmental funding from venture capitalists. We also find, among other things, that university involvement in the underlying research increases the probability of commercialization. Thus, these factors should be considered by NIH when making awards, if increased commercialization is an objective.  相似文献   

本文从理论和实证分析的角度考察区域间人口流动对人口老龄化和经济增长关系的影响。首先,构建包含年轻人跨区流动、老年人隔代照护、"统账结合"养老保障制度等中国特征事实的三期OLG模型,通过数值模拟发现,人口老龄化对经济增长的影响效应受到人口净流入比例的影响,人口流入有助于缓解人口老龄化对经济增长的不利冲击。进一步地,采用2000年和2010年人口普查的县级数据,构建人口流动影响老龄化以及老龄化影响经济增长的联立方程组模型,估计结果显示,人口老龄化对经济增长的不利影响随着人口净流入率的提高而不断弱化,特别是当人口净流入比例高于41.25%后,人口老龄化与经济增长反而呈现出正相关关系。据此,本文认为,应通过激励中青年外出务工人员返乡回流、实施产业转移和跨区投资、设计精准的养老金调剂制度和横向转移支付制度等措施,减轻人口流出地区的养老负担及其对经济增长的不利影响。  相似文献   

Population,food, and knowledge: a simple unified growth theory   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
This paper provides a unified growth theory, i.e. a model that explains the very long-run economic and demographic development path of industrialized economies, stretching from the pre-industrial era to the present-day and beyond. Making strict use of Malthus’ (An essay on the principle of population. London, printed for J. Johnson, 1798) so-called preventive check hypothesis—that fertility rates vary inversely with the price of food—the current study offers a new and straightforward explanation for the demographic transition and the break with the Malthusian era. Employing a two-sector framework with agriculture and industry, we demonstrate how fertility responds differently to productivity and income growth, depending on whether it emerges in agriculture or industry. Agricultural productivity and income growth makes food goods, and therefore children, relatively less expensive. Industrial productivity and income growth, on the other hand, makes food goods, and therefore children, relatively more expensive. The present framework lends support to existing unified growth theories and is well in tune with historical evidence about structural transformation.   相似文献   

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