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本文基于对上海、武汉、成都城郊休闲娱乐型农家乐业主的调查,运用比较分析法,通过对三地业主开业起始目标调查结果分析,得出三地业主开业起始目标研究结论如下:三地业主开业起始目标的共性表现出农家乐初期发展阶段的特点,即浓重的乡村情结、对近期经济目标和社交目标等较高的关注、对远期经济目标和实现自身价值等关注较低等.三地业主开业起始目标的差异性因地区经济发达程度不同、发展阶段不同、政府的支持力度不同以及实际的经营效果不同等原因而表现出不同的特点.本研究对三地甚至全国农家乐的健康发展具有重要现实意义,同时又具有重要的理论意义.  相似文献   

农户参与乡村旅游经营活动的意愿及从业角色选择是农户基于利益最大化做出的理性经济决策行为,了解脱贫地区农户的乡村旅游从业角色参与意愿及其影响因素,是新时期巩固旅游扶贫成果,促进乡村旅游高质量发展、精准助力乡村振兴分类推进的重要议题。以贵州省茶园村为例,采用二元Logistic回归分析方法,从农户微观视角进行实证分析,发现:(1)81.98%的农户希望参与乡村旅游经营活动,村域旅游资源禀赋、旅游能人带动和家庭经济实力是影响农户参与意愿的关键因素。(2)农户从业角色选择意愿强烈程度依次为农家乐经营者(41.75%)>被雇佣者(35.71%)>其他配套产业生产者(20.88%)>经营投资者(4.95%);(3)各从业角色选择意愿的影响因素差异显著,其中,资源禀赋是农家乐经营和其他配套产业从业角色选择的先决条件;家庭经济实力是农家乐经营和景区投资等经营角色选择的重要驱动力;乡村旅游服务岗位从业选择存在明显的就业路径依赖特性;而能人带动的作用出现分化,一方面对带动农户选择旅游服务就业具有积极作用,另一方面因竞争关系,对农户开展农家乐经营意愿具有一定抑制作用。  相似文献   

旅游管理本科生就业倾向与本行业关联性分析及对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
旅游管理本科生本行业就业率低一直是困扰旅游教育界和旅游实务界的一大难题,奉文在运用因子分析概括出影响旅游管理本科生本行业就业倾向因素的基础上,采用Logisac田归模型分析了旅游管理本科生就业倾向与奉行业就业的关联性.结果表明.教学与实习、培养模式、待遇与前景、企业声誉及对口性、受重视程度、专业能力是促进旅游管理本科生本行业就业倾向的因素;行业性质、家庭及工作地、非专业能力、性别盖畀、个人价值取向是押制旅游管理本井生本行业就业倾向的因素;而宏现就业政策对旅游管理本科生奉行业就业倾向没有显著影响.最后从社会、企业、高枝、家庭和学生5个角度提出了改善旅游管理本科生本行业就业倾向的策略.  相似文献   

家文化视角下本土旅游小企业的代际传承   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文彤  张庆芳 《旅游学刊》2017,(8):93-103
文章基于桂林龙脊梯田景区平安寨家庭旅馆的访谈数据,揭示了中国传统家文化对本土旅游小企业代际传承的影响,其中,家庭利益至上的家本位内涵确定了企业传承目标为"家业永续",使家庭成员以企业传承发展为载体通过集体主义利他思想实现了家庭与企业内在利益的一致;家庭伦理所规范的家庭和谐框架中"父慈"与"子孝"的双重互动产生了代际间的信任,借助家庭内部长久稳定的情感财富保障了代际传承过程的顺利与流畅;而家庭扩大化所形成的关系网络不仅是家庭成员情感和物质上相互依存的基础,更成为家庭企业联合经营并不断壮大家族共有财产的重要动因与保障力量.文章由此认为,通过家庭内的代际传承来应对外来竞争压力是本土旅游小企业现实而可行的选择,强调旅游发展过程中家庭文化、社区文化建设和保护的重要性.  相似文献   

妇女是民族文化遗产旅游地的主要参与者,其社会角色变迁是一个亟待研究的新课题。该研究以三峡步步升文化村为案例,通过田野调查和定量分析,从经济收入、家庭地位、思想意识和社会生活等方面深入剖析了妇女参与旅游活动后的社会角色变迁,揭示了旅游业影响妇女社会角色变迁的规律。研究表明,发展民族文化遗产旅游为妇女创造了本土就业机会,增加了更为直接的显性收入,进而提升了妇女在家庭的劳动地位和决策地位,引发了妇女消费观念、职业理念以及生活方式、社会互动模式的变化,妇女社会角色变迁为更为复杂的社会身份,但新的社会角色只是妇女原本角色的调整、补充和拓展。妇女参与文化旅游活动不仅促进了民族文化遗产的保护与传承,还促使妇女获得更加平等的发展机会,有助于家庭和谐与社会稳定,政府、企业、妇女三方仍需努力,充分释放旅游业在促进妇女发展与民族文化遗产旅游开发的积极功效。  相似文献   

