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随着生态环境保护制度日趋严格,如何守住环境质量底线和资源利用上线,实现科学、有序、绿色发展成为纺织印染工业园区亟须解决的问题。文章以常州某纺织印染工业园为例,梳理园区发展现状和存在问题,并从不同层面提出园区可持续发展建议。  相似文献   

产学研合作是社会创新的必由之路 2008年,东莞市委、市政府提出"腾笼换鸟",要求企业升级转型,并出台了"科技东莞十个亿"资助大学、科研机构和企业开展产学研合作的一系列政策. 上海是科技资源比较丰富的城市,上海有31所公办大学.其中10所"211"大学.5所"985"大学,上海的产业定位是高端制造业、金融服务业和航运业,高校对本地及江浙地区产业的能量辐射有大量冗余.在2008年4月,李力进先生调研了华中科技大学、成都电子科技大学在东莞开展产学研合作的情况,并与陆发祥老师共同向上海高校校办产业协会提交了《关于上海高校在东莞地区开展产学研合作的分析报告》,得到了上海高校校办产业协会领导的高度重视,2008年5月,协会领导带领上海交大、复旦、同济、海事和电力学院等一批高校的处长访问了东莞,由此,启动了上海高校和东莞的产学研合作历程.  相似文献   

魏啸亮 《首都经济》2006,(11):74-75
“十一五”期间,密云县计划构建以“生态农业”,“环境友好型工业”,“休闲旅游业”为特色的生态经济体系,提高经济增长质量和可持续性,优化完善城市功能,进一步向新城集聚人口和产业,初步形成“现代化新城”格局;全面发展社会事业,大幅提升公共服务能力,建成覆盖城乡的社会公共服务体系;稳步提高水源保护和生态涵养能力.进一步增强生态涵养区和首都饮用水源基地功能。实现经济发展水平、人民生活品质,可持续发展能力,公共服务能力、水源保护和生态涵养能力显著提升,预计地区生产总值年均增长13%,财政收入年均增长12%,城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入年均分别增长7%左右.到2010年城镇化率达到50%左右,全县林木覆盖率达到68%。为达到这些目标,密云县将采取一系列措施创造优良发展环境,增加投入以促进产业发展,改善基础设施条件和公共服务水平,加强生态建设.为相关领域投资者和各种相关要素供给商提供了广阔商机。  相似文献   

Establishing export processing zones (EPZs) is a popular method of creating isolated islands of free trade which provide the export manufacturer with freedom from the cost‐increasing measures implemented to protect the domestic market. In South Africa the interest in using this concept has remained alive, especially because the EPZ has the additional advantage of being used as an instrument of regional development. After account has been taken in the paper of the economic rationale of the EPZ and of the apparent conditions for the successful operation of an EPZ, as deduced from the experience of countries that have made use of this development instrument, it is concluded that the economic feasibility of establishing conventional EPZs in South Africa is doubtful. A flexible approach, making use of the EPZ approach and of the system of duty drawbacks and rebates, could form the nucleus of a cost‐efficient way of providing export manufacturers with the advantages of a free trade situation.  相似文献   

Resource-rich locations often rely on exporting the resources to prosper, but resource depletion is a matter of time. An industrial transformation is necessary to sustain economic growth when the comparative advantage fades away. This paper concerns the Resource-Exhausted City Transition program, a large-scale place-based policy of the Chinese state government. It applies firm data and examines impacts on industrial development in places suffering from resource-exhaustion. Estimation shows that the program has stimulated capital investment largely and fostered employment and efficiency as well, leading to a boost in output. The program does not favor the resource sector with little comparative advantage. It facilitates an industrial upgrade by extending the value chain towards the downstream and stimulating higher value-add activities. Effects are heterogeneous among firms with different capital intensity, age, size, ownership type, or regions.  相似文献   

陈玉罡  张东宝 《特区经济》2006,213(10):32-33
工业园带动了城市经济的发展.但由于园区基础建设所需资金庞大,也给政府带来了很大的财政压力。鼓励和引导外资或民营资本参与工业园建设是缓解政府财政压力的一个渠道。本文提出以3种不同的模式将BOT、TOT、准BOT等融资方式引入工业圆的建设,为有效利用外资或民营资本提供了新的方式。  相似文献   

集群化--中国开发区产业发展的新方向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
凌嵩 《港口经济》2004,(1):49-51
纵观近现代世界产业组织的发展历史,各种产业在世界市场机制的配置下,呈现出一种新的特征,即相似或相关的产业在同一区位日益集聚、规模集约,相互之间依存度越来越大,以一种或几种核心技术产业化为引力,逐渐吸纳相关产业为之配套服务,依此不断发展壮大。产业集聚已成为世界各地  相似文献   

本文在分析台湾产业发展演变的基础上,侧重对台湾产业结构调整与升级的趋势进行分析。  相似文献   

韩翔  陈云萍 《特区经济》2007,219(4):218-219
21世纪,物流必将成为企业发展的“第三利润源泉”,而我国的工业企业物流发展非常滞后,其中最重要的一个原因就是工业企业物流人才开发的落后。因此,进行我国工业企业物流人才开发研究具有积极意义。本文针对我国工业企业现代物流理念薄弱、基层物流操作人才和高级物流管理人才的全面缺乏,提出了重视普及物流理念、完善在职培训机制、别具一格引进人才等开发策略。  相似文献   

