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All peripheral regions face significant challenges with tourism development. This research initially acknowledges the challenges facing peripheral regions, which can be either geographical, such as access and infrastructure, or perceptual in nature, such as image related. Subsequently the challenges for tourism provision and development in the northeast of Scotland are discussed. Primary data have been collected from tourism providers in the region in an attempt to identify the specific challenges that face northeast Scotland. This region of Scotland faces a unique challenge in that the region effectively has two micro‐economies; Aberdeen city and its surrounding area benefit from the influence of a relatively buoyant oil industry, whereas the more remote areas to the north and west exhibit many peripheral tendencies. This juxtaposition of two contrasting operating environments in a peripheral area highlights the unique challenges for tourism development in this part of the world. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fisheries organisations in Scotland have repeatedly called for culls of common and grey seals, despite their conservation status and no supporting scientific evidence. This current study investigated the opinion of tourists in West Scotland as to whether seal populations should be reduced to manage their increasing numbers. The study also looks at whether such a cull would influence tourist behaviour. In total 735 interviews were conducted. There were regional differences in levels of opinion but, on average, 60% of respondents believed that seals should not be regulated and 17% stated that the instigation of a cull would affect their decision to visit Scotland on holiday. In the Highlands of Scotland alone this could represent over £100 million in lost tourism income. A boycott by tourists to the Highlands, as the result of introducing seal culls, could equate to a financial loss equivalent to a third of the total value of Scottish fisheries. Tourism is Scotland's main industry and is particularly important for the economy of rural areas. Any further proposals for seal culls should seriously consider the negative and indirect impacts these culls could have, such as reductions in tourist numbers and tourism income to a region.  相似文献   

This paper examines China's LCC market and assesses the network development patterns from a geographical perspective. Overall, a nationwide LCC network has been formed with each individual LCC focusing on their own markets with limited overlap to avoid cut-throat competition. Spring Airlines has developed an advanced network supported by its core bases including Shanghai in East China, Shijiazhuang in North China, Shenyang in Northeast China and Shenzhen in South China. China United has developed a network radiating from Beijing. West Air and Lucky Air seem to be developing a hub-and-spoke network that contributes to the tourism industry in West China. The LCC network is affected by seasonal variations, especially for the routes to tourism destinations such as Haikou, Sanya and Xiamen. Hub cities, however, experience less seasonal impact. This research also finds that routes between 600 and 1800 km account for a large proportion of the LCC markets. Aviation policy, local government's subsidization and the expansion of the high-speed rail network have helped shape the landscape of China's LCC sector.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the development of the low-cost carrier (LCC) sector in China, Japan, and South Korea. It is the first paper that documents LCC contributions to the passenger traffic and cheaper fares in Northeast Asia (NEA)'s intra-markets. We argue that a single aviation market can facilitate the growth of the LCC sector, which in turn will make a significant contribution to the NEA connectivity, mobility, and integration. In addition, with a single aviation market, NEA countries can adopt a proactive, unified approach in negotiating air transport agreements with the major aviation partners to maximize the interests of this region as a whole, which will further provide valuable growth opportunities for the LCCs.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on road traffic accidents and their role in the mobility of tourists within discernible regions of activity. The paper builds upon knowledge developed in the tourism, transportation and safety science areas of research to illustrate the significance of these issues in relation to tourist well-being, and argues that multidisciplinary perspectives informed by different cognate areas of research combined with interactive research with public sector agencies such as the police, can make major contributions to the formulation of policy and actions to improve tourist and visitor safety. Using a police derived data source permits analysis and discussion of the key issues facing leisure-related (in which tourism is subsumed) and non-leisure-related traffic in one region of Scotland. Through a regional analysis of the available data sources it is possible to identify areas of action for agencies.  相似文献   