何景明 《旅游学刊》2005,20(6):71-74
本文通过对成都市“农家乐”经营模式、经济效益以厦对农村社会文化的影响等方面的演变轨迹的勾勒,分析了我国城市郊区乡村旅游的发展。研究发现,成都“农家乐”已朝着规模化方向发展,娱乐服务设施逐渐与度假村趋同;与此同时。在外来投资者的竞争下,本地农户经营者的效益普遍下降,“农家乐”经营的“飞地化”特征日渐突出。创新开发模式。加强政府对“农家乐”的引导和规制。成了城市郊区乡村旅游可持续发展的重要保证。  相似文献   

郭为  曹苏婉 《旅游导刊》2020,4(2):26-46
家庭是社会的基本单位,家庭中配偶的经济行为如何相互影响一直为西方经济社会学所关注。我国文化背景不同于西方,家庭经济行为也存在不同。本文利用中国综合社会调查(Chinese General Social Survey,CGSS)2010年至2015年的数据,以旅游业为例实证分析了我国家庭中配偶的不同就业形式对彼此创业的影响。本文以就业状态、类型、就业企业的所有制性质以及是否为全职就业对配偶就业进行了区分,结果发现,夫妻中一方在体制内就业会降低配偶生存型创业和机会型创业的概率;而在我国港澳台地区企业、外资企业和私营/民营企业的就业经历会提高配偶生存型创业的概率,但对机会型创业没有影响。在进一步将就业状态、创业划分为受雇就业、非正规就业、生存型创业和机会型创业后,结果发现,夫妻中一方的生存型创业会降低配偶机会型创业的概率,提高生存型创业的概率;而受雇就业和非正规就业会同时降低两种创业的概率。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,农家乐旅游也渐渐走进了人们的生活,成为人们感受自然、体验田园生活和娱乐休闲的主要方式。一般来说,农家乐的业主利用当地的农产品进行加工,满足客人的需要,而且农家乐周围一般都是美丽的自然或田园风光,可以舒缓现代人的精神,因此受到很多城市人的欢迎。本期我们就为大家介绍一下太原周边最好玩的农家乐。  相似文献   

发展乡村旅游是实现乡村振兴的重要途径,传统农家乐作为乡村旅游的重要组成部分,具有广阔的市场需求。随着我国居民收入的持续增加,城乡居民消费需求的不断升级,对传统农家乐提出了新的要求。文章以成都市作为研究对象,基于连续四年对成都市所有星级农家乐跟踪调查,通过对比分析,针对传统农家乐在转型升级过程中仍然存在部分服务管理执行不到位、主体间两极分化趋势明显等问题,提出相应的对策建议,以期促进其高质量转型发展。  相似文献   

十九大报告明确指出,促进农村一二三产业融合发展,支持和鼓励农民就业创业,拓宽增收渠道。乡村旅游是农民创业的热点行业,也是乡村振兴的重要举措。本研究以北京市怀柔区旅游山村莲花池村为例,利用半结构式访谈及田野调研资料,基于扎根理论分析了农民旅游创业的行动逻辑及影响因素,建立了创业者特征、创业条件以及创业环境3个主范畴下农民旅游创业的影响因素理论模型,采用二元logistic回归分析方法,从是否旅游创业、是否存续的角度,讨论了农民旅游创业因素作用的动态变化。研究发现:(1)农民旅游创业决策模型分为创业者与创业条件两个维度。其中,创业条件包括家庭人力资本、物质资本和社会资本;(2)农民旅游创业存在女性化、年轻化趋向,家庭劳动能力、道路便捷性是进行创业的先决条件,家庭社交支出、创业者周围人群以及区域大环境是创业存续的促进条件;(3)农民旅游创业主导因素由个体因素转为外部社会化因素。  相似文献   

Participatory development literature involving community-based ecotourism management (CBEM) has only recently addressed issues pertaining to indigenous governance and decision-making systems. This paper contributes to sustainable tourism by presenting local decision-making practices and issues arising from the perspective of the members of one village in the Boumā National Heritage Park, Fiji. It shows that introduced democratic decision-making systems may not contribute to political empowerment in CBEM and can cause difficult situations. It is argued that greater attention to local systems of governance is required if tourism practitioners are to fully understand decision-making and participation in CBEM. The paper also offers a culturally appropriate methodology that may produce more meaningful outcomes for sustainable tourism research in indigenous Fijian contexts, and in other contexts worldwide. It argues that levels of empowerment should not just be treated as the outcome but as a part of the process of tourism development. It explores the core Fijian cultural concept of vanua as a way of life, involving interrelated social, ecological and spiritual elements. An emic perspective utilising informal talanoa (discussions) is used and examined, along with the roles of kin groups, village spokesmen and clan systems, and their relationship with western business decision-making practices.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine spouses' perceptions of the relative influence exerted by family members across eight vacation sub decisions. The study also examines the ability of selected family structural characteristics to predict parents' perceptions of children's influence in vacation decision-making. The results generally support the notion that most vacation decision-making between spouses is syncretic, although differences did exist. In addition, children's perceived influence was found to be positively related to their age and parents' years of education. Marketing implications for tourism managers are discussed.  相似文献   