魏啸亮 《首都经济》2006,(11):62-63
山峻、树绿、水清、天蓝,有着“首都后花园”美称的昌平,近年来在产业发展上取得了可喜的成绩。2005年,地方财政收入实现13.2亿元,二、三产业的贡献率明显提升,三次产业结构调整为2.347.3:50.4,基本符合现阶段的发展要求,产业布局更趋合理,初步形成了七个重点产业聚集区。高新技术产业和先进制造业.旅游会展业.现代流通服务业.现代农业以及房地产与建筑业等“五个经济板块”发展壮大,成为区域发展的主要支撑。  相似文献   

Coordination failure in an industrial society   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Summary Different macroeconomic theories of coordination failure are dealt with. Using simple models it is shown that externalities may lead to multiple Pareto-ranked equilibria or, under suitable assumptions, to a continuum of equilibria. It is argued that in industrial societies imperfect competition is predominant. Therefore, demand externalities may be the main cause of low level equilibria. Trading externalities and searching externalities may play a supplementary role. The theory of coordination failure is based on complete markets and price flexibility. Despite its strong appeal, it has certain shortcomings which are also discussed in the paper.I would like to thank S.K. Kuipers and A. van Schaik for their useful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   

This paper is critical of the scenario planning approach which attempts to offer a formula for development for South Africa in the 1990s based upon the success of Japan, amongst other economic ‘winners’. It is argued that the complexities and debates surrounding Japanese modernization make the application of ‘lessons’ extremely problematical. Points of controversy arising out of the two ‘miracle’ periods of Japanese economic growth, the Meiji era of the nineteenth century and post World War Two era, are examined in some detail. The Tokugawa legacy, Japanese ethics and in particular Confucianism, capital formation and investment spurts, the agricultural contribution, militarism and economic gains from warfare, the role of the state, the zalbatsu and business structures, dualism, labour supplies, export performance and finally education are all factors central to the debate on causes of economic growth in Japan. The paper concludes with some suggestive and very tentative ideas about ‘lessons’ for South Africa.  相似文献   

The 21^st century is a century of service economy. The proportion of the tertiary industry becomes an important criterion to evaluate the economic level of a country or a district. As a big province with the largest population, whether the tertiary industry in Henan can develop rapidly and profitably in the long run or not has direct influence on the problem of employment pressure. Besides, this industry plays a very important role in supporting the further development of the first and the second industry. In order to provide a reference for instructing the further development of economy in Henan, based on the information got from the first general inspection of Henan's economy, gives a brief analysis according to the condition of different occupations, different districts and different interest effects.  相似文献   

珠三角地区创意产业园区发展的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐有智  周学政 《特区经济》2006,213(10):53-54
创意产业在我国已经具有了一定规模的发展。珠三角地区发展创意产业具有得天独厚的条件,这个地区的创意产业园区起着形成产业链、聚集先进企业、孵化后生企业以及辐射周边发展的作用。虽然珠三角地区的创意产业园区发展起步早、数量多、速度快,已经具备了一定的规模;但是由于发展定位不明确、无法体现经济效益与社会效益的结合、缺乏产业整合等原因,其发展受到了一定程度的限制。为此,本文作者认为,珠三角地区创意产业园区应该进一步明确定位,整合产业链,更加注重经济效益与社会效益的结合才能获得更大的发展。  相似文献   

黑龙江省老工业基地发展思路研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省国有企业改制不到位,国有成分偏高,没有实质性地触动产权,难以筹措巨额改制成本,下岗失业问题突出,社会保障能力不足.要解决这些问题,必须推行"非均衡"策略,明确调整改造的着力点;实施少而精、大而强的国有企业"大集团"战略;培育新的经济增长点要与对传统产业的改造相结合;发展产业集群,加强产业链改造,建立"东北经济共同体"等.  相似文献   

袁岳 《港口经济》2005,(5):13-14
滨海新区的可持续发展与产业商机跟滨海新区未来产业构造有密切的关系.首先说天津这个地方.因为我们跟天津有着渊源关系,一直对天津开发区的合作环境进行研究.应该说,今天提出滨海新区要成为环渤海经济圈甚至更大区域的中心,这是未来的目标,还不是现实.在天津本身的投资者的眼中,天津有两个优势、两个不足或叫劣势.两个突出的优势:一是这个地方管理进步,尤其是开发区和保税区的管理是非常突出的;二是某些产业优势、尤其是产业资源优势,例如地皮便宜等等.它的两个突出的不足:一是天津这个地方只代表天津,其市场辐射能力和影响能力还不够,或者说没有很好地发挥出来,所以今天我们讲的中心还是立意中的中心;二是天津人不是跨地区的人才,天津人就是本地天津人,即从人才来说是比较自闭的人才体系.一个地方是不是具有中心性,在人流、物流、信息流、资金流中,我想目前惟一具有一定中心性的是物流,在物流中心形成一定的汇聚.资金流,天津有多少资本在对外投资,形成资本中心?天津的媒体有多少外地人在读在看?天津的报纸北京人也看?河北人也看?天津的电视台收视率全国很高?但天津人有多少到外地投资或者在各个地方成为管理人才?在人流、信息流和资金流三个方面,天津是本地化的.所以,综合来说,现在天津还不是一个中心,跟北京比还相差很远.  相似文献   

苏州工业园区是中国和新加坡两国政府间的重要合作项目,至今已经走过10年的发展历程.10年来,我们以"建设一个以高新技术为先导、现代工业为主体、第三产业和社会公益事业配套的具有一定规模的现代化工业园区"为目标,努力推进园区开发建设.  相似文献   

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