The present research aims to develop a Foreland Port Connectivity Index (FPCI) including both qualitative and quantitative variables related to the characteristics of the maritime services provided. To that end, the FPCI incorporates two discount factors—the number of shipping services and destination countries—as penalties to correct for the quality of a port connection. After defining the FPCI, the index is applied to Spanish ports to study their connectivity in terms of container Short Sea Shipping (SSS) services. Although the connectivity of SSS traffic has not been widely studied, it is an interesting case study as small ports play a more relevant role in facilitating access to international markets for importing and exporting companies. According to the results, the port of Valencia is the most connected, followed by the ports of Barcelona and Algeciras. Furthermore, this is the first research paper to attempt to study foreland port connectivity disaggregated by destination market. This geographical approach enables a more precise identification of the main port competitors by destination market, thereby providing more detailed information to support port managers and policy-makers in their decision-making.  相似文献   

Spatial labour markets are subjected to the forces of regional economic activity and competing network effects. Commuting is, therefore, an important equilibrating vehicle in a City Network constellation. Cities act as attractors of commuters, as most economic activity occurs in cities, thus providing a high share of attractive workplaces. Cities that are centrally connected in a network may act as both centripetal and centrifugal forces in the whole system. The present paper focuses on what is named the City Network (CN) approach. A central idea is the accessibility concept, which is interpreted here as the potential of opportunity for interaction, which has a positive impact on economic growth. In our paper, the accessibility concept and the CN concept are linked together by positioning accessibility in the CN system. Since accessibility measures give geographical insights into the distribution of economic activities and the related (dis)equilibrium of regional development patterns, the connection with the labour market is evident, and, therefore, a second focus of our analysis.In an applied setting, our paper aims to investigate spatial accessibility patterns in the main CN in Germany. The 17 districts which belong to the country’s CN were chosen from the 439 German labour market districts on the basis of three criteria: (a) their connection to the high speed railway network; (b) the most accessible districts according to previous results (2002); (c) relevant districts for the German economy. Our applied modelling research concerns home-to-work commuters travelling between the selected districts belonging to the German CN, for both 2003 and 2007. Here, a comparative analysis of the ranking of the most accessible districts - also for different intra-zonal travel times - is carried out in order to map out the changes in accessibility between 2003 and 2007, especially in the light of new high speed connections and commuting flow dynamics.  相似文献   

Systematic geographical differences in profitability in the dry bulk shipping market are studied from the shipowner angle. Specifically, loading regions are compared by the average revenue which ships collect during a calendar year once they have taken the first cargo in a particular region. This revenue is derived from simulation output based on real world data in 1995, 1997 and 1998. The effect of the first loading region is not on its own decisive; rather its choice puts the ship on a virtuous or disastrous path for much of the year, too. Differences between regions can be adequately explained by the ratio of demanded and available tonnage, weighted by sailing distances to a discharging/loading region. Strong relative demand leads to higher revenues, quantified by a linear function called Revenue Gradient. Its existence is interpreted as a token of market inefficiency. There is also a systematic difference between Atlantic and Pacific rates believed to reflect oligopolistic tendencies of the market. The connection is proved by ship segment (large and small capesize, panamax, handysize) and year. The share of these two variables out of the revenue range is estimated.  相似文献   

This study’s goal was to validate the core dimensions of hostel service quality and to test whether each dimension has a different impact on behavioural intentions across guest segments defined by age, gender and nationality. This research targeted guests staying at Lisbon hostels (N?=?313). Both covariance-based structural equation modelling (SEM) and variance-based SEM were used to meet this study’s exploratory and confirmatory objectives. The results confirm that service quality in this sector is a multidimensional construct comprising four core dimensions: quality of staff, social atmosphere, hostel tangibles and city connection. These four aspects are relevant when explaining levels of satisfaction, recommendation and revisiting intentions. Moreover, these dimensions allow the identification of differences across market segments in regards to responses to marketing outcomes, thus providing useful insights into how best to meet guests’ needs.  相似文献   

Airlines from Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman have gained significant market shares in international air transport. Traditionally travellers have chosen hubs like Amsterdam, Frankfurt, London or Paris as transfer points for trips to Asia. With the inauguration of non-stop services to places like Abu Dhabi, Doha or Dubai, new choices for air travellers have emerged. We analyse data derived from German air transport statistics on the effects of passenger flows between the airports of Düsseldorf and Hamburg to Asian destinations. They suggest that services introduced by Emirates stimulated passenger demand for Asian destinations, while incumbent hubs do not lose transfer passengers. Regarding travel times and connection quality of routings between secondary airports in Germany and Asian destinations, comparing routings of Emirates Airlines and Lufthansa suggests that due to geographic and scheduling constraints, services via Arabia do not constitute a perfect substitute for time-sensitive passengers.  相似文献   