Family decision making not only has been an interesting subject to consumer behavior researchers but also has served as a valuable source in shaping marketing strategies adopted by the tourism and hospitality industry. However, little research has been devoted to understanding the roles of family members in the decision-making process during vacation planning. This paper attempts to provide further understanding on the nature and the importance of family roles played in making travel purchase decisions. The authors conceptually reviewed past studies to explore different roles played by the core family members in the decision-making process and developed research propositions along with a conceptual model regarding family vacation planning. Relevant marketing implications were discussed and unique research methods were also recommended for further study.  相似文献   

The article discusses holiday-related decision making in families by exploring the role distribution and strategies employed by family members, with particular attention given to the influence of children. Based on the theoretical discussion, a model is developed that highlights the influence of a number of contextual factors on role distribution and decision-making strategies, and which is found useful in the analysis of qualitative interviews with German and Danish families. The empirical analysis demonstrates patterns in the role distribution of family members in line with the existing literature; however, diversions from established knowledge also appear as children occupy a multitude of roles, and the role of the mother to some extent differs across the German and Danish data. Contextual factors like parental perceptions of children and societal structures are useful in explaining this complexity in role distribution. Likewise in relation to decision-making strategies, contextual factors are helpful in explaining the strategies used, in particular the convention that holidays are an extraordinary “free space” which allows for more negotiation power being bestowed on children than in everyday life.  相似文献   

白凯  符国群 《旅游学刊》2011,26(12):49-56
家庭作为社会结构的基础单元,一直是社会科学领域的重点研究对象。比较而言,国外旅游研究领域虽长期重视家庭旅游决策研究,但其理论成果的本土化应用仍值得质疑,重要原因之一是不同社会文化背景下消费者行为内涵与表现的独特性。由此,文章在国外相关研究成果的分析上提出了家庭旅游决策研究的本土化理论视角(现象学视角——发现问题;社会学与心理学视角——提炼与解析问题;管理学视角——解决问题)与分析思路(家庭结构;意识形态;内容与结构组成)。以期该命题的中国本土化研究能归于本源,凸显中国本土社会文化下家庭旅游决策行为的基本风貌。  相似文献   

In the last 20 years changes have taken place which have altered the decision-making process in families—family democracy is clearly in the ascendant. The family has evolved into what business research calls a decision-making unit. This general trend probably also has consequences for holiday decisions. The focus of this research is on (dis)agreement within couples concerning 15 vacation sub-decisions. In this Dutch longitudinal study, data were collected for couples over a period of nearly a year. Our main conclusion is that holiday choice has evolved over the last 30 years into being very much a joint decision, in which family members discuss, seek information for the discussion and use influencing strategies. The dominant disagreement-resolution strategy is the golden mean strategy. This is a strategy of give-and-take-and-reach-a-compromise. Compared with other choices, the holiday choice is also more of a joint affair. Finally, intrafamily (dis)agreement has consequences for satisfaction with the choice process, the amount of discussion and information searching. Implications of the increased family democracy for marketing and advertising are described.  相似文献   

Framing Chinese Tourist Motivations Through the Lenses of Confucianism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigates Chinese tourist motivations on the basis of the major life domains of Confucianism, which are self, family, social life, society, and nature. A 32-item, 9-factor Chinese tourist motivations scale was developed. The nine dimensions are family togetherness, harmony with nature, relationship/guanxi, face/mianzi, self-development, material fulfillment, escape and retreat, children’s learning, and exploration and discovery. Identified through a three-phase process, the scale exhibited adequate psychometric properties across multiple samples. While introducing a unique perspective to the understanding of tourist motivations, this study provides a timely framework as China becomes one of the most vibrant markets in the global travel industry. In discussing the results, themes that are peculiar to the Chinese context were deliberated.  相似文献   


Young Chinese tourists form an increasingly important market and they tend to travel in small friendship or family groups. This study examines how young Chinese friendship groups (aged between 18 and 35 years) make travel decisions. Using the observation approach, this study observes the group travel decision-making process of 10 small groups. Issues such as activity, cost, travel timing, transportation, climate, safety, and distance, were found to determine destination choice. The role and function of verbal and non-verbal behaviors in influencing group decision-making were also investigated. This study contributes to both general group interaction literature and tourism literature.  相似文献   


This study aims to investigate the role of family members in the purchase decision-making process of domestic tourists in Turkey.

In addition to a literature review in the field, a number of research methods, including initial exploratory interviews with tourists, observations at travel agencies, focus group studies and final interviews with consumers, have been carried out to find out various roles played by family members in the purchase of family holidays. The findings of the research indicate that in the purchase of family holidays in the Turkish domestic market, wives have a significant role in a number of purchase tasks.

Women appear to be particularly influential in the purchase tasks such as information search, information processing and determination of a specific package holiday to be purchased in the purchase of family holidays. This means that marketers need to take these significant roles played by women in the purchase of holidays into account in designing holiday products and marketing communications messages.  相似文献   

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