This research highlights findings from an application of a multilevel Gini decomposition method to measure the degree of spatial concentration of tourism markets in Australia. The overall level of spatial concentration in Australia is decomposed into two levels: inbound country and travel purpose. While travel purpose is an important factor associated with the concentration patterns of tourism, the nature of its impact differs significantly by country of origin. Due to the variation in market share and the market’s underlying dispersal characteristics, an increase in the share of one market may require a more than proportionate increase in the shares of several markets in order to counterbalance the spatial concentration pressures. Findings show that considering only one factor in the decomposition process can hide important offsetting influences of market segments on concentration and dispersion.  相似文献   

This research investigates pro‐poor tourism (PPT), which has only been considered in a third world context, in a first world country, determining whether PPT principles are being used to alleviate poverty in a developed location, Glasgow Govan, in Scotland. The research develops and applies a new PPT principles tool to regeneration projects in the area and reveals a significant level of PPT application there. The findings suggest that PPT can be an over‐complication of a common sense development approach that any responsible government should promote. The results also question the validity of community based tourism initiatives. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of heritage tourism in the creation of uniform identity. The recently developed heritage tourism products in the southwest of Scotland are encouraging the promotion of the dominant heritage of Scotland, largely marginalising the regional one. This paper examines the cases of the heritage of Robert the Bruce that stresses Scotland's militaristic tradition, the eventful organisation of the Border Gathering which showcases Highland culture and the marginalisation of the Covenanting heritage of the region. The data are gathered through a questionnaire survey, in-depth interview, non-participant observation, archival records and other secondary sources. It shows how tourism is gearing towards recreating and establishing heritage which is largely new to the region. The paper argues that the promotion of dominant heritage is meaningfully directed towards forming a uniform and homogenous identity. The introduction of the dominant heritage in the region is important because it encourages commonality within Scotland, which plays an enormous part in advancing Scottish nationalism. This study helps us understand how tourism can be a medium to advance a nationalistic message.  相似文献   

A novel deterministic mathematical model is presented as part of research into a stochastic optimization model for the soybean supply chain in Brazil. The model was conceived as a tool to aid in the decision-making of any trader involved in this highly complex market. The model is intended to be applied to decisions related to tactical planning over a time span of one year. The major spatial and temporal components of the soybean complex, including transportation mode decisions, are incorporated into the model. The mathematical model is described in detail. Several stochastic parameters are used with fixed values in the deterministic model to construct various scenarios. These parameters are the purchase and sale prices of the grain on the market, the crop failure rate and the volumes of demand. The model was tested using data from a large trade in Brazil with consistent results.  相似文献   

Governments in the three constituent countries in Britain—Scotland, Wales and England—have recently introduced much more generous concessionary fares on buses for people of 60 and above, in order to increase “social inclusion” (see Department for Transport (DfT), 2006. Concessionary fares for older and disabled people: regulatory impact assessment. DfT, London. Available from: http://www.dft.gov.uk/consultations/aboutria/ria/concessionaryfaresforolderan5508.)—i.e., to make it easier for people of limited means to access the activities that they want. To this end, in Wales and Scotland, passholders can now travel anywhere at zero fare, whilst in England, there is a free concession within a more limited area. As the majority of bus services in Britain outside London are operated commercially in a deregulated environment, these operators must be reimbursed for the cost of carrying at least some of the concessionary passengers. The main objective of this paper is to understand how much the concession costs, and whether or not it is a subsidy to operators (public funding that underwrites their costs).The paper draws on research carried out in Wales, for the Welsh Assembly and in Scotland, for the Scottish Executive, to achieve these objectives. It concludes that there are grounds for arguing that these countries’ concession schemes are subsidising operators that there is some limited evidence that the new concessions are promoting social inclusion; but there are still many elderly people for whom the concession is of very limited use since they face barriers to bus use other than cost.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spatial development of freight infrastructure, developing a conceptual model that draws attention to the directional development of intermodal corridors in relation to inland terminals. Two concepts of vertical control of the development process are proposed in this paper, beginning with Inside-Out, whereby inland intermodal terminals seek greater integration with their sea ports, often driven by public body intervention. By contrast, Outside-In development is displayed by the conscious use of an inland node as a tool for sea port actors (whether port authorities or terminal operators) to expand their hinterland and capture discretionary cargo.One of the key distinctions between the two models is the role played by different government approaches to the development of inland terminal facilities. Therefore three national examples are discussed: Sweden, where the public sector is directly involved in development; Scotland, where the private sector is left to develop terminals but government encourages the process through spatial planning and modal shift funding; and the USA, where the national government has traditionally taken little action.The primary contribution of this paper is the research agenda developed out of the conceptual model above, which should be applied to additional case studies in future work. Arising from the conceptual model and the examination of the role of public bodies is a debate on the role of regulation. However the subject of regulation is only touched upon in this paper, therefore more research is required on the government’s role in infrastructure planning and regulation in order to determine the best approach in this policy area.  相似文献   

Although interorganisational collaboration is increasingly being accepted as a necessary, even desirable strategy for the tourism industry as a whole, there would appear to be a number of impediments to the implementation of collaborative initiatives among operators of visitor attractions. This paper focuses on the visitor attractions sector in Scotland, where such impediments are considered to be particularly serious. For a number of reasons, however, collaboration may represent a crucial strategy for visitor attractions in Scotland as they enter the new millennium. This paper sets out to assess the potential for intrasectoral, interorganisational collaborative strategies in enhancing the long‐term viability of the Scottish visitor attractions sector. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In 1998 the UK government introduced a new, integrated transport policy signalling a move away from the principles of ‘predict and provide’ towards those of ‘new realism’. As part of this policy shift, transport strategies are now to be assessed under the New Approach to Appraisal (NATA) which is designed to promote sustainability and provide a sterner test for new road proposals. Despite this, it is already evident that the construction of new roads has remained a cornerstone of the government’s new transport strategy––albeit alongside considerable investment in public transport––which has been described as pragmatic multimodalism. This paper examines how the new appraisal approach has been applied at the local level in the formulation of the first Local Transport Strategy (LTS) for Aberdeen in north east Scotland and questions the effectiveness of NATA (and its Scottish equivalent, the New Appraisal Methodology, or NAM), as currently formulated, at promoting the delivery of genuinely integrated and sustainable local transport strategies. The analysis of Aberdeen’s LTS is used to inform a discussion about the possible implications for future local transport policies across the UK.  相似文献   

Market orientation as a business strategy has recently been adopted in the travel and tourism industry, as well as other industries, to enhance performance. Value offerings have also emerged as a new research interest within the strategic marketing domain. Based on the theory of strategy–environment fit, this study investigates the relationship between market orientation (i.e. customer and competitor orientations) and performance, and the moderating role of value offerings (i.e. service emphasis and price emphasis), using a sample of 132 Taiwanese travel agencies. The research results obtained from hierarchical regression analyses indicate that only both customer and competitor orientations, but not value offerings, have positive and direct effects on performance. However, the results show that one dimension of value offerings, i.e. service emphasis, has a moderating role in the market orientation‐performance relationship. The managerial implications of these results are also discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

铁路是国民经济大动脉,在我国综合交通运输体系中居于骨干地位。"十四五"时期,为继续深化我国铁路市场化改革,在交通强国建设中当好先行,推动新时代铁路高质量发展,有必要对国外铁路市场化改革和经营管理状况进行研究和探讨。通过分析英国铁路市场化改革后的行业结构、主要资金来源和经营状况,阐述路网公司、客运公司、货运公司等不同类型铁路企业的经营状况,总结得出重视铁路基础设施的投资、补贴不同类型的铁路企业、制定鼓励铁路运输的政策法规和平衡路网企业与运输企业利益等启示,为我国铁路市场化改革提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